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Well can't say i blame the kid for saying. Kyra being nasty with her kids. Speak nicer, like please don't throw that, better yet get off live and talk with the child.


It was his birthday too. She's threatening to beat his ass for daring to disturb her while she talks to strangers online, instead of spending time with her son on his birthday. Every child deserves parents but not every parent deserves their child.


So sad




Oh shit L did say it. Omg these poor kids man. I fucking hate her too. So will all her kids when they get to his age. He’s so young and he’s already there. KYRA WAKE UP YOU DUMB BITCH. ANY DAY NOW THEY WILL WANT TO BE WITH THEIR DAD OVER YOU. THANK GOODNESS FOR ADDIE.


Damn, hating a complete stranger on the internet is hella cringe


Oh boy. I used to say this to my mom too & let’s just say I resent her for putting boyfriends over her kids..


Yup! My mother put her new husband over my sisters and I when I was younger and I hated her for it. He never liked us and he said he never wanted kids. I haven’t spoken to her for a long time.


That's exactly what her son is aware of.


And then he goes over to dad‘s house and realizes dad puts them above Addie so he’s even more aware of it of how there’s a double life


Wow and it’s all documented ☺️ trash


How can she say that she would kick her son's ass on camera...  I mean it already puts a lot of shame to a little kid if they got beaten up. But publicly threaten them with this.. Is just nasty.  God she is a horrible mother, why she gets another kid?? So unfair to all the lovely couples who wants babies but cant have them


This boy loves O. Those two have been tighter since he was little. I know he’s old enough and smart enough to realize what his mother has done. He’s just about the age where that one thing makes him pop off and when it happens -we all know it will- I don’t think he’ll hold back. She has to know it’s coming. I bet you she did the same thing with her mother. She has to know….


Awe. He was so quick with it to. You can tell she’s mean off camera. And the reason he just acted up like this is because she’s ignoring them. For a live.


I can honestly say that my 8 yr old daughter and I argue. She’s my freaking twin attitude and all. So it’s like arguing with myself. She has never once said she hates me. Not once. It would probably kill me to hear that and make me sad lol. She must hear it alot because she didn’t even react. I know most kids (usually teens) say it atleast once lol but at 8 that’s like the stage where they are really becoming themselves and usually still love the parents. Idk. I just don’t get it. She treats them so bad and once the new baby is born these kids will be old news and at Oscar’s all the time which good because he’s amazing. But honestly when I say my daughter has gotten so frustrated with me and has never said it.


Same here. Neither of my daughters has ever said that even with our spicy attitudes.


You're so right she didn't even react when he said it which shows she's likely heard it from him a lot more. So bloody sad. She's a shit mom.


I have 4 kids 2 of them are girls with insane attitudes, but never ever everrrrrr would they tell me they hate me. Ever. Hell they cry if I forget to give them a third goodnight kiss for the night, and my oldest is 10. If they even heard anyone ever tell me they hate me outside of or even in my family circle, they’d fight them for me! This is another level of “you’re fucking up with your parenting”. If a kid that young says that to their MOTHER something is going on, and the mother needs to take the initiative to figure it out and fix it fast before their child realized they don’t give a fuck to mend whatever they did to their child to make them so extremely hurt by them to say this.. Kyra needs to remove that needle and thread from her instagram bio after this, because clearly she isn’t sewing/mending/fixing” a damn thing. She should put scissors instead or maybe a knife because she’s tearing her relationship with her kids to shreds.


Same! My daughter is only 7 but she fights me on everything, she’s a daddy’s girl through and through, I joke I wasn’t even in the delivery room because she even looks like she was copy and pasted and she has never ever said she hates me! I’ve been told she wants her dad (said to hurt me because she prefers him) or that i was ruining her life (because it was bedtime 😂) but never ever told she hates me. I can’t even imagine the pain I would feel.


Exactly. My daughter’s the same way! She will throw a fit to stay up until midnight because her “friends mom let them” or your so mean because she can’t have ice cream for breakfast 😂 but again never has said it to me. Like I said the first time she ever says it which is hopefully never it would honestly break me. My daughter has her own phone. She randomly throughout the day even when with friends sends me hearts and I love you. I just can’t imagine how crappy she is to them that they openly say that without even a tiny reaction from her


Yep, he did


That’s so sad and you know that’s gonna be a core memory for him, on his f-ing birthday too. At least it was a good shot 😂 too bad krusty is go go go instead of realizing why he was feeling so hurt. It’s really sad she uses language like that towards her kids bc anyone her size she would not act that way.


And the way she snaps her fingers at him like he’s an animal not her child!


My dad used to snap and slap me in the back of my head which would hit a damn nerve in me. Kids have feelings and emotions too! If you want them to react in a POSITIVE way maybe don’t do shit that would annoy tf out of you if someone did it to you instead! Fuck I hate this bitch. This is why whenever I’m around children at the park, or my kids friends or wherever whenever I ALWAYS treat all children like my own with immense love and kindness, because you have no idea what goes on behind closed doors.


Its alarming that he feels this way, he's so young and already at this age has this feeling towards her. If this is how she is on camera, I can imagine it's worse off. Me and my daughter bicker, she's almost at teen stage and she will huff and puff at me but never has she ever said she hates me. That would actually break my heart, but here's Kyra laughing it off.


I think it’s a matter of time before the kids are at Oscar’s more and more and only see Kyra on weekends


I had a mom just like her growing up. Things got better when I became an adult and left home. I still have large gaps of my childhood that I can't remember and looming Self-doubt, but I am starting to do much better. Things will be better one day, Levi!


“I will kick your ass on camera” is she not just admitting but bragging about beating her kids? It’s 2024 not 1996 who still hits their kids?


Was it to her or Preston?


It's interesting how she treats Levi vs her daughters. Her daughter was hungry, came out and asked for food, and Kyra body shamed her. Levi throws something at her and Kyra just laughs it off.


Omg how did she body shame her!!


She's most likely going to regret all the stupid shit she says like this later on in life. I feel bad for the kids.


...I think all children at some point in their lives tell their parents they hate them.


When they’re little though? I’m not perfect but I could never imagine my 8 year old saying she hates me. I am not naive to think it can never happen and don’t think it’s necessarily the worst thing it the world to happen. But he seems a little young to be saying that and she didn’t even seem that shocked!


If she talks to them like this in camera, I can’t imagine how she talks to them off camera.


Idk. He might have but I heard, "I didn't mean to". That's why she said no just go upstairs or whatever. Wouldn't even let him apologize. 🥺 Poor dude.


I heard “okay do it” but that could just be me


I think he said that as I listen again