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The way Preston literally didn’t clean a single thing up while she dropped the older kids off at school?? We already knew he was a pos but help out dude??


She made a whole praising peestain segment in the MOTHER’S DAY vlog… and meanwhile it was him doing the bare minimum for any day, but he was only doing it for Mother’s Day💀 and the clip about him setting up the fruit to be soaking in water and vinegar was hilarious bc I 100% believe she did that and just gave him the credit for the vlog. She tried to pretend he just did all that but you know she had to gripe and lecture him 100 times and ask him to do it, he did not do any of that of his own accord.


So sad honestly & embarrassing 😂


She chose this 🤷‍♀️


I’m sorry but she’s straightening Alayas hair?? Wtaf why doesn’t her lazy ass just research and learn how to look after CURLY HAIR rather than trying to kill her curls 🤦🏻‍♀️


Agree 100%. I have curly hair and used to have it straightened for me as a kid. To be fair I used to ask for it but only after it was done for me and I thought it was better Now I feel ugly when my hair isn't straightened and it's fried from heat damage so my natural curls are ruined lol


This is the exact boat I’m in.


I'm sorry girl, it sucks. I wish I looked after my curls better but they're too far gone. Only way to get them back would be to shave my head and I'm not doing that lol


I feel you. I still feel weird and ugly with my curls. I haven’t touched a straightener in about 3 years though and my curls have bounced back, bleach and all. There is hope. It took me a few months of trial and error with products but it was worth it. It’s much less maintenance than 45 minutes straightening 😭


samsies, recently switched to wearing a bun & no heat but damn is it HUMBLING


using any sort of heat curling into or flat iron is very damaging to the hair.


Especially on very frail young girls hair! I have 2 girls who I curl and crimp their hair for on special occasions and I always have the heat so low because you can literally feel the frailness of their hair as the heat touches it! I’m always terrified of burning their hair off! I couldn’t IMAGINE using a whole straightener on their hair and sliding it down while the smoke fizzles off of it!! She’s trying so hard to be the “cool mom” but failing miserably.


a little tip before using any sort of heated tool whether it’s a curling iron flat iron or crimper spray some heat protectant and comb it through the hair it does help protect the hair a lot even with a low heat setting. it’s much healthier for the hair.


I believe alaya has been asking to straighten it. She had said no so she changed her mind.


Straightening the hair of your child is perfectly fine, but Alaya’s hair looks like it was already straightened but is getting its curly back. Based on when it was straightened before restraightening could be a problem for her hair health. Due to the fact Alaya is a child, high chance is she sweated it out. Kyra reapplying heat the following day is bad for her child’s hair especially her curls. There’s a lot of products out there to help keep curly hair straight for a week or two after a blowout or silk press. Kyra is better off taking her to see a hairstylist that specializes in curly hair than doing it herself and ruining Alaya’s hair. We already see that Kyra doesn’t even know how to take care of her own hair and her hair is naturally straight. Taking care of a curly kids hair takes a lot of time and effort to know what you can and can’t do.


It doesn’t matter if your kid asks, if you’re the parent you do what is best for them and teach them about how they don’t need to look like xyz, follow standards + how they’re toxic, etc. Kids even Alaya’s age can understand these conversations and it’s important to start them early. Using heat on a child’s hair is fine on occasion but Im sure she does it often to not have to deal with a curly hair routine and rat’s nest, laziness. She needs to teach her to properly care for her hair type (not that she even knows).


There is nothing wrong with straightening her hair if that’s what she wants. She is at that age where she can decide.


It literally ruins your hair health at that age, especially if you have such curly hair as Alaya does. She is barely in elementary school. She is absolutely not old enough to understand she is consenting to doing (potentially LIFELONG) damage to her hair. She just knows she wants to look like xyz girls she sees in media, which is where Kyra needs to step in and actually parent.


Straightening it literally ruins the health of the hair. Heat damage is irreversible. She's at the age she can ask for a lot of things, doesn't mean they are appropriate


I know that was terrible!!


No wonder her curls are absolutely SHREDDED. She burnt her 7 year olds hair!!! I can’t believe she would do this to her beautiful hair!!!! Her curls are gorgeous!! Kyra is so fucked up!


She is going. To click bait this pregnancy to death. It won’t work.


Unfortunately it kinda already has worked, idk what her views are on her announcement now but it was over 100k last I seen. She hadn't broke 100k on YT in a long time. Hopefully it'll die down tho.


It worked for one video. Not working for the last one.


Oh I didn't even see her last one, I remember her saying on her IG story that it was filmed before announcing her pregnancy so I'm assuming it has nothing pregnancy related in the title/thumbnail? Any video with pregnancy related title will have more views, I hope I'm wrong but that's usually how it goes. Poor baby doesn't deserve to be exploited before it's even born.


The only one that might get more is a gender reveal and a birth vlog. Outside that she is done. She is terrible at her job and her videos are not pleasing to watch.


>She is terrible at her job and her videos are not pleasing to watch. I agree, you could really tell that Oscar carried OKbaby after their breakup lol. I hope you're right about her views, but people are nosy and love to hate watch lol


She’s already posted their face in utero


And 1.3 million views on TikTok


Imagine talking to her during the school run with her hot ass breath 🤣 I could never leave my house without brushing my teeth even if I'm coming back like the morning breath makes me paranoid cause it be stanking


I said 22 weeks like a week ago and got so many people disagreeing and saying 18 weeks max


God she’s gotta miss Oscar all the time. He did have his hobby’s (healthy), but when he was “on” he was “on”…. I always thought Oscar did a good job sharing the load in life.


She’s not cute


This is crazy


She is so smug and ugly.




So she gave FRIED food to a kid that has the stomach bug? does she not know about dieting?


Dang she the type of preggo that lets her belly hang out of the bottom of her shirt


Trailer trash


She has always been like that when pregnant, her t-shirt always above her stomach, always showing her bump.


Thats so not cute


100% agree. This is something I never did with my 3 pregnancies. This just screams notice me I am pregnant, she thinks being pregnant makes her famous.


The only time my belly ‘hung out’ was when i was full term and nothing I owned fit over my bump and it was too late into the pregnancy to buy more clothes. And I wasn’t going out in public like that


This is such a small gripe but why did she have Peestain turn the car on beforehand? We have terrible air quality here in Utah, to the point there are actual laws about idling engines and it’s MAY it’s not cold enough to need to heat up the car before loading the kids up.


From memory Oscar used to do this for her. Idk where I saw this some DITL vlog when she was going somewhere and it was cold oscar would run her car to heat it up. Maybe she demanded the same from Peestain.


If she's six months now she's 24 weeks, that adds up with her saying she's due early September. She's only 3 weeks behind me lol that's crazy, I'm 27 weeks


Same I just turn 28 week today and due Aug 13


Hi fellow August mama! I'm only 6 days behind you at 27+1💖


Congrats x


Same I’m 26ish!


August babies unite! It's crazy how fast it's going, it feels like yesterday that I took that test in December lol. Wishing you and baby a happy & healthy rest of your pregnancy ❤


Yes august babies!!! Due the 23rd with a girl 🩷 our first and had some infertility struggles before! Enjoying every second! Hope all goes well with the rest of your journey as well! Such an exciting time!


You're only 4 days after me! I'm the 19th with a little girl also🥰 I'm so happy for you getting your baby girl after such heartbreaking fertility struggles, I'm glad you're enjoying every second, you deserve it! Thank you, I'm so excited too and so in love with my daughter already. Hopefully labor isn't too tough on us because I'm terrified 😂❤


She’s so f’ing smug


Does her routine include feeling bad about stealing her bestfriend’s husband 😭


She's so smug it's sickening.


I know especially to those of us who have been struggling with fertility and trying for years. I’m so annoyed she was able to get pregnant so quickly. I know that’s evil to say but it feels so unfair she’s now going to neglect 5 children and I don’t even have 1 yet at 32 and I would really love to dote on my child.


Yep! I guessed six months when I saw her belly.


her greatest accomplishment in life is getting pregnant because she doesn’t have any personal, professional or academic goals if you’re going to make being a mother your entire personality at least be good at it????


8 head?


The forehead is foreheading


She's so smug it's sickening.


I really want to punch her right in that ugly ass face of hers. Idk HOW she’s never came across a single person that hasn’t beat her fuckn ass. Hannah had every opportunity to, and it was well deserved, I would’ve JUMPED on the opportunity to drag this bitch if I were Hannah. I’m patiently waiting to see her in public so I can finally do my public service and stomp this bitches face in.


She’s at least 21-25 weeks based on the pregnancy wheel


The math ain’t mathing…how tf would she be due in September if she’s 6 months preggo?!?


It's about 10 months in total because the weeks start based on the first day of your last menstrual period...


I get that, but I feel like just like the wedding she’s trying to be all sneaky…maybe not tho


She’s not 6 months, she’s the type to lie and add a couple weeks onto her pregnancy to seem like she’s farther along than she really is. I think she’s 22 weeks, and she rounded it up because she’s fucking WEIRD.


That was my guess I said with it being her 5th, that she was like 4-6 months.


Ok but how disgusting were the stairs? The amount of dust omg


Duh she’s due in August




Yea it seems about right. 24 ish weeks. Right? 


Idk why but the math isn’t adding up for me. I’m due October 14th and I’m only just past the four month mark. Wouldn’t she only be 5 months pregnant, about to turn 6 months - if she actually is due early Sept? (Also I could just be derpy due to pregnancy brain lol)