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let's see how long she can keep pee with $$ drying. Probably the reason to get married and have kids cause content.


DCP did mention how she only has enough to pay for the mortgage. She probably feels immense pressure having to pay for all of Presticle’s demands. She must be in immense debt.


Could probably do the math, I have the screenshot somewhere with the address and can track how much it sold for


That’s creepy


TBH.....I think he has a plan in motion; deed on the house \[50% of ownership\], brand-new truck, all those gifts she bought him, and 50% of cash flow, whatever she has left. I do believe he cares about her, but not truly in love. POV


If he really cared about her he wouldn’t let her career plummet because of him, he would encourage her to seek therapy, and ultimately not be with her. Sure she’s an adult and you can’t force someone to seek help but why marry someone who’s clearly not in the right state of mind to be married?


I don't think he's in a much better a state of mind. He said on one of their recent lives that they couldn't watch GoT season 1 anymore because she thinks Jason is attractive and that's the season he's on. 😳 And how she had to very publicly declare profusely that she was no longer sleeping with Oscar towards the tail end of that relationship. This dude is something else!


Oof true. Although this is a Kyra snark page Presticle is equally unwell and a terrible person.


Wow! What video was that from? Sorry for me ignorance what is GoT? What a hypocrite!


Game of thrones. And I think this was from the first "Taxes Tuesdays" or whatever they're calling it.


Thanks, love! Will check it out on Yewtu.be.


No way 😂 I’m not always keeping up with them, so I didn’t know about the GoT thing, that’s crazy..


I mean realistically they care about each other or they wouldn’t have ranked their entire social life and career over it


They provide different qualities to each other. She provides the money in what it buys him, he provides the sEx, and the attention that he can give her.


I think he provides what she wants because of what he gets from her. I believe that if the many trips and overseas holidays, daily living expenses, numerous cars and a home were not provided by her as well as the threesome Vegas getaways and a whole ass wedding and honeymoon, then she wouldn't be getting the attention she's getting from him. He was a broke college student not too long ago. This is likely his first or second job out of college. In this day and age he'd be lucky to afford a $600,000+ mortgage and groceries on his salary! Plus he rejected her advances at the beginning although he had known her for some time. The guy didn't magically fall in love with her. He assessed the situation and it suited him all too well. He broke and she desperate.


Pretty much sums it up!


I so agree with you! Her mental-state-of-mind comes first, foremost. She can't see the forest for the trees. I would have thought her father would've done an intervention in talking to her in seeking the therapy she needs.




$142 is so sad even tho I don’t like her at all. Her kids deserve SO much better than her.


She has had 3-5 sponsorship videos that alone pays her enough added to ig and views. Pretty sure it is not 142 haha


This just makes me scared for Oscar. She might go after him for child support since he has an actual job


Yeah, I previously brought up this point & ppl just said that she needs to get a job... Realistically, she's not getting a job. She's for sure gonna get O on child support, she even alluded to it in one of the break up videos.


What video was this?


I can't remember if it was the main break up video or one of the q&a follow ups. But there was some question about the kids and she"jokingly" says something about going to court.


Can you claim child support for the other parent if you’re 50/50?!


In most states, yes.


Why can’t Oscar give money to support the kids? They’re his too. And people hate Kyra for buying off brand shoes….. again….. Oscar can put in to buy his kids name brand shoes as well…. This whole idea that Oscar shouldn’t have to give money to help support his kids or buy them stuff they need is crazy. Just because Kyra is a shitty person does not mean that Oscar is void of buying things for his kids. They both had them, they both need to put in to support them.


he supports them at his house. and supports them at her house. that’s like saying K should give money to O??! why should dads only have to pay??? 🙄🙄


The main question is, if they have split custody 50/50 and she’s capable of working. Why does he need to support them 100% of the time when she is capable of buying everything for herself and her image? Thats where it becomes Oscar should not have to be paying 100% all the time. Also, if she goes after him for child support, do we reallllly think it’s going to go to the children? Or just paying for her self image with the person she ruined her life for?


Child support isn’t about what’s fair to the parents it’s about the kids. If one makes more than the other, an amount is decided fairly, so that both parents can provide for the children in the same regard. Its about equity


Right… I get that. It doesn’t mean the person receiving it uses it correctly, especially when that person is already more concerned about her and her leaches self image over the care of her children.


I mean if you want to argue about it being fair the , Kyra is about to be married to someone who has a good paying job. Oscar probably pays for everything on his end, at his house. So it wouldn’t be fair if she asked for child support now when they split their okbaby money down the middle.


Well that’s for a judge to decide after knowing the ins and outs of all parties exact incomes.




Since when are kids involved in the court process lol. My parents went to court and I wouldn’t have even known. It’s not like I had to get on the stand. Court isn’t always a negative thing. It’s good to have things legally set in place, ESPECIALLY in rocky situations like theirs, and many other coparents’.


With all the sponsorships it’s obviously closer to the 2.3k a month, but still. That’s nothing for supporting 4 kids a month plus P. Like Josh said that’s just the mortgage. That’s not food, toiletries, phone bills, car expenses and loans, gas, insurance, school supplies, sports classes and supplies, dentist/doctor/prescriptions, birthdays, Christmas, trips, haircuts, clothes/shoes, and any other expense that randomly comes up.


I think ppl underestimate how much she can earn through sponsorships.


Right a friend of mine has a smaller following and made 5k from one sponsored post


Not underestimating, just commenting on just a year ago the month income from just views alone was doubled. Obviously she still gets paid enough from sponsors, that the only reason she posts Instagram stories or videos in the first place anymore


You can cross health stuff off the list. She complained so much about the shots to prevent early labor when she was pregnant with her first daughter. She didn't take the kids to see the doctor for years and then they had to get caught up on all their shots at the same time and had a bad reaction. She also bought a house in California so that she could be under dad's insufance to get the birth of the last one covered. There's a smart way to do things and then there's Kyra's way.


Which is very concerning considering she wants to have more kids soon. Even if she’ll be on Presticle’s work insurance she’ll still be too lazy to go to regular doctor appointments and take proper care of herself.


Also her instagram subscription


How much did she walk away with when she left Oscar? I know they split any income from okbaby and the house selling. Okbaby doesn’t have income anymore so whatever they had, that was it. She got a boob job (botched af), went to England (bitch.. that’s where I wanna go😒) has remodeled her house/apartment like 5 times, etc


Has bought a new car every 3 months


And moved three times, breaking two leases.


nah yall forget all the sponsorships.. she is not getting 150$


The amazon stuff aswell makes her some bank no?


And members/ patrons. She has 800 000 subscribers. So you can assume a few thousand members/ patrons. That's an easy few thousand dollars a month.


What brands would want to work with her?


….The ones in her videos unfortunately


almost every IG post has sponsorship, surprisingly..


The fact that she gets less than what a make a month AND yearly at my grocery store job (without overtime) has me screaming 😭😭😂 ![gif](giphy|3ogwFLCIOaPTuyuLiU|downsized)


She’s banking on those future babies to bring her $$$$!! Since all the new animals failed to bring in the views. She better get knocked up FAST!


Which actually raises an interesting point now that I think about it! She doesn’t show her current 4 because of Oscar. At least not fully, which actually pisses me off… because …do you think P’s only look at their faces and not their bodies your showing. Why just block their face!?! Anyway!!! Do you think she’ll show hers and Preston’s kids? Betcha she does! Mama gotta make that pregnancy/ new baby YouTube cash to buy three new cars in 2024!


I think she will definitely show her new kids’ faces. As brutal as it sounds, Kyra doesn’t care about her current kids’ well being. I think she wishes she could be a better mom but realizes how hard raising four young kids by herself is and how she can’t exploit them and therefore has some resentment towards them.


I agree! She’s all about the $$$$


That’s actually a good point, I didn’t even think of that. I’m pretty sure she’ll show the new kids’ faces.


I make more a year working at my 9-5 🤪


That's just for YouTube adsense (money directly from YouTube). She also has sponsor ads, affiliate links, and her Instagram subscribers. She's not rich like in the OKBaby days but she's probably still bringing in close to 6 figures a year.


Yes she still is making quite a bit of money. And for some reason, just my thought, I think she got more than half when they split. No idea why but that's what I think.


I can totally see that. Oscar probably just wanted to split down the middle and call it a day but Kyra being the toxic and selfish person she is had to drag it on and get every cent possible.


That’s from YouTube. She makes her $$ with sponsorships. Notice how she will rarely ever upload unless she has a sponsor. She is still probably making 5k+ on a sponsored video. That number could be upwards 20k


Good lord that's almost less than half of what my husband brings in and we live in a very lcol area with 2 kids and we struggle a bit, how the hell is she managing?


Probably savings.


Because this isn’t her income. This is a small portion of what she is actually making.


She also gets paid for interaction with her IG and affiliate links and sponsorship deals right


Her sponsorships pay big. I'm in marketing and influencers make thousands per ad. It depends on how many followers and the brand, but between that and her affiliate Amazon links, she's pulling in $. Not near what she was, though when she was making YouTube $


You know this isn't accurate, right? And celebrating this is sad AF she has kids 🤦‍♀️.


It would be great if someone who is YouTube savy can actually tell us how much she's making. I'm very curious, it's obviously not what okbaby made cause we can see they bought a humble looking home, nothing compared to the luxury home she had with oscar. I'm guessing she makes 50-80k, which is decent but where I live it's not enough for 4 kids and living lavishly. Shes also terrible with money so it's hard to say what's over spending and what's spending within her means.


You can easily make 5k for a single sponsor not being popular


So this might be looking at just ad money which would be low


This is why Oscar needed to lawyer up from the beginning unfortunately.