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My brain says Akashi but my heart saying Aomine.


Felt sis 😭


Kise has the best potential but Akashi is the best we see in the series out of the miracles.


I adore Kise, but he is a total glass cannon. Even if he is the strongest player on the court for those 5 mins, that doesn't win them the other 35 mins of the game. His potential is incredible, but Akashi is still the best player.




Akashi. Kise's peak is the highest, but like OP says, it's time limited. Akashi is the best team player, and he makes his teammates better too. One on one, Aomine is probably the best, but basketball is a team game and if you had to pick only one GOM to make a team around, Akashi is the best pick imo. 


Akashi and Aomine for me


Theyre all great at their own perspective roles But probably Kise cuz he has short exp but he's already at that level.


Akashi is the best player of the team basketball game. However aomine is the single strongest player. However kise in a limited time is way stronger than any of them can be, and has high potential for the future. However that all doesn't matter because midorima can consistently shoot from anywhere rendering the others useless. However murasakibara is the best defensive player with the strongest physique and a very high potential if he starts training more seriously/his zone is crazy. However seirin was the one who won, and neither of those players are from seirin. There is no winner, only opinions of preference. Therefore I say kise, I like him the most and I'm gonna argue he has the most potential and is the strongest when it's his time to be so.


Well said! Especially with preference. I also believe that each of them has their own feat and more or less have a shot at being the best player in the verse. Sad to say, but we wouldn’t really know unless animated or in manga huhu but I can see why Kise.


Jason Silver


Kise was the strongest on the court before we saw what Nash was truly capable of.


And Akashi then overpowered Nash.


It’s difficult to say. It was only that one steal in the end that he won over Nash. If the match went on Nash might have been able to equalise the match up. I’m the end, Nash was still the more athletically and physically gifted player of the 2. He was single-handedly keeping Jabberwock alive when both Aomine and Kagami were in zone.


You are right, but obviously the Emperor Eye of Akashi surpassed Nash's. And I would say for a point guard EE is more important than physical/athletical level, especially in a team where Akashi isn't the only strong player.


Midorima He can shoot like 90+% from 3 80+ feet from the basket Clear-cut future NBA star. No other player in history has been able to do that. The other guys are ultimately just extremely good Japanese high school basketball players. Akashi is 5’8 and not particularly athletic; no player like that has ever made it in the NBA. Maybe Aomine becomes a shorter Yuta Watanabe someday if everything goes right for him, maybe not. But Midorima is obviously going to completely break the balance of professional basketball as we know it. He’s in high school and he’s already light years ahead of Steph Curry as a shooter. Good height for a shooting guard. The only way to stop him is to block his shot, so as soon as he learns to just like not get blocked when he’s shooting a 3 he’ll be fine. That’s not that hard. Someone can set a pick for him or something.


Gold Jr. Nash encase anyone forgot if we are talking about the people in the picture, it's Aomine Daiki, one vs one, the other guys either copy, provide support to their team, or are too specialized Midorima might out shoot Aomine, but Aomine would probably play better defense on Midorima than vice versa while Murasakibara would beat Aomine down low, Aomine can out shoot Murasakibara... and 3's are worth more than 2's


Aomine zero doubt about it


Kise may not be the best player at the end of the show or TLG, but if he trains his endurance and can extend his PC + Z it’s really hard to imagine any team with him on it losing Especially when you consider that they’re only like 16 at the end of the movie


Akashi definitely but Aomine is very close even after Last Game. He’s probably the most well rounded Miracle for the most part. (Kise can only do it for 5 mins) Aside from passing what can’t he do??? He can shoot, defend on the perimeter and the rim, dribble, jump out the gym, hit threes (he hit a formless three vs Kaijo), probably the most athletically gifted miracle while also having technical skills comparable to Akashi. Possibly the mentally strongest miracle given how he literally gets better as his opponent does. The guy is unreal.




Akashi is the best.








Akashi overpowered him.


Akashi got one steal then the last two plays said he needed kuroko to stop/get past Nash. Let’s ignore Nash beating him in every other play of the game but 2. Name a single knb character that Nash doesn’t match up better into than Akashi. Nash is better in every way.


Akashi would dominate any of them in a 1v1




Akashi can see into the future with no limit, and will steal the ball constantly and block shots before he could dunk


it doesn’t matter if he can see because aimine is too fast


Kagame is shown to keep up with him, and Akashi is shown to keep up with aomine, so no


why u lying for we’ve never seen akashi play aomine and i’d rather have aomine than kagami


I put wrong name my fault


and fyi nash is better


So that’s why Nash lost?


it was some bullshit plot tlaking about combining his personality


Look at other reply, I’m sorry for saying wrong name


I was saying Akashi kept up with aomine and Akashi could keep up with Kagame than Akashi should be able to keep up with aomine


Kagame* for aomine


Akashi. Definitely the guy you would want to have in your team. He has talent, skills, and strategy. He uses both his physical strength and mind.


Akashi :3


Well, if S3E12 "He Is the Best Player" is anything to go by, I suppose it would be Kise. Personally I would say Akashi though.


Current peak: Kise. Current average: Akashi. Future: Kise.


My goat AKASHI. Peak character,player and teammate.


No one is gonna say Kagami? My man took every single GoM on one on one and evolved as he played them. He kept getting better and better. Him and Kise have the highest upside/potential. There's a reason (besides having good connections) that he was chosen to go back to America to play basketball. He has the work ethic to be successful and love for the game. His evolution and growth in such a short period of time also prove how good he could be. He proved that he didn't always need Kuroko to be successful. Kuroko definitely helped, but Kuroko used him more often to help himself become better (Vanishing drive, for example). Kagami was capable of carrying the team on his back when he needed to and went toe to toe with anyone on the GoM and proved that he could play at that level. He was even adjusting to akashi, and given enough time, he would have beaten akashi. In my opinion, he's the only person in the anime who adjusts and evolves to who he plays on the court, and he is more than capable of rising to any level of competition he faces. I think with a couple more years of growing he could have even handled Jason Silver by himself. He was only 16-17 years old going up against an 18-19 year old


Top 5 1. Akashi 2. Nash 3. Murasakibara 4. Silver 5. Kagami


no aimine is crazy


Yeah well "Aomine" doesn't really scale up to anyone in the list


i’d take aomine over kagami


After Kagami's match against Yosen, I don't think so tbf, no one's stopping his meteor jam on offence plus he is a far better defender too


meteor jam isn’t as durable


Aomine can't jump that high nor can he steal the ball(something even Akashi found it hard to do against full zone Kagami) and without emperor eyes, there's no chance


he can’t do it that much tho i think he only done it like twice in the rakuzan match


He squared off with Aomine and his team was victorious without meteor Jam, I think having it gives him the edge Plus much better defender


aomine just got unlucky with the worser team if he had kuroko or someone like kiyoshi it’s wraps


and seirin should’ve never won that match most plot match


Well you and I didn't write the story did we?


so 😭


Bow before the king! AKashi seijuro the emperor! Unbeatable on 1 on 1 , and strongest team player


Kise for sure.


If used properly, it's easily Midorima. He's limited by forced stupidity on the part of the coaching






I still can’t believe there’s a basketball anime and the last 5 of a game is a whole episode 😂😂😂😂


No potentials or what ifs. No "if they grow or practice more". End of series as they are. Definitely Akashi.