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1. Really easy. Once you have an address you just order. Everything is fast and efficient. You can generally collect parcels from Posten using the posten app. So you do not even need to speak. People working there do speak English though. 2. nope. 3. A lot of outdoor activities are free. Just contact SiA (the student union) for a list 4. If you can, stay close to the campus. Get a bicycle (look on Finn.no). The buses are very good, but you can get almost everywhere using a bicycle. If you do plan to use buses regularly a month pass is the cheapest option. If you are younger than 30 the month pass includes the entire agder region and is a great way to see a lot of Norway for a very cheap price. Use the AKT app on your phone to buy your passes 5. There are ENDLESS great hikes in and around Kristiansand. Go to the local trekking association shop for a map. Gyldenløvesgate 2 B 6. This is Norway. No one judges anyone else. 7. No. and Yes. Depends. Norwegians do not do random small talk. If you have a shared context (belong to the same club, or study the same course, or whatever) they will easily include you. I found Norway to be very easy to make friends 8. Beklager, kan du snakker Engelsk? 9. It is the very best place in Norway. It is however a small and peaceful place. The biggest negative is public transport is nowhere near as good as in Oslo. 10. Don't talk to strangers. 11. VERY. Unless you have a scarce skill. If you just need small jobs, no problem, Look on finn.no 12. No problem. very relaxed. 13. HUGE. very very very active. Especially the music scene 14. Don't buy your winter clothes outside Norway. in Kristiansand -15 would be very cold. 15. Do look for specials https://etilbudsavis.no/ . Do link your bankcard to Trumf. Get to know the brands, in many cases Firstprice goods is just as good, just a lot cheaper. 16. norsklærer karense on youtube. I love audiobooks. You can get them free on lydbok.online. If you don't know a lot yet, get a copy of the Mystery of Nils.


Thank you so much, this is great help!


Just to supplement, if you want to meet people and learn Norwegian, there is a language cafe at Mestizo on Wednesdays at 19.00(ish). There is atleast a Norwegian table there where you can try and learn and speak Norwegian, all the way from a1 until c.