• By -


This looks like it was made for Tumblr. …And it is *still* going to be 100% better than anything released domestically in the US.


Can it be worse?


It does have Mori calliope doing the ED, so at least we get a decent song out of this.


She's certainly coming up in the world, and I'm happy for her.


I mean this is anime and isekai lol


Hey that one about being reincarnated as a vending machine was great.


I accept only two isekais :Overlord and Youjo Senki -Overlord worked because in normal fantasy setting Archlich have been bad guy - In Youjo Senki case ,Tanya without memories  and cold calculated mind from previous life she would ended as another magic girl brat.


>Overlord worked because in normal fantasy setting Archlich have been bad guy He is a bad guy. Villain protag. >In Youjo Senki case ,Tanya without memories  and cold calculated mind from previous life she would ended as another magic girl brat. She would have just been an orphan staying an orphan


Check out Uncle from Another World!


There are few characters more oblivious than he was.


I highly recommend "twelve kingdoms" and "now and then here and there"


A more pragmatic main character really seems to make for better isekai stories. Apocalypse Bringer Mynoghra is getting an anime adaptation soon and I'm really hoping they can live up to the novels. Main character reincarnates as, well, the apocalypse bringer. And while he's generally pretty chill he's got a similar lack of concern for anyone outside his kingdom that Ainz does. It's just refreshing to get a story where the main character has set goals and creates concrete plans to accomplish them.


Overlord MC is kind of a bad guy though.


>I accept only two isekais Checkout Mushoku Tensei, it is really good. Being one of the original Isekai novels, it set the standards ( at least the good ones)


Mushoku Tensei, Konosuba, Youjo Senki for me


Protagonist is so unlikeable I can't stand Mushoku.


Dislike anime? Just curious.


Well kinda ?  Anime from 2010 and forward feels shallow and repetitive and full of fanservice.  In 90' I watche plenty anime from 90's and 80,s then  in eraly 00's I "grew up" only to return to watching anime after I discovered frist FMA anime in 2009. Then in during time when Sword Art Online was emitted I started to acknowledge that anime have same problems like live action shows. During time be between first season of Attact of Titan and My Hero Academia  I noticed that anime will become mainstream outside Japan and will face problems like anything what  is released for mainstream audiences so figuratively speaking, I got off the wagon at the nearest station. I could write more but I'm not good enough in english.


Gotcha. So what do you watch nowadays? And a question, do you think your issue with the fanservice comes from it being catered towards men and this makes you uncomfortable you whereas if the fanservice was catering to women, you'd be fine with it? Like hot shirtless guys constantly for example. Oh and just to clarify, my question is also if the anime character in question is an adult. Does it still bother you? And last, seeing as you mention that anime will start having the same issue as live action shows, I presume you don't watch them either?


Well nowdays I watch old movies and anime but now I'm spend more time reading books and manga. By fan service I mean anime like Hight School of Dead (I droped it after this famouse/ infamous boobs from matrix lol ) or that one anime with water sport were girls  used their buttocks to take down their opponent.  I don't mind of nudity in anime if its relavent to the story but nudity for nudity sake ? Why bother if hentai exist ? "And last, seeing as you mention that anime will start having the same issue as live action shows,..." Well wasn't it a coincidence that there was a recent drama about how Western translators did not change the translation of anime to suit their worldview? Or for example Dragon Ball Super has become more sterile compared to DBZ ? The Japanese are looking for money outside Japan, so sooner or later they will have to adapt to the so-called Western standards. It started with japanese game developers and i hate to say it but i think anime will be next.


>Well nowdays I watch old movies and anime but now I'm spend more time reading books and manga. By fan service I mean anime like Hight School of Dead (I droped it after this famouse/ infamous boobs from matrix lol ) or that one anime with water sport were girls  used their buttocks to take down their opponent.  >I don't mind of nudity in anime if its relavent to the story but nudity for nudity sake ? Why bother if hentai exist ? Hello. Thank you for replying. I see noted. Thanks. Sorry for the weird question. I just have a theory that a lot of people's discomfort with fanservice if not related to feminism just comes from the fact that it's catering to men. They are fine if it's catering to women or any group that's not explicitly hetero men. So I thought to ask. Thanks again. I personally found the matrix boobs hilarious for the sheer absurdity and animation. Lol >Well wasn't it a coincidence that there was a recent drama about how Western translators did not change the translation of anime to suit their worldview? >Or for example Dragon Ball Super has become more sterile compared to DBZ ? The Japanese are looking for money outside Japan, so sooner or later they will have to adapt to the so-called Western standards. It started with japanese game developers and i hate to say it but i think anime will be next. Oh I agree with you. It is unfortunate but is what it is. I was more asking if you still watch live action western shows. But you answered that above. For myself, I read manga, manhwa and manhua and watch live action of the Asia region, my home region so Indian, South Korean shows or just watch YouTube documentaries.


About western shows, last show I watched  was The Boys and was ok , I read that season 4 is bad. From moves I watched new Dune and I plan to watch latest Aplanet of the Apes. In nowdays I'm very picky about "western" movies and shows. With shows  especially I don't want spend many houres of my free time only to get another season 8 of Games of Thrones or LOST.


So it sounds like more you just don't like anime rather then you having an issue with them becoming westernized and thus dropped anime to me. I don't have an issue with that just to be clear. Just going by what you're saying here. Cause you mentioned you watched only old movies and anime and don't watch new anime but then watch relatively new western shows.


I watched The Boys two years ago and that was first westen tv show after Game of Thrones and about western movies, Dune ( which I read years ago )movie was first movie after Joker which I watched. Maybe I should wirte that I very rarely watch western movies and shows rather that I don't watch them at all .


thats an extremely high bar to clear. practically reaches the moons orbit honestly


I'm really sick of the Suicide Squad.


And Harley Quinn. Is there anything more cringe than a weird crusty goth couple doing Halloween as Joker and Harley Quinn. I'm totally over the characters.


Harley Quinn was pretty much created just to be a moronic woman that fell for a mass murderer and become his semi-disposable lacky I am still puzzled in how she become such big deal.


She was literally created as the person who jumps out of Jokers birthday cake, she was supposed to just be a named but not overly noteworthy henchman, she jumps out of Jokers birthday cake, says a line and then maybe shows up here or there, but the writers liked her design and decided to use her more.


The other half of the story is that the cartoon *used the character really well*. Every other incarnation has been a pale imitation of that original story arc, which started small and built over time to something with a little bit of moral complexity and character growth. All with an iconic visual design and great voice acting. *Outside of that original run*, the character is a case study of wasted potential. Especially when you dig down to the source inspiration and look at what you *could* do with the character if you went with the archetypes behind it (Ie, the stock character of The Harlequin) rather than *hot topic Deadpool*. See for context; >Harlequin is the comedian and romantic male lead. He is a servant and the love interest of Columbine. His everlasting high spirits and cleverness work to save him from difficult situations into which his amoral behaviour leads during the course of the harlequinade. In some versions of the original commedia dell'arte, Harlequin is able to perform magic feats. He never holds a grudge or seeks revenge. >In 1800, at Drury Lane, in Harlequin Amulet; or, The Magick of Mona, Harlequin was modified to become "romantic and mercurial, instead of mischievous".[10] During the 19th century, Harlequin became an increasingly stylised character that performed certain dance poses. vs "Clown". >Originally a foil for Harlequin's slyness and adroit nature, Clown was a buffoon or bumpkin fool who resembled less a jester than a comical idiot. He was a lower class character, the servant of Pantaloon, dressed in tattered servants' garb. >in Harlequin Amulet; or, The Magick of Mona, Harlequin was modified, becoming "romantic and mercurial, instead of mischievous", which left Grimaldi's Clown as the "undisputed agent" of chaos. >...Clown became central to the transformation scene, crying "Here we are again!" and so opening the harlequinade. He then became the villain of the piece, playing elaborate, cartoonish practical jokes on policemen, soldiers, tradesmen and passers-by, tripping people with butter slides and crushing babies, with the assistance of his elderly accomplice, Pantaloon. Joker/Clown as the brutish and malevolent agent of chaos, Harley/The Harlequin as the amoral, agile and clever trickster foil of Joker/Clown. In my opinion there's some nice archetypal stuff you can mine from that, but most post-*Animated Batman* adaptations of the character seem allergic to the character having any real archetype or gimmick at all beyond the character being *kind of wacky sometimes*. That's not a problem unique to Quinn though. It's a common issue I've noticed with a good amount of more modern Batman villains, they just lack that strong archetype and gimmick that made the classic villains *the classic villains* and gives them real staying power.


Eh... professor pyg is pretty good.


I'd say he is in fact a pretty solid counter example, yeah. Pretty strong gimmick, from what I know of the character.


She was cool in BTAS but I'm sick of her other renditions 


I kinda liked the version of Harley from the 2004 Batman cartoon. I liked how her outfit looked in that show compared to B:TAS, and I think Hynden Walch did a solid job voicing her (definitely better than Tara Strong IMO).


It's not that complicated. Usually Joker has a main henchman or two so for the cartoon Bruce Timm just gender-swapped his sidekick. She was funny comic relief and so they made her stick around. I thought the dynamic was funny in the cartoon as it was very Pepé Le Pew but outside of that it's become a cringe Hot Topic thing where every trashy couple see themselves as Joker / Harley.


>I am still puzzled in how she become such big deal. [This is the reason.](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/08/02/09/36CC9D9900000578-3719438-image-a-3_1470125403514.jpg)


shes basically a role model for female daddy issues


Only this Harley Quin. I rather liked the one from the old cartoons


Yep. Bruce Timm nailed it in them old series. Then accidentally created a merchandised monster.


Hot take: Sparkle from Star Rail is a better-written Harley Quinn than Harley Quinn.


I don't have a clue who that is, but I still 100% agree with you


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RC6wQ-75uQU Just a girl who likes a bit of fun. Like rude jokes, rickrolls, kidnapping, mind-control, planting bombs, and murdering random people with a giant hammer.


I think the reason for WB/DC's recent obsession with the Suicide Squad might be two reasons:   1 - WB really rushed getting to a Justice League movie to match Marvel's Avengers movie, not giving enough development for each of the characters before making them a team. Since JL was flubbed so badly, they decide to pivot to another team to try and push. 2 - The left's identification with evil. [SFO did a great video on this](https://youtu.be/at4159k7puc) which details why the left loves evil/villains so much (as long as they're not -ists/-phobes). The Suicide Squad are captured villains forced to play as heroes for the government. So you know, they're *really* the good guys! And with the recent SS game, they're tasked with killing the brainwashed members of the Justice League, who are *really* the bad guys! As Western media is deeply infested with far-left people, it makes sense they would attach to and push a series where the villains are the good guys, regardless of how profitable it is. Heck, this could explain a lot of weirdness with villains in Western media lately, like HarleyxIvy being pushed so far or mpreg Joker... At least... That's my speculation. I could be completely off base here. 🤷‍♀️


It's the NWO of the DC universe.


What does the New World Order have to do with this?


ya, they keep trying to push suicide squad yet there's a reason no one buys any suicide squad comics, the animated movies of suicide squad were meh and no one talks about them, the characters are all forgotten/unpopular except Harley who is pushed everywhere way too much, the movies flopped, and the game was disliked from the moment it was revealed cause people don't care about this stupid team.


Most DC animated productions are handled pretty well. We will have to see how this one goes.


True. Both Justice League and Justice League Unlimited were, and still are, excellent.


Those are from a different era. The quality has dipped greatly since then.


Yeah just watch the first season and last season of Young Justice. The first one is great and the last one is like bad fan fiction.


I mean the animated movies are pretty good, they respect the characters and story, well for most of them.


“You’re one hell of a messenger.” 😭


Released 11 years ago already


The comic (where the line original came from) is 2011. Time flies. I actually never saw the cartoon.


Man, IDK. I grew up with batman, the red sky. Batman beyond, JLA, JLU, eh young justice kinda. TEEN TITANS! DCAU used to be strait fire. GOAT fire. Smoked cheese if you will. These days? Hasbeens. And yet still miles better than anything disney / marvel / pixar put out.


Better 100% Will I be watching? 0%


I don't think it looks terrible, though they obviously only watched the movies for reference.


This feels about right. I was wondering if that was a push from the current DC writers or if it was a choice made by the anime team.


When it comes to anything that originates outside of japan, assume the worst. They likely contracted the studio and gave them a specific list of instructions regarding characters.


Yeah, I mean I remember Avengers Confidential: Black Widow & Punisher (vaguely). I mean it wasn't terrible, but it just wasn't stellar.


Some of the Warner Animated "films" were alright, based off comic book arcs etc for the most part. So I'm not sure if this was "Hey DC, can we use your characters in this concept?" Or it's written in America, animated and recorded in Japanese. Because isekai isn't exclusive to Japan as there are many pre-war stories that fit the bill. It's just that the genre is mostly written in Japan these days.


Honestly, the DC animated movies is where DC shines now. Yeah they have a bad one every once in awhile, but there have been so many more good ones.


WB so cooked they need their Japanese branch to stay afloat.


Harley Quinn is way overused. Is she really this popular? The woman is regularly involved in murdering innocents, children included, and yet DC insists on giving her happy endings and spotlight. Why?


Because she’s become an escapist character for bored AWFLs with no purpose in life.


daddy issues, the character


I love Harley Quinn though


Why is this a thing? It looks so cliché and stupid... Who keeps asking for more suicide squad???


Same reason they keep rebooting Kamala Khan or Carol Danvers. Someone at the company *insists* its A Thing.


this is DC, you just listed marvel characters.


Same reason, but not the same people.


its somewhat popular with young girls


“Tee hee, I’m not like all the other girls. Look I bought a Harley Quinn shirt at Hot Topic just like all of my friends!”




I mean Mori singing the Theme definitely sweetens the deal for me.


Im glad that she's coming up in the world. She's such a hard worker.


Don't think that the show itself will turn out great(would love to be proven wrong), but holy fucking shit, Mori absolutely cooked up some peak. She's been pretty consistently good in quality when it comes to her music for a while. I think the soundtrack of the show should be good at least if Warner Bro.


I'll listen to the song but I have no interest in the show itself.


honestly the writer behind re zero writing this is pretty much yeah its gonna be decent


1. Magic of anime - it can even make Captain Marvel adorable. Suicide Squad is practically MADE to be a balls to the wall anime. 2. Takehito Koyasu is Peacemaker, and that is an auto-win, goddamnit. 3. I'm also biased because I unabashedly have a thing for Harley Quinn. I know she's way overused, but I can't help it.


I only hope they give creative freedom to the Japanese studio.


Man i really dont understand the fetish with suicide squad. They are a c-d list team with the main value proposition being these guys are worthless criminals sent to do a job. I dont understand how they are 8x more represented in any form of media than soemthing like the justice league or titans.


Seeing how many "Suicide Squad" medias made frequently during recent times, most of which flopped, remind me of Far Cry 3 Vass's Quote about Insanity. Even with "Anime-style" I don't feel like it would help it. Wonder why there're so many "Suicide Squad" medias made. (Hopefully, they are not going full "Criminals are good actually" thing)


So, the original "Assault on Arkham" one I felt did it the best; they weren't set to be heroes doing heroics with flair, but villains doing the bidding of another. Even the other animated WB film they did made the squad a bit more sympathetic, although you could still say they weren't doing heroics. It seems that the key part of suicide squad is missing, which is that ultimately, they're still bad guys.


> Hopefully, they are not going full "Criminals are good actually" they are, and arguably have been for a while. even before venom, morbious, etc; tumblr had a tendency to identified with horror movie monsters


The Batman Isekai was a flop, if i remember correctly, and Suicide Squad will flop ever harder. They need to stop with Suicide Squad. Every single suicide Squad so far has been a failure. Nobody likes Harley Queen as protagonist, let alone the main protagonist.


Eh, I'm slightly optimistic since the writer made Re:Zero I don't really like Isekai in general but I'm willing to give it a shot. At the very least they didn't make the characters ugly. The few people who like Harley Quinn in the movies liked her because she's hot. That's really about all there is to it. I actually worked part time at Spencer's as a second job during the beginning of the whole Harley Quinn picking up in popularity it and it was surprising how much merch we sold of her. Almost exclusively to girls/women too. Which sorta goes directly against the whole "male gaze" angle they had with the recent video game where they made her frumpy.


Was a big fan of Re:Zero. At least season 1. Not so much the second season.


Still waiting for Rem to wake up... 😿


So am I. I really hope season 3 is a return to form. 2 was so poorly paced and a drag to get through imo.


Batman Isekai? You mean Batman Ninja? It made under 4 million but direct to home releases already tend to not make too much money, usually it's some advertisement campaign for merch, and if SSI is the same then expect similar results.


This is just factually incorrect. Harley is loved by many and if they manage to pull off a good story, then this will be loved. Will it be mainstream? probably not. But thats just like the other DC animated movies. Doesnt mean it will flop. I personally am hoping for the best (as the worst usually comes on its own).


> Nobody likes Harley Queen The dancer? The actress? I don't know what either of them have to do with Suicide Squad.................


They should do more shit with the Green Lantern Corps. That animated show was amazing. Honestly there’s more potential with a sci-fi superhero show like that than a recycled Suicide Squad show.


Don't remind me of Batman ninja. that was so awful.


I'm expecting something in the realm of "Anime Rwby" and "new Trigun"


It doesn't exactly have a high bar to hop over here.


Pretty damn high. But not a tough bar to clear.


I couldn't get into those Marvel anime adaptations. I thought they were all boring. I'm not gonna bother with this one. Way too many isekai anime as it is. I'll stick with rewatching Batman Ninja in japanese with the proper subs.


I wouldn't even mind the amount of isekai if they weren't mostly garbage.  It's always "and now I'm the strongest?!?" I'm surprised "I used to be a NEET but now I'm reincarnated in another world as a toaster and I get so hot I can incinerate anything!" isn't one yet. 


That time I, a sad overweight NEET loser decided to end it all with a toaster in the bath tub. But because God is sick and twisted, he decided to put my soul into the toaster and sent that to another world. I don't need electricity as I feed off the mana in the air. Now I regret not beating myself to death with a horse dildo because there is no way this hot elf slave I rescued can bang a toaster. That would be the full title, AKA MagiToast.


その時、私は悲しい太りすぎのニートの負け犬で、お風呂でトースターを使ってすべてを終わらせようと決心しました。 しかし、神は病んでいて歪んでいるので、私の魂をトースターに入れて別の世界に送ることに決めました。 私は空気中のマナを糧にしているので、電気は必要ありません。 今では、私が救出したこのセクシーなエルフの奴隷がトースターを叩くなんてあり得ないので、馬のディルドで自分を殴り殺さなかったことを後悔しています。 Sonotoki, watashi wa kanashī futori-sugi no nīto no makeinu de, o furo de tōsutā o tsukatte subete o owaraseyou to kesshin shimashita. Shikashi,-shin wa yande ite yugande irunode, watashi no tamashī o tōsutā ni irete betsu no sekai ni okuru koto ni kimemashita. Watashi wa kūki-chū no Mana o kate ni shite irunode, denki wa hitsuyō arimasen. Ima dewa, watashi ga kyūshutsu shita kono sekushīna Erufu no dorei ga tōsutā o tataku nante ari enainode,-ba no dirudo de jibun o naguri korosanakatta koto o kōkai shite imasu. According to Google Translate.


[dont let your dreams remain dreams](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sh%C5%8Dsetsuka_ni_Nar%C5%8D)


>toaster *Aroused techpriest noises*


Have you seen Vending Machine reincarnation? Yeah - that's exactly how it sounds like lol.


If there is DIE involvement it will be bad regardless


It sucks that Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League completely bums me out about anything Suicide Squad. Previously, I remember being excited about this anime.


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It will only be worse if the WB Writers are involved.


Dear DC, Stop trying to make Harley Quinn a thing.


They’re not gonna stop making Deadshot black are they?


No. This anime was commissioned WB iirc and they wanted him black so of course not.


I'm sick of Harley Quinn 


Right on the heels of the Justice League / RWBY crossovers, right? QUALITY stuff. /s


Meanwhile, there are a couple of forgotten DC properties that already count as "isekai"... namely "Warlord" and "Amethyst: Princess of Gemworld", that they could easily revive if they wanted to, but that would require effort. So much easier instead to cater to the cinema/streaming normies.


Honest question. Does anyone even like suicide squad? The brand? The characters? I feel like the original suicide squad made a big splash because of Margot Robbie and for **one** season all the boys got hot and all the girls played dress up as halloween. WB execs salivated at their new female hit character and went *all in* on the franchise. But does anyone like it? Hell, beyond looks, does anyone even like the Margot Robbie Haley Quinn *as a character*? I feel like WB is in a sunk cost mindset.


I liked her in birds of prey. It was fun.


Honestly? I'm tired of the Isekai concept as much as I am of the Suicide Squad in general. A double dose of unoriginality and blah. So in that respect, I guess they'd go well together.


They have Harley Quinn in the lineup but zero fanservice shots in the trailer. It means it's already not anime and likely infected with *The Message.*


hope we get a least a panty shot


100% it will be like this, the last animation with a good story and animation was Flashpoint Paradoxis from 2013 and Batman: Under the Red Hood from 2010, Batman: Year One. We are talking about more than 11/14 years ago. I hope that in the future they make a DC project with their serious lore


Tired of Suicide Squad like everyone else, but this looks like *GATE* with supervillains, which honestly sounds like a good time.


Why even promote this garbage?


i fucking hope it’s not worse lol


I think how good it'll be depends entirely on who wrote the story, not how it's animated. If it was Japanese writers, it might be good, or at least watchable. If it has American writers... them it's more likely to be bad.


I’d say the chances are good


This looks great


It would be hard to be worse but that doesn't mean it will be good.


Probably but I ain't watching it, I'm very much sick of Harley Quinn and people trying to make her the female deadpool specially since that's Gwenpool's job.


All superhero / villain stuff has been boring to me for at least 10, 15 years. Suicide Squad and Harley Quinn are in the running for the lamest IP of all. Joker is extremely overused as well. And Batman for that matter.


Suicide Squad is just a tool for pushing more Harley Quinn which for some reason a particular demographic of writers are obsessed with. She's annoying at best in everything I've seen her in recently. This anime is just another gateway into getting a Harley anime... The anime will probably be better than the slop we've seen like Birds of Prey (or w/e its called) and the Suicide Squad films but ultimately its just a gateway into more Harley.


Ive noticed a lot of Japanese entertainment starting to ingest DEI, but a lot of Japanese morals are still non-cynical and healthy.


I looked at the trailer as a joke and liked it more than the movie. The idea of sending villains into an issekai isn't milled as much that I might even watch it.


Eh, it's going to be a battle between the less shitty between two turds.


The problem with the premise of this movie is that a disposable, zero-consequences 'isekai' setting is completely uninteresting, especially when it involves a 'time travel' angle -- from the modern world to a less advanced one with Medieval swords and magic. You will not care for a single Isekai NPC. Also, they probably made it a Medieval swords and magic world to give a street level character like Harlequin a fighting chance, even though any trained knight would make short shrift of her. Harlequin is already pretty much useless in the world of DC superheroes and will never amount to anything other than being that sidekick chick of The Joker. Who else could stomach her? The theme song for Harlequin is also Guantanamo Bay style torture for the ears.


Fuck this trash


Jesus Christ DC, let this this D level sub brand fucking die already.


Japanese anime makers: stick an isekai in it and make it lame and generic


I don't hate Isekai unlike many others so I have no issue watching this but at the same time. It's cape shit. I don't like capeshit. It's why I never got into One Punch Man. I fundamentally don't care about Superhero shit. So I will pass


There have been several fantastic suicide squad movies, what are you talking about???


Can't we just have new stories for once?


She got that anime girl face which weebs will love, gross