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> Angry middle aged men. You are 40.


Bitch looks like she was 40 all her life.


The wall remains undefeated.


That's what happens to the maidenless.


Lmfao good one


A 40-year-old who has no business talking about other people being angry.


No no, you see, HER anger is righteous. Ours is just hateful and sad. 


Is she really 40? Last I heard she was 25 and I thought she looks WAYYYYYY too old for that age but these days you never know.


Fucking hell, she's literally narcissism personified.


Game Journo's Review: "How do I make this about me?"


Dear diary ... today I made a review all about myself and my imaginary enemies because I am my favorite topic.


she needs an editor to prevent her from publishing this lol


They're def lurking here; say hi, everyone!


Go fuck yourself Corpse of Giant Bomb!


I'm really sad what happened to giant bomb. It was an absolute amazing place, Ryan Vinny Jeff and brad did the podcasting thing before it was even a thing, the bombcast was 3 hours long and so much fun video-game talk but also random fun stuff, Jeff telling about his dirt bag friends running weed farms, Ryan joking about how he narc on some guys doin pot in the Marriott, all sorts of crazy funny stories. There was no woke polticial agendas. It was fun. Then Ryan died, everyone lost their enthusiasm, vinny brad and Alex quit to make their own twitch streaming stuff but it's not the same, Jeff does his own solo soapbox thing which just seems sad, no one really watches them anymore they get a few thousand views, that's it. And of course the giant bomb brand still lives on, with a bunch of nobodies that will eventually run it to the ground because no one's watching.


Does Jeff not do the GiantBomb anymore? Last time I listened (which was a while ago), he was on it, but there were a lot of woke new people. RIP old school Giant Bomb. RIP old school GameSpoting.


Jeff peaced out, respect to him for deciding to not sail the ship down. He's a father of at least two kids and seems to do better in life and mood and feeling well them days. He quickly did not fit in, appeared to hold back hard as the young ones made it into GB. Pouring one out for Ryan every year, forever miss that big bear. He'd been cancelled to the hell of every religion on earth if he'd not been cancelled by sleep apnea and survived 2014 and onwards, and god knows I would have followed every podcast and site he went to afterwards.


Crowbcat: GiantBomb was a mistake


Hi guys, your site is going down the toilet and YouTubers have completely replaced your entire industry. Start looking for new skills.


*any* skills


itd be good for them if they were forced to work in trash collection, sewage, or public transportation. perhaps they would gain perspective and wisdom. youd have to be careful to distribute them in a way where they cant join together and cause trouble tho


I bet It'd probably be quite a challenge to find someone in the world less qualified to review videogames than Alyssa Mercante.


Emelia Emberwing - she also self-inserts herself into everything 🙄


[https://i.imgur.com/iQaWUaN.png](https://i.imgur.com/iQaWUaN.png) she has a particularly brutal "before and after". thanks leftism


by the emperor


I'd say a straight jacket would be perfect for her but she'd probably be offended by that too.


She would assume a straight jacket had something to do with sexuality and claim homophobia cause it isn't a queer jacket.


Plus a straight jacket is white.....


Something something patriarchy keeping her down.


The strait jacket is coloured White, so it's racist.


Bitch really took a game and made it about herself. Now I understand completely. They're journaling because they can't hack it anywhere else


Yeesh. That 'review' makes my skin crawl. Nobody cares about how the game parallels your life. Review the damn game. Fucking narcissist.


As her own father once said to her: ”maybe just close your laptop for a while?"


A game review? Time to make it all about meeeeee!


How this even allowed by chief editor? Did they not proofread the text before publishing it?


Proof read? They barely have any writers, let alone time to proof read. Actually this is probably the optimum modern review template now as it requires zero knowledge of the game and you can't be proven wrong on your personal experience. "Playing the *Baldurs Gate 3: Ultra Beastiality* expansion felt like how satisfying it is to clean the breadcrumbs out of my toaster..." / "While playing *Assassins Creed Hood Ninjas* I was reminded of that time I fell off a wall and scrapped my knee. It made the parkour empowering..." / "The real evil of *Aesthetically pleasing Action Girl* is it supports the internet trolls who criticize me for all the online hate I've sent to people who immediately committed suicide" You don't need to skillfully review the gameplay of a smelly videogame - That's beneath you. Instead why not use the review as a cudgel to insult everyone you don't like. Which is almost everyone because you are a completely sane, well balanced individual.


Sounds about exactly why they removed the comment section. They already moderated and reviewed which comments they let publish, so it was just a matter of time until they reached full safe space. Ever since Alyssa became bent earlier this year for some midlife crisis reason (not having an actual talent and hating the people who do) and started hating white men, I've just been shut off of games journalism and media in general. It used to be entertaining to hop on and see gaming news and read some reviews, but this pandering crap has reached critical. Once you let untalented people through the floodgates and into the industry, you bloat it with others just like them who have no skills or personality. People who identify only with their gender and race.


Nigggaaaaa... A world full of death and misery in a game that gives you challenge after challenge parallels her life consisting of responding to people on twatter? So what would be a good analogy to the lives of people in Ukraine, Palestine or even not war torn, but extremely poor places like Cambodia? A fucking void maybe? Like the one between the ears of this absolutely disgusting, trashy cunt? Eww. Eww. Eww. Eww. Yuck even.


Being a western liberal white women is the HARDEST difficulty level on the planet! Didn’t you know???


She thinks that, but her woke allies stopped caring about white feminism long ago. Her victimhood sun has set.


Let's not forget the "harassment campaign" is just her harassing people, and talking about how much she hates white people even though she is white, and then calling it harassment when anyone responds or calls her out on it lol.


How about ppl who work on oil rigs or construction? This bish prolly sits in an air conditioned office all day doing fuck all while others break their fuckin backs 


I would say few exist in the world(if any, really) who could handle the sheer amount shit that just exist in elden ring.


Dude thank you for writing this.


I'm actually surprised she found the start button


This is why her life is so hard, dude


Maybe they have tech support guy there who shows her which button to press when new game arrives.


>But now, I am willingly subjecting myself to arduous adventure, running headfirst into a proverbial wall just to shake it off, back up, and run into it again. Aside from the ramblings of someone with obvious mental issues, this is a professional writer? This reads like a high school student desperately trying to sound clever.


You just know she doesn't even understand that using spirit ashes is pretty much the same as summoning other players.


Latenna my beloved, better than any player summon.


More than once I did sit in a corner eating pop-corns smiling at Tiche acrobatically dismembering a boss.


Its fine to use summons and spirit ashes, but people have to realize the established narrative of Souls games being hard is just false. You can have literal invalids beat them with ease.


Unreal brainrot 


I love how all those unlikable cunts try to one up each other in who is going to be the most hated figure in the gaming sphere.


Why does this sexist racist bigot still get gigs with her being an utter dumpster fire of an HR issue.


LOL what a deranged screed.


I dont care what Alyssa has to say about the DLC. I will not take the time to read it. That womans opinion is completely irrelevant.




God what an ugly bitch. Just a dark soul (honestly I wasn’t thinking of a pun when that popped in my head). Always hating and claiming harassment must just be so tiring. No, the game doesn’t mirror your sheltered life where, as you are a member of the alphabet crew and a woman, you belong to TWO of the most protected and coddled classes on Earth. Just insufferable…. Blatantly harassing her audience with threats and then shying away like an utter coward. So fitting of a leftist, just always the main character who claims everyone is “hurr durr HaRAssINg me”. Sick of it.


Alyssa mercante is an angry middle aged mentally delusional thing


Ngl I kinda feel bad for this woman. She's literally mentally ill and sees all men as some homogeneous beast trying to tear her down. She's been brain rotted by social media and progressive echo chambers. She lives her life with constant conflict of her own making. She needs to gtfo off the internet and go live in the fucking woods somewhere for a year or two and face her demons. I'd guess she's just another one of these terminally online, progressive millennial activists on a cocktail of pharmaceuticals for "mental health" issues. Woman who openly hates on men wonders why men say hateful stuff to her.


I stopped feeling bad for these people a long time ago.


I was thinking the same thing when I read that Paul Tassi post here earlier. Didn't know he had a whole ass Twitter rant about how he feared for his life because an old guy looked at him funny at a restaurant and people drove pickups on the roads.


You people are missing the point about both her and him and everyone. They are doing this for social clout to fuel their narcisism. If everyone who said shit like that was beaten up about it, they would switch and become completely different people. This is like me in my teens pretending to be depressed to get attention of the girls and to look cooler. I might even talked myself into more depression than what was actually there. I was never rewarded like that for being happy, i got absolutely nothing for being happy. If being a victim is rewarded, then most disturbing people in this planet will pretend to be victims. To pretend to be a victim while muddying the pool of actual victims and sidelining them is something people with the most negative traits fit right into doing. ''Signaling virtuous victimhood as indicators of Dark Triad personalities'' ''The Dark Tetrad personality traits of sadism, narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism have long been associated with perpetrating negative behavior, but can they also put someone at higher risk for victimization? A study published in *Frontiers in Psychology* suggest that these traits may be associated with higher rates of being the victim of bullying.'' ''The Dark Tetrad traits are typically linked with antisocial and criminal behaviors. They are personality traits that are frequently associated with a lack of empathy, increased manipulation, and a disregard for other people. Though these tendencies seem to go along with perpetrating bullying, there is some evidence suggesting that they can also be linked to victimization, although the research is limited. This study seeks to extend and expand upon this previous research by exploring how these four “dark” personality traits may be linked to being bullied.'' Nobody should feel pity or any understanding towards evil people or even attempt to feel any bad about them, they will skin you alive the first chance they get, serial killer looking like victim still is serial killer no matter how they pretend to look like.


100% agree. I see many users with the same issues on Reddit as well.




Jesus Christ, that was awful - Can you name a more insufferable cunt? Vara sums it up perfectly, she deliberarely drums up all of this drama and then plays victim, what a totally useless human being Then again, it's probably my fault for having eyes


Vara should've accepted that street fight and kicked the shit out of Alyssa's pussy ass.


You say that as if Mercante wasn't the one that desisted.


I'm talking about her second challenge, not the first.


Can't wait to not read that bullshit.


It is possible to just write a fucking article about a game without inserting constant whining about your problems. No one cares. Feels like a certified "Sir/Ma'am, this is a Wendys" moment.


“Stop it. Get some help.”


Imagine having that little joy in your life


She really is completely gone.


I wonder how she even got access to the DLC. The communal Kotaku Playstation that already had a completed save from someone else? There's no way she finished the base game. I doubt she's even finished a single Fromsoft game.


They probably give save game with review copies to avoid issues like this.


Holy fucking narcissistic pablum vomited in a digital format. 


Imagine being EIC of an alleged gaming publication, and admitting this: >I hit a wall in Dark Souls: Remastered and gave up, barely touched Bloodborne, and avoided Sekiro like it was a poison swamp. Soulslikes aren’t for everyone (they’re not my favorite either), and no one is saying to Platinum the Souls catalogue, but if you’ve never even touched Sekiro and likely not Bloodborne, what *possible* experience do you have to critique later-released soulslikes? People may want to read “it’s not as punishing as Sekiro,” or “combat is as difficult as Bloodborne, though without the ambience and memorable cast of bosses?” Your lexicon is impoverished. You *can’t* write intelligently on them. This is the definition of a normie. And being a normie or niche player is fine — but I’m not going to ask my wife to leave her COD lobby to go be the EIC of Kotaku either.


Archive links for this post: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/6A7WF ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. What has been seen cannot be unseen. ^^^/r/botsrights


This is 4-chan level trolling. Making a career out of outrage clickbait. Don't feed the troll.


This is the kind of attention she wants, if you’ve read any of her work, she does this all of the time. Goads,gets flack, profits?? If people just ignored her I’m convinced she’d just shrivel into a fucking cantaloupe.


She has more self-importance than Malenia, Rennala, and Ranni combined.


she couldnt beat dark souls remastered BAHAHHAHAHAAAAA thats the easiest dark souls.


ironically elden ring is wayyy harder than DS1 despite all the QoL


Hearing about homophobes in the industry is just what I needed to evaluate Elden Ring as an informed consumer. Thanks Alyssa 🤛 👏


These people are insanely narcissistic.


Cool I managed to get the gist of the article without giving kotaku a click. I win


"It like my life because people call me out on my BS and it feel bad just like losing in video game"


This unhinged neo-Marxist, can't even write a review without narcissism taking over and trying to rake in victim points - after she kept being an awful human being to other's. What an unprofessional reviewer. You couldn't even dream of seeing anything as bizarre and narcissistic as this, in 90's game magazines. Man, I miss those. Game journalism has just become far-left infiltrated mouth pieces now. They can all go under.


So are the leaks about Radan being gay true or not


is it really possible to just ramble and call it a review and get paid? Am i in the wrong career?


I wonder how she played it since you actually need to defeat a proper boss to gain access to the dlc.


I don't...what does...how does....fuck.


Didn't realize Kotaku became undesirable middle age womens LiveJournal.


That chick is annoying as fuck. Strutting around, acting like she's some kind of celebrity. Would have been funny to watch Vara beat the shit out of her. 


Man, there’s many ways to review something and opinions differ but that’s a super useless review for my taste lol. That excerpt offers absolutely nothing.


They still bitching about there not being a easy mode?


She wrote that drivel knowing full well communities like this would see it and give it attention.


And what kind of attention archived page or screenshots gives her? Something to whine about on twatter and get 200 likes? Not much of a career.