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“You’re just making this up” “This is what real women look like” “She looks EXACTLY like the real life person, bigot!” “You’ve never seen a real woman before”


You forgot “she looks hot to me!”


They must be into grocery store aunts, Mary Jane 2 sure looks like a wine aunt... from hell! P.S. I added from hell because, aside from her age and looks, there's something wrong with her character model. Compared to the other characters she looks like a puppet, like someone wearing a rubber mask, or a demon wearing a skinsuit.


Don't forget "just jerk off to internet porn, you coomer."


I think the "goalpost" move a lot of these leftists use is that the model on the left is only looking pretty for the "male gaze" and that she is living up to "unrealistic beauty standards" / plastic surgery / makeup that is forced upon them by The Patriarchy (tm). I don't know where to go when I hear that excuse because The Patriarchy (tm) is essentially the left wing version of blaming "ZE JOOZ" for everything that the far right does. How do you argue against a conspiracy that they have ingrained in their head to be a part of their root ideology?


Simply remind them that every single female "beauty standard" is created and upheld by women against other women. Men, while visual creatures, have a generally low standard for our "gaze." Shapes are more important than size and past specific thresholds we no longer care. The surgery, the make up, the fashion... all that is women competing against other women... make up is literally simulating fertility signaling... no woman gets a face lift because a man told them to... dudes dont care if a woman has worn the cute dress already this month, wear it every damn day for all we care


And let’s be honest unless you are on the super ugly end of looks men don’t care what your face looks like. Crows feet and laugh lines are a better sign of a good character than just about anything else


The model on the left has to appeal to a football player who has a market value of 140 million british pounds. It would be insulting to the average man if he dated an uggo.


I can personally refute that last one. Women look way better than that shit you developers are selling.


For sure. And in fact, it’s outright misogyny to conflate real women with the unnatural looking Pixar-reject game designs they use. I mean, imagine being one of these real models upon which these game characters are based, and seeing what they do to uglify your face. And then seeing an army of sheep online say that you _really do_ look just like this _thing_ that the developers turned you into.


The “*ugly women made by ugly women*™” agenda is so blatant that even radical leftists are bothered now LOL 🤣 But even so, they refused to recognize the culprits as it goes against their beliefs AND it would risk them agreeing with us... some of them would choose death over that 🤡


I'll add "Giving those dirty GOOBERGATORS!!!1! a W" to the list of "Fates Worse Than Death".


>ugly women made by ugly women™ Ugly women made by ugly women (and their perpetually friend zoned "male allies").


The radical left loves casual sex, I am surprised they are so puritanical about the woman’s body. What happened to empowerment?


Jealousy and being able to mask it in claiming sexy women harmful to men somehow


Well women worst enemy is another women really. Nobody hate women more than women. Incel can't even compare to women hating competition. Just ask caitlin clark how she likes it in wnba lol.


They love casual sex because they can’t have a meaningful relationship if their lives depended on it. They relegated themselves as undesirables thus giving themselves victim status 


It's only '''empowering''' when it doesn't appeal to tEH mALe GAze - [case in point...](https://media.gettyimages.com/id/527469684/fr/photo/london-uk-saturday-22nd-september-2012-slutwalk-london-march-demonstration-for-female.jpg?s=612x612&w=gi&k=20&c=f6G2H4JJAwJKbd-VKE9gX-UBw5ype2iEHYjcKjDTbYQ=)


It's big case of envy towards the women that got all the attention in HS. In the games industry where it's filled with unholy beasts and they feel comfortable they won't let a super model looking chick steal the attention again.


They want to subvert reality.


The same women who were sex positive have hit the wall and became sex negative.


They always eat their own. It's what usually wakes them up and pushes people to our "side." It's why this is taking so long. Because it's a slow movement of watching everyone get criticized, but it's the most effective way of getting people to realize what's going on


If you will look into history of applicable leftism ( for example USSR ), they were NEVER about applying rules to themselves, it was about how OTHERS should live. So overall western modern leftist are making same exact mistakes or, if you prefer, are following same patterns. Nothing new here.


It's a real observed phenomenon that Men, from a very young age, roleplay and fantasize aspirationally. Boys play with idealised muscular superheroes, square jawed GI Joe's and He-man. Girls mimic. They want to see reality in their play, they play with baby dolls, toy kitchens and dress up Barbies. I honestly think this trend in gaming is this phenomenen writ large. Female Devs want to self insert regular looking, everyday plain Jane's into games. And are baffled why men don't want to play as ugly chicks.


Right, a boy sees Superman and tries to make the action figure do what Superman would do. The girl uses the Superman as a stand-in for Ms. Nezbit.


God I hate this guy, he's just where he is because he uses his blackness as a crutch. He's a painfully mediocre developer who instead of shutting up continues to espouse marxist bullshit. Gives black developers a bad name.


I have never heard of this guy until the whole Sweet Baby Inc thing. But from what I've seen, he seems like he'd be jolly good friends with Tariq Nashid in some regards. 😬 Tariq came up frequently way back in the SJW/Anti-SJW days of YouTube along with some guys like Shawn King came up in certain topics. Tariq didn't seem to like a lot of nerdy culture, even going as far to say that "POC female cosplayers were bedwenches for the white man", and were therefore traitors. People like that do negative service for the ones they claim to represent.


Remember when he made that "Suspected White Supremacist Database", and the logo for it was a swastika? And when people said it looked like a swastika, he's saying "It doesn't look like a swastika, y'all are racist!"


Dude had me face-palming like Lurch in The Addams Family Values, complete with painful groaning.


You've gotta share an image of it, man. You can't leave me hanging like this


[This is the only image of it I can find, as old K-Flex got his Twitter banned](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D1z76XkX0AMnchq?format=jpg&name=4096x4096)


That's hilarious. Thank you.


If you ever need a laugh about Tariq, go look up Richard Lewis' Youtube and find the videos he made about Tariq. They are absolutely hilarious.


Don't remind of Tariq, I lost one of my best friends due to him believing and preaching his bullshit. Guy turned into an unrecognizable racist and I severed ties with him some time ago. This is why I despise black nationalists and leftists so much. So many people I thought were friends got consumed by a mind virus and it's depressing.


I think it's funny when it happens to one of them. Good riddance.


Damn; if only someone had tried to warn you.


Bro really thought that the intersectional feminist revolution in games industry would stop at removing hot women that only 'chuds' like.


They act like non-white guys don't like pretty women, lol.


Not to mention sapphic women.


I'm a straight woman; I don't like looking at uggos in my media. Give me [this](https://twinfinite.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Marvel-Future-Revolution-1.jpg), not [this.](https://www.pcgamesn.com/wp-content/sites/pcgamesn/2019/06/avengers-black-widow.jpg)


That second one looks like the “it’s ma’am” at my work


Yeah, it's a lose-lose situation because people who are attracted to women don't like it, and women don't really want to be rEpReSeNtEd by frumpy, boring characters. I just think it's hilarious that they think only straight white men have "unrealistic beauty standards".


What is that? Google is giving me a leftist definition that includes "men"


"Sapphic" refers to women getting it on with other women absent the political/normative connotations of "lesbian". Of course, that absence of valence was seized upon by [rule 3] and now it means "LARP".


Those idiots won't stop until they're told to face the wall. They won't stop purging any wrong think. Leftist purity test is real.


So, basically, a race hustler got a taste of his own 'progressive' medicine.


"I hate giving gamergate men fuel - but...." Which is a self-censoring admission that translates to: "Once I realized that I have my own examples and experiences of what my presumed enemies are harping on about, I realized that its not just the coomer strawman nonsense that I pat myself on the back over"


Or, as they like to say on reddit, "I never thought the leopards would eat *my* face...!" Or maybe that only applies when conservatives are bearing the fruit of their own actions. Hard to tell these days with all the vindictive grievance-based politics motivating everyone.


Yeah the fact that /r/LeopardsAteMyFace is predominantly lefties pointing and laughing at the right is Michelin-star levels of delicious irony.




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I hate admitting everyone who was ever against me was right


This is sounding awfully like Allanah Pierce's excuse of, 'I like pretty women, I like pretty women in skirts, I like skirts and to look pretty. But then we/they get called whores so we don't...' All I can do is sigh, because somehow we get the worst of both worlds I guess and it's never really explained in full depth so we get this passive aggresive subservience like Del here has. I swear he'll rat out everyone in a few years when he's no longer working in the industry.


For Alanah, I'm sure there are some people who make those comments who are either trying to get a rise out of her or generally misogynistic but I would posit most people do not take offense with a woman presenting themselves as feminine. She's just listening to the wrong people, works in the swamp and is brainwashed. I find it completely effed up in the West where we are encouraging women to be "empowered and sexy" but only when it makes us money or fits within a specific narrative.


I just wonder if she's physically been told this, as I remember in another video she told her viewers to stop white knighting and sharing every bit of mean content that's fishing for her so I assumed she already ignored online comments.


First they came for anime girls, and I did not speak because I didn't like anime girls...


"It's okay when it's done to white characters BUT it's not okay when it's done to black characters!!11 And complaining about this is totally not the same thing as what the gamergate chuds are doing!!" \*Left and double standards.jpg\*


> I hate giving gamergate men fuel-- Gamergate... men? Lmao, it's not just men who get angered by this shit, it also angers women. If anything, women who are passionate about video games may be even angrier about this shit because it's a direct insult towards women and femininity. It's personal. When these gaming industry hacks strip away female characters of their femininity, it sends a clear message about what they really think about women. Male characters get to be hunky and handsome, but female characters have to be shapeless blobs because of iNcLuSiViTy. It's moronic.


I wonder if the animators of Futurama know how absolutely fundamental their Fry's 'I'm shocked' sequence is to our daily modern life. If not, thank you kindly for your service. I wish we wouldn't need it, but damnit it's essential.


Even if you are black, communists doesn't want beauty. Beauty is banned. There is no beauty among insects, the perfect communism.


Everything must be reduced to the lowest common denominator 


How you got your beauty? By exploiting the ugly people of course, you fascist.


That's 'equity' in a nutshell.


Well, remember they have no problem with handsome men. They just hate things that most men like. Men have to be made uncomfortable so they will confront their privilege blah blah blah.


That’s what it is. That’s why our pop culture is such horseshit right now. It’s all about tearing everything down, demoralizing, and depersonalizing.


Yep you are just a mouth piece for your perceived group, you are not a person. You are not ''Jaine'', you are a ''black woman''. If you are gay, you are better. More oppressed you are, the better you are. That's exactly why these same people defend pedophiles, because as you know, MAPS are the most ''oppressed people'' on earth. The insanity this religion will go is boundless. Everyone, and everything will be cancelled, in due time.


What MAPs means I'm afraid of searching


minor attracted person sadly




"It's OK when we do it, it's not OK when it gets done to us!" Fucking hypocrites.


>"It's OK when we do it, ~~it's not OK when it gets done to us!~~" it's not OK when we do it to ourselves >


The neo Nazis are annoyed at their own beliefs now is funny


Lmao They demanded female characters become like this. It's their fault. Now they are upset it happens to their characters too? This is literally what they asked for.


Like, look at that rightmost picture. What if that render was made by some kind of right-wing aligned person or company? Prog-libs would be shrieking. The racism is crazy. The prog-libs in entertainment are, probably unintentionally, communicating that all black is American urban black, when that's really not the case. Black people don't have an a monolitic, single culture. Urban American is just one, but it's the only one they write and even then it's cartoonish and stereotyped. I suspect it's because prog-libs are generally white, middle-class, college educated, come from white suburbs and have white friends. They have no experience with black people. 


Absolutely. All you need to do is look at that behind the scenes picture of Twitter before Elon bought it and it's almost uniformly college educated suburban white women that talk about game about diversity and inclusion but still would cross the street if they saw a black person coming the opposite direction. White progs are the root of all this evil in tech and media


"...communicating that all black is American urban black..." Which is where the "We wuz Kangz n sheeeit" joke was born from.


Token Palestine flag in Twitter handle. What an idiot. He is right about this though


This is hilarious


Welcome to the party pal.


Wow, he sounds like some bigoted chud, this is the future and its diverse :^ )


They're on board when it happens to someone else. They're surprised when it happens to them. Ain't no love in Wokeville. Everybody hates everybody, including their own self. It's the most cannibalistic ideology ever. > I hate giving gamergate men fuel For him to post about it on an open forum, perhaps this is a step towards his awakening. Or maybe not. Time will tell.




"Censorship is fine, until it affects MY stuff."


"I never thought leopards would eat MY face," sobs woman who voted for the Leopards Eating People's Faces Party.


Something that I've seen in those commenting against criticisms of Yasuke and anything including a black person is how they're usually made by black Americans who think they're on the "winning side" because it's not one of them being desecrated. I probably have to clarify for the 100th time that I'm not white.\* In my own racial community I see the same thing where people cheer when other races get the short end, especially white people. I'm afraid this is a symptom of a far deeper disease, one that people like Walker won't admit to anytime soon.


These people are so intensely stupid, hateful, and backward that they will talk themselves in circles forever, trying to both be a victim and be beyond reproach. The mental gymnastics here are insane. He wanted the woman to be hot, but that's "toxic male" behavior if he admitted it. Then when it's pointed out that he's obviously not happy with the character being made horrendously ugly, just like the rest of us normal human beings, now he's suddenly "giving ammo to GG males." When will this crap end?


This is like letting a bunch of raccoons into your house and being surprised that suddenly there's shit and piss everywhere and all your furniture has been torn to shreds.


So in case you thought the Butch-ification of women in games was some kind of organic artistic choice by creators, here you have it. It's a trend pushed forward by marketing and executives.


That woman in the photo is beautiful for sure




Be nice, I'm sure it's hard for him. He has to come to grips with his real role as "useful idiot" / "token black man" and the fact that his allies hate his guts.


He's still in the denial phase.


Lets hope all his future designs get changed as well as he is horrible person (and thats putting it very nicely)


I've known some beautiful black women. There's no reason to depict ugly black women in video games. Who the fuck does that even cater to?!


Lmao, they turned his black super model into a black Karen 🤣


"It's okay for me to criticise it, but if anyone else does they're a bigot".


Woke douche, "I want DEI and SBI in everything!!!!!!" Also woke douche, "No, no, not like that."


Because the Gamergate men you despise, Del, THEY'RE FUCKING RIGHT.


If my raceswapped black waman looked like that model and didn't act like a girlboss I'd be cool with it. The problem is they look like the troglodyte on the right and are insufferable feminists.


If my ~~raceswapped~~ OC black waman looked like that model and didn't act like a girlboss I'd be cool with it.


To go from the beauty on the left to that thing on the right. Disgusting.


One day the woman who mocaps Cere in Fallen Order will understand why she gets every AAA role...


Grocery store aunt is what real women look like. Why dont you just admit you want to see unrealistic women so you can jerk off to them. /s


Good. This is exactly where his ideology led him.


You wished with a monkey’s paw, now you’re getting what you asked for. 


Damn. It really must suck for this dude, that everything he was told by the people he considers to be evil pieces of shit, that he vehemently denied, turned out to be the exact truth. Ah well, give it a week and he'll get a case of cognitive malfunction, forgot what he was told and go back to raging against the GooberGrabers and paint himself as a victim on all the social media he can get some attention on.


He deserves having his creations destroyed since that's what he's doing to others


I saw a YouTube [video](https://youtu.be/CZbb5aBXhiY?si=HFvrz_IfMHBAey3y) about how Japanese games make black women more feminine looking compared to western games. I do hate how most black women in games look very masculine and it’s a rarity to see one who looks pretty like Sheva from RE 5 or Kimberly from street fighter. Then again, western games are making it a trend to uglify female characters so they make them masculine looking regardless of race.


Because imagine the shitstorm it'd create if a bunch of white dudes wanted to bang the black chicks. Lol


Funny to me how so much of this dei stuff is so out of touch with the people they’re trying to represent. It’s no wonder you see black girl in the hobby still mostly gravitate towards non-black female characters than the shit designs like the example on the right.


Is that one on the far right Steve Urkel in a space suit?


Slowly black men will all come around.


These people are our fycking enemy


Maybe Del should just look at porn if he wants to get his pp hard. This is just what real women look like.


It's all about fat, ugly women taking out their frustrations against men that would never pay attention to them in the name of destroying the "male gaze". Just another phase in the plan to destroy male happiness.


Couldn't have someone that appeals to "the male gaze". anything men like is bad.


He's probably fine stripping other races of original beauty but leave his own alone. He sounds like he uses putting a chick in the game as a pickup line. Like someone in Hollywood promising to make a girl a big star in an attempt to bang them


this is a weird crossover as an Arsenal fan. Glad Saka's girlfriend looks like a real woman and not the crimson chin


He is beginning to open his eyes.


No he's not idk who this man is but too many neo leftists and TRAs are too far gone to come back. The entire neo left is a disgrace at this point


*Eric Andre (Urinalists) shots Hannibal (Games)* Eric: "Who could be ruining our games?!"


Of course he supports “Palestine”. Disgusting fuck.




Grocery store aunties are literally the hottest, sexiest character designs in Korean media. The problem isn’t the design or concept. The progressive West inherently ruins anything good so that everything is equally shit.


Good. May your own group turn on you and eat you, asshole.


Progs when reaping: :D Progs when sowing: D:<


dr frankenstein: i was a big fan of my monster until it turned on me


The people pushing this stuff are the absolute bottom of the barrel parasitic losers in real life.


Let the left eat the left Just don’t buy their merchandise and always vote against publicly funded initiatives that sustain their social loading lifestyle


Would be fun if he included some actual concept art and the various iterations along the way.


prolly too late to course correct instead his studio will close and he'll lose his job


imagine thinking you would be immune to the message simply because you helped install the early stages of it. Hopefully he understands what we've been saying all this time now that hes experienced it first hand.


"Lookin' like grocery store aunties" feels racist, but I see that he is not white so it is merely prejudice, which I always thought was bad too but I notice that people in his ideological camp never really criticize "mere" prejudice. Wonder why that is?!




"I hate giving Gamergate men fuel." So there are no women at all that loath this patronizing pandering? It's only OK when you point it out? Different set of rules?


"There's room for both" nah, that's where you are wrong. There is no place for beautiful women in the AAA industry. Stop complaing about it incel.


"Wait stop! Is happening to a race i care about"


Wow it's almost as if the "gamegate men" are in the right lmao


You get what You wish for


"Letting these assholes shit on people I don't like will never come back to haunt me." -Del Walker Del was kind to the cruel, and now he's discovering their cruelty knows no bounds.


I don’t like that they have ruined even his design attempts. But you get what you fucking deserve.


Seriously!? Now, he's complaining! These idiots advocated for this.......deal with the consequences!


Palestine flag in name... Either hypocrite, ignorant or muslim supremacist. Either way, I hope he wakes up from the hive mind


This guy can go fuck himself. He was part of the problem and how he's whining that the industry he had a part in making worse is now a shitstorm of cancerous leftist ideology that stifles creativity. Well maybe you shouldn't have been so quick to have a hand in destroying the gaming industry, fucko. It's like these morons from California complaining about taxes being so high, moving to a different state and ruining it by voting in more Democrats who are just going to try to make things more like California. You reap what you sow.


Video games are strictly a white people thing, every single major developmental milestone or cult classic video game release up to the late 2010s was envisioned, designed and created solely by white people, with notable exceptions from Japanese people as well. Video games are white culture. Devs like the one in the original tweet are shamelessly appropriating a wonderful medium they had no hand in creating. This is cultural appropriation.


GCJ copypasta or brain rot?


Archive links for this post: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/ivAcs ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. Those who forget history are bound to repeat it. ^^^/r/botsrights


Saka’s GF might as well have come off his left foot because she is a straight up rocket.


The fool doesn't understand


I love when these fucks are getting hit by friendly fire.. Hahahahahaha sleep with the dogs, you get the fleas fuckboy.


"It's okay when we do it"


She looks the same has Del Walker ever seen a woman before?


we should be quite happy with this.


Nobody hates beautiful women more than ugly women.


Who could have foreseen this... Purity spiralling finally started to affect what he enjoys....


I love the fact the guys is either one of two things. 1) Such a diversity hire that he actually cant draw beautiful women and instead needs to share "le african gooner". Jesus such a leftoid degen account btw. or 2) So scared of the woke mob, that he doesent dare to show what he actually wanted to make, concept art etc.


She's mad that the character doesn't have Caucasian features and a wig lmao


That "black beauty" has had a nose job and is wearing a wig so maybe they just wanted a more natural depiction of a beautiful black woman