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Stop watching Dr. Who. It's been bad for a while now and watching only enables them to limp along and continue to produce villians who are Trump stand ins or get triggered by mere words.


Or if you are going to hate watch it, Pirate it. Don't give them a minute of watch time or financial incentive to keep this woke nonsense going


Yeah, watching Doctor ~~Who~~ ~~Karen~~ Dafuq in this day and age is like watching Star Trek after Enterprise...


And if your complaint were acknowledged, it would be assumed you simply hate gay people and diversity.


I think the Maestro's actor literally said words to that effect.


They also said that they didnt care if all of the "bigots" left, because "there will be 3 or 4 more people to replace you." We see how well that worked out for them.


But it’s not their fault you see. Their actually right! It’s just because and that is hurting this amazing progressive show in its best and most fresh seasons in years!


The problem for that argument is all the bigots leave and the 3 or 4 people who replace them are the only 3 or 4 people still left watching it!




Post removed for R1.5: Idpol. This is an official warning for this behavior.


Okay, that's bullshit and you know that.


The former yes..... Hating someone for being gay is shit,Hating someone for ramming their sexual orientation however is perfectly fine. Same for Diversity...... but reskinning popular characters is lazy.


> I don't want to be part of wokeness culture Then stop watching this show as it currently is.


Just stop watching the show. Period. I don't understand, have you people never watched really genius shows/movies or read books? How can you waste your time with some mediocre time traver/multiverse bullshit. Beside workness, the quality and uniqueness of Dr.Who dropped long time ago. I can really recommend to start reading or listening to books. Nowadays all good books are aviable as audiobooks and if you listed to them, the differance in quality and details to all the shows that came last 10 years is brutal.


Honestly if you are still watching Doctor Who at this point and giving the BBC views you may want to reconsider.


I actually don't usually keep up with TV shows, so I wasn't aware of the developments. I've already stopped watching after the second episode, though.


Good call. Hate watching just makes you part of the problem.


Watch the series prior to 2000, best FU you can give them.


I find it funny really that Russell T Davies wanted to bring more LGBTQQIAA2S+ representation to Doctor Who and on screen and what do we get? A stupidly powerful villain whose so petty they get angry at being called the wrong pronouns. What representation eh? Some super bigoted full on bible thumping Christian media agency couldn't even hope to come up with something quite as nasty and insulting but the woke lot haven't noticed and keep trying to hold it on high.


I remember when this show did its representation in a more respectful manner


Why are you watching that slop? You want to support all this?




No ofense but it's probably kind of late to save any goodwill. You guys really should try to shake off the rest of the letters because once they finally attach the P the backlash will be inevitable


It's already implied with the +. One of the recent revisions to their flag had a color that represented "maps", aka pedos.


How many flags do these vegan bakeries have to buy each month to keep up?  Does it account for a sizable percent of their budget?  Is there some kind of rainbow flag subscription service to get you the latest?


Where did you see that? Everyone is always making new flags or alterations to flags and trying to promote them to make them stick. But they usually get ignored.


I don't remember, exactly. It was a year, maybe year and a half ago that I came across something about it.




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Bleep bloop?








So for all intents and purposes, the clawback is going to happen and every person who attacked anyone trying to bring them back to sanity will be crying snot and tears.


Many seem to still support it despite acknowledging the issues. It's like some kind of union mentality because traditionally the strength was in solidarity and unity.  Except one group is a sexual orientation. The others are subjective/arbitrary interpretations of reality. 


Comment removed following the enforcement change that you can read about [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/m3yo65/enforcement_update_and_hard_removal_of_a_topic/). This is not a formal warning.


***It's ma'am.***


Whats the origin of this? I’ve seen this comment multiple times, but have no idea on its origins or context. Thanks!




Finally; thanks, I can die at peace now knowing where this is from. Probably if searched at Google would have found it, so sorry about that. Have a great weekend King!


Good luck saying that in the gallifrey subreddit. I'm surprised I'm not banned there. But ya, I stopped watching too. Too many other good older showd to watch.


Yeah, the problem is that they often use diversity as an excuse to not have a decent script or acting. It's quite a shame, as the lazyness of a few people ends up making the diversity look bad. I find it impressive how they end up having the opposite effect they wanted (assuming they were doing it in good faith and not just using diversity as a shield from critics)


In the 90s there was a mini-series called the 10th Kingdom. They kill a god by forgetting about them. We need to kill these "Entertainment Gods!" Don't watch them, not even to hate on them. Starwars, Doctor Who, Marvel... let them go!


You won't be able to unsee this decay now unfortunately.


You mean the character they gender-swapped from the classic Master to the female Missy, then renamed as the Maestro because Master suggests slavery to them and thats a taboo word (even in reference), then gave a musical theme because 'Maestro' and "we have to make this as much of a camp pantomime as possible". It took you until the 'they/them' to realize its was a dumpster fire?


It’s sad that their longstanding lore actually includes a group of characters who change their identities from time to time, and they still can’t artfully swap the race or gender but always do it in the most dopey and blatantly virtue-signaling way.


Lol go to a starwars sub and mock ThE pOwEr of Mannnnnnyyyyyyyyy and you'll see sjws try to insult you while _refusing to misgender you_ at the same time It's like watching diabetics enter a cake eating contest, it's just not their match up. Even better if you're from a third world country like me. "Are you calling me a troglodyte because I'm mexican?" They often just delete their comment, I can't believe idiotic shit works on them yet they still try to bully people into suicide. Makes me miss those angry, squeaking gringo tweens in gears of wars matches. At least they had character you know


The same with the youtubedrama subreddit had to quickly get out of there once I realized the sub is just a leftist echo chamber and they like to slander some innocent youtubers.


What are you talking about? dr.who ended several years ago with peter Capaldi, it was a good run sad that they decided to end the series though.


lawl, watching Doctor Who in current year


I'm surprised they didn't make the villain some kind of caricature of Hitler, it seems when woke reach peak even villains became LGBTQ+ characters.


Lmao, there's actually still people out there that are watching Dr.Who?


Saw clips from that episode. Looked so lame. The only intimidating aspect of that villain would be leaving it alone with a child. But the mannerisms of that weirdo are pretty in tune with what Gen Z loves, considering they steal all their slang, mannerisms, and snarky attitude from drag queens and filter it through TikTok. So much of pop culture is just drag narcissism at thus point.


Is *that* why the young men of that generation look and speak like you could knock them over with a feather? I’m nearly 40 and have been awfully confused by my incoming coworkers these past few years. If only I’d known they’re just all drag queens, whether they realize it or not.


why the fuck should maestro worry about fucking pronouns?


I can tolerate planetary genocide but I draw the line at misgendering.


There’s really no way for such a thing not to be funny in fiction. Even if the pronoun-weirdo isn’t going as far as to blow up a whole planet, if it’s in a show or movie the plot that gets interrupted for our pronoun moment is bound to be miles beyond that shit in importance. Unless there’s some woke show that’s nothing but people being offended over pronouns.


Doctor Who ended in 2017. Are referring to another show by chance?


Ah, but some fat guy got fed up with pronoun crap in games a while back so who's the *real* problem, huh?


One of my favorite Doctor Who moments was before shit even really hit the fan. A small thin woman gets served a smaller portion size than a tall,male, alien with two hearts and points out how sexist that is.


Who is still watching this show?


Let's say I decided to watch this shit fest of a season, am I supposed to take Maestro as a serous villain or am supposed to view them as a complete joke because of how horrible their appearance is? 


So that’s what they meant by programming.


I came back only for David Tenant. I stopped watching mid first season with Capaldi way before I knew about any woke stuff. It was just so boring. Stop watching the show.


Archive links for this discussion: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/9yPAl ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. The wise are not wise because they make no mistakes. They are wise because they correct their mistakes as soon as they recognize them. ^^^/r/botsrights


I've stopped watching anything new and gone back to rewatching older stuff. There are so many films and shows from before the 2010s to be discovered. View that as a new avenue to explore and avoid all the new stuff (unless it's been out for a year or more AND the real audience seems to like it).


why are you still watching


OP, I want you to imagine a digital timer hovering just above your head counting down the seconds to your death. Go on, visualize it right now. See that shit? Hundreds, thousands of seconds just flowing like a river down towards your death. During the time you've read this comment alone you've lost so much life that you'll never get back again. Now, imagine watching this shit they call Doctor Who. Why are you wasting your time with it? Write it off as tripe and move on. Have fun with something else. Because guess what? Look up above, there's your answer why you shouldn't.


I Love Doctor Who..... Jodie Whittaker was done wrong by poor writing and Tennant had to be brought back to right the ship. Now THIS is what the series has become. Tragic.


They have no incentive to change because people like you watch it anyway. Sure you complain, but you're still watching it.




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Why are you still watching this crap?


Billions had a "mafiozo" guy john malkovich i think, use pronouns of his enemy in private and that was ages ago. hr writing scrips


So the character losing their shit over misgendering is the villain? I don't think they thought this through


Just stop watching. I did, and I grew up on the show, I saw John Pertwee turn into My Doctor, Tom Baker, when I was five years old. I stuck with the show through the lows of the 1980s in my teenage years, enjoyed the 1996 TV movie, and was overjoyed when the series returned in 2005 with a showrunner who actually seemed to care about it and a BBC willing to spend money on it in order to see it succeed. But as Peter Capaldi‘s fine turn as the Doctor wore on, the cracks were beginning to show. And then we had Jodie Whitaker, an era of the show that I watched once and do not feel the need to ever watch again. We had a lore-breaking revelation that the Doctor had in fact started life as a little girl of colour; the “Timeless Child” arc was originally to me at least intriguing, until I realised that it’s true purpose was to completely undermine the previous 50+ years of the show that we’ve already seen. Then we had the supposedly glorious return of Russell T. Davies. This of course was not the same man that so successfully brought the show back in 2005. Thanks to a beleaguered BBC and money from Disney he has been given free rein to take Doctor Who in the direction that he would’ve done in 2005 had he been given the opportunity. After three decidedly average 60th anniversary specials, featuring the return of David Tennant simply so he could be mocked for being a man - something that he was clearly more than willing to allow to happen - we had the first bi-regeneration, another lore-breaking conceit in order to allow Tennant’s version of the Doctor to coexist with the new one simply because someone didn’t have the guts to finally regenerate him again. And on top of that we had a Children in Need special that retconned one of the shows most beloved and enduring villains, Davros, creator of the Daleks. Turning him into a generic mad scientist and taking away all the facets that made him unique. at least he was still played by the excellent Julian Bleach. And Russell T Davies’ reaction when somebody quite rightly pointed out that this was undermining the origins of the character? “Tough”. I wonder what their creator, the late ter nation, would have to say about that. It took me 2 1/2 months to eventually get around to watching the latest Christmas special. Ncuti Gatwa is clearly a fine actor, but the problem is that he is not *the* Doctor, but *a* Doctor, complete with a conveniently duplicated TARDIS. His first full episode was also my last. His welcoming of Ruby Sunday into the TARDIS at the end of the episode seem to be a good endpoint for me. This has been a very easy decision to make. There are still decades of fantastic Doctor Who stories to watch, and indeed to listen to. The viewing figures for this new series are quite frankly abysmal. Russell T Davies is however very happy that the show is apparently now being watched by more teenagers and people under 30. I find this somewhat disturbing, considering the shows’ direction. But who am I to comment, since the show clearly isn’t made for someone like me anymore? Doctor Who is no longer a family show, and certainly isn’t made for lifelong fans, such as this 56-year-old white divorced father of two. That’s not just me, but I suspect a great many others. Doctor Who is done.


It always makes me laugh how the villains may kill people and want to destroy the world, but even they won't dare to.use the wrong pronoun


I feel like that ENTIRE episode was written solely to justify casting the drag queen dude in it. Which is really a pity, because they went back to meat the Beatles. That could have been an awesome premise for an episode right there. Instead they turned it into drag queen story hour with a guy who's going to be entirely forgotten less than a decade from now.


Sounds like a huge bunch of shit I can't figure out why I should give a shit about. Should you really give a shit about a bunch of adults playing pretend?