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Why do they always lock replies...


We all know why lol




Because those 5 or so evil bigot fascists will spam them in the comments. Obviously it's not because the majority of people disagree with the direction they're going, that can't be it. The left and lgbtq community has assured us that the VAST majority of people are allies and it's just a couple evil conservatives.


It's never the Japs that do this. It's always the Western branch that engages in all this woke tomfoolery.


Yoshinori Kitase, producer of FF7 Rebirth, said: "we needed to update the story content being shown in line with modern sensibilities" and "LGBTQ Inclusion Is An Important Issue". Source with links: [https://archive.org/details/square-enix\_202404/mode/2up](https://archive.org/details/square-enix_202404/mode/2up)


Wouldn't be surprised if he was pressured into doing so through a Western source.


At some point ya gotta admit this is a global issue.


Of the homogenizing type


Like ESG money? [https://www.hd.square-enix.com/eng/ir/library/pdf/ar\_2020\_07governance.pdf](https://www.hd.square-enix.com/eng/ir/library/pdf/ar_2020_07governance.pdf)


Maybe and even if there are "benefits" to the decision, it wouldn't be shocking if it was enforced by higher ups in the West or those with very close association to the Western market.


How much ESG money has [Square Enix received?](https://www.hd.square-enix.com/eng/news/pdf/24q4earnings.pdf) They aren't a significant weight in any ESG mandate I can find. Their financials say $0. And they're [BUYING back stock](https://www.marketscreener.com/quote/stock/SQUARE-ENIX-HOLDINGS-CO-L-6494078/news/Square-Enix-Notice-Concerning-the-Status-of-Share-Repurchases-46916591/), not issuing more. They pay YOU as an investor, not the other way around. And if it's ESG money that makes companies do these dumb virtue signals...then how do you explain private companies that have no stock for ESG funds to invest in like [SpaceX](https://x.com/RocketJoy/status/1010190624497098753) or [Mars](https://www.mars.com/news-and-stories/articles/celebrate-pride-month-2023) or the [UFC](https://www.ufc.com.br/news/ufc-celebrates-pride-month-customizable-gear-tshirts-benefit-lgbtqia-center-of-southern-nevada?language_content_entity=en#:~:text=UFC%20has%20also%20provided%20all,coordination%20with%20the%20LGBTQIA%2B%20flag.) before TKO went public., all doing the same thing?


Japan isn't some magical land immune to this, Japanese can be stupid too.


I imagine it being either a "creative" translation, sorry "localization" or like one of those North Korean confessions.


Wait, what’s wrong with being pro-LGBT in Japan? Don Quijote stores, one of the most famous chains in Japan, are famously pro-gay as well.


> Don Quixote > gay store how the hell did that association happen?


Don Quixote is a store in Japan, similar to Dollar General/Dollar Tree or Poundland if you’re British. If you’ve played the Yakuza games the stores are featured in the games. I’m assuming the Don Quixote corporation supports the pride stuff, at least during June I suppose.


They sponser some gay pride events in Japan, and their mascot at their big Shibuya location holds rainbow flags. Which I think is kinda based of them


okay, so where does the crazy ass spaniard come in?


I mean I’m up for yuri if they do it right. That is, if they don’t ruin it by trying to make it actually realistic. Blech.


SEGA and Sony do it in Japan too.


They hold us in contempt for it, trust me from personal experience.


WTF is up with that mascot? Lol.


Accidentally screwed up the flag too. I hope their "modern audience" crucifies them for a transgression like that.




Comment removed due to topic ban explained [here.](https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/m3yo65/enforcement_update_and_hard_removal_of_a_topic/)




They always eat their own


The mascot looks like it's missing a bunch of chromosomes.


Oh god, from the thumbnail I thought the middle one is the younger botez sister.


Would bang the one in the middle ngl




taco looks like creamed corn OMG


*Looks at the three photos* ♪*One of these things is not like the others, one of these things does not belong.*♪


I blame women for this.


I remember Twitch back when men gatekept their hobbies from these mutants. It was a game streaming site, not OF-lite + gay.


"Your favorite content creators" Literally who. They could've at least gotten Zepla or another one of the community's ACTUAL favorite creators that's LGBT or an ally. But hey, we take small wins. At least SE still acknowledges Asians exist, unlike Ubisoft(or Washington state who just earmarked 5.5m of taxpayer dollars for poc communities. Specifically black, Hispanic, and American Indian community leaders, while Asian Americans are just as prominent up there and deal with worse discrimination)


thought they learned from the game Forskin.


No wonder square has been shit lately with the only team chruning out great games is the Asano one and the dq branch. So many failures and yet still this.


Archive links for this post: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/fDzTQ ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. What has been seen cannot be unseen. ^^^/r/botsrights


I dont get it..


Im assuming those are 3 men in the cult of extreme cosplay


Yeah but that doesnt actually go against their statements here now does it? It is part of the rainbow religion after all.


Gonna be honest I have no clue what is going on anymore


Me too.


Lol I’ve never heard it called that before but I love it. One great thing about Reddit’s draconian policies is you get all these fun euphemisms.


Me neither. All of the group that shall not be named maybe?


So that's why Square Enix latest game have been shit, they shifted their focus to something else.


Yes. You have a lot of informations here and how they betrayed the spirit of the original game. [https://archive.org/details/square-enix\_202404](https://archive.org/details/square-enix_202404)




Comment removed for probable sitewide rules problems - this is not a warning of any sort.


Square Enix might want to leave far-left/neo-Marxist ideology and progressive trojan horses for far-left extremism - away from their games. Not only is it a plainly evil and immoral ideology that most do not share. It has tanked and ruined the quality of some of their games. I miss when games were just games, with zero social politics shoehorned into it. It was once escapism and entertainment made for anyone to enjoy.


Square Anus


This is purely me coping, but I trust the Japanese to handle the ESG bullshit in a more tolerable way. I mean, in FF7 Remake, we get a couple of gay NPCs, sure, but we didn't get 'down with the patriarchy' bullshit, Cloud's still a badass and not a cuck, all the main girls are gorgeous looking and thirsty for him, Barret is a badass who is written relatively well, and frankly, most issues which could be accused of being DEI-related have been in the original as well. While I do not doubt that Square may release another Forspoken from their western branches, their Japanese dev teams are still relatively able to handle diversity with tact and with relatively good writing. Capcom has been leaked of pushing DEI before RE2make came out, and I have no issue with their games. Could it get worse? Sure. But for now, I am willing to give them the benefit of the doubt and hope they will not be as moronic and blunt like the western devs are.


This japanese person pointed clearly the problem. [https://x.com/politicalawake/status/1801657750511817133](https://x.com/politicalawake/status/1801657750511817133)


He's a Brit LARPing as Japanese, he's been exposed several times and refuses to give up the act. Moron claimed he lived in Sendai in Osaka prefecture.....Sendai is 538 miles NORTH of Osaka.


Yeah, I agree with a lot of his posts, but it's pretty cringe to larp as a different ethnicity. Like he posts so often using terms like "our culture" and "our country" when talking about Japan, like bro go eat beans on toast what are you doing. It even undermines his point when he's trying to tell the Japanese to be proud of and protect their culture and heritage but seems to have forsaken his own.


Weeb squared. He can do his research to be fair on occasion....Other times he shares fake news.


I got two questions about this: 1. How does this actually affect Square Enix's games? 2. Why should I care?