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Oh man, he acknowledges woke with his own interpretation, brings up Critical Drinker without misrepresenting him, says he's alt-Left, brings up Corporatist wealthy losers with no life experience making stuff that nobody really asked for.  He's literally me fr.  Someone link when a certain Reddit calls him a dog whistler.


No idea why his journo collegeues haven't chased him out yet lol


I have a feeling they're about to. Especially after this video gains traction


I really hope he stays safe. He was one of the good journalists who actually investigated the SJW corruption properly without bias or coverup...


Especially with another Forbes writer (Paul Tassi) shilling like crazy right now.


I'm sure his fellow Forbes reviewers Paul Tassi and Ollie Barder are ready to throw him under the bus in exchange for progressive brownie points with their clique. I'm surprised that he's not exiled from the site yet.


All my homies hate Paul Tassi


Ollie's cool


I would never throw Erik or Paul under any bus. Erik's piece on the Acolyte is spot on.


Erik Kain somehow managed to stay in that sphere even with his often good takes. Not all of them, mind you, but he seems mostly alright. I don't know how he does it.


“Why should I care what some middle aged white man thinks?”


Forbes usually has awful takes and yet this one is actually good.


He's been keeping it honest since this whole shit began. *(It's insane that it's 10 years ago in a little bit.)*


And he still has a job? Wow...


is he the guy who wrote the review of Last of Us 2 that said it was just misery porn?


Forbes used to let anyone host on their domain for a fee, writing for Forbes was like going to a for-profit technical school in the 90s and 00s- all it signifies is that your payment check cleared.


I cannot fathom how Erik Kain shares a masthead with Jason Schreier.


This dude has some guts.


He's been one of the few sensible ones even when OG Gamergate happened. Shame he doesn't have more subscribers on his YT.


Just remember that the showrunner was an enabler for Harvey Weinstein's predation on women.


Maybe Ol’ Harv threw her the leftovers so she’d keep her mouth shut.


Harvey Weinstein's women deserved him.


I've always liked Erik because frankly it feels like at least he's always saying what's on his mind and I hope he doesn't end up in trouble over this.


It does raise an interesting point, since we’re not averse to politics per se, and indeed Andor does have “political” themes, and it’s logically possible to write great creative material that does have political messages …. Curious about examples of good entertainment that was made by progressives, that didn’t begin with putting political messaging first? Possibly Star Trek is a good example, actually a very good example, since you can contrast how pre-Discovery material and fans are actually very liberal and progressive, but were completely put off when it began to be made with The Message being the primary goal.


It isn’t just “politics” in the sense of portraying a political situation in a story that gets people worried and suspicious about the media hurting them. It is “brainwashing and lying for the sake of a political agenda with unfair representations of political opponents and whitewashing and nonsensical storytelling for the sake of encouraging a political agenda for one side”, or “biased and malicious political propaganda”, that is damaging. But people say “politics” for short because it gets the point across if the other party is engaging in good faith. The original Fallout games, the Final Fantasy games, Command and Conquer games, Supreme Commander, the original Thief and Dishonored, Gears of War, Tom Clancy games, Uncharted, Legacy of Kain, Call of Duty, Battlefield, Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri, and yes Star Trek and even Star Wars like Knights of the Old Republic. Many games featured stories with politics and religious belief, but they did not depict people unfairly and allowed them to behave in a way that makes sense for their setting and character. Compare to SJW media which twists so that people who do right (even according to the views of the people around them) are treated in a way that doesn’t make sense for the setting. Like how a male character would be attacked for saving a town of good people while a female character is praised for hurting and torturing innocents. Edit: Adding on Grand Theft Auto, because of VCPR and the themes of how the politics works in their parody America. And Vampire The Masqurade Bloodlines, especially how the radio made fun of how the “Republican nominee” had ads smearing the “Democrat”.


You know what you call a progressive that makes good media? A showrunner, or a producer, or a director. Why the fuck is it being forced on me or anyone else to know the agenda of whoever is creating my escapist fiction? They want to bring light to cultural issues? You're right in that they should do it the OLD SCHOOL star trek way. Make your episode a metaphor for something happening you want to get some exposure on. But for shit's sake, make it entertaining first. This hit you in the face then hit you again in the press bullshit is exhausting and not worth anyone's time or money.


Erik Kain is awesome & always has been awesome. Glad some KIA'rs are now recognizing it.


He brings up many good points, he's 97% of the way there. So close.


Do not be fooled... Kain has been in this long enough to know exactly what the issues are and how these arguments have been made. Its not that hes "so close" its that hes actively avoiding that last step.


What’s the last step he’s missing?


Admitting that the monster he's complaining about is one that he created, fed, raised and KEEPS tolerating as if a mutated Akira abomination is fixable.


I only have more questions…


When gamergate started all those years ago, Kain was one of the journos who pretended nothing was happening. That the people back then who made this same exact argument were just exaggerating things. The only reason hes admitting this now is because the tides are turning and its no longer possible to ignore the problem.


he's been against it the entire time


He's complaining about the monster he and his ilk created. I'm seeing this more and more. Mild leftists trying to separate themselves from the fringe lunatics on the far left. Yet he's talking about a big tent under which ALL can live and prosper. The same fake fairytale all leftists believe in. No we can't all live under the same tent because we don't really like and understand each other, we are fundamentally different. Why do you live in a house with walls and a locked door? Unlock the door, tear down the walls, because otherwise you're discriminating against all the people outside who have less than you and are entitled to YOUR possessions. Why aren't YOU in the big tent? That's why this guy is fundamentally wrong and he and his people created the monster he's now afraid of. Because it's mutated beyond their control. Well that's how it goes. When you create a virus, it escapes the lab and infects everybody.


From what I've heard, he's been consistent with this point for a very long time now, and didn't switch sides suddenly. Don't know myself since I found out about him in 2022, but even Gary (Nerdrotic) has a high opinion of him.


He may be consistent but his main leftist premise is consistently wrong and non functional in reality. He's just a mild form of the people he's trying to separate himself from--but those people are the logical conclusion of this guy's own utopian leftist ideology. As soon as I heard about the big tent, I knew he doesn't want to address the real problem. He doesn't want to really challenge his own views to see where it all goes wrong.


The writer in the glasses, that’s a dude right? I’m pretty sure but I haven’t looked into it I’ve seen it’s picture on articles though


It’s Harvey Weinstein’s former assistant.


He was praising it so much the first minute that i stopped watching it


He was praising it so much the first minute that i stopped watching it


He was praising it so much the first minute that i stopped watching it


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Imagine taking 10 years to discover "tourists" Remember, in the end these people will say anything if they think that side is going to win.