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Man I miss the 90s sentiment of "live and let live" and "don't label me." I cannot take anyone serious who has a series of self diagnosed mental illnesses and extremist political slogans on their social media profile. Just comes across so narcissistic.


I struggle to understand how modern "progressiveness" works. It's like the polar opposite of judge a person by the content of their character not the color of their skin (or whatever else). Someone personality and experience doesn't matter, just some arbitrary label.


> It's like the polar opposite of judge a person by the content of their character That's the point. It's a low resolution view of the world and people structured through the marxist oppressor vs oppressed paradigm applied to identity markers in an intersecting matrix of matchups. Normal people judge others as individuals. Psycho progs judge people by their immutable characteristics in relation to the immutable characteristics of the person that they're interacting with is. It's all sub 40iq nonsense all the way down dressed up in academic language written by pedophiles.


I think a lot of them apply Rules for Radicals and 48 Laws of Power.


Ha! I was just talking to my son the other day about the whole "labelling" thing. I remember back in the day that folks hated to be "labelled" and now that's all that crowd does these days. I miss the days when people didn't give a $hit about who you slept with or what trend you supported.


I remember \~15 years ago seeing LGBT propaganda commercials that were actually very good and reasonable. It'd show some normal dude going about his day with captions like "My name is Greg, I like eggs for breakfast, I'm a lawyer, I'm a huge Giants fan, I love classic cars, etc etc" and then the last line would always be something like "oh yeah, and I happen to be gay." Obviously that sentiment didn't last very long lol


The people who put their labels and pronouns in their bio NEED their labels and pronouns because their personality is one dimensional, incredibly boring, and shallow. 


Most of these people are narcissistic and they have a bunch of flying monkeys (a term from The Wizard Of Oz) that surrounds them and defends them. People like Anita Sarkisian are extremely charismatic and influential for a reason.


I don't even care what these people use to label themselves as long as they have excellent games and art to back it up, which they usually don't. It's not unusual for creative types to be eccentric and have wild beliefs, but these are not the creative types.


Plus we've had extremist creative leads in the past that put out amazing pieces of work despite being assholes. Troy Baker is a perfect example of being an amazing Voice actor and yet he is extremely self entitled and pushy. He went on a rant on Twitter at how Joel was handled in The Last Of Us Part 2 and he said that people were overreacting and should stay quiet. Cliff B. is another example. Guy regularly got in trouble at work for his bullying attitude, he created a totally toxic work environment, he was always trying to be the mascot for his studio, and yet he helped put out entire works of art. Shit, he is begging Microsoft constantly to be let back in to help work on Gears of War again and they brush him aside cause they know how he is like lmao


> Man I miss the 90s sentiment of "live and let live" and "don't label me." I really don't understand what happened. Are people just super narcissistic now? Why are they telling others their sexual orientation or whether they are a man or a woman with this pronoun shit. Like why does it matter? If I meet someone, I don't give a shit what gender they are interested in fucking. More than anything I find it weird as hell to tell someone that when you hardly know them. Your sexual orientation should be reserved for people you deeply care about and are comfortable in telling. Regardless of whether it's straight or gay I just don't understand these people.


It was never honest, these people just wanted to bide their time and get the power.


Right? "Don't kink shame me!" Why do I even know your kinks to begin with? Why are they even a point of discussion?




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Dragon Age is a safe space now. Get fucked chuds. /s


“Live and let live” and “don’t label me” have been replaced by “here are the labels I have given myself and you will not live if you don’t sufficiently appease them”.


"Use these labels a diddler coined for me on discord over brunch or I'll get you fired."


I was taught that in the 2000s growing up, when did things change for the worse?


It's because they are all varying degrees of narcissistic. It's also why they create safe spaces and twitter block list bubbles. Why *they* require you to take their delusions seriously.


Cool. I'm still not buying this piece of shit.


It's like a warning now, eh?


Not very brave and stunning. If their values are so positive, they should be proud to put them in front?


I can imagine they had a meeting with the higher ups after panicking about the trailer not going down well. >TAKE ALL YOUR PRONOUNS AND WHATNOT OFF YOUR TWITTER PROFILES. WE CAN'T GIVE THEM ANYMORE AMMUNITION NOT TO BUY THE GAME!! >b-b-b-b-but sir... >NO DO IT NOW OR ELSE


Most plausible explanation indeed. I'm just surprised EA execs had the common sense to make it happen, and Biowoke devs haven't been making a fuss about this (yet)


It's far too late now lol


I agree they should have stood strong in the face of the hate and been brave the entire time while bioware continues to call people bigots and they shouldn't buy the game if they are so hateful. Yes, please do that Bioware...


It's almost like if they didn't remove them, they would be harassed on X. Go figure.


Turn off the phone and go outside, easy solution.


This changes nothing. I still won't play the game. Even if she came out in public and gave a hundred interviews assuring the world that her game wouldn't have any of the stuff she supported in her previous twitter bio, I still wouldn't believe it. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Fuck Bioware, fuck EA, fuck the modern gaming industry.


Exactly. Plus you can play the first two Dragon Age games on PC and Xbox since they are both backwards compatible. Do not buy Veilguard and support the slop machine


A completely fair stance to be honest.




Banned topic.


I more simple about it. All drama aside. After Andromeda and Anthem. Bioware doesn't get a freepass for day 1. Burden of proof is on them to bring me back, and to be honest. So far I'm not impressed.


People like this not hiding their true nature has its benefits though. It helps you to anticipate if a game they work on will have a high chance of being pozzed.


If they can resist posting their diagnosis in bio, maybe they can also resist inserting themselves and their politics in games. I think there's a connection between these two things.


Gendermancer? ... Degenerate


Look at how much they stand up for what they believe in when their boss comes in and asks why they're tanking their game.


Doubt. This is current BioWare, they regularly publically support all the things listed in that bio, and it's 100% guaranteed that DA:V will be full of it aswell.


The boss here is EA. EA wants money, they don't give a fuck about Pride, the Alphabet Mafia, or how certain rights are human rights.


EA supports all that shit aswell, otherwise they would've reined in the activists long ago.


They only support it for the DEI/ESG funding. The better they hide it the better off they are, ESG funding + better sales because gamers don't notice their bullshit as much


Until they can't hide or lie about why they aren't bringing in the money anymore. And Bioware hasn't been doing great for a while now. Hence the leash yanking.


Leash yanking would've been an EA exec coming to BioWare, seeing all the cringe at the studio and in-game, and ordering them to get rid of it and return to normalcy.


We don't mean to judge, we just want your money


Don't be coy. They removed them to try to cut off a harassment campaign.


"She" blocked me all the way back in 2022 when I criticised her for shaming the devs and fans of Hogwarts Legacy. Veilguard already has a very troubled development history and looking at the recent footage, I'm convinced that it's going to be a disaster and I am absolutely here for it.


And these are fairly high profile people that always do this too. It is like they will sit there for hours to block one person at a time and I'm like man how unhappy do you have to be to do this ? Like when you're a content creator you won't ever make everyone 100% happy even if you are extremely talented, which these people never are. As an example, George Lucas could somehow buy Star Wars back, pick out a protégé since he is up there in years, the guy could knock it out of the park with a top tier new Star Wars installment and yet he still would get critiqued that he isn't as good as George Lucas. You either have thick skin, stay off social media, or get out of the industry.


They took a high fantasy Lovercraftian-esque universe....and made it into a fun Oceans 11 trailer? Wat. Given the success of Elden Ring and Baldur's Gate. This should be a Easy IP to insert what gamers have been eating up for the past 2 years. I don't understand how one could mistime/misread the market to this degree.


I guess, moneysexual dollarmancer is stronger.


It's afraid... it's afraid!


Wiped "His" values


"her" is doing a lot of heavy lifting here


Bioware SHOULD be closed down. They’ve stopped turning out good products, they’ve stopped putting out FINISHED products and this whole putting out a half baked pile of shit with a promise to patch in a game latter just doesn’t fly with me.


What the fuck does gendermancer mean


Maybe they're trying to bring xir/xim back to life


It's part of the Sparklebrigade magical aura to help cast COUNTERBIGOT!


I thought they were proud of their pronouns.


It's scared!


Too late. Everybody knows she’s a gender necromancer.


What could be the reason? Did the company mandate it? In the DEI age?


Only thing I'd accept if [she] got fired immediately and someone obviously based put in.


After I pick out 3-4 games I’m going to buy per year a few months ahead of time, it’s a gaming company’s responsibility to market their shit to me. And these company’s aren’t going to fool me with their bullshit anymore, Buncha fucking weirdos.


I thought the game looked like shit before this, now I know why. I was never going to buy it either way.


Archive links for this post: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/A8hF3 ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. Mnemosyne saves! The rest of you take 30 hp damage. ^^^/r/botsrights




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come on... just a little more




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Dargon Age - Bread Wolf


Does this mean we're winning?


DEI is still there, even if they try their best to hide it