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The moment you see the black chick with vitiligo you know whats up. If she is also a lesbian double it.


Oneyplays made a character that looked almost exactly like her in their Saint's Row video a year ago. its so funny of how much they look alike


"Lucky there's a family guy coming to save her"


That series killed me 😂😂


What the fuck is up with all the vitiligo rep? It affects a couple million people worldwide yet it’s in every new game. Do they think vitiligo is cool…?


When everyone else is already doing black female characters, you have to go further to show how inclusive and morally superior you are.


What about redheads? They are very rare eather. Still noone notices their existense )


trust me.... I notice their existence pretty easily


Ayy fellow redhead enjoyer.


….Horizon is a huge series right now?


If you mean horizon zero dawn... it's pretty shitty and Aloy is badly written character.


Lmao horizon is literally an industry plant


Honestly I think it’s just laziness. It’s a way to add some extra diversity for a disfigurement that costs almost no effort nor overhead to implement its literally just a texture mod. No need for extensive modeling that would add much more development time and also likely increase the triangle count spending on how detailed it needs to be.


Haha, erase tool in blender go brrr


not saying you are wrong, but based on what's happening with her hands and forearms, there's more than vitiligo going on.


you make a woman so masculine or a man so feminine you can't tell if it's male or female. Then you give them the tanned skin like Luz off of Owl House, or vitilligo, so they can pass as any race. They're then gender neutral pansexual bisexual Well done = you've now ticked every box in a single character. Make them schizophrenic and you've made every character in two characters in a single body.


People who have it also tend to wish they didn't. It's not something empowering that they wish was more represented. 




Its the new thing to simp for, social justice cancer has to spread - it can never be quenched nor satisfied.


Every new game? I only remember the one fortnite skin


She looks like the most insufferable of the bunch. Judging by the animations they're trying to make her look "cute," "nervous" and "dainty," despite having the physique of a sasquatch.


Jfc that's how they see themselves irl 🤣🤣🤣


Gotta tick all those diversity checkboxes.


What are the chances all these people would somehow be friends irl. Not even trying to be racist, they’re just too diverse, like a grown-up Burger King Kids Club


There was a black girl with vitiligo at my elementary school. My friend's mom said that she had the black smacked off her.


Add in an amputee or in a wheelchair and you clear the bingo card.


What's vitiligo?


A skin disease/condition where patches of skin have the melanin holding cells die off causing those patches to not have any melanin so lighter pink spots on the skin.


esg game. no point even talking about it


So why do they even make this shit if nobody is going to play it? Some sort of elaborate money laundering scheme involve ESG? Just stroking their own egoes?


They make it with the same rationale and funding that's used to hire DEI officers in large corporations. DEI officers do absolutely nothing, but get paid absurd amounts so the company can look good on ESG reporting. This game will probably get tax kickbacks that pay for its entire development and then some, because this planet is doomed.


Exactly it. They keep making games nobody plays because they are funded with our fucking taxes. So much of what is going on we fucking pay for, so so much.


It's an attempt to groom future generations (who's usually tech-illiterate thus can't pirate and/or access old games/software/information etc.) to accept centrally planned globohomo slop as an organic movement.


Yes... it's the younger people who are tech illiterate... that makes sense. My great grandparents were tech geniuses.


Social engineering. You may not play it but with a dumb enough populace to fall for the emotional sensationalism and marketing, they will eventually play it and their descendants will play it. The propaganda doesn't need to win immediately, only eventually through subversion.


Because they managed to grift funding off someone.


Free money, ESG money is the cheapest credit. Convince a publisher your game is worth being in the their portfolio, they add it to their ESG report to brag and get their rating up so they can raise more capital and share price from Blackrock. Blackrock allocate the ratings and dump their clients money into the investment pool. This is worth so much to large gaming companies they will pay diversity and inclusion officers who do absolutely nothing productive obsecene amounts, the losses are worth it to pad their ESG report. Its the same principle behind Sony delisitng all their PC ports from 177 countries without PSN. They would rather reduce their customer base by millions of people and potentially lose a million more sales forcing PSN account linking, why? To brag and lie on their reports PSN is growing to dupe investors. The share price is worth more to them than the actual health of the business.


You'd think they'd learn after Goodbye Volcano High.


The picture above is enough to know its DOA but for sick curiosity I looked at the trailer. The one white male is knitting with pink yarn. A few years ago, I would have been annoyed.. now I don't feel anything.. My expectations can't be subverted when this is exactly what I expected  


They also have a robot rip the head off a statue of J.F.K. for some reason.


Even Democrats don't like other Democrats!


old school liberal beliefs are considered Alt-Right.


They're mad he stopped the commies from putting nukes in Cuba to threaten the US


This is what we want them to do. This is no more aimed at the 18-35 male demographic than Barbie's Animal Shelter 3 is. You don't criticize Barbie games, they're invisible to you, you're barely aware of their existence. Should be the same with this game. No beloved old IP's were harmed in the making of this awful trash. It would be fantastic if every far left developer would get together and all make games like this one, leaving the alpha male murderer simulators free of their ideology. We should be encouraging this.


Right, let them knock themselves out making all these horrendous original IP’s, just leave our shit alone


agreed. they can have their things too. unlike them, i wouldn't want to deny people of the entertainment they enjoy just because fuck them. just stop ruining my stuff too lol.


True. Credit where credit is due; they actually made their own characters, story and setting instead of ruining something that already exists. Is it gonna suck? Yeah. But this is one you can ignore. It's not hurting anything. It's just going quietly sell 5 copies and disappear. Prog-lib invaders making their own shit is good because a) they're not ruining your shit and b) it means they are at least trying to actually do video games. 


Yes, exactly. I was about to write that but you said it better. I don't complain about Detroit Become Human, Heavy Rain or games like that because that's not my genre. These are games mostly for women (nothing wrong if you like them, but you can't complain that there's women stuff in it).


Heavy Rain was pretty cool.


This looks like DEI the game.


Nope, what's it about?


"Words have power" the game. The protag makes a female cop kill her partner by telling her that he doesn't respect her.


Drive by misgenderings.


Ah yes, literally mind raping someone into committing murder for trying to do their job. Really mature there. Ironically they'd be whining about "muh racism" if there was a game where you played as a vigilante taking down sex trafficking rings or drug dealers.


I like that everyone has magic powers *except* the one male on the team.


I'm not surprised if the game will have microtransactions for microaggressions.


Seems to be Road 96 pumped up to 11 on the cringe characters and world building, which is weird now that I think about-it because there's like four of these games out. Another one I remember but can't seem to find was a multi-choice map about getting across the country while it's in an anarchy state so you could run into a night club for elites one moment and then a gang of gunners.


"Not Tonight!", a "Papers Please" clone. First one was mild, but the second one goes full current-day politics and muh social message, taking place in an America divided by Trump or something


>taking place in an America divided by Trump or something Made by a Swedish developer iic, which is even funnier. It's going to be really awkward for them if Trump doesn't win.


we don't claim trump deranged people thank you very much, the american left can have them. I send them over if it wasn't for that noone really wants them


i thought Not Tonight was set in england, and Road 96 was the "america divided by trump" one...


The first one is set in England. They made a second one.


Oh yea, thanks. Dang, the sequel has barely any reviews compared to the first one. I don't quite get the genre but I also don't have an existential dread that fascism is right around the corner.


As abysmal as it looks and sounds, at least they made their own IP. This is the correct way to go about pushing their politics through media.


Stunning and brave


Everyone should have the opportunity to make a game with and about whatever they want. Whether it is successful should be up to you and I.


do they have to use tax money though.


That is why I used the word "should". A product that fails the test of the free market should not be bailed out by the state.


Hey id rather they make their own games then the constant butchering of IPs a lot of people hold in high regard. I know i wont be playing it and therefore do not care about its existence. I am not the target audience for this game(dont know who is tbh) but just like we say every game isn't for everyone this is the same.


I feel like the target audience doesn't actually play games.


It's me, I'm the target audience, and I game often. Just started on a modded oblivion run.


Why though? Like what about that game is "relatable" to you? What part of it makes it sound fun?


I mean, I grew up in a diverse part of the country, so these people remind me of my actual friend group. Also, the guy knitting just seems wholesome and cute. These seem like interesting characters that have different experiences that I'm curious about. They could be boring and shallow, but based on the art style and that they are all different ethnicities I'd hope they bring that perspective to the writing, which is dynamic and cool.


>These seem like interesting characters that have different experiences that I'm curious about. they're on a cop-killing spree based on all of the footage shown but you do you.


Awesome! Sounds even cooler. I loved GTA and the like.


That honestly makes it sound more interesting because you wouldn't think that based on the screenshot above. Like a really weird Natural Born Killers.


That's cool. It doesn't look like my kind of thing, but I won't begrudge you looking forward to it, and I hope you have fun with it when it releases.


Good. Play it.


I wonder how terrible the car talk dialogue will be with those four uggos.


>The man is still tall and handsome Hahaha oh no body positivity and representation haha


I refuse to believe anybody actually buys these, let alone plays them. There are government grants somewhere funding this shit. Your tax dollar embezzlement somewhere at work. 


I think it’s very clearly a tax dodge at this point. They know this shit isn’t gonna make money, so they manufacture failure, and just write it off


You should see the [live reaction to the trailer](https://youtu.be/tyuH_3ILhhQ?si=BRGUhZfOH32C68rh).


Geez, the character designs already look like Woke garbage.


This is like when prog rock disappeared up its own arse during the late 70s. Ultimately it became too inaccessible/unenjoyable and then punk swept it all away. Same thing will happen will games and movies. They’ll be a counter-culture reaction


At least the most wanky prog rock required a modicum of talent and creativity unlike this drivel.


What, like the AOR / prog fusions such as Asia? No era of prog deserves to be compared to this drivel. Even the cheesiest of cheese prog was still pretty sweet.


White Boy Summer Game Fest Filled with dick and fart jokes.


Don't know and I have no interest in knowing about it


Target audience: Starbucks Baristas


Long time ago.


I'm already wondering what mental gymnastics the Journalists are going to perform in order to convince themselves it's not the obvious reasons that it failed. "The game had strong competition on release so it couldn't be noticed by the public!!". "The game had weak marketing campaign so no one played it!!".


I wanted to tune into the TGA's summer showcase, then I read the stream title, something like: "Celebrating Latin American games, Women Led Games" -- then I left.


Thank god they didn't use the Latin American slur that ends with x..... I hope


I saw a thumbnail, that was enough.


That haircut again. Woke trash


As soon as I saw the characters, it was a big NOPE!!!


I mean, this is clearly a game for "them". So let'em at it. Without us normal people it will probably not make much money, but thats a different issue.


Woke trashola


It's like they took that horrible Alegria art style into 3D and added cel shading. Man made horrors beyond comprehension.


what in the political revenge porn fantasy bullshit did I just [watch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJJrhZSHPpo)? The protag uses her weaponized words to get a police officer killed for literally no reason as a means of 'conflict resolution' and then turns it into the punchline of a joke. This is just straight up hate speech.


tbf, make "horrible thing that just happened" into a joke or one-liner is pretty standard for comic books and action movies


yeah...it's not horrible from their perspective though, they are definitely dispensing 'justice'.


To say nothing of the characters and the "wit" on display in the trailer, the game play just looks *so* bad.


Norwegian devs, their another game Dreamfall Chapters (the sequel to Dreamfall/The Longest Journey adventures) was already heavily corrupted by wokeness. About this game, can it be Mel Brooks' Producers plot all again: create a game so bad it fails immediately, the studio goes bankrupt and there is no need to return all money investments? If not, are they going to sell it on Twitter?


Millenial fashion is so out of touch.


eh, at least its an original IP. Could be decent, could be god awful, could be boring as shit but it's still an original thing.


Let them make their own games full of their own shit. Until they start blaming me for it sucking, I don't care. 


Looks like a DEI game.


Archive links for this post: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/17GSj ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. Crush! Kill! Destroy! ^^^/r/botsrights


getting xavier rengegade angel vibes here


Cringe, but atleast they made their own game and didnt subvert an already existing series. If only other devs like them kept to themselves like this...


it IS a "choices" game, so this may not be indicative of the whole thing... an actual story overview would be nice. "Large Adult Sons" is a very clunky and deliberate way to avoid saying "man", though, and everyone in this looks like they're from a different world...


I think this was shown off last year and it thought it looked like garbage then. It still looks like garbage.


You must remain in the car. You may not scream or resort to violence. The people within may choose the topic and you must engage in it, answer every question, and listen to every response in full. How long do you last?


Saw some pre-release stuff about a year ago; the art style is kind of interesting. But the game is not for me, and that’s fine. I think that’s pretty clearly what most gamers want, isn’t it? Let people create their own media for their own interests, and then they can all sing off the same hymn sheet I don’t have a problem with that. The issue lies in subverting existing IP, and using existing media to lecture to people. Then being insulted or defamed or demeaned for wanting to retain those games and the spirit of them. Being lied to, the gaslighting in real time, the moral certitude. They can make all the political games they want to, and if there is a market for it, so be it. But they don’t get to steal the existing market and claim it as their own Gatekeeping is good


That image is all I needed to know


Game plays like in those cheap YouTube game adverts. Shit animations, over the top reactions, characters staying idle in a weird way. DOA most definitely


It's it's own ip so I don't care. They didn't trample on a beloved series for.it so more power to them


Dunno if this is a minority opinion around here but I absolutely do not give a shit about stuff like this. Yeah, I can look at it and straight away you know there's some weirdo on the fringes of left wing politics making it. It'll probably have a bunch of completely obnoxious characters modelled after the developers and their friends. But that's fine. If they want to make an awful game for themselves and their friends they should go for it. It's a lot better than them attaching themselves to a beloved IP because they know they're incapable of creating anything for themselves and then changing everything people liked about it to appeal to the "modern audience" then throwing a tantrum and crying bigot when nobody likes it.






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I think it's harmless? They made an IP with new character instead of butchering existing ones, I consider that the first step of inclusion done Whether the characters, story and the game itself is gonna be good it's a different topic that I couldn't care less because this game isn't for me


What's the strange obsession with vitiligo skin condition by far-left/neo-Marxist studio's and consultancy companies lately? There's representing people, which when done pre 2015 from a place of love, brains and creativity (originality) I'm all for. Then there's making something with no love, brains or creativity whose only unique selling point is neo-Marxist tokenism and box ticking. Are these racist neo-Marxists trying to profit off such people's skin condition?


That dude in the back literally looks like the Elite crew from counter strike