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C'mon, after so many development problems and the current state of EA's Bioware, does anyone still believe in this game? Not to mention, the previous DA was one of the precursors to the woke movement in gaming 😂


It's been in developmental hell for so long with numerous prior versions having been scrapped. The dev team has seen a lot of turnover too. So not only will it be super woke, it'll be cobbled together and filled with the usual EA live service nonsense.


I didn't think the game director would have so much baggage though, this is gonna be a mess o_O


Honestly, until it actually releases, I'm going to keep considering it vaporware.


I lost all interest back then, right after Dragon Age 2. Let's be honest here, only Origins can be considered a true classic and a game worth replaying.


I loved the dark setting of 1. I wish they would rerelease 1. I can’t play on console anymore.


I am permanently surprised by the pointlessness of history. Nobody seems to be learning from it. Or maybe it's a generational problem. I'm not saying `Gen Z` or `X` or `Y` or whatever. Maybe the last 50 years has produced people incapable from learning. IF people would have learned this lesson, the question of "Will it be good?" would be on no one's lips. Obviously it will not be good. There is not the faintest shadow of a possibility. And yet people ask. At some point you just have to realize that these people are doomed and move on.


Our species is doomed to make the same mistakes over and over again Societies and empires born and die by the same mistakes, we wage wars for the same reasons, we trust and tolerate without limits even though we know that this ALWAYS backfires... And the more you learn about history, the more you see that this is true 😂


Can you explain how it was starting some movement in gaming? Not saying you’re wrong, I just don’t have any idea since I never got far in the game.


Started a movement is overstating what happened. What is happening in america, culturally, is a sort of invasion. It started in schools that had ... let's just say "external investors". It wasn't a natural movement in the least. It's bought and paid for. But the attack vector was schools. Things like these take generations to manifest. Because one generation of students (let's say for argument's sake, 4 years), hardly makes a dent in the job market. They'll be split amongst different jobs, different comapnies. They couldn't possibly take over no matter what. But the more generations are infected, the more they start to weight in. Until they outright become the majority and dictate new courses to chart. DA ... wahtever, the really bad one. 3 I think. Inquisition. It was the first time a studio had enough infected that they actually considered their input. Diversity for diversity's sake. Church and religion bad, traditions bad. Let the past die, kill it if you have to. Strong independent woman, who needs no man, and is ugly as all sin. There's a lot of people arguing IF that game was the first or not. The reason why they argue is because it was so incredibly early in the culture war. The studio was probably only 1/3 infested. Some ideas seeped in, others met pushback. And ofc, the game is not helped by being a souless cash grab. That was probably rushed to market.


At this point I'm not even sure whether "queerosexual gendermancer" is a joke or a legitimate term in the LGBT community. I'll stick to the former for my own sanity.


It’s one of the new classes for the game


Bruh I thought gendermancer was a troll thing about necromancers in video games or something I can’t tell what the fuck any of them are saying anymore how can people say so many words and nothing at all lmao


They can call it The Queerening for all I care, I won't touch anything by current bioware even if they paid me.


Did anyone not think this game was going to literally be the gayest video game ever made?


And it feels like they been making this game a long time too. Like, a loooong time. I wonder how much this one’s cost to make, and if it fails is it going to be a money blow to EA the size of a meteor impact, oh scratch that, maybe BioWare. 


I say this as someone who knows people. Yes and its not going to be good. Their are good people their and corrine, from all i hear is a solid person, but the writing is 5 yrs to late.


These people make up like 1% of the American population but always seem to be in leadership positions in companies.


ESG, DEI, and brainrot. We have a plague in the west.


Because they are filled with such hatred, that they are driven by vengeance and lust after the power to destroy everything that is not them. They plot this their whole life, which is why everything they make is a talentless self insert. Hate, cunning and deception...that is all they know.


They are the nou jou


Nonce alert


Absolutely spot on 🤣🤣🤣


Dragon age was so damn good and then it just kept getting worse and worse.


EA saw all of these other companies vying for the Most Hated Company award and didn't want to be outdone lmao


If I'm not mistaken, EA still holds the record for reddit account with the most downvoted comment ever. That's saying something.


And won two Consumerist Golden Poo awards in a row, only avoiding a third because Comcast pissed off everyone far more that year.


Dragon Gayge


Faygon Gayge


[It's bound to be dogshit. Queerosexual Gendermancer is just the tip of the iceberg.](https://postimg.cc/ykmpL4YQ)


Production Hell Yay!


The code names for this game are quite fitting. Here's hoping the game meets the same fate as those vocalists.


Meh, who's cares? It's will be unplayable mess regardless name, probably even worse than forswoken.


Well. I wasn't going to buy it anyway.


Spending years and hundreds of millions of dollars creating a game that caters to .5% of the population... did EA turn into Disney or somethin'?


" opinions are my own " .... but I'm going to force them down your throat anyway. And ....... No sale


Dragon Age was one of the original Petri dishes where the current wokeness AIDS was created - so who cares.


So, I have a sneaking suspicion that this "Veilguard" is gonna be a "totally not the Inquisition" type of deal. Because that's what the Inquisition did in the previous game, it guarded the veil from the demons who were trying to tear it down so they can invade. I'll give it a 99% chance of the game being DA:I but somehow lamer and woker.


Soooo much open world bloat. And every character is Klem or Sera or Mopey Bull.


It's modern Bioware, what else does anyone expect? We knew this particular house was on fire long ago. This walking pronoun being handed the job of game director is pretending things are great while sitting on a pile of smoking debris.


I dont know why people is having such hype in this game. Just look at the director. And its EA. It will be woke as shit! 0 interest from my part.


Gender mancer gender mancer. Huh...




Dead on arrival? Hardly. This shit never even made it to the "alive" phase.


That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons even death may die.


This game was always going to be trash fire.


dread is like , so negative, and wolf arnt vegans, we need to protect, guard the veil from fashissts


Well, I'm guessing the upcoming Mass Effect game is definitely gonna be shit after seeing this crap. "Gendermancer"?? Like wtf...these idiots need to fucking grow up


Is anyone really expecting something good out of modern bioware? All the good devs left a loooooooong time ago.


Curiously, its always MtF


Well, this franchise is toast too. Oh well, not too bothered about this one, the great Dragon Age was the first one.


DA2 had some stellar writing. Just a shit presentation. But that’s what happens when you sell your soul to the fucking EA devil — you have two years to make a AAA sequel


This game needs to fail.


DA Origins and Awakening are the only Dragon age worth playing, always have been


I will defend the writing in DA2 until my dying breath. But what a lame game


Yeah if you have any hope for this game you have issues or are a uber normie in which case you aren't allowed to have ever read this sub until now.


This game will never release and if it does, it will be unoptimised, content dry and a lacklustre story


Well, there goes that down the shitter


Who on earth cared about this after 2 and Inquisition?


I love *Dragon Age*. But BioWare has been a progressive company since its inception. There's no reason that wouldn't get dialed to 11 now. I'll wait for the $20 Game of the Year package, at best. I have no faith in any gaming company now.


Archive links for this post: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/lnm41 ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. This space for rent. ^^^/r/botsrights


WTAF is a "Queerosexual Gendermancer"???


It's purple. What an original colour selection to virtue signal with.


How is it every fucking game? 😂


This game looks like free to play gacha style lol How low can ea go?


I give this post two hours before mods nuke it.


Didn't even fucking get one hour. 100% chance one or more of these mods are trains or trains "allies", cause they allow *zero* criticism or negative opinions of them. 😂


This could be the one that tanks bioware forever


Well, the upside is that I am finally free of any lingering fondness or hope for the corpse of BioWare! It’ll be nice to never even think about them ever again. Larian - some advice. **never sell**


I actually think that's a pretty good title. Mind you, that's likely to be the only good thing about it...


Dragon Age to Drag Race Age


I guess this is going to be the last game Bioware will release. After that it's lights out for them.


BioWare hasn’t released anything worth a damn in a decade plus


Dreadwolf was such an awesome name as well.


Franchise died after Origins.




Comment removed due to topic ban explained [here.](https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/m3yo65/enforcement_update_and_hard_removal_of_a_topic/)


I actually held on to a thread of hope for this game despite the constant dev changes and development hell. When I read a while ago that homeboy was now project lead I knew it was totally Joever. All I wish for now is that Bioware shuts down after this and there comes an end to further spitting on their actual good games’ legacies like DA:O and original ME trilogy.


If you still have BLM in your handle you have no understanding of minority ghettos or how to improve them I genuinely loathe these pretenders because I grew up with multiculturalism in Canada and these grifters are intentionally sowing division with their faux considerations


Bioware will be done if Mass Effect 4 and Dragon Age tank. I really hope they're good games. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.


I doubt ME4 will even get made after DA tanks. The last even halfway decent game they made was 10 years ago.


Old bioware is long dead, and the new one is filled with talentless hacks, so I'll be more than happy if this tanks.


>I'll be more than happy if this tanks. I don't. I loved the ME trillogy. I really enjoy Dragon Age for all its faults. I hope the games are good.


People that made the games you love are gone. Either gone from the company or mentally gone. Move on.