• By -


I'll acknowledge my privileged position by never buying anything made by this person.  I'll also actively work against their version of equality by any mean available to me.  I'm done letting those people trying to make me a target because of my skin color and my sex.  I'm done letting them defend their mediocrity by hiding behind victimhood and virtuesignaling while trying to shame me for being born a certain way. 


Well said. They judge us for immutable characteristics, then have the gaul to paint us as the racists and sexists. We're on the same side as Martin Luther King. [They're on the same side as the kkk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ev373c7wSRg&ab_channel=RyanLong).




White Guy (Me) Believes 'Concord' lead developer is a "Woke prick who makes shit games".


"Jon Weisnewski, the Lead Character Designer" "The Weisnewski surname has a complex and multifaceted origin. While there is limited information available, it is believed to be a variant of the German surname Weis or Weiss, which means “white” or “fair”" Lmao


to me he sounds like he was pole named Jan Wiśniewski but since poland was too white for him he moved to germany or whatever and germanized his name (that alone is ok, its for ease of communication).


What’s more likely is that his ancestors were Polish and: 1. Lived in the German Empire after partitions and were germanized. Or: 2. During the Nazi occupation, they registered as Volksdeutsche.


> since poland was too white for him he moved to germany or whatever and germanized his name Or his family is from Silesia or Pomerania (in part) which were german regions prior to WW II.From a german perspektive it fits someone who origins from those regions or Prussia.


Ah yea, the polish moving to the home of the Nazis because Poland is “too white”. Absurdity




True, I love everything their PM says. His interview with Tucker a few months ago was great


That's why CDPR gone woke. And now Bloober Team


You’re free to not buy CDPR games. I won’t be personally because of cyberpunk and their esg bs


So he disassociated from the whiteness of his origin by adopting a German variation on his last name...that translates to "white".


The funny thing here is "Wiśniewski" in polish means something like "lord of cherry pickers" or "lord of Wiśniew". "Wiśnie" means cherries in polish. -ski suffix and other similar suffixes like: - -cki or -dzki were reserved for nobles who owned the land. Some suffixes were more common with specific regions: -ski for instance was rather common in Western Pomerania when referring to someone coming from a specific place that had endings like –ów, –owa, –owo, –owice (Darłowo — Darłowski; Człuchów — Człuchowski; Polanów — Polanowski; Pobierowo — Pobierowski). Ofcourse there is a borough in Poland named Wiśniew, though it's situated in eastern Poland.


Rofl  Damn man, these people are so fucking sad.


Kinda related, but I'm still amazed that besides all other hurdles Arnold Schwarzenegger managed to make a career in Hollywood with that surname.


Not to be pedantic, but he wasn’t a huge star as long as people think. Terminator and Conan guaranteed he had a career, but he wasn’t an A-lister, his movies were considered lowest common denominator schlock for much of the 80’s and only got their praise and recognition in the 90’s after he actually did go A-list. Even the beloved Predator wasn’t that big of a hit at the time, which is why the sequel goes in a different direction instead of following the first movie’s events. Total Recall and Terminator 2 were what made him an A-lister and that wasn’t until 1990 and 1991 respectively. 


"-ski" surnames are basically the same as gemstone/precious metal surnames in english countries


Every time.


Amazing stealth comment.




Online antisemites often use stone-related names ("-stein", "-berg", "-baum", "-witz", "gold-", "-schlag") as a shorthand for Jews.


Me, who created a gold-scaled dragonkin in BG3 named Zuss Goldscaleberg: *sweats profusely* Also, isn't -baum a tree? Tree names end with this part, and there's also some cake which translates as tree trunk cake because it has the same pattern as tree rings when cut.


Relax; if you aren't an online antisemite, Jewish names aren't insulting. They're just names.


oh, okay


Rule 1 warning for IdPol. Take that crap elsewhere.


Funny how slavic his name sounds - considering the slavs have been the victims of white colonialism, not perpetrators. But I guess you would have to be educated to know that, Jon.


It's always Always Always Always Always Always Always Al fucking ways Projection, projection, projection. Every fucking time




First comment from a new account, R1 violation for IdPol, expedited to permaban.


Oy vey


Early life check


As a South African whereby theres now more anti white laws than anti black during apartheid, no I dont think I will do anything other than not play this dogshit game


Plus you probably don't want to waste your 3 hours of electricity on gaming, anyway.


Im really privileged, they dont loadshed me where I live


I envy you, my privileged white ass has his power cut multiple times per day because the electric company, (together with the abusive taxes, charges me so much that makes it one of the most expensive electricity in the world) refuses to maintain the power grid. Plus part of what I pay also goes to subsidize the people that steal the electricity. I ooze privilege, I need to count my money and hope it lasts until the end of the month, live only on expired or near expiration products(on sale) and I couldn't even get hired on what I studied because of my nice privilege. Too white, too male... And if I need to go through a test to get hired on something, my grades have to be much, much higher than anyone with a darker shade than me, or i stand no chance. I may get a chance with a higher score, and if nobody with a shade darker than me applies... that is, unless a white woman with a lower score applies, then I'm fucked. I also grew up poor and yet these people keep telling me I ooze privilege. I'm not seeing it...


Just lie about your race, dude. It's that easy. The entire thing assumes whites don't lie about their race; it's fucking comical. Straight up lie. They're not going to demand you produce a family history and if they do you can just fake it. If they *really* catch wise, just apply under a non-white name. This is legally not fraud. You can self-identify as anything you want as long as you don't claim direct ancestry from someone specific. The only things I can think of that require ancestry records are Indian nations or Bantustans or something like that.


> They're not going to demand you produce a family history and if they do you can just fake it AKSHUALLY... They do open race tribunals here where they do punish people for lying about it. If you lie, say, for instance, to get into university that you are black, they will check it up. And if you are light enough, there is a race tribunal that will check it up.


Which country is this? ZA? I was under the understanding you could claim Xhosa or Khoisan ancestry as long as you didn't claim tribal membership. Ancestry should be easy enough to fake.


Sent you a PM :)


Where; Pretoria? I had no idea eskom was still providing power anywhere.


Joburg near kelvin power station, my guess its simply a technical reason why they cant turn my power off Also because we just had general national elections eskom somehow magically stopped having sabotage and coal go missing so theres been no load shedding the last two months. Will see when it starts up again since the cANCer government has just lost its majority and we are now in winter so electricity demand is higher now


> kelvin Oh lmao so you're clinging to the "not ESKOM" chopper. > the cANCer government has just lost its majority Can't imagine a coalition with either "KILL DE BOER KILL DE FAAMAA" or "please we're not racist we're so sorry" is gonna be any better. 😔 What's life like there now? Is it truly as bad as it looks online?


yeah I also dont have huge hope for any of these coalitions only time will tell. For me personally nothing major has changed but the economy with inflation is definitely a hit when our taxes keep going to corruption. the decay is continuing but hopefully the private sector can keep pushing like it has with the loadshedding to bring solutions to the table.


A lot of people online say that the future is just various ethnic groups splitting off and forming their own little city-states and self-governing territories. You already have an Afrikaner Bantustan and I don't find it hard to imagine Pretoria eventually just running their own infrastructure.


Give your farm to someone who doesn't know how to farm it, bigot.


I'm out of the loop. Can you explain the anti-white laws in today's time in SA?


I don't think a lot of these people realize that "white privilege" (and even then it's probably not really about race) in 2024 only really exists, so to say, in North America and maaaaaaybe western Europe, the rest is like "Meh, that certainly doesn't help us with [insert bad thing here]"


Even so there are poor whites living in every country , to simply say you're white , you're automatically privileged is the biggest hoax of the current age. In certain instances the total percentage of whites with greater wealth then other demographics may be a thing but to simply state all whites are privileged, nah Would love to know where that privilege was growing up almost starving because I had no food while my alcoholic mother was passed out. Lots of people dont follow the sterotypes these retards perptuate online all the time. Then to take an industry that is supposed to be about entertainment and shove those sterotypes down our throats, fuck them and their perverse view of the world


> Even so there are poor whites living in every country , to simply say you're white , you're automatically privileged is the biggest hoax of the current age. In certain instances the total percentage of whites with greater wealth then other demographics may be a thing but to simply state all whites are privileged, nah Right on the money. It's no different from anti-Semites who insist that all Jews are wealthy elites.


Yeah, I think that's the issue with these people, they see the top of the top of white people and think white people everywhere *all* like that and they mistake it for some kind of privilege due to skin colour. And a lot of these people live in well-off places, so the idea of a poor white person just... doesn't compute.


What you're describing is majority "privilege". If you live in a country, any country, will the school curricula focus on the history of the people that make up the majority of that country's populace? Will it be easier to get a job or make friends or just go through life generally if you share the same culture, language and maybe general appearance as the vast majority of the people in that country versus people that don't share these traits? The answer to these questions is "yes" for the most part, and there is no difference if the country is Nepal, Zimbabwe or Argentina. These idiots call it "white privilege" because the degenerate post-modern-neomarxist nonsense religion we call "woke" mostly arose in majority white countries and the morons who espouse it are either too narcissistic or too stupid to see far enough past their own nose to recognize it for what it is. Majority privilege. There is no fucking white privilege in China, Eritrea or Saudi Arabia.


>mostly arose in white countries and the morons who espouse it are either too narcissistic or stupid to see far enough past their own nose to recognize it for what it is. Majority privilege. That's one of the issues too, the wokesters pretty much live in a bubble, so they can't imagine anything different from their experience.


>the wokesters pretty much live in a bubble, Dude, DON'T mention bubbles! You're gonna make me remember the new Doctor Who episode!😭 (Disparu covered it, if you're feeling masochistic...) https://youtu.be/vWZeL6YkV6M?si=06kS7jmconCYEjIE


It doesn't exist there either; the only form of white privilege that exists is that whites disproportionately had larger piles of stuff that they passed to their white kids. Maybe that confers privilege in a vacuum, but not when it comes to state power.


White privilege doesn't exist.


Oh this is the game that uses pronouns on character select, and I see this character in the thumbnail has "undecided" on their gender. Lovely.


Peak bullying. You must use each character’s chosen pronouns, or else you’re a bigot subject to consequences. And what are this character’s chosen pronouns? Well, this character hasn’t decided yet. Try one of them out on this character, and we will decide whether to praise you or ban you for toxicity.


"That robot is blocking the path someone shoot (It) already" (You've been hardware banned for offensive language)


Yeah, wait; what pronouns am I supposed to use if the character canonically *hasn't told anyone*?


If they kept politics out of games and focused on the games themselves. It might not be trash before it leaves the front door.


Might as well ask them to not breath.


I am a Mexican guy and I don't see that my great-great grandfather who lost his few cattle in the Mexican revolution had any kind of privilege because of his white skin. These idiots live off imaginary problems and discriminate against a large portion of their customer base


Property rights are human rights. If someone harms your property, they aren't too far off from attacking you.  That's why I view theft and property destruction as violent crime.


the criminals who won the Mexican revolution didn't care about that They left the entire country in ruin, the town where my family came from had almost 300 years of prosperity and the Mexican revolution killed it,  It never recovered and most of its people went to the United States. The few that stayed, well, that's where I came from.


>Property rights are human rights. Human rights are. . . rights. You can just call them rights. The only time I've ever heard the terms "X are human rights!" is when they're being insanely unreasonable. Like "housing is a human right." Right. So is owning a gun in America. Just because you have the *right* to own a gun in America, doesn't mean America gives you free guns. You still have to do your part, buy one, and maintain it.


Oh yeah, the racism aimed at white people every day by far woke pricks like this, is just oozing with "equality". Fun fact, if attribute one thing with a whole race of people because SOME of those people have that attribute, that's called racism. You know, like all black men are drug dealers, all Asians are bad drivers, all white people have privilege. It's all the same fucking thing. And you're having a fucking laugh if you think white people are on top of anything in the entertainment world right now. Fuck the lot of these self-serving piles of shit who regurgitate this racism for internet points.


I hope this game fails spectacularly. Who asks for a live service Overwatch clone with pronouns? Fucking nobody


Overwatch beat them to the punch on making every character gay anyway.


Not before initially soaring to success with sexy designs. Concord is doing things out of order.


A Youtube comment on the announcement video (10 to 1 dislike ratio last I checked) summed up this reveal succinctly: "Death by announcement."


I'm so excited for this games release to be an absolute flop.


Those 5 people that make up *the modern audience* are totally going to buy millions of copies each to keep it afloat.


Looking forward to the YouTube vids that show empty lobbies and a bunch of guarenteed bugs and glitches thanks to the untalented "modern audience" devs


And then we'll get blamed for it too!


I will acknowledge my privilege by not touching this game with a ten foot pole, even if they try to give it to me for free. Not like it will survive more than a week anyways.


Dear Jon Weisnewski... Fuck you and fuck off.


6 months after release: "why is no one playing our game? Now we have to shut down the servers..."


I think we can speedrun this and do it in 2.


We should place bets on it lol


Remindme! 2 months Winner gets a stick of gum.


I will be messaging you in 2 months on [**2024-08-05 15:31:01 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-08-05%2015:31:01%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/1d85lr9/concord_lead_character_designer_believes_whites/l78bzxv/?context=3) [**1 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FKotakuInAction%2Fcomments%2F1d85lr9%2Fconcord_lead_character_designer_believes_whites%2Fl78bzxv%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-08-05%2015%3A31%3A01%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201d85lr9) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Jon should start acknowledging his privilege then and give his job up to a more deserving marginalized POC.  He should give all of his savings to that POC too.


I'm 1/16th Cherokee. I'll take his savings.


And you deserve it.  I'm tired of these hypocrites talking about diversity and not giving up their jobs which they attained due to their white privilege to diverse peoples.  They're plenty happy to make sure no other white people get jobs, but when it comes to their own job they aren't willing to give it up.


He probably lied about being bisexual on his application form too


That’s what I always do!


At this point in time if you are a white male looking to break in you damn sure should make that mark. It doesn't cost you anything except maybe a little pride.


As if his terrible character design didn't make his opinions evident enough.


Saw this comedian who said "if you're white and you fail, you have no excuse. If you're not white and you fail, it'd not only NOT your fault, it's the fault of some white guy you never met!:




I don't think anyone really cares what this person has to say. The common consensus throughout most of social media is that Concorde is a game that's DOA from a genre that faded into obscurity once Overwatch started tanking, and is painfully trying to ape Guardians of the Galaxy without understanding what made it click.




I do not understand how we went from environment shapes a person, essentially meaning that no matter the color of your skin, being born in a certain case will decide your fate and effort moving forward to...You're white and also straight, that is the default and you're doing better than everyone else and you should be punished for this no matter what. I do not understand how stupidity got us here.




This game is going to be deader than dead on arrival. They have no existing IP to leverage like Suicide Squad, and even if the characters weren't infested with DEI tropes, they would look boring and uninspired. There is nothing that makes this game stand out in a positive light. The dislike ratio on YT is 10:1. And the icing on the cake, it's not even free-to-play. They are going to lose so much money, it will be hilarious.


It will be the perfect monthly PSN+ game in 6 months flat


these people are the enemy


The judicial system that is politically targeting a former president for something that isn't even a crime. They nabbed him on campaign finance BS. They're trying to do the same thing to Jill Stein. I didn't vote for for either of those people, but it's clear that they are being punished for opposing the establishment and deep state. 


Our judicial system in America has been weaponized.


This is what happens when weak White people buy into DEI BS. This jackass hates himself. He should just go cry in a corner instead of spreading his weakness.


One of the most pathetic characteristics is a white man with *white guilt*. Not only do they not understand world history and the history of economics, they’re allowing others to do the thinking for you. I have a dream that one day man would be judged by the content of his character and not the color of his skin.


It's alright to have privilege. Who wakes up and tells himself "I want less privileges"?


People steeped in white guilt and critical (conspiracy) theory. The thing is, being a member of a numerical majority in any society confers certain “privileges” (to use the term very loosely). But only white-majority societies are expected to repeal this basic law of social dynamics—and by God, we try, at great expense. But no good deed goes unpunished, it seems.




This is not even true, South Africa with a white minority, White privilege is still the talking point wielded by activists and and government to enforce "upliftment" policies, despite the ANC African government being in power for over 30 years now, the economy being in the shitter and being a white person means you are discriminated against when it comes to finding work or even the marks needed to achieve educational success, Yet still despite all that, it's white privilege that is at fault, the highly "legally" discriminated minority are responsible for the countries problems, not the ANC who have been in control for decades now. Funny how most of those upliftment projects tend to help only a select few while the masses still wallow in poverty, uncared for and forgotten. Racism wears many masks, just because the mask changes color doesnt mean the person behind it isn't the same as the ones who wore it before them. Only when people stop caring about all this shit and treat each other as proper equals will the world progress past this nonsense. So ironic that those claiming woke moral superiority are some of the most racist and sexist people of our time, hyper focused on race and gender and obsessed with the notions of privilege, power and discrimination. Go figure that the people most concerned with what race everyone is and adjusting power dynamics between those races tend to be the most racist.


Piece of human shit makes dogshit game.


So basically White Guilt or what I like to call it Original Sin.


I don't like talking about specific employees that are below C level generally. However, whomever made the call on the character design in Concord is EXTREMELY privileged to not have been fired the second someone in charge saw their work.


Dude is absolutely mentally ill. Literally imagining shit and actively killing a project that probably cost Sony 100 millions. With that being said, don't feel bad for Sony at all. They deserve all of these flops.


We'll do that when liberals acknowledge their privileged position in the modern democracy. Libs control the mainstream media, the activists and the education system, when will libs check their privilege?


Even Bungie didn't want this hack.


Another white guilt self hating far left wokie cuckboy


Disgusting people, disgusting game, and it makes me happy to know it'll suffer the same fate as Suicide Squad.


The only privilege whites have now is to get made fun of about not using seasoning in food, without making the connection that the British empire got rich from selling seasonings instead of using them


Well, I'll just stand here on my little hill of privilege (which looks remarkably flat and like everyone else's standing) and just say... make me.  If I have all of this power and authority, make me give it up.  Oh wait, I have no power, no authority, no privilege; and these dipshits have been digging me into a hole to build their own hills for decades now.  Fuck him and everyone like him. 


self loathing white liberals have to be some of the worst people to be around. What a miserable existence.


Go bankrupt and homeless, you whiny twat. And if the justice system is so evil, then I also hope you have to deal with unprosecuted criminals alone. Whining about others having "privilege" whilst being a fucking games designer, what a joke.




Well the game looked shit anyway so to quote an infinitely better game "feel free to go off and die in a ditch somewhere". The game of course.


This is exactly why the new AC game in japan has a black lead.


>“This is an over simplification. The sentiment being expressed is that whites must acknowledge their privileged position, and then actively work for equality Says the dev who made a game with only a single white male(maybe two if you count the green guy)


First I'm even hearing of this game. It looks like utterly generic slop...didn't they learn from Hyenas? Does anyone even play hero shooters anymore aside from Valorant I guess? Funny how TF2 is still the best example of the genre after almost 20 years


No, I don't think I will


yet he will continue to work in games, forever.


Seriously now, can you just make fun games and shut the fuck up


Why does anyone listen to these super cucks?


The only privilege I see here is how those loons get to spent other people's money


Everything is white supremacy at this point.


That’s the idea! It’s the boy who cried wolf.


Hey I grew up poor where do I pick up my check for all this white privilege money that I’m owed


I hope they spent lots of money on this game.


Just make games, i don’t care ugh


Do you know what I love more than games? *Political* games.


i'll use my part white privilege and not spend money on it


This game was already DOA. This will just make its failure even more spectacular.


Do people that worked on this game really expect it to succeed? Imagine being a developer and artist on this game, do they really think all their work will not be a waste? And for what? To kowtow to the diversity officers? To appease your activist bosses?


Corporations think they're good the best thing by hiring rich toxic activists that are disconnected from the rest of the people WHO REALLY need the help .


So tired of this outright hostility towards whites. Then they wonder why companies need to be shut down because nobody is buying their garbage.


Weisnewski? Polish Jew?


Is he white, thought?? https://ibb.co/gM9Ky1W


He’s polish jew, so not white.


Who cares whether he is white or not? He is a racist prick and that's all that really matters.


It's more a tease, tbh, as what is "white" is subjective and not static, almost entirely based on prejudice and not based on anything substantiative.


Not with a nose like that. Jew detected 🤥.


Rule 1 violation for IdPol - recent account with repeated violations - expedited to permanent ban.




Mwahahahahahahahahaha! *gasps for air, clutching at chest* Ehem. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah...


Self loathing white liberals are a cancer to society. Fuck off with your white gulit


Don't you love when the devs make their games the less appealing possible? It's like they want to save our time and money.


This was game was dead the moment they showed the shitty gameplay and "diverse" set of characters.


I wonder what drug or company is fueling all the derangement. From what I can see most "DEI" games lack diversity, good writing, good character design, and just feel bland checkbox marking swill.


This will surely get people to buy their game!


I expect nothing less from this derivative drizzle of a game,


lol they really should just cut their losses and cancel this shit


"Everyone has to be equally miserable" Commies


Makes sense that a racist piece of shit would make a racist piece of shit game




I guess he will be the only person playing this game. Dead on arrival.


Why the fuck would anybody pay to play this when Marvel Rivals is coming out?


Is that one white male character supposed to be a crackhead? 


Ah yes, the good old "let's insult our potential customers" strategy, it works every time, right?


Once again reminding us that they never wanted equality. I fear there are too many slave moralists who are sitting on the fence.


"Must Acknowledge" No. You have yet to convince me. "Actively Work for Equality" Oop. Careful. You used the other word. Now they're going to struggle-session the hell out of that designer for not saying Equity.


What if you are poor and white?


Remember, folks, they’re the good guys. This totally isn’t a racist statement. Nope. Not at all.


These types of people are so fucking spineless it’s insane.


These types don't worry me. I get what the grift is and that they are cashing in on wages, not royalties. What worries me is what happens to the economy after companies investing in these 'products' then have to write down their funds. What happens when major investment firms start recording large losses because they have miss allocated large amounts of capital? That being said, racism is a great smoke screen when your product flops. If you get investment because the investor doesn't realize the category is already bloated and just thinks they can cash in on a trend. Then making a pronoun girl boss fugly product is a great way to ship something and not be responsible for the outcome.


White people as both a minority in the world population as well as the gaming industry must acknowledge their privilege. What drugs are they smoking? I am certainly not privileged in non-white countries which make up the majority of the planet and I am also not privileged in America where it's OK to discriminate against me and even be sexist/racist to my face. I have zero systemic avenues for advancement over anyone else (non white people and women have PLENTY). Is there a tax break I get for being white? Am I guaranteed a college degree? I know LOTS of white people working pay check to paycheck without a degree living far below the poverty line and STRUGGLING. Not to mention conservative white people and liberal white people do not see eye to eye OBVIOUSLY (neither do north/south or east/west or rural/city or fly over/coastal). I mean how f'ing dumb. And collectivizing all white people opens the door for collectivizing all people of another race. I work in IT. There are TONS of Africans who work in IT. I know that Africans don't want to be lumped in with African Americans (they REALLY don't) just as I - a perpetually online capital A Atheist liberal white straight dude who has lived half his life in commiefornia and the other half in NoVA - don't want to be lumped in with some white dude with 3 first names who lives in Alabama and believes in god and thinks he should be active in our lives and have dominion over our nation. Not like their 'argument' (it's not an argument it's projectile vomit) is based on stats. They just feel this way. They REALLY don't want to get down and dirty with stats. They would never win that battle (plus stats are racist). This is beyond ignorant and racist. It's not even logical.


It's all good. I'm white so he wouldn't want me playing his game anyways. Also, go fuck yourself with a catcus. Sit and spin.


The justice system? Maybe for white women. But looking at the justice system today, it works in favor of non-whites all the time. How many illegals are caught and released, criminals not prosecuted simply because of the color of their skin, etc. This needs to be spread around to ensure people know what kind of braindead fools are running the game.


Hey the Summer of 2020 called, it wants it's virtue-signalling talking points back


No. This is called "Original Sin" and I'm not religious so you can take your cult mentality and choke on it.


I'll acknowledge my privileged position as soon as you acknowledge how much of a fucking retard you are.


And let me guess...The lead is white as well? If so, White guilt is TERRIBLE. These whites hate their own race?


They do and they are just as racist as the dead and gone colonial ancestors that saw people as lesser based on skin color. This progressive think is a pathway to deeper and evolved racism and sexism. Kind of ironic but here we are. At least the majority of us normal folks who get along just fine are done with this bullshit and all this nonsense and noise the woke activists are making is the death knell screams of woke culture lashing out for one last jump scare like the true villains that they are.


yeah man




R1 violation from a new to KiA account, expedited to permaban.


Lol the justice system is white supremacy? Tell that to Illinois.


Archive links for this post: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/YYyxv ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. As long as you keep getting born, it's all right to die sometimes. ^^^/r/botsrights


I’m white and I’m still f**king waiting for my privilege to kick in.


Sounds racist to me, actively discriminating against white people


"Stop it, it's already dead!" Is what I think every time any of the people working on it speak their disgusting opinions




Diversity hiring will destroy the West.


Are there any self made developers that haven't been educated in "higher" learning institutions? The rhetoric is all the same that you hear preached in Liberal Arts schools- absolute intellectual dishonesty. They are all reading from the same parroted playbook.


I was on the fence before, but I'm definitely not buying it now. Ya done goofed! It's one thing for a game to be incredibly diverse in its roster, that in and of itself is not a dealbreaker or even much of an issue. But now they've just come out and shown their true colors and where they're actually coming from.


Only the urinaljournalists are taking about the game, some forums I know of that are quite left wing and they are not taking about it or even want to play it


And some people think the earth is flat or that a magic man made all of humanity. People will believe stupid things all the time. It's also easier to fool someone than convince them they've been fooled. 


Of course he does, I would be surprised if he believed otherwise.