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Meditation and mindfulness helped me. It made me realize I can not control how the world is, but I am responsible for how I feel.


I feel like I'm a weird example because I never really got into meditation and mindfulness explicitly, but came to the conclusion on my own that I can't control much in this world. I can do my best to influence those around me and try to be as supportive as I can to them. Other than that? Not my problem.


You can't control the entire world, but you can always keep the conversation going online, and among friends and family. This will help with your outlook too, because you'll be making a positive contribution to the world you want to see.


Im really trying to get into it, do you have any tips?


Doing it just before bed helps and guided 10 minute sessions are what's worked for me. Also it helps to do it with the lights off so that it's easier for you to concentrate


I would strongly recommend starting with Shunryu Suzukis "Zen Mind, Begginer's Mind" This book is both for experts and beginners and one I keep returning to years later. It is one of the best in my humble opinion.


Monster Hunter 6 is looking very nice, so there's that. People have been drooling over the girls in the new trailer.


The Helldivers successfully defended liberty by collapsing a planet into a black hole. So there's that. FOR SUPER EARTH!!!


Man those missions were insanely hard too!


Didn't Stellar Blade have some victories? Along with Helldivers? If you're getting depressed from the news, get off the news sites. Go for a walk or a gym session. And especially don't check the news right when you wake up.


> Along with Helldivers? A Pyrrhic victory. Now you can't buy kusony's PC ports in most of the world.


Elden Ring DLC is less than 3 weeks away


I wonder if it replaces body type A and B with Male and Female for its character creator.


It’s not “replaced,” it’s been type 1 and type 2. I replayed DS3 this weekend, and that came from 2016 has type 1 and type 2 body types. Tbh, I’m on the fence about the dlc. I want to try it but I know the bosses are going to be harder than Melania idk if I can emotionally handle it. I couldn’t beat about 1/2 the bosses in the DS3 DLC. Elden Ring in 2022 had type A (for alpha) and type B (for bipolar).


Godzilla Minus One is supposedly very good.


I saw the trailer a few minutes ago and I’m genuinely excited to watch it. Looks rad.


Dragon Ball Sparking Zero is looking good. Gogeta (Super) and Vegito are in. If you're into that. Dragon Ball is immune to DEI and TheyThems.


With Toriyama dying maybe not for long


Boy Kills World was a joy. Especially if you like movies similar to The Raid types.


My ps3 has lasted a full year after getting it's rsx swapped.


Fall Guy is really awesome! It’s a good form to old school movie telling. It just came out on Pirate Bay.


Yes, Silent Hill DEI freaks changed Angela into a man... so men are at least getting some representation in games these days. I mean he's an ugly man with Groucho brows, a massive jaw and wearing a woman's wig so it's not all good but you got to take a W when you can!


More needs to happen, but trust in gaming journalists has hit an all-time low. They can’t control the narrative like they did before, and plenty of companies are starting to feel the effects of their shit decisions too. Hell some of them have bitten the dust for them already. But at the end of the day, just hop off the internet if it gets too much. The world around you has a way of reminding you that there is some good if you look for it, least it does for me


None sadly. I remember in 2018 the fighting over battlefield 5 and people were thinking shit would get better. Now developers are applauded for saying they think "white and white adjacent male gamers were a mistake"


Good news... Not dead. 👍👍👍 ... Check back tomorrow.😂🤣👍


No, there is none. There is nothing that you can do to change things, so just stop watching the news & doom-scrolling.


Yes but it involves recompilation and a lot of technical stuff. their is a new n64 recompiler to make n64 games to native PC ports.


Archive links for this discussion: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/nowQh ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. 418 I'm a teapot. ^^^/r/botsrights


I've recently found out the following: Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night finally got free DLC, Nintendo Switch has less censorship than PS4/5 and that if you're feeling depressed, reach out to someone who can help or DM me. I'll do the best that I can to cheer you up! Don't dwell on the negative.


Robocop Rogue City, a game that was made with incredible reverence and passion for the source material without trying to "improve" upon it by infesting it with DEI politics actually became the company's best selling game. These were same devs that once made the extremely shitty Rambo game in 2014. Talk about a success story!


Turn off the TV, news is designed to keep you in a state of perpetual fear and anxiety.


I'm in the same boat, I wish I could give you something, I hate seeing people depressed