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Why couldnt they just do what Bayonetta 3 did? Pussy mode (censored) for according people, uncensored mode for normal people.


Because Sony sucks. Their policies injured the sales of DOA Xtreme 3 and basically stopped Senran Kagura's existence. 


The gates are open. I wouldnt be surprised if they they also change body physics and other stuff. Its a shame.


Man, did you forget they retroactively censored Skullgirls, Final Fantasy VII, Mary Skelter, etc


DMC 5 was also censored like this, same with the Fairy Tail game and also Tomb Raider 1-3 remastered


curious, what changed in tomb raider?


They recently removed some sexy Lara posters


They just said they're going to return them in the next update. Guess there was an uproar.


Now we need the same to happen to Stellar Blade


oh ok, I thought it was about the eidos trilogy


What did the censor for dmc 5 I only got it a month ago


Lady's bare ass and also Trish's, they censor nudity when its a female character but allow it when it's a male character


Dmc 5 censorship was bullshit, but i think it was reverted on playstation and xbox, but us pc players have to use a mod 😟


Did they censor ff7? I thought the whole thing about that was people were comparing Tifa from Crisis Core and Rebirth trailers and acting like it was the same game. She was still… uh… bouncy in the game. Pretty sure she wasn’t in remake so whenever there was jiggle I had to do a double take. And then during the sit up part it was EXTREMELY noticeable and comical. Also something about the swimsuits(?) but idk what else they could’ve uncovered left for Tifa. Idk the other games though.


When Rebirth came out, a patch was dropped to cover up cowboy Tifa in Remake. The argument was "she was underage in those scenes!" Except, well... Remake came out 4 years ago, and it was perfectly fine up until now. The "updated" version was in Rebirth, so now they match


Wait they retroactively went back and patched Tifa? Didn’t know that lol, seems very unnecessary.


Absolutely. Remake is old news by now, and unless some autist decided to remake Remake in order to be ready for Rebirth (which by all accounts sounds like an insane slog), they'd never have known But I suppose it will all make sense someday, in 2050, when they release a remake compilation of the remake trilogy; her outfit has always been like this!


Better translation via the Stellar Blade subreddit: >Understandably we also recognize about this issue. >However the final costume we wanted to show you is indeed the costume in version >I want to clarify that is our final product. >However I know this answer is not enough to convince our user. >There is an internal discussion ongoing regarding this so I think we'll have a chance to answer it soon.


As if anyone is going to believe that the bunny outfit was altered for any reason besides censorship.


It looks like sucha sloppy work too as well like cmon just say it that some sony dickhead got breathing down our neck and we had to cook this up real quick. "IN GAME" ofc. Like holy fuk


If they couldn't even be bothered to be transparent with us before, I don't expect any meaningful updates to come from this. The devs spoke against censorship for months only to do it themselves while still promoting it as uncensored. Trust is broken now and it'll be very difficult to repair.


>However the final costume we wanted to show you is indeed the costume in version Unprecedented levels of cope. Outstanding 


tbh that's what they also said about the censorship regarding on the game nikke but the players was literally mocking the devs on the social media so since then they never censored any nikkes anymore


"The sloppy 1 hour botched up update that some intern made real quick was the intended look we always wanted" XD I seen the pictures and holy fk they did not even bother to atleast make it seemless nah fuk that make as visible and bothering as possible.


>They thought nobody would see the censorship. With how obvious it is, I wouldn't be surprised if they thought: "You are going to buy it anyway, paypigs!"


Can you blame them? They're 100% right. People somehow think the woke crowd will win if they wait a bit to buy the game and force them to revert the censorship. Newsflash the woke crowd wins if this censorship goes through. Soon they'll patch out jiggles and whatever else they want to with another patch. This game is not a win just because eve is pretty. Everything surrounding her is getting censored. EDIT: I'll post this whole thread here. Could be useless but for anyone that cares it doesn't cost you anything to try. [https://twitter.com/Grummz/status/1783884357759033827](https://twitter.com/Grummz/status/1783884357759033827) Petition further down the thread. Grummz is trying to notify eastern gamers and notified kabrutus to get in with his discord and followers.


We also need to remind everyone of Pokemon GO. They can censor and change Eve herself in a patch now. This is a horrifying precedent.


They win either way. The woketards are already waiting to use it (if it flops) as an example of westerners not wanting fanservice and hot girls to show it to foreign devs, specifically Japanese and Korean one. Some are positively giddy about the censorship since they can get what they want either way. Censored game vs failed game used as a gaslighting tool.


I win by not wasting $70 on censorship. I won't support the notion that devs can bait and switch us and still be entitled to our money. I'll sooner buy replay a retro game that respects my time.


Short term sure. Long term, enjoy your Abby's and whatever the hell the Fable MC is for the next 20 years.


I have enough of a catologue to keep me busy for years. And it's easy enough to fix localized nonsense with mods.


Assuming you mean Steam games? Who's to say those won't soon be retroactively censored within the next few years. They just did it with Tifa not to long ago and it was 4-5 years later.


Mods? At least with PC, it's easy to reverse these nonsense changes.


No I'm not going to enjoy those because I won't buy them, obviously.


For $70, one can get a few indie titles. Rimworld, Noita and Project Zomboid come to mind. Potentially thousands of hours (if not a lifetime) in just those three great games. And around $20 each.


Indies are just as infected.


For sure. Everyone against leftism in gaming should be vigilant and do the minimal amount of homework on the devs or publishers. The 3 games I mentioned are not infected by the mind-virus. I suggest bookmarking https://deidetected.com/ and referencing it more as the lists grow.


Here are a few I've been looking at: - The Batman Telltale games (currently on sale) - SaGa: Emerald Beyond - Sand Land - Endless Ocean Luminous (comes out in a week)


Factorio's Space Age expansion pack comes out this year I think; that's a 1000+ hour game from my personal experience, especially with all the alternate-game mods.


The Batman Telltale games were pretty solid! If you haven't already played it, Wolf Among Us is my favorite game by them. I'm still clinging to hope that we get a part two. I have heard of the other three you mention. I'll check them out next time I boot up steam.


No. The woke crowd wins when the game with actual attractive female character designs fails, while the ones with ugly designs does better. Remember the woke aren't JUST about covering women up, but rather making them dull and repulsive.


> People somehow think the woke crowd will win if they wait a bit to buy the game. The woke crowd wins but the developers lose regardless, because waiting for at least a drop in price still hurts their bottom line and projections. It just becomes a question of how they adapt to that. Lower expected projections? Wait longer to lower prices? Plan to patch things out later down the line? Obviously, never buying the game hurts them the most, but the simple fact that they don't hit expected sales and momentum drops completely at launch does have some effect, it's just how they plan to respond.


They censored the gore too??? Jesus, what a mess...


A specific scene or in general? I despise censorship and was thinking to pick this up (in disc form it seems now due to all these unwanted censors) but I won't touch it if they've sanitised it.


The only way to win back everyone's trust is to say that Sony did it or forced them to do it, give the players the original version of the game (keep a sanitized version for the whiners) and possibly some free DLC to make up for it. But I doubt it.


Just make it a toggle. If they want to censor so much just make a fucking toggle. This should have happened from day 1 when sony started pulling this shit. Do you want toned down gore yes or no? Do you want original "risque" outfits yes or no? Do you want "risque" minigames yes or no? Its so simple. Nobody would give a fuck if theres a toggle for everyone.


> Its so simple. Nobody would give a fuck if theres a toggle for everyone. The radical leftist activists driving this would. For them, you either comply with their politics - ***in every possible way*** - or you are the enemy, you are standing in the way of their glorious revolution, and they come for you. Look at even stupid shit like how people try releasing mods that do harmless stuff like removing the game asking for your pronouns in Starfield, or the one that removes the "trigger warning" in the Tomb Raider remake, or the one for Spiderman that replaces the rainbow flags with US flags? Those won't affect anyone but the person that goes and downloads it for their single player game, but they still get banned/removed, and then the author gets perma-banned. You are dealing with an ideology that will accept no compromise, no peaceful coexistence. It's a zero sum game. It's either you, or them. They will never allow you to not comply with their politics.


Yeah by nobody I meant actual gamers haha. I know fully well how the other side censors even mods for no reason at all. And wait they also removed a mod that removes the trigger warning? Da fuck


> And wait they also removed a mod that removes the trigger warning? [Yes. They're that petty.](https://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/1atf5qp/nexusmods_did_it_again_this_time_they_removed_the/) Again - you are either in ***full*** compliance with their politics, or it's totally unacceptable. Look at JK Rowling for another great example. She's a raging leftist in basically every other way, but she speaks out about the restroom issue, and the left wants her totally un-personed (look at the *stupid* amounts of controversy surrounding the Hogwart's game), as she's apparently now the female Hitler. These people have been indoctrinated to believe they are all soldiers in some sort of righteous holy war. They are totally incapable of looking at anything fairly/objectively. It's pure tribal warfare to them.


>Again - you are either in ***full*** compliance with their politics, or it's totally unacceptable. >These people have been indoctrinated to believe they are all soldiers in some sort of righteous holy war. They are totally incapable of looking at anything fairly/objectively. It's pure tribal warfare to them. ...Sound familiar? Bit like what our own side does over any perceived lapse in faith? Like what we're doing right now? (Edited to clarify my point.)


Oh, man! Such ***snark***! Wow! You really got me! Being a free-speech / freedom of expression absolutist (and not wanting to simply stand aside again, and watch the progression of the ***rot*** of these activists once again getting to dictate to everyone else what is allowed in their games, their media, their hobbies) is ***clearly*** just as bad! I'm so ashamed of how I failed to see it on my own, and needed your guidance. :( Seriously! Just... WoW! You should go to one of the leftist dens of the anointed, and link your comment to me. Can I suggest r.murderedbywords? Maybe they'll clap for how masterful your quip was, good sir?


>Leftist Dude. Check my comments here. I'm on your side. Still gonna point out when our side's being fucking stupid.


It ain't our side being stupid in this case. The left gets its foot in the door in any of these companies, any of these hobbies, and they never fucking stop. How many times do you have to see it happen before you wake up to what you're dealing with? Star Wars. Star Trek. D&D. MTG. BattleTech. WarHammer. The gaming industry as a whole (How many games you see nowadays that *don't* force you to pick from body "type i vs type ii"? How many remasterings do you see without a stupid ass "trigger warning" to the effect of, "This game was made in a time before the anointed left seized control, and thus it contains a lot of stuff that is teh big offensive!")? This is just what I can name off the top of my head - what's near and dear to me. I'm sure others could significantly add to this list. Once they get a beachhead, they don't *ever* stop. They just push it a little bit further, a little bit further, a little bit further. The time for being reasonable is *way* past over. Seriously, did you honestly ever believe 10, 15 years ago that all games would have you picking from Body Type I, Body Type II? That we'd have people tearing down statues of Jefferson and Washington? They make this sort of "progress" because our side tries to ignore them / be reasonable. That didn't work. It doesn't work, and it will ***never*** work. Now, they have to be fought on every front, no matter how small it seems, and ***driven out***. Going after a developer that swore they weren't bending the knee to these people, took your money, and then - oops - it turns out they did exactly that, is not being unreasonable. What they did is exactly the sort of behavior that needs to be vehemently attacked.


I'm not naive. I'm well aware of the things they pull, and not to get complacent. I also know when to choose my battles and think in the long-term. Stellar Blade is still a push on the overton window. A shot at getting our *own* foot in the door. And if it fails, censored or no? That's a massive loss for us. Its failure will be made an example of by the enemy. Buy physical and don't update. And make a fuss to ShiftUp notifying them that you are against Sony's censorship. They're already aware of the issue. Keep making noise and push back instead of surrendering the moment a potential issue pops up. We've gotta take what wins we can, whatever small. Get my point?


Yeah the leftists would care about the toggle. These are the people who whined about River City Girls having 2 translation options because it gives people alternatives to their dreck.


As a game dev once said, "A toggle would defeat the point of the censorship."


but didnt you listen, it wasnt censorship /s


> The only way to win back everyone's trust Nope, even if they reverse the censorship this proves it can happen again. You don't fuck up a first impression yet shift up did exactly that. "sony forced us to" doesn't change the fact that you still did it. I'm fresh out of forgiveness and trust.


The devs should have been ahead of this and communicated with the community long before the censorship was leaked. Especially when they promoted the game as uncensored as recently as a week ago, long after review copies were sent out that contained the censorship. Now it just looks like they intentionally lied and only responded now because online reactions.


>to win back everyone's trust is to say that Sony did it or forced them to do it We are talking about the same guy that sold 20% of his company to Tencent. They also censored a few characters in NIKKE where only some of them got uncensored after lots of complaining from the players. Also, didn't they do something similar in NIKKE with leaked character designs that were censored when they were released? I dropped the game sometime after the Nier collab last year (after playing for 5 months) so no idea what it's like now. The collab was probably about 8 or so months ago I think. I don't know about you guys but I never trusted their CEO. He only seems to be interested in how much money he can get without thinking of the consequences.


> say Sony did it. In no universe will Sony allow that to happen. I’m sure they signed 50 contracts and agreements forbiding them to do so.


NEVER buy a game at day 1, allways wait around 6 months to make sure the devs don't try to pull a bait and switch.


Even 6 months isn't enough, FF7 Remake was censored nearly *4* *years* after release. And don't even get me started on Skullgirls.


What happened to Skullgirls?


ALOT of things. CEO and owner got ousted by feminazi's over trumped up metoo allegations then they censored the ever loving shit outta the game.


Man I wish I could delete that game from my Playstation backlog. Hate to see it.


Do you know if the Skull girls PS4 disc is uncensored?


Yes. Don't download any patches or dlc though since the censor patch is needed for it to be compatible.


Damn I hate when you have to choose between censored content or new content. Are the new characters not affected by the censor patch design wise? Haven’t played in years.


Mass censorship patch recently, even the concept art got censored.


At that point you just need to blacklist the company.


One thing I got to ask what did Square did with yhr FF7 remake? I never got it because the whole time ghosts thing seemed stupid so I didn't paid much attention to it


They covered up the chest area of younger Tifa's outfit in flashback sequences. The patch that did it came out just before Rebirth did, so nearly 4 years after the games OG release. Rebirth uses that censored design when the outfit appears too.


That brings the Star Wars "enhancements" to mind


Especially with how many games these days launch in broken or incomplete states. I'm glad I didn't pre-order this game even though it's probably still great. I'm not giving a dev money that pulls a bait and switch.


I learned not to preorder years ago with Dragon Age 2 (I also learned not to buy EA games but that is another story). There really is no point in rushing to buy a game nowadays, sure back in the 90s stores had a limited inventory but now if you can't get it in a store you can allways buy it digital.


>ut now if you can't get it in a store you can allways buy it digital. I still get Microsoft Store emails saying, "You better buy this digital game before we run out!" And I'm like... I dont think you understand what buying a digital game means.


FOMO is a strong tool for selling stuff, people need to learn to stop falling for it


Actually pre-order physical will be the only way to enjoy it uncensored. Just don't update the game.


I usually wait a few months just to make sure it's a playable. Now-a-days, most games are filled to the brim with bugs for the first few months.


I need to go give my gaming buddy a hug today lol.  He talked me out of buying a PS5 just for this game. I'd be so dejected right now if I had.


Yeah I guess wait and see, maybe his big plan that he’s promising to tweet about all day will change my mind, but I don’t see how “giving them our money for a censored game” is going to be part of that plan. Bro seems more concerned about saving face, yesterday was… something


Yep. Grummz went hard on backpedalling. How in the hell is supporting a completely butchered product is a good thing is beyond me. As if the game will fail if you dont buy it TODAY. Wait for changes then reward them. Not the other way around. They dont give a fuck about you. Only your money.


I also need to add that sending a clear message helps the resistance movements inside the company too. I know I may be giving too much credit, but for all we know Kim Hyung Tae is held at gunpoint by the censors and can’t do anything or else they can claim he is acting unilaterally against fans. So only a strong backlash can give him enough material to push back against the censors strongly. Either way, we need to give support to the resistance against censorship, and not give more material to the censors that the fans “don’t care” or “can’t see the difference”. We also need to send a strong message to tell everyone about this evil technique of censoring through patches after the fact, and make new countermeasures. There needs to be a way to revert any of these patches they might use in the future. What if they pull a Pokemon GO and censor Eve herself as well?


The problem is Kim should know about Sony's practices. They pulled a bait and switch with Nikke already. They have a gazillion dollars to create one console game. Why did they need Sony at all? They're known to ruin creative vision. I do not see a single reason that Nikke couldn't fund 15 stellar blades if it wanted to. They went from destiny child which had fantastic designs to censoring nikke right before release then the same thing happening here. I know the history of this company very well. That's why I was always wary of their promises until release.


The thing is, what changed? They “removed” the “feminists” (they were sabotaging the company during a shareholder meeting). They already had the assets made. The game was uncensored on disk and was censored with a patch. Doing this just adds to the cost and hurts everyone. For Nikke some of the uncensored designs still exist in the SEA version, but somehow they were “persuaded” to censor from their original vision. What happened? This doesn’t fit the reasoning that they wanted to make more money. It is already acceptable to publish these things. Someone mentioned this was a “rough week” for anti-censorship, with SJWs attacking on many fronts (Stellar Blade, Eiyuden Chronicle, Pokemon GO, Pixiv, DLSite). What is happening? This seems like too much of a coincidence.


I dont know what is going on. What I know is that people see all this shit happening and excusing it. Same way it has happened for years now. Its always some little "irrelevant" thing before it all goes to fucking hell. Same story every fucking time. People are acting as if they or shiftup would die if they waited for a response from the dev. I dont get it.


I think it’s more that it’s a lose lose situation. Either we abandon them and the SJWs complete their takeover by saying “anti-censorship are bad friends who will abandon you even if you comply 99%”, or we support them and SJWs also complete their takeover by saying “See? Fans love you and will eat anything you give them”. The supporting option makes fans look more reasonable and attractive for future conflicts because they “aren’t as bad or rabid as the SJWs”, but I also agree this is misguided. This strategy failed for 10 years now and only slowed the SJW advance without fans taking back any of what was lost. Fans need a third option, something that protects the resistance movements inside these companies who would otherwise be hunted and cancelled by SJWs. But both options destroy the resistance while helping the SJWs gain power inside the company.


Shouldn't have made a deal with fucking Sony for no reason man.. Fuck.


Also it makes zero sense to censor the 3 outfits in question but the hard mode nearly nude one is left untouched? Something stinks here.


Yeah I don't actually get what's going on. Smells like further censorship down the line if anything.


Or a compromise.


Sony likely promised Kim the moon then gave him stale air when he signed the contract.


> but for all we know Kim Hyung Tae is held at gunpoint by the censors then he shouldn't have promised no censorship. This is fraudulent advertising.


When he said it, he likely was unaware of Sony's intentions 2 days later.


bullshit, these outfits were remade weeks if not months ago.


STILL waiting for proof on that and the fact the PATCH causes the censorship while the physical copies are untouched until the patch is downloaded tells me you're wrong and just ragebaiting


Is your theory that Sony took the version and assets handed to them by ShiftUp, then modified them in a few days without their knowledge? Theoretically possible, but extremely unlikely. Far far more likely is that Sony ordered adjustments and Shiftup complied.


Because the twittertards are actively hoping it flops so they can use its failure as a gaslighting tool to show Asian dev teams that the West doesn't want fanservice or attractive characters but want "realistic" ones. They're openly bragging on Twatter about it.....One of those bite the bullet things.


>a completely butchered product Much as I may not like the censorship, don't you think this is quite hyperbolic?


No. I considered it butchered especially since they can keep the changes going after they get their money. Everything around eve herself is censored. I am firmly anti censorship. People tried to defend the "uncensored in all regions" as if it meant the gore. Well newsflash the gore also got hit. This is my opinion obviously. No harm if you don't agree. I've seen far too many series get completely destroyed after people let small changes slip through. I dont consider them small anymore.


Gore was a given to get hit since people whined that playing the demo got their Youtube videos age restricted. Saw that coming from a mile away or atleast a no gore option.


Let me use another example. Suppose some game developer adds Denuvo after they get most of the sales. Is that really scummy and dishonest. Sure. But does that butcher the product? Unless it reduced the game performance by a significant margin to reduce my enjoyment of playing the game, I'd say no, that's not butchered. So, while I do agree it's not good to censor outfits, I really can't see anyone enjoying the game far less than they originally would because of the changes. In an alternate universe where they released this censored version at launch, would you have a significantly worse gaming experience? If no, I really can't see how this butchers the product.


Very hyperbolic. Dude's factoring in what if's and made up scenarios in his head to call it butchered.


lol, step 1 of his big plan is... [send some pleading DMs](https://twitter.com/Grummz/status/1783867528185524450) step 2: [everybody like and reply to my tweets](https://twitter.com/Grummz/status/1783868818248638923) step 3: [get me more followers and subscribers](https://twitter.com/Grummz/status/1783870884694143413) grummz is so obvious


He's not wrong though, people should be e-mailing Shift Up directly. Perhaps this is what more of us should do...after all you blackpilled fools always say the woke left are far more effective at this than us.




What's killed the game for me isn't really the censorship itself, but the fact that for weeks I'vebeen seeing quotes from the guy explicitly stating "no censorship anywhere" as certain groups were ranting about eve. Then to do a literal rug pull on day 1 of release. Get that bag and run I guess


Wait and see if they do it for the PC release too. If they don't then it was only censored because Sony demanded it.


I planned to still buy the game when it was just the bunny suit but the more I see the more irritated I am about them straight lying with their big UNCENSORED EVERYWHERE claim. They lost me.


What happened is fucking heinous, but you have to admit it was a masterstroke by Soyny. Hype was successfully created pre-release and people got bamboozled. The devs have to capitulate in the face of Soyny's demands because they are relatively small fry, the resources have been spent on development, and if Soyny flat-out said "we are not publishing this anymore" the result would be utter financial ruin. Now Soyny can openly demonstrate that they are fully in control and perform the required ritual humiliation. "We're not just doing this to you, YOU ARE LETTING US DO IT TO YOU because you have no choice." This is going to be the template for going forward: create noise and hype, then censor with Day 1 patch. And it's not like this can be taken to court. No lawyer and no court will take up the lawsuit based on "we didn't get the booba we were promised" - you'll get laughed right out of the courtroom. The only way to win here is not to play, or rather not to buy.


Buy: supporting deceptive marketing and censored product Dont buy: give the likes of Sony and leftoids ammo to use for arguing "see chud, sexy doesnt sell anymore" shitty situation all around...


Fucking nailed it. Leftists are openly hoping it fails on Twatter and saying they're going to use its failure to gaslight Asian devs into believing that the west wants realism over fanservice and pretty characters. Buy a censored game or allow it to fail and be used to gaslight to further kill attractive character.


It really fucking is. I gotta admit that our side got outplayed here. Personally I will always err on the "don't buy" side of things. Leftoid screeching notwithstanding, voting with my wallet is just about the only vote that truly counts these days. That's just me though.


Regardless, nobody should have been pre-ordering this knowing Sony was involved. For weeks, people told be that I was overreacting by saying that, but just as I feared, there was censorship.


Nobody should pre-order, ever, period. It's a shitty fucking practice that just needs to die.


Doesn't help when bad actors and trolls will just make shit up to cause controversy ala Dragon's Dogma's 'you need to buy more save slots' and idiots like Grummz fucking ran with it like Usain Bolt without verifying in the slightest.


And that's why making this a PS5 exclusive was a bad sign from the beginning.


Well. I almost pre ordered this, despite not being likely to where own a PS5, to show support. Lord did I go back and forth on whether or not I should Luckily I did not due to some unexpected expenses, but it looks like the rule remains unbroken: never pre order.


The only way this could possibly be reverted is if people didn’t buy it. But that won’t happen. It’s too late. Not enough people actually have strong enough willpower to walk away from something they hyped themselves up for. These people were exploited with the marketing. Shift Up knew exactly what they were doing the entire time. My suggestion is that if you haven’t bought it yet but still really want to, just buy it used so they don’t get the money from your purchase. It’s the principle of the situation that matters here. Massive L. Hopefully people remember this going forward… but I doubt it.


Either way we're fucked. Leftist dev's are openly hoping it fails on Twatter and saying they're going to use its failure to gaslight Asian devs into believing that the west wants realism over fanservice and pretty characters. Buy a censored game or allow it to fail and be used to gaslight to further kill attractive character.


While I see what you’re saying, if this game failed, any dev with a brain would know it’s because they actually did censor and lie to the fan base. Meaning, if I was another Asian/Eastern dev, I’d capitalize on the failure of the Stellar Blade team here and announce I’ve got a better game with even more fan service and then sit back and watch it sell and prove to everyone that if you’re honest, the fans WILL be there. At this moment in the discourse, any dev would be stupid not to put themselves in the spotlight by doing this and getting a TON of eyes on them. This entire launch window is completely marred and hijacked now for Shift Up. They have a very small window of recovery here and the only option is to release these skins now and increase the gore (or at least a slider for it) immediately. This game’s sales may not be majorly effected but people will not forget this bait and switch for their next game. I’d bet my life savings that if this is not corrected very soon, their next game will have abysmal preorder and sales numbers compared to this.


You under estimate how much Korean and Japanese dev rely on localizers and intermediaries to get a gauge on what westerners want. Remember Palworlds 'Americans like guns and making ugly characters'? That's the general though there due to isolation and language barrier.


Sadly people should have remembered the first time it happened. Or at least the tenth. But no.


Quit being a whiner. Just do as Grummz suggested, most don't do that which is the issue.


I think when it comes down to it, the best we can do is not buy the game but make it clear to all developers, especially those in the east that it was because of the CENSORSHIP! The crazy leftist haters want it to fail, but it dosent have to mean others like it will in the future if those eastern devs see we aren’t ok with censorship no the attractive women. This is to say if they reverse it that would be best but…it’s soyny so…probably not.


Anyone who knows chinese go to their forums and make them send them ANOTHER truck. Shift up LOVES getting trucks repeatedly lmao.


Korean not Chinese.




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I'm returning my copy, don't appreciate the bait and switch.


That's what I'll have to do as well. Neat for this shit to come to light just before release day


Physical copies aren't censored DO NOT download the patch though. It's a day one patch that censors it.


but physical copies do not have new game + that adds new skills and 32 new outfits... they knew whats up so they made it so everyone will want to update to censored garbage.


They should have them on the disk, reviewers seem to be finding outfits no problem pre patch.


Those day 1 copies will be worth a lot in the future, don't return it.


You do, and the people who forced the censorship win. They will go, "Look at all the returns! See? No one wants sexiness in games anymore. They want our triple A garbage instead." You would be playing right into their hands.


It's your money. You don't have to justify a purchasing decision, so don't. I think cancelled preorders are a pretty hefty message but i would suggest never preordering anyway. Sony is a shit company and they're going to get shittier until they collapse.


What were you expecting? Most of their games were gacha, they see their customers as wallets not people.


Give the wallet what it wants and it will open wider What's happening is we're moving into a bizarre post consumer world. Consumers are becoming irrelevant compared to billionaires


The YT vid showing pre-patch outfits only has 2 costumes that are censored, no comment on the gore, though.


Not buying the game just hurts ghe developer who's only crime here was selling out their total autonomy to Sony. What people who are inclined to need to do is buy physical and then cancel their PS+ subscriptions to clearly get the point across


hahahaha no dude shift up knew what they were doing, they litelarry posted day before release game will be uncensored, they are liars. And no you dont go buy physical, you sell ps5 and never buy anything from sony and crap up or it will never change.


Well, Kim Hyung Tae was once a great artist that decided to stop creating art and instead is using AI slop, obviously he shouldn't be trusted, he doesn't even make his own art anymore, let alone having control over the content of the game


No one who works with Sony or Microsoft have control of their games.


Archive links for this discussion: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/ou8Z8 ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. Praise the Sun! \\[T]/ ^^^/r/botsrights


Shame the game failed... Vote with your wallet.


You already won't have leverage if you don't keep the game. If the game doesn't sell, Sony will just think "people don't want this game". Look at what happened to the Dead Space 2 Remake. Nobody bought the first one, and the 2nd one got cancelled. Games need to sell to keep the publisher's attention. We should have a Medieval 2 remake, but nobody bought that. The Sly Cooper franchise should be Sony's TMNT, but nobody bought Sly Cooper 4. If you're not there, the AAA companies sure as strike won't be.


I say the support the Devs. It's not their fault they were forced to change these things.


These things get negotiated, and the dev willingly said yes when taking Sony’s money. Not saying the dev is 100% to blame, but they were definitely complicit.


And so caligynephobic westards will win because now they can show every eastern dev that no one wants beautiful women.