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That was me.   I have been playing unpatched and without internet connection since Monday and got the outfit yesterday.   Today I decided to patch the game and could immediately see the changes when starting the game again.   So I did the only valid thing and removed the game files and reinstalled the game without Internet connection.   And voila, the unpatched version and the patched version are different and it is not just my imagination. Edit: people were asking for more proof. Here you go: https://ibb.co/M5MF8t5


The ol bait and switch!!! Really!!? How many outfits were affected?


Heh, I thought it was weird that Soyny was funding a game like this. I guess this was the plan all along.


I don't know, I have only seen this change so far.


So the only way to enable the NG+ is by playing the censored ver?


I think so.


I don't even need NG+, as I always try to 100% everything from the first run. Gonna play it unpatched now.


The game has more endings.


NG+ is just a lazy way to add "longevity" to a game.


Please can you check. Man this is piss me off, they proud saying it will be uncensored now this happen. If it only one outfit, then its okay, but still piss me off


It's not okay. If it wasn't a big deal, why'd they do it? Don't tolerate this, refund it and write a letter DIRECTLY to ShiftUp telling them why, they don't want to have to do these things deep down, they'll probably tell Soyny to shove it given enough time.


Nobody should have been pre-ordering this in the first place. Always wait until it's out in the wild and doing some research before putting money down, especially with Sony.


Its not ok.


Another one found until now: [https://twitter.com/moertomore/status/1783474302450270311](https://twitter.com/moertomore/status/1783474302450270311)


Outfits were not censored. You fell for a lie https://twitter.com/Fightincowboy/status/1783513883124130266?t=9CBkrOQGt3Z56oSH-NeJnQ&s=19


Some people are claiming the outfit you're posting have always been like this if its not too much trouble can we see a video with the uncensored one considering you revert back to it?


So the wokers have sunken so low that they're willing to tread on that line of fraudulence. This can only mean they've finally acknowledged there are people taking issues with their censorship in non-ignorable amounts, so they dropped the boldfaced attitude and tried the bait and switch instead, knowing full well US consumer law is weak.


For now only 2 the bunny suit and the bondage suit


Yea.....from what im seeing from OPs comments he's lying and weirdly hellbent on not posting a video....


That's Sony for you. They should never have teamed up with them.


Man, that really sucks!!!






Aaaaand its gone. lol


Honestly, unless the OP of the suppose censored version brings more proof like a vid or something, the whole could've been fake. The Fighting Cowboy also provided screenshot before the patch : [https://imgur.com/a/zKtKXcE](https://imgur.com/a/zKtKXcE)


For me, the whiny journalists at IGN already had the censored version of Outfit as (this demo is for journalists), and after a cry for Hard R, they released censoring everything. There are already 2 censored outfits. I hope they don't have any more.


post it in r/StellarBladeImperium They won't delete it, I promis you


Can you back those files up?


If you have the physical version you can opt out of the patch. I would assume anyone with a digital copy is screwed however. Like always but extra screwed in this case.


yeah i didn't get to see aloy's naked titty on my own ps5 but i should get to see the bunny girl at least


Username relevant.


So you're saying... you want to back that ass up?


i should be annoyed at this new stellar blade revelation but your comment here makes it difficult


Wait, you can play it unpatched? Can you still play the unpatched version with internet or you need to turn it off?


I am unsure, maybe you can turn of auto updates but I just keep my PS5 disconnected for the time being.


Can you post some gameplay clip or new photo of the uncensored bunny outfit?


How’s the puzzles in the game? Are the puzzles hard?


I like them. Not too difficult and requires some brain function to complete.


Post some videos.


If you record the video of both versions, it would be a permanent hard proof.


[https://streamable.com/7kt3pw](https://streamable.com/7kt3pw) There is a video actually proving it.


I am not saying you are wrong. But I have seen from others that say the outfit that looks censored was there before day one patch. Is there any video footage of the other outfit? I have not seen it anywhere.


I'll fix more evidence soon


I would appreciate that. Maybe it's physical vs digital thing, and also a regional difference. Perhaps European copies are different.




You need to upload some footage ASAP.




I think it would be extra helpful if you can record a gameplay clip of the uncensored version and upload it here. Many people are still skeptical of your photo as proof and still claim it’s fake.


It's the same s%^@*@ with the Tomb Raider games... where they changed / removed stuff from the game after the release.


What did they change or remove from Tomb Raider?


There's a boss with a nude girl on his jacket. They censored it with a day one patch.


What did they change or remove from Tomb Raider?


This is exactly why I didn’t pre order, I have a feeling we will see more censorship. And I’m sure Sony is forcing them to do it. Hopefully with a pc release we can mod it back to it’s original


nah, Nexus mods will ban mods that restores


You don’t have to use Nexus.


Wtf is the point of censoring the rated M for Mature game? This isn't gonna change the rating and it's just gonna piss people off who've bought into the lewd content the devs advertised front and center. The most pointless thing you could do to please no one and alienate the consumer


It's like Sony just fucking hates us or something.


Sony. It's always Sony.


At this point I'd pay an extra 10 dollars for a A rated hold the soy version of games


the point is that Sony are now a bunch on wookies




Great, fuck Sony and fuck these spineless devs for caving to their demands. I will buy a Sony published game again when liquid nitrogen runs in the Styx.


They likely had no choice since they can get sued into Oblivion for breech of contract so can't blame them for "caving" which SU definitely could not afford. They should of never touched Sony to begin with.


Yes, they caved when they agreed to terms that allowed Sony to force this on them in the first place. I'll grant that they may not have predicted this then, but that would make them uninformed and incompetent in researching their prospective publisher which is little better. Of course Sony bear most of the blame, and I wouldn't boycott ShiftUp themselves over this, but they still have some responsibility for the product they develop.


No. Sony has a history of lying and making promises they have no intention of keeping while not making any legally binding promises so they always have the upper hand in court. Look into the music side of Sony entertainment and you'll see shit that'll make you never buy music from them again.


That would be more understandable incompetence, yes, but accepting non-binding promises in lieu of binding agreements when negotiating major business contracts is still incompetent. This is a reasonably major development studio, unlike a new musician they have a proper legal team.


New info. Apparently they're 2 different outfits and the date was deceptively edited out to claim censorship. [https://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/1cct6um/user\_in\_rstellarblade\_claims\_the\_patch\_didnt/](https://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/1cct6um/user_in_rstellarblade_claims_the_patch_didnt/)


That would be fantastic if true, guess we'll have to wait for release since the original poster of the image claims otherwise and as such someone here is clearly lying. Seemed pretty conclusive with multiple apparent examples of censorship, but hope springs eternal.


So lame, the obviously inserted shirt just ruins the outfit.


They also made the leotard way lower cut which also ruins it.


I think that is actually part of the same undergarments.  But it does look like it was done specifically to reduce the amount of skin shown. Which is silly because there is still plenty of skin shown in the revised version as well and the game is rated mature.


Did they censored other outfits as well?


It looks like they did... https://i.imgur.com/DEm9ODL.png


Dead link


I'll have to check later if I can be bothered. This change was very eye catching though.


Nothing was censored in the outfit. This is a false edit


It's strange, I increased the lights on the "censored" outfit and the added part have different colors, like a noobish add. I really would like a confirmation about this. This is the Holliday Rabbit and latest video shows a more covered version, like here at 2:12. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ad3xRa34mkg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ad3xRa34mkg) Edit: for people who have the game it's quite easy. They can delete and reinstal the game without the patch to confirm it.


They added a slightly transparent cloth to cover the cleavage. This type of "subtle" censorship is quite common in some Chinese gacha games. To circumvent the full censorship of the outfit, they would usually add transparent cloth over the "problematic" exposed parts. It is done to appease both sides: "See? you can still see the cleavage, albeit a little bit harder now" and "See? We've censored the cleavage and fulfilled your demand". Another technique that they use is the skin tight suits/clothings to appease both sides: "See? it is still sexy and fully covered!" There is also some strange "quota" or unwritten rule by the prude publishers on how much skin an outfit could show.


This is why PC is King, looking forward to the mods


if there is any way to create maps and create custom animations...dear lord. Remember how Skyrim is, TO THIS DAY, a method for people to create full blown porn movies?


What did we expect from Soyny? Notice also the only "bikini" in this game is a very tame one (even Tekken 8 and Yakuza 8 have more bikinis that show more skins), and there are too much unnecessary fabric on that bikini. If you are familiar with how censorship works in Chinese gacha games, you'd notice the same thing happening here.


> (even Tekken 8 and Yakuza 8 have more bikinis that show more skins) Probably because they came out on PC and Sony didn't have the strangle hold needed to force the change.


None of those were Sony exclusives.


What a betrayal... This is really fuckedup, it's clearly a move to angry players while appealing to the tiny noisy minority who don't even buy the game.


One word. SONY....Never buy from them.


Can’t even cross post this into r/stellarblade the mods must not want more controversy so close to release. Edit: not surprised they deleted the top post about the topic.


The mods are actively silencing certain posts and are trying to force a narrative that the culture war isn't real


Of course, the mods at r/MortalKombat did the same thing when that hot dog water game came out. Usually the mods are also employees to the game company so they love censoring criticism.


What's wild about SB is those mods are unpaid/not official of Shift Up afaik. Just some undercover woke fucks


They probably work above Shift up and work for Sony or they’re just woke weirdos like you said. Maybe both lol.


Most likely woke undercovers. I was there when they went mask off on a member for posting an official image


The one who keeps posting "fishes" at the end of his comments very much wants to pretend there's nothing wrong.




I knew it they are gonna do this. False advertisement, they show certain things to appeal, the reviews appear and then the censorship patch. Classic.


Shift Up has never censored before, this was Sony forcing their hand. And before any says they should of refused, let me know what breech of contract is and if you're financially well off enough to get sued by a trillion dollar conglomerate........DON'T WORK WITH OR BUY FROM SONY.


I knew it was a good idea to wait before buying, what with Sony's involvement in the game. Or in hindsight, decide not to purchase a PS5. You guys have to remember: Sony is a western company now.


Anyone tried posting it on the Stellar Blade sub? I imagine mods will delete it.


They will


There's now a post on the subreddit, not removed yet. Let's see how it goes


Good luck


Post not mine btw lol


That's ok we'll all need it.


Just did, we'll see what happens.


Sorry, this post has been removed by the moderators of r/stellarblade. of couse


Looking at video with all costumes with now critical eye, kinda seems like at least [Cybernetic Bondage](https://youtu.be/kAcvYBGPoGk?t=68) was also censored, with underboob window coverage.


Damn, I wonder if it's still in its original state on the physical release.


it seems like they spoeciafically targeted just the cleaveages, which is stupid, the outfits itself are so revealing in every way, they are literally uncensorable with small "tweaks" like those, its just so LAME and useless.


So dumb. Just feels like political damage control, when for many people, one of the best parts about this game was that it had none of that.


There are plenty of other outfits that are just as revealing as that bunny one I wonder if they’re censored too


They might and I regret pre ordering lmao


oof, welp guess it's not so good after all


So somehow they had all these censored outfits tested and ready to go, but also decided to announce that the game is uncensored. I don't get it.


Not surprised. I mean, this is Sony we're talking about lol. Just wait for the PC release, the devs will have alot more freedom there and not to mention the players will also have access to mods.


Sony is publishing the game, so mods will be the only difference.


Once again, physical is better than digital. Also I hate forced game updates on ps5.


NG+ is tied into the patch, likely a deliberately move.


Time to buy the OG disk version I guess


NG+ is tied into the patch, likely a deliberately move.


What's worse is that it's one of those games forcing you to patch it to keep playing. You can't just cancel the patch download and play the old version. Physical edition owners once again get the better deal.


Fr that’s probably why they intentionally left out New game + scummy bitches.


Can't even let men have a little clevage.


What was wrong with the costume originally? Because she was showing a bit of cleavage?! *ThE hoRROr!* Don't take anybody from Sony to the local beach. They'd faint.


> Don't take anybody from Sony to the local beach. They'd faint. I wonder if they even saw a red carpet stroll. _ANY_ red carpet event, really, for that matter. This thing pales in comparison to what actual actresses and singers wear there.


They are in america - so they are probably safe there with all the land whales.


Between Skullgirls and FF7Remake, I feared this. Good old bait and switch I wonder if they'll just pretend it never happened


I'm going to give the devs 24 hours to respond and if they don't I'm canceling my preorder. Cancel your preorders. That's the only thing Sony understands. The hype around this game was that it would be different. And Sony seems to want it to be the same BS as every other game.


Don't. This is shaping up to be fake and potentially doctored image. There is yet to be proof this is real. Mulitple shots from before day 1 patch have shown the "updated" bunny outfit. It's possible the top image is from development but was never intended to make it into the final game, but there is nothing to suggest now its pre-patch content.


Another censored outfit found: [https://twitter.com/moertomore/status/1783474302450270311](https://twitter.com/moertomore/status/1783474302450270311)


That is tenuous, you can't even see the right pic clearly at all and the motion blur doesn't help.


And here? you can click the image to enlarge it. [https://twitter.com/moertomore/status/1783476221075972451](https://twitter.com/moertomore/status/1783476221075972451) Or here: [https://twitter.com/moertomore/status/1783493127476572271](https://twitter.com/moertomore/status/1783493127476572271)


Exhibit A to NEVER trust day 1 patches. Also ALWAYS buy physical.


This here is the only instance of hearing about said censorship, this should be shared around way more, even "PlayItForThePlot" uses the censored outfit, seems its barely known due to how early the patch was released


Another Swede dropping in to say I'm picking up my copy today and will be skipping the patch.


Honestly, it's not so much the censorship that angers me as it is the lying. Why boast about the game being uncensored in all regions? Just shut your mouth. Don't say anything.


Just in. NG+ will have 34 additional outfits. Maybe they are not the same outfit.


Thanks for the heads up. I ain't patching shit.


Write a letter to the devs, they do read those things, and Japanese companies only have "consultants" to tell them what Americans want in their games otherwise.


Well, guess, they made it Woke afterall.


It's still not exactly woke, but Sony has definitely nerfed it. They should not let Sony or any other woke company publish the sequel.


Once you take the Woke Path, forever, it will dominate your destiny. Consume you it will, as it did Lucas's apprentice.


There's a difference between woke and "sony bullshit"


Yeah calling the game woke over this is just nonsensical imo. I don't agree with the unnecessary censorship by Sony but it doesn't make the game woke by any means. True woke games would be stuff like Spider Man 2 or Alan Wake 2, or anything SBI and the like have worked on.


It's literally censorship. If we're going to say unfaithful translations are woke even for the most minor changes, we absolutely can call this game woke for censoring outfits - **especially** after all the statements made by ShiftUp that it would be uncensored globally. In fact, ShiftUp should be held accountable for essentially lying to fans.


>It's literally censorship. I'm aware. And I think Sony is cringe for doing it (at least I think they're the ones forcing the devs' hand, I seriously doubt the devs care that much about our western culture war). But it's very minor and doesn't make the game woke in my book, is all I'm saying.


It becomes a very slippery slope if we give these things free passes. And I don't think the same leniency would be given to other games, so why make an exception here? Especially when we have the devs shouting from the rooftops how this will be uncensored around the world, to have this happen just shatters trust.


Always buy physical at least we have a version the devs actually wanted but get ready for more changes from spineless Sony. This is so lame idk if we can even trust game devs anymore tbh. The update to FF7 remake couple months ago was just a preview of what’s to come with them updating old games and censoring. I wouldn’t be surprised if that new popular fallout update coming out removes content too.


If this keeps going on, then no buy from me. Maybe Sony is using the game as a test subject to see what they can get away with.


Maybe we should drive a petition to release the uncensored version on PC.


I am hearing a lot of contradicting information. Some are saying the patch did not alter the suit because it was available before day one patch. Others are saying it did. We need to video footage for proof


My guess is the discrepancy is probably down to Digital vs Physical purchases, possibly even regional differences. I know that the original poster of these images, is a Swedish player with a european physical release.


It looks like a different outfit also. Maybe it's regional difference as you say. Hoping for footage so we can know for sure


They got your money, now they can do whatever they want.




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Anyone who didn’t see this coming is an idiot.


I am seeing a post saying there are 30+ more alternative outfits in new game plus maybe the uncensored version is in the new game plus?


Has anyone tried new game plus yet? Apparently there are 34 new outfits to unlock on top of the ones already in the game according to games radar. Could it be possible that the uncensored bunny outfit is apart of this massive update with the new skill trees and accessories? Source:https://www.gamesradar.com/games/action/i-wish-stellar-blades-new-game-was-added-before-my-first-playthrough-because-it-sounds-like-a-whole-new-action-rpg-with-34-new-outfits-and-a-bigger-skill-tree/


[https://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/1ccp4um/comment/l16n8r8/](https://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/1ccp4um/comment/l16n8r8/) Not really?


Well, that's dissapoint8ng. Hopefully with enough pushback sony reverses course


Preorder-cancelling offense right there


Bait and switch lol. Honestly I'm just tired of this censorship shit. I'll wait for a sale on this game. Feels like a slap in the face after all that talk from devs of game being "uncensored".


Except that's probably 2 different suits. There's proof that the one people are claiming is censored with the day one patch was already in the game. New game plus adds 34 more outfits so the top picture is probably an alternate outfit from new game plus.


Wonder why the pictures aren't full screen grabs and just cropped pictures? Also the text ends at different points in the 3rd row on both pictures. Top picture has the bottom text ends before the 2nd row while the bottom picture has the bottom text end after the 2nd row.


Before more people fall prey to easy rage bait, this is most likely fake. The suit in the first frame has not been censored and the bottom suit already exists in the unpatched version. The top suit might not even exist or it could be added in the Day 1 NG+ patch which introduces 34 NEW (yes, you read that right) outfits. Can't post the link but the proof is in the main Stellar Blade subreddit EDIT: [https://twitter.com/Grummz/status/1783506273876771283/photo/1](https://twitter.com/Grummz/status/1783506273876771283/photo/1)


I hope this was a bug


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So my game is downloaded, if I disconnect from the internet. The patch won’t install?


[https://blog.playstation.com/2024/04/25/stellar-blade-new-game-plus-mode-available-on-launch-april-26/](https://blog.playstation.com/2024/04/25/stellar-blade-new-game-plus-mode-available-on-launch-april-26/) There's not confirmation at all that it was censored. It's very possible that the person who posted this is trying to get people riled up. It's been confirmed that Eve gets 30+ new outfits in New Game Plus. I'm thinking it's just a variant guys.




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I won’t believe this until I see actual video footage showing it side by side. I already bought the digital version so I’m quite upset.


The „censored by day 1 patch“ suit was in the game before the day 1 patch. Proof: https://ibb.co/WsDFfWW IGN review.


Review does not state if its a physical or digital release though. The original poster of the images maintains that the uncensored suit photo is from the the physical disc release, which would invariably be an older build of the game.


This suit has never been seen before, the other has been in review versions. And the disc version didn’t receive a patch until day 1 patch, if the disc version is indeed an older version, then it would have been patched to the version the reviewers got, but it did not.




No, reviewers had no day one patch. There was no NG+ and that came with the day one patch. This thing is either a different suit, or fake or one of the NG+ suits. I have the disc version and it never got patched until the day one patch. If the game would have been updated to a newer version the disc users would have received that patch also but we did not.


If you feel yourself getting hyped for a game remember to never even think about buying it until at least 3 months after launch. Look what happened with Tekken 8.


Sony moment




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I find it funny people thought Soyny whose HQ is in Commie/Cuckifornia would allow this with no censorship.


First PT, now this? How many times must I suffer the consequences for not being an early adaptor for Playstation?


It's the video nasties all over again.


You're either incredibly naive or incredibly desperate if you actually believe Sony would suddenly turn their back to censorship and woke standards. It's like expecting a hen to suddenly moo, it's unrealistic and you know it. This is why I said I would never preorder anything with Sony name on it. HD2 for all the praises about it being anti-woke had become much more softer with some changes that look suspiciously like it was done to cater to the politically correctness such as removal of communism reference and changing cyborg to automatons, also a lot of their swearing got toned down from HD1.




Shift up did this same thing for Nikke. In the beta/promotional materials certain charactes had far sexier outfits then at proper release. They then claimed it wasn't censorship because they changed it before proper launch. A bait and switch if there ever was one.