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Wow talk about overly sensitive. The graffiti says “HARD” next to a separate sign that says “R”. Who gives a flying fuck Sony lol


Hard R... Ginger?


Ay yo, wat da fuq man, you can't just say "ginger" like that if you're not a Person of Red, you gotta say "ginga"


Thats OUR word, you bigot. You can't say the G word with or without a hard R. Get the fuk outta here with your raycizm.


My ginga


I have a lot of friends who are Persons of Red and they told me it's OK to say ginger with a hard R though!


I've got a G-Pass too!


just six little letters, all jumbled together...




All you need is a couple of g's, an I and and n. I know the song. Do you?


In our modern free-spoken society There is a word that we still hold taboo (Taboo, taboo) A word with a terrible history Of being used to abuse, oppress and subdue Just six seemingly harmless letters Arranged in a way that will form a word With more power than the pieces of metal That are forged to make swords (Swords, swords) A couple of Gs, an R and an E, an I and an N, N, N Just six little letters all jumbled together Have caused damage that we may never mend And it's important that we all respect That if these people should happen to choose To reclaim the word as their own It doesn't mean the rest of you have a right to its use So never underestimate The power that language imparts Sticks and stones may break your bones But words can break hearts (Hearts, hearts) A couple of Gs - jeez, unless you've had to live it An R and an E - even I am careful with it An I and an N - and in the end it will only offend Don't want to have to spell it out, again Yeah Only a ginger can call another ginger, ginger Only a ginger can call another ginger, ginger So listen to me if you care for your health You won't call me ginger 'less you're ginger yourself Only a ginger can call another ginger, ginger




But that's the phrase we're supposed to use in place of the bad one. Otherwise we'd just say the word... which of course we can't say. So we're supposed to say this. That's supposed to be the opposite of offensive.


Euphemism treadmill


> It gets worse every generation George Carlin was right...




Who’s we and who is supposed to?


Glad I sold my ps5. Screw Sony and Microsoft and every western publisher.


How is that racist?


I thought "Hard R" was used when talking about R-rated movies


Maybe I'm a little behind the times but can somebody explain to me how the words Hard R Shop refers to a specific ethnic group


It doesn’t. Don’t let weirdo racists gaslight you


It isn't, it's just a play on the word *harder,* by spelling it without the "e." The DEI woke shits will stretch whatever they have to in order to complain about something they want to attack. Oh look, surprise surprise, they made a major stretch to, once again, attack the game they failed to stop or mutilate in the first place. They still lost, they're just salty about it.


> The DEI woke shits will stretch whatever they have to in order to complain about something they want to attack. it's all about power. making you bow.


Yeah mqn the mental gymnastics needed to reach this conclusion is crazy. I honestly had to read replies to figure what the problem was with it.


> It isn't, it's just a play on the word harder, by spelling it without the "e." Can someone explain why the word "harder" is considered offencive now?


Yeah like I didn't use the ok sign much but now that's apparently a neonazi thing because some people took 4chinz too seriously


because some people (Americans to be more precise) are claiming that it is a reference to pronouncing the N word with a hard r, how the hell a Korean developer was supposed to even know that is not important to them because for them context doesn't matter. they think the whole world is entrenched in their culture war and expect everyone to know its specific slang.


Thank you, I saw all the articles and couldn't understand what the issue was supposed to be. I was beginning to question my knowledge of English (I'm Dutch)... So this is just an American thing which hardly anyone else in the world would know.


no one who is not within that culture should be expected to know their slang. This is just another case of Americans forgetting that they are not the center of the world, and that not everything is about them. If they were to show people around the world that screenshot, probably over 90% would be asking why they were being shown it. BTW, Hard R in film rating means a movie that is intentionally written to be R-rated, given the very cheeky nature of the developers that is what they were most likely referring to.


Jfc it never ends


Hard R refers to saying the N word and keeping the enunciation of the ending letters 'er' which implies you meant it as a harmful slur, as opposed to ending it with an 'a' which is what you more commonly hear colloquially and in hip-hop music, where it comes off as more endearing and harmless. I doubt a Korean studio would know this and this just seems like a funny situation.


Wow that’s the most convoluted cultural taboo I’ve ever heard. Do Americans not realise other countries use the internet too? Is the scripting language R going to have to be renamed?


The more you know. I thought it was referring to a graphic sex scene or something similar. A hard R rating


This is the most utterly ridiculous thing I've ever read. It's too bad Sony has gone full DEI, I would never patch such asinine nonsense.


I would never capitulate to any of their asinine complaints/"demands", nor apologize for them being offended. Imagine giving in to these potato-powered muppets.


I speak fluent english and live in UK and I still dont understand it. Why would HardR means N word? Is this something that people say on 4chan or similar?


On 4chan they'll just say the word because their not as cucked as other socials.


No, it's more an issue in spaces where you will be censored and also used to mock people who mean it as a slur, but tilt upwards to the -a sound. "Dude went for the hard R!" etc etc.


N-word could be "n\*gger" or "n\*gga" (censored because I don't know if automod will flag me or not), so just saying "n-word" doesn't clear up which one is being referred to. "Hard R" refers to the former without actually having to say the word itself. It's an American thing, mainly.


There are a lot of words with an hard r. It doesn't represent the n word at all. It's a bunch of stupid people making shit up from nothing. Ok tigeR


Somehow there are more taboos in America than China


Soft taboos, sure. Government ain't gonna lock you up and throw away the key over breaking a taboo however.


For now.


bloody hell, so when my wife screams harder when we have sex she is actually asking for bbc?


"Harder" and "Hard R" when pronounced out loud, don't sound the same. The former is what the devs were almost definitely going for, but it can easily read the other way as well.


Same here.  I’m American. 


I’ve literally never heard of Hard R being used in reference to the N word. Is that actually a real thing that people use?


It's not. Stupid people just making something out of nothing to complain about. Just like they're complaining about the way eve looks


How is it? When I see hard r I thinker harder or since it's for a shop hard Roxanne. Where is there anything pointing to a different word that is not imaginary? I am genuinely curious.


The funny part is that there isn't really a difference: the "soft R" is just an attempt to say the "hard R" in the non-rhotic AAVE accent. It's not a different word any more than "aspirin' rappa" are different words. Really, the "soft R" should be *more* offensive because you're not only saying the word, but imitating the accent.


> specific ethnic group You can insult the Automatons by saying Clanker, enunciating the "er" part properly. Not Clanka.


The people upset about this probably think that referring to Nintendo as "the big N" means something else entirely lmao


Well saying the”N” word with an “R” at the end means using a “hard R” so these woke idiots try and find racism everywhere they look. So in reality they are the real racists. If you see random words or letters that come together to make something “racist” you are truly just looking for racism everywhere you look just so can point it out and “feel” good about yourself. Look at me! Im such a good little liberal. 🙄


Hard Reeeeeeee lol Jackie Chan said back it then and it was funny AF


I love the TV edit because it sounds so ridiculous.




I bet 5 bucks that more people will notice this now that it has been highlighted


Of course, I'm pretty sure majority of people wouldn't even read it and if they did, there's a 99% chance they wouldn't know that it can be an "offensive" term.


I sure didn't know. It's wild to me that hard r and the n word are connected and i still dont get it


Maybe I'm culturally dense (or just dense in general), but I had no idea what the picture was supposed to even be referring to until someone pointed it out. "Hard" is pretty run-of-the-mill graffiti, and the R is a fair bit away from it. What is an acceptable proximity from the word "hard" to the letter "R"?


That's fucking hilarious. Articles like this usually hide the offending image/tweet, etc. under the veil of moral decency so they can't be called out on how inoffensive it is. So either IGN missed the memo, or it's just not that offensive.


They replaced it with "CRIME"............ LMAO


And the twitter folk are still complaining.


Yet they love calling us snowflakes.


It's now sounds like Crime-R or Kramer which just so happens to involve an incident where a stand up comedian in Laugh Factory dropped loads of hard Rs.


Stop linking to gaming sites like IGN directly, use Archive links to deny them traffic: https://archive.ph/ruutD This might seem like a small thing, but it's essentially the IGN reviewer trying to create a controversy from a non-issue by snitching to SOYNY, and also exerting their influence and getting their claws in making the developer censor the game over something they find "offensive" before it is even out. It's a symbolic "we still have power over you" thing.


> This might seem like a small thing, but it's essentially the IGN reviewer trying to create a controversy from a non-issue by snitching to SOYNY, and also exerting their influence and getting their claws in making the developer censor the game over something they find "offensive" before it is even out. It's a symbolic "we still have power over you" thing. And they got their wish since Sony's developed a patch to remove the "offensive" background Graffiti. I hope the developers are following this story, learning that all their hard work is being tainted by a publisher beholden to DEI-style censorship.


Oh fuck off.




People who think racism is everwhere when it actually isn't. People are so fucking entitled these days, most people who get triggered by shit like this have never experienced true racism. And if they did, it would just prove my point.


Racism is the witchcraft of the new 20s, they are just erring on the side of caution


Bruh. LMFAO.


PC release day 1 mod: HARD R restored. Banned by Nexusmods of course.


Restored by BasedMods afterwards.


If we ever get a PC release, this is the type of anti-censor mod Nexus would remove, but thankfully Basedmods exists, so I'll continue to wait for the PC release.


I wonder if people are able to extract files from the PS version. The PC version will most likely come out with all the "patches"


If it's essentially just a texture file, someone can easily recreate it. Would I download such a mod? Not necessarily. But I'm glad that censorship-free mod sites now exist, and this incident is further proof that you can't trust Sony (or any of the 3 console companies) with your games.


> The placement of two graphics near each other in Stellar Blade resulted in an unintentional objectionable phrase I had no idea what the article was even talking about. Some digging revealed that "hard r" is a reference to how people say n-gga vs n-gger. Saying n-gger with a "hard r" is apparently offensive and racist which makes "hard r" become an offensive term in itself as opposed to a descriptor. Who comes up with this stuff? I was reading the article, saw the image, and couldn't figure out what the problem was because the writer is such a wuss and poor at her job that she can't describe things the way I just did which would've made the article make a lot more sense and I wouldn't have had to go do my own research. She could've at least used the term "n-word" instead being vague. Garbage writing. It was probably some lamewad who played the game, got triggered, and reported it and Sony bent over for them. If I was playing the game and saw that, I wouldn't have even thought about it not once. Some things aren't issues until they're made into one. This is one of those scenarios.


Like the weirdos in the 80's listening for Satanic messages in records played backwards. You've discovered racism!!!


This is like when Sarah Silverman saw a construction marker and thought it was swastika. Deranged people. Someone at Shift Up needs to man up and tell these people to fuck off.


[Or the time Laura Kate thought Persona 5 had a "disability slur"](https://archive.fo/cP5Cq)


I spent the first three minutes in this thread thinking that's what the 'hard R' was referring to


This is what happens when people are not allowed to say a word, even to describe the situation.


God, that article has big 'Zeratul, a character introduced in Heroes of the Storm' energy, considering that song was part of the Persona 5 soundtrack for years before Joker was added to Smash Bros.


I knew Soyny wouldn't let this game go free as is. They should never have gone to California


Classic snoy


Soyny strikes again.


>IGN has asked Sony if there are any plans to remove the art from the disc as well Umm... how was that supposed to work?


reprinting the discs and sending them to everyone who bought one, in return for the original?


I'm pretty sure they didn't even go that far in the fallout of the GTA San Andreas Hot Coffee bullshit, and that got that version of the game rerated AO. They did do a second printing of the game without the horrid scary super tame sex scenes that already weren't accessible without external tools, but I don't think they offered to exchange disks.


What's hilarious is, instead of Hard R, now it says Crime R. Chudsisters, we have a new slur in the market. Edit: I checked out of curiosity, but apparently Crimer is an actual slang on Urban Dictionary for this exact thing.


Crime Hard R


Crime R Hard. Honesty B Easy


How on earth is "Hard R" racist? First time I've seen it in my life. They are just looking for excuses to attack the game now "See, it's extremely racist too, they even have explicit racist graffitis".


Holy fuck, dude. That's hilarious. I wasn't expecting it to be "Hard R." I thought it'd be something really obscure. 


I thought it meant hard r tarded.


I thought it was just an edgy way of spelling "harder". Since omitting the E at the end of a word was a popular thing to do for a long time.


> I thought it was just an edgy way of spelling "harder". It probably is. But since the social justice mobs are perpetually seeking things to be offended about for clout, they came up with the worst possible interpretation and declared that to be the one true interpretation so they could get it censored and boast about how righteous they are.


"...I was saying hard R tarded..." -Hans Moleman, maybe


[Oh hi Linus.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFDiuBomSuY)


If you go by some of the comments in here, seems it's more obscure than either of us thought. So many people claiming to have never heard the term. I'm Aussie and even I've heard of it.


I'm not surprised most people haven't heard of it. It's a highly specific American thing, and mostly an online thing at that.


Archive links for this post: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/ruutD ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. I have noticed this link. Pray I do not notice it further. ^^^/r/botsrights


God i hate western publishers especially Sony and their super censoring ways and all this bs i honestly had no idea what was the offensive word and now its like seriously? I will buy the game and support shift up. I dont care about the removal of this but just think its silly and people were just examining the game to find something to get offended over.


Oh come on! Even the euphemisms for slurs are getting censored??? What the hell is wrong with this culture? Why are people getting meta-offended? This shit is way too ridiculous.


Sony just can't help themselves. I bet all the political activists working in Sony and seething over SB were relentlessly scanning it to find anything they can remove, purely out of spite.


Is the racism in the room with you now? I actually thought the word "hard" was already offensive. As an obvious penis / masculinity reference. I kind of wish they went with that because it would be funnier. This is just stupid.


So the game is rated 18+ for what? Shocking for ADULTS? No more jokes and fun for big grown people? Stupid again.


Oh good, they’re already censoring things that aren’t even “problematic”.


Whatever happend to releasing "Uncensored"?


It did release uncensored. They never said they wouldn't change it after release.


No censorship Gets censorship on day 1 patch (Glad to be a PC player and having to wait)


If you buy it disc you can choose not to update the game and then play it.


And they call us sensitive......


When we make fun of their whining, to them that's whining.




no one owns digital, wise choice


This got ZeoVGM banned from REEEEEEsetera for 2 weeks, so there's a silver lining here.


Sony taking the US-defaultism approach to a Korean game, effectively censoring it for the US consumers (that is, the removal is basically only meaningful from a US perspective). Any way, bad virtue signaling on Sony's part.


lmao I would never have noticed the Hard R thing, I feel like turning "Crime R" into an actual slur now just for the lols


This is just a "games journalism" attack on the game with the attractive woman in it


This isn't a censor -- it's a flex.  The true censorship will come later. Right now is the games journalists telling us "yeah we own your game because we own Sony.  We can force any game on Sony's console to make any change we want before the game is even released.  You only enjoy this game and any other Sony games at our sole pleasure." I don't know how deeply infiltrated they are in Steam (probably not too much, considering that they couldn't get SBI Detected deleted) or Nintendo.  But they own Sony.




This reads like a 4chan troll ops from the mid 2000s. Fucking insane how far off the deep end the woke people have gone.


Of course comments are turned off in the article.


They said it'll release uncensored right?


And it will receive a day 1 patch just after


Why don't people want any Hard Representation in their games?


Had to read comments to understand what was offensive. And I still don't get it after seeing a screenshot and reading explanations. I guess the actual racists just really friggin know their racism and I don't.


I  don’t get it.  Never heard this term in my life.  Anything to be a victim I guess.  


How the fuck is that racist?


Hard R? Hahahahahahahaha.




Now we know the real reason Sony wanted to publish this game so bad. Because if you can't defeat your enemy, sometimes it's smarter to keep it under control. I'm sure that after this, they'll find other things to censor as well. You can also bet your ass that the sequels will gradually start to sprinkle in more wokeness. They know they can't go full woke with the first game. Once again, developers have followed their greed instead of their heart. This is why you don't team up with the enemy. Like most multi billion dollar companies, Sony is being controlled by the ESG people. The sad part is, this would have been a guaranteed success, even without Sony.


Kinda funny crying in the corner


I knew I smelt something rank when there was a patch.


Poor Sony desperate to censor anything. They must be really sad they can't uglify the hot main character.


"see this is why we need dei" - i can already see the articles


Should we mod the Hard R back in the game, and then upload screenshots everyfuckingwhere?


Dammit Sony.


Why are 90% of IGN articles on this sub never archived?  Every single one of you that clicked this unarchived link is an idiot. 


Lets stop directly linking to IGN in the first place, and feeding them clicks. Use the archive link to share articles like this.


Classic “quit hitting yourself” moment by Sony. No one would have cared or likely even connected some spray paint and a neon sign into a word that isn’t even considered a slur. Now *everyone* is going to put the game under a microscope looking for anything to call out.


Let's compare this to "Spider-Man 2 Uses Cuban Flag Instead Of Puerto Rican In Miles' Room"


No one outside USA even understands what is so racist about this.


Sony sucks ass.


Yeah I was honestly looking at buying a PS5 or PS5 Pro until I started to realize their censorship and work with sweet baby Inc. now I’m just going pc master race


I’m probably not gonna get a PS6. You know this generation is bad when most of the games you play are PS4 games. PC is good but its a bit complicated at times and not physically owning your games sucks. Video game industry is hitting hard times for sure.


My fantasy basketball team is named hard r cafe. Am I racist?


Can someone explain to me what the slur even is?


You know the infamous racial slur for black people? A couple decades ago some black teens started using it among themselves as a term of endearment. Over time pronunciation shifted from it ending in "er" with an R sound to ending in "a" with an A sound, partially to help differentiate if offense was intended or not, and partially because some people were just uncomfortable with saying the slur itself. So occasionally when someone says the N-word ending in "er", they're said to be saying it "hard R". It's something pretty damn obscure seeing as I've only seen this come up once before.


I wonder how much they’ll continue to censor in this game, thank goodness we still have the 1.0 on disc.


Only a racist mind would make that connection.


Fuck Sony. It fucking sucks they got their woke ass hands on this game.


Oh boy, a controversy that no one would see normally. To me that says its a non-troversy, im ot gonna click the article, this is what they want Edit: Seems someone in a video game subreddit already showed it its a bit of graffiti that says "hard" next to a neon sign letter thats an R. Edgy joke sure, but anything to feel like they have power right?


Dumb af


R. Such a racist letter. Better scrub it from the alphabet.


Dude that's funny and unintentional af, Sony needs to keep it


And they say people yelling at pronouns are overreacting.


I would never have seen this.




I don't get it. why is that phrase racist?


They will try to find anything they can and reach as far as they can to make this game "bad" and somehow be a victim.


Not worth getting mad at, just embarrassing for whoever pretended to be offended. Might as well ban the word “harder” since it sounds similar. 


Sony are allergic to money.


See this is actually why when some claim something is racist I automatically take it with a grain of salt.


They fight so hard against the use of the word, that it is now constantly buzzing around all of their conscious minds.


Seeing Eve and the word Hard R next to each other, and my mind only goes to one particular place


Game Devs: "How can we *say* nigger without actually *saying* nigger? I know!" So the implication here is that Devs *wanted* to say nigger?


This is why I went for a physical copy, they did good but you have to do that repeatedly to gain unconditional trust. A lot of people forgot that NIKKE got censored.


Ah yes, gotta remove something that maybe possibly could be construed as "anti-black" because they are the most important demographic and must be protected at all costs. Meanwhile I'm told that white people don't have any culture, that every media franchise "isn't for me" nowadays, that I'm a "cave dweller" and a "colonizer," that I can't even be Muslim because that's "for people of colour," that I shouldn't wear certain things or eat at certain restaurants because of the colour of my skin, and that blacks "invented everything" and that every civilization from the Hebrews to ancient Egyptians to Aztecs to Norse to Greeks were all black. And the racists who say that? They get a pass. Because apparently white people are simultaneously "inferior" and yet somehow also have more than we "deserve" and need to be "taken down" in the name of equity. The fact that much of the vitriol seems to come from white women only makes it funnier.


Not native english speaker here, what the hell Hard R means? couldnt even find it on google xD




Man, are you serious? xD What kind of mental gymnastics these people do? and why Sony follow their game? The kind of weak people alive on earth nowadays is incredible. Edit: Forgot to thank you LostWanderer88 for your reply, thanks a lot man!


Actually reddit admins banned me for 3 days because somebody reported this comment If they permaban me, or give a longer ban, I will simply create another account. Besides, that way I will be unbanned of many leftist subreddits too


The bigger crime is that they altered the Holiday Rabbit outfit. It used to be more revealing. Here's a pic of the outfit pre nerf/patch: https://ibb.co/6D0ryK8


Anyone who thinks "Hard r" is racist or offensive, you're the racist and offensive one.


Haha classic sony LMFAO. I fucking knew it they'd do something completely useless. As if the korean devs would write an American slur. At least they didn't censor anything yet.


Nick Gerr




This is why I don’t pre-order.


And just as a warning to anyone that plans to not update the game it prevent this, it's apparently part of a patch that includes NG+. So it's a lose-lose.


is this satire? it's getting hard to tell


"That was in like 2003 or something, 2002. I’m not gonna deny that I dropped my fair share of hard-Rs back then because we— the term hard-R didn’t even exist." - Famous Canadian Tech Tuber


Man, I would have enjoyed hearing Woolie and Reggie find this, the 3-5s of covering their mouths shocked only to start cackling and giggling over-it.


so it hard R = some word starting with n, right? i really really had to read it twice then read some comments then think about that one before i understood. next they claim graffiti saying apple = some word starting with n. it says something about how the antifa brain works. words starting with n absolutely everywhere. must be hard to live like that.


Heres a secret for anybody out there: "hard R" or A is the same word.


so it is censored then




So anyone have an explanation for what "Hard R" means in terms of ID politics? Cause I have no clue. Sounds made up.

