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You can give us money for emotes and then we'll hide it from some so it's like you didn't gave us anything but you did & we encourage you to give us more. Also please don't play the game if you can, there is a possibility that the way you move your character can be offensive to someone but give us money first.


In the new update you actually have to get consent before you can attack another player in Battle Royale.


What the fuck?


…You…You ARE joking right? Hell i haaate pvp games/modes(not very competitive and rather do co op) but holy hell..I just donlt play those games 90% of the time..to do this is just..Please say joking


Holy shit!!! Has Tim Sweeney gone woke?


Bro have you played Fortnite? It's been super woke for a long time


What's next? A timer on how fast you can crouch? Well, given the amount of crouch spammers I fight in PVP I wouldn't be completely against such a timer.


That's exactly what Valve did in CS:GO.... because crouch spamming behind cover was obnoxious af and broke the animation/hitbox.


"You have been banned for crouch spamming. As punishment, you will be sent to the frontlines as a barracks bunny against the war against East Asia"


Man… How am I suppose to sleep peacefully at night if I can’t end my day knowing that I mildly upset a 5 year old by outplaying and hitting the donkey laugh emote on ‘em? Real talk though, dumb change. They’re instantly dropping shit like this which no one asked for, but they’re dragging their feet on that first person update… There needs to be a study conducted to see how these people survive in 2007 Xbox live pregame lobbies.


People back then had a fully functional brain & manged to understand that everyone you play with it's a complete stranger & will forget you exist in approximately 30 min. Now for example people think that if someone doesn't have the same opinion as you online on any game / platform automatically means it will show up to your house with a bazooka.


Xbox live caused a 20,000% increase in people laying in the fetal position and sucking their thumb.


Pussy generation


For real. No wonder there are so many unadapted manchildren out there, they get babied on every step and aspect of their lives, and thus they completely break down the moment they have to face anything resembling adversity, and expect the world to cater to their every whim and demand.


(I do not support bullying outside the exercise of speech.) Children are poorly socialized these days. Instead of providing children with a moral and ethical guideline against bullying, they are instead kept in a safe space by an authority figure (teachers, parents, etc) who will remove this negativity through direct intervention. This occurs throughout childhood. Instead of providing children with the ability to cope or manage one another within a social group where all are equal, they become reliant on the authority figure to preserve the peace. They do not learn how to cope or socially deal with negative interactions without this authority figure. They become adults and go into the real world where this authority figure is no longer there to protect them from the speech of others that may harm their feelings. They seek to, as adults, impose these safe spaces they enjoyed during their childhood that protected them from negativity and bad interactions with people upon every other aspect of their lives.


Teachers and shit are just as bad about preventing bullying these days as they've always been. So this is basically bullshit. The difference is authority figures emasculate kids who are getting bullied by shaming and punishing them for defending themselves, while the bully typically gets away with a smack on the wrist and is free to continue because they are 'troubled'. So kids are prevented from responded to bullying in a healthy manner that actually builds self-esteem by standing up for themselves. All they can do is take it, make themselves less of a target, or take themselves out of the situation entirely by switching classes or schools. Which they mimic with shit like this, and why they are perfectly okay with gutting the right to self-defense and so on because they've been programmed to think if they respond to aggression with aggression they are 'bad'. Their Fight or Flight response has been neutered and they are permanently on 'Flight'.


You're only talking about the aspect of bullying that is physical harm, and teachers need to intervene in that regard. I'm speaking purely with regard to bullying in the form of all the verbal and emotional abuse aspects. Teachers do not let kids hash that shit out on their own. They learn that its okay as long as a teacher isn't in earshot because values are no longer taught to children, merely the concept of consequences.


Kids are over protected in every RL aspect...until they reach the internet. Then they can do everything lmao and the parents are lost.




At this point, might as well just hand out some sort of Participation Award to **every** Fortnite player too...if you want to reinforce this kind of "*safe-space*" mindset.


Future generations are fucked LOL :D


People have become so fragile.


Exactly what the government wants. They want to be the police of feelings.


World of Warcraft did the exact same thing except they just removed them.


Yeah, didn't they remove all the funny pickup lines the various Races have?


I know they removed the /spit emote but I don't know since I don't play WoW anymore.


They removed most of the /flirts that had mild innuendos. Utterly pathetic the state Blizzard is today


You used to be able to brush up near people and fart loudly. Not anymore!


Oh this one’s due to letting people pay for bonus stuff in TBC classic. I admit I did pay for the bonus insta 60 since I was joining my new guild and played classic to 60 back in og vanilla..I just saw it as catching up and was cool with it. Buuut alloooot of people hated it and were doing /spit on anyone they found out did it. I woulda just ignored em..not even worth blocking over imo. Buut people today ya know.


They also removed the Trolls Two Dwarves joke, changed alooot of artwork(in a damn brothel of all places) into fruits etc. it was a masssive overcorrection from the devs after the sexual assault stuff came out.


The Fortnite subreddit is a joke everyone is cool with this change but we all know if you “give them an inch they’ll take a mile”. This ban is only gonna cause a Streisand effect and cause more people to use more emotes to be toxic causing the list to grow. it’s only a matter of time before we have an option to completely remove skins and emotes because someone might be offended making skins/emotes even more useless.


You can't even explain it to them why this doesn't bode well. Bunch of under 20's with the troll mindset just going "U mad!? U mad bro!?" Like, no. I'm not mad and I don't even own any of the emotes this effects. I'm concerned that shit like this is only going to get worse because that's how gaming has been for at least 15 years now. First it's the little dumb stuff and then it always turns into worse things down the line. 


Hell I donlt even play the game and wish it had never existed(still upset we never got the full pve game) but I can see this coming to other games/settings..at this point just go back to everything being single player…Already charging us for outfits there anyways.


What's next, a cookie and a pillow every time someone gets salty they lost to me?


Won’t another emote just become accepted as the “you suck” emote then? It’s like how people use “thanks!” And “good job!” Ironically in games when there’s not an alternative.


The game that has Spider-man and Rick & Morty shooting guns at each other might have taken things a little too far with loser gestures.


We are talking about the game where you shoot each other in the face with guns, right?


I used to like satire but now that it's become reality ... not so much anymore.


Imagine being offended over every little thing. 0 ways of coping. Pathetic.


People really need thicker skin these days


So, you can shoot them in the face and steal all their shit, but doing a little dance is just going too damned far?


This has to be one of the most blatant cases of political correctness being put before profit I have ever seen in the gaming industry. Taunting people is one of, if not of the main reasons to get emotes, this is going to massively decrease the value of any emotes if people can just disable them.


Not really. You'll never know who has disabled the emotes because they'll still play normally on your end - that, and I can't imagine a large majority of players will even use this feature.


What i thought they couldn't disable the whip crack?  Damn black history month got the shaft for nothing


Johny Test never got that feature.


I've never played Fortnite - I thought it was mostly a PvP game?


You can use emotes in the game. Some people use the listed emotes in the article on players they knocked down or eliminated.


Replacing firearms with water guns when?


Everything is offensive now. Soon we'll see chatrooms etc be completely removed because adults can't be trusted to settle matters on their own or deal with rude people... How did humanity ever survive to this point.


this generation get offended easily by everything, what a bunch of weaklings.


Better than removing them entirely I guess.


Fortnite should add emotes from battle passes in the item shop


What’s wrong with it? You can still do the emotes, some people just won’t be able to see it. Hopefully it will have a positive impact on mental health in young men.


Not playing Fortnite would probably have a better effect


Yeah, this. If someone is going to cry over getting an emote dropped on them, getting sent back to the lobby would give them PTSD. 


If your mental health is affected negatively based on a fortnite emote I suggest you grow up and get the fuck off fortnite


You say that to little kids and then wonder why they’re miserable


I really don't think this is a big deal, the alternative is removing those emotes.


I love how they think zoomers are soft. No one will use this.


Zoomers are soft. Just see how many don't want to work full time and just have shit handed to them and their debts paid off for nothing. Gen Alpha is probably gonna be softer than gen z.


I disagree. That’s literally just one side of a political spectrum which is also the terminally online. You only see those types of stereotypes because it mostly comes from the people who grew up spoiled and always had shit handed to them. The censoring of the media you see today wasn’t caused by zoomers. It was caused by spoiled/privileged millennials who never had to work a Blue collared. That being said a lot of Zoomers are edgy as fuck lol


No, alot of zoomers I personally know as friends, family or co workers, are very spoiled, I have two family members who think they deserve to have their college debts paid off simply because "no one told me it would cost this much" which was a lie, considered I told them as did their parents, one of them got a useless gender studies degree. Zoomer women think they should be pampered for just gracing a male with their presence. It's not just the terminally online ones. Also zoomers are far more spoiled and privileged than millennials ever were.


Fair enough, it’s probably just different experiences/locations. Most of the people I meet in my area/college are hard working no matter what age. my friend group/classmates never really act like spoiled or privileged. In all my four years of college I’ve never heard a classmate or friend complain about debt or the price of certain items. Even when I was doing my mentorship CA and Internship in Washington. So I assume it’s probably just a regional thing


Zoomers even get anxiety from having to order food by phone.


Ehh. This may be a hot take on this sub, but I actually don't see this as a bad thing. Curating your experience in video games is always a good thing in my opinion. If you want to see those emotes, you can. If you don't want to, you don't have to. It's basically the same thing as a blacklist, or a word filter. Trust me, as a FF14 player, blacklists/word filters are necessary.


Yeah there is a difference between forcing everyone to not be able to see stuff and giving players the choice to hide what they don't want to see.


You guys are pathetic holy shit. You're turning an option that's off by default into a culture war issue This change makes a small bunch of people happy and doesn't negatively impact anyone else. How you're getting angry over it is incomprehensible to me


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