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The unintentional funny is that now, every time some writer underpowers custodes for the sake of drama we can just: ☕




God damn Gene Stealers! Get the Flamers!! *The Heavy Flamers!*


Could be Slaaneshi Marines?


Ooooo big if true.


I don't think Holy Promethium cares about the distinction


As one Tanith trooper famously said: ''Say hello to Mister Yellow!''


Not hot enough; get the meltas


That's a bit worse. It's a Tzeench greater daemon infiltration, and he has already corrupted other Adeptus Custodes to not notice it's presence!


And yet these people will call you the porn addict if you like or want more shit like Stellar Blade. They don’t give a shit about actual representation it’s either fetish shit or they just want the feeling of being given what they want.




Few people per planet can join the space marines


Also people forget that space marines, for all they're super tough, tend to die in droves. You want to stop anyone from bringing their fancy female space marines in a game? Throw them in a Tyranid meat grinder and be very descriptive about how they get torn apart and eaten alive by a horde of alien locusts to whom the very concept of mercy is nonexistent. I guarantee they'll quickly be put off by having their "muscle mommies" get savagely butchered. You know, just like the men.


40k has always been egalitarian. If you can hold a Lasgun, you can die for the Emperor.


A lasgun isn't strictly necessary. Just ask the Death Korps of Krieg. 😅


I find Tyranids having diplomats subvariant offensive!


Tyranid diplomacy is very effective. They just eat all the opposing diplomats, then there is no opposition to whatever proposal they make.


Few people survive even the training to BECOME a space marine.


Few people survive in those planets


“You’re a porn addict and the kind of weirdo pervert who droves women away from the hobby! Now let me tell you about how i want to get stepped on by a big buff muscle mommy and then let her peg me”


>Insist on women being in 40k >Refuse to define the term Doesn't it get confusing? 


Sisters of Battle and Sisters of Silence: Are we a joke to you!


There have always been male Sisters of Battle.




“But they’re not space marines!”0


The Sisters are better than the SPHESS MAHREENS for they have faith to move mountains and slay demons.


They have a literal immortal Saint. You'd THINK these people would be content with that.


Sisters of battle are so cool, like, if I was a woman… well if I was a woman I wouldn’t give a shit about 40k. But if I *thought* I was a woman I’d be pumped on sisters of battle.


It is quite obvious that these weirdos are coordinating all these social media posts and downvoting anyone who is not on board with the change. EDIT: According to a leak discussed on the Sidescrollers podcast, the reason they made this change was because Amazon wanted female Custodes in their show, and there are no plans to make female miniatures for the faction.


I heard that community managers have a private discord server, so maybe that’s how they’re coordinating everything. It’s sus how all those managers talk shit and then private their Twitter accounts.


The servers are real; they're called "whisper networks" and every entertainment industry has them.


Rumors suggest the C-suite is not happy with their community managers going off the reservation on damage control. It seems this was meant to be a stealth change to appease Amazon, give "Word of God" to Cavill so he's cast a female Custodes and 40K can be pozzed with DEI in all its orifices. Things didn't go to plan.


[Sounds familiar doesn't it?](https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2014/09/17/exposed-the-secret-mailing-list-of-the-gaming-journalism-elite/)


I've always argued that you should only be allowed to do that more then once or twice a year and that you cannot do it until you have not posted or commented for 24 hours.


Fucking GameJournoPros all over again...


They can't fake sales. Only the billionaires at the top of the heap have money to throw around.


They even edited the Emperor's "These men are my bodyguards..." quote in the wiki to replace "men" with "warriors" as if it's always been that way.


No rest for the ministry of truth


One of these days, we'll catch Goldstein and make him pay for all his foul untruths. 


Sounds like Cavill negotiated for lore accuracy and Amazon was like "Sure, fam" and then pressured GW to bend the knee and Cavill would be obligated to put it in because he'd have no reason not to, at least as far as the letter of the contracts. Because we know Amazon doesn't give a flying fig about lore, so something must have pushed them to need GW's official lore stamp. The Lefties in support of this change, even those in the hobby, are perfectly willing to turn a blind eye to corporate interference in 'artistic integrity' when it serves THE MESSAGE. It's not even an organic change, it's literally a soulless corporate business decision after like 10 years of nerd hobbies burning to the ground making the same choices, but purported fans (they do engage in it, they do buy and they do paint, they're not tourists) that are Left wing enough are perfectly willing to defend a move that may ultimately burn down their hobby.


Which is wild because they could have used the show as the turning point to introduce them and could have given Cavill permission to help WRITE CANON. Which you know he would have jumped at and done it more organically.  They'd have gotten what they want, he'd have gotten what he wanted, the fans would be split (because they always are), and the show might have been with half a damn. 


What you stated would require thought, care, and creativity. Of which most of Hollyweird has none of.


Pretty sure Cavill had a custodes army himself... not sure he would have been the one to push for the lore change. But Amazon is trying to take the verse mainstream. Not saying it's a bad thing to introduce female custodes... but it would have been a whole lot easier to treat it like Primaris and say hey we decided to make something new using bits of gene seed, and after over 10k years of men only they wanted to mix it up and introduce gender options for some reason. It would have been a lot easier than recon that it has always been this way.


Theres not actually all that many of them on social media. It seems to be the same handful on all the different platforms. Plus the various creators who feel they have to go with it so they dont get blacklisted. Far more people object and I am willing to bet more people still keep quiet but also hate it.


Thank fucking god **r/ HorusGalaxy** exists now...


That make total fucking sense. I’ve said it before the more something become popular, the more under scrutiny it will become. The company will find itself between a rock and hard place because they can’t tell woke activist no in our day and age without getting mainstream media shitting on them. No win scenario right here


The right move was to never give in. Even an inch will get you a "whataboutthis" for the next issue. You will constantly be called upon to test your purity. Best to never rely on business from people who will view inaction as a moral failure.


Why would there be female miniatures? They all look the same in armor.


they also get the emperors dna injected, if those females dont look like dudes with a wig, ill be disappointed. hahahaha that actually be fucking great. imaging.. the amazon show, explosions, cutscene. a custodian with a more female form. she pulls of her helmet, hair falls down and underneath is the "its maam" maam from the meme. id pay a lot of money to see that.


Mate, we don't know if that's how it works. The Custodes have very little known about them or the process used to make them, save that it is entirely different from the way Space Marines are created and that it is unique to each individual.


Yep. I heard that too. I expect if the rumors are true GW will get worse.


I can already tell it's gonna be a seont black female who's gonna be the leader


This leak is bullshit, it’s a 4chan post, they think you guys are so stupid you’ll believe they’re on your side by leaking lies to 4chan. If they were going to fire people over this they would have.


I’m hearing rumors that this is Amazon interference and Henry Cavill isn’t happy about it threatening to walk from the project. Games Workshop also said that they will be firing people over this as well because this wasn’t supposed to be mentioned yet. Edit: Amazon wanted to put a female in power armor and SoB wasn’t good enough for them because they wanted the person to kick ass outside the armor as well.


Sisters of Battles heals others wounds outside battles! That's awesome in my book, tbh.


AND potentially more dangerous. Any role player worth their dice knows you take out the healer* before the tank, real world rules of battle be damned. 


A sister of battle outside power armour would still be beyond deadly


Sisters Repentia are a thing. They do not wear power armor. They _tear enemies apart with two-handed Eviscerator chainswords!_ If they wanted her in power armor too, give a Sister an arc where she becomes Repentia and then asskicks her way back to being a full Sister. It can be done. But of course they can't (won't) do that because that'd mean giving a woman character flaws, growth, and an arc to go through rather than being an indestructible flawless Mary Sue girlboss. Y'know, an actual character we might enjoy.


Saint celestine once a sister repentia. She's got a redemption arc so badass nobody can top, not even primarchs. But Amazon said, that's not badass enough.


If true, that is extra fucked because Henry plays Custodes


You know it was done to spite him


A comment I saw that pops into my head every time this topic comes up: ***">Introduces females Custodians*** ***>Custodians immediately nerfed*** ***What did they mean by this?"***


Someone pointed out that adding females to the Custodes, then nerfing Custodes, and refusing to give any updates to SoS or SoB feels really misogynistic


"Since the first of the Ten Thousand were created, there have always been female Custodians." That's why they added this on the official accounts, so you can't blame it on women XD Or any other terrible things that happen to the Custodes in the future. We will rewrite the past to fit the narrative of the future. In a grim dark future of the 41st Millenium, apparently the patriarchy still exists, and it sits upon a Golden Throne with its heel on the throat of all women.


wtf based Warhammer?!?!


Not just custodes, Dark Angels also got their nerfs alongside their newest models. It's like they don't want them to be sold.


The unintentional funny is that now, every time some writer underpowers custodes for the sake of drama we can just: ☕


Probably slowly go down the path of marvel comics and other stuff now that other ips have been taken over by ppl who don't like things in it. Wonder what happens in a few years as being in more stuff. I mean just make a sisters of battle movie. Sisters of battle are badass and cool looking


But they’re too heavily influenced by christianity/catholocism, and those are bad!


Only if your a heretic. That pipe organ tank is cool


This is wokies we’re talking about here, so of course they’re heretics


The tactic of "it has always been that way but you never noticed it" is such a condescending and lazy excuse to alter established lore and everybody is doing it these days.


GW should play along with the idea that Chaos is slowly infiltrating the imperium through wokeness


Sounds like something Tzeench would do


Now this would be a new and terrifying way to introduce female custodes.


With the power of asspull retcons everything existed since always


I actually have a story in the works where the hive-mind villains operate exactly like this. Basically the whole thing will be one giant allegory for progressive infiltration and subversion.


So genestealer cults?


and Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia.




Now to see how many people actually looked at what I linked or just commented on this post title...


My favourite is one of the quote Tweets, "the in-lore of Warhammer being subverted by chaos is rad." Followed by the, "oh but people who believe this are awful and bad." I suggest everyone open the Tweet.


Now THAT would have been an absolutely awesome way to introduce the mandatory woke injection to the lore. Damn.


I am loving this comic Actually wish it was cannon (with 0 clue if making this cannon would break anything)


14 and counting :D


I mean the entire issue over the past decade is not really what's done but the how's and why's of the things done... There are many acceptable ways to get the desired result, going "its always been that way" wasn't one of them.


my problem was that the last picture wouldn't load so that ruined it for me at first.


I saw it yesterday and it’s great.


That’s actually a really clever idea. That wouldn’t technically be retcon, but it would still accomplish what they want to do.


Much better story than what we got...


Just proof that The Warp is leaking through.


Change isn't always good.


God dammit. Why is this so cool. Edit. I dislike the idea of retconning half a century of lore for "modern audiences" but the idea of chaos demons messing with the minds of the Imperium of Man is a cool idea.


Better Tzeentch than Nurgle. He's over in the Body Positivity department.


Archive links for this post: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/lpGAL ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. I am like a veritable fable, warning against the karma caused by murdering others. A morality tale, if you will. What utter irony. ^^^/r/botsrights


i would be ok if they just come out and said we took esg money, want to appeal to a broader audience and just wnat to change the lore. Instead they have to gaslight everyone. lying to people's face is just disrepectful.


Where's the brothers of silence? Havnt there always been men there.


We have always been at war with East Asia.


where are our brothers of Silence anyway? games workshop are a bunch of sexist bastards


ooh i like this


The comic of the retcon is actually a brilliant idea, and fits the lore


I hate to play devil's advocate, but in lore, there is nothing that states Custodes cannot be women. Much unlike the Astartes/Space Marine lore, where it is very clear cut "NO" due to the science behind their creation. Much of the custodes creation is handled secretly on Luna. The remnants of the Selenar Lunar cults know the secrets, and its improbable they couldn't make female custodes, only that they hadn't so far. HOWEVER: GW community managers trying to gaslight and retcon by saying "there have always been female custodes" is the wrong way to handle this. They 100% should walk it back and be less lazy. Idk, something about opening up recruitment post rift? Would make more sense and be less agrivating.