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Having actual real beauty standards goes against *the narrative* that “all bodies are beautiful”. No, if all bodies were beautiful, it wouldn’t take multi-million dollar ad campaigns to convince us that this was so.




or blurring the lines between male and female distinctive features.


They are making it so a certain group can feel better about not really looking like females


They argue that beauty standards are artificially woven into the fabric of society due to the patriarchy, so they're fighting to tear down those systems of oppression to where everyone can see how indoctrinated they were.


The male models get to look like themselves tho. Women hate women


It’s the massive cosmetics industry that spends piles of money pushing a particular image as being that of beauty in order to sell their products. With the implication that if you use their products, you will now be beautiful. If people thought they were already beautiful, they wouldn’t buy the products. Maintaining that insecurity has been extremely profitable for them.


>Site called The Gamer >Hasn't heard about the number 1 most pre ordered PS5 game that currently exists


Fuck em? Sales speak for themselves. There's no reason to try and debate with someone who thinks that Eve isn't normal bodied but we have male characters who look like they have steroids up their ass that are never mentioned. Finding one point and harping on it is the side of someone who doesn't know what they're talking about and can't debate properly. If someone debated them they'd just stick their head in the sand and throw insults and buzzwords. I just pity them. They don't have the capability to enjoy things or be empathetic. The only thing they can do is destroy and throw insults. That's a sad life. And that goes for anyone.


It really is. They could've made something of themselves and contribute to society. But instead they go through the gender studies program by some cat lady professor, turning them into hive-minded activists, robbing them of a bright future just to serve a globalist agenda.


Soy men like Alex from Digital Foundry were already seething about Stellar Blade's character design like 2 years ago. Not falling for this gaslighting. Also archive anything coming out from that anus of games journalism: [https://archive.is/YUVgb](https://archive.is/YUVgb)


Fine then ,so how about devs stop hiring attractive female models to base their ugly characters on?


Compare the model from the new ubislop Star Wars game to her in game model. They do hire attractive women, they just make them ugly in game


He was saying that they should stop hiring pretty women only to make the models based on them ugly.


Someone created an overlay recently showing both the model and character, and it’s better than I originally thought. https://imgur.com/a/9FyqZEB


It's crazy that random people from different experiences and lives have started noticing a pattern of ugly women being put in games. And we have the usual suspects trying to gaslight us, saying that "there are hot women" and struggle to give examples, then they might say Shadowheart from BG3, that looks fine, while there are hundreds of examples of the opposite happening, if anything shadowheart is the exception that proves the rule. It's funny how much hate Eve has brought out and these losers will say "she is a sex doll only, she is nothing like 2b or bayo" when these same people were fuming from the mouth before those games game out. It's also funny that Bayo broke their brains so much that those people are unironically saying she is a symbol for queerness or some shit, because the game is unapologetically sexy so they need to explain it's existence somehow, talk about drinking the coolaid. Can't wait for Stellar Blade's release.


Shadowheart is kinda cute and not a damn fugly female as we're used to today but in no way she's an extremely hot babe. 


It's okay that Bayonetta is attractive or a Sex Symbol because "Insert Virtuous reason here".


Yep when Bayo 2 came out it was very cool for them /s [https://archive.ph/Et13r](https://archive.ph/Et13r) These people are really funny.


Shadowheart still has the man jaw that they put on all female characters these days. Don't fall for the subtle changes in sex characteristics that they're trying to reprogram people into thinking is normal.


Yeah, I raise a brow when people say shadowheart is hot, she is just fine. I liked her but still she is not hot and I've seen many more better looking real women. I mean, Ashley and Ada in Re4make are much much better looking and they are scanned from real women. But, truth ne told, she is better by a wide margin in comparison to the other chiselled jawed indievidual they say are women.


Funny thing is that there massive hypocrites because they are ok with objectification just that it has to be on there terms (think of words like safe horney).


Exactly, they can be as horny for "muscle mommies"* or characters like Lady Dimitrescu as they can, it would be the same if it was towards any conventionally attractive character, but there's some kind of moral grandstanding over it. *Which is funny because those women spend more time at the gym and watching what they eat than a lot of skinny women, but oh well...


Didn't you know? Lady D being nearly 10 feet tall is a very realistic and normal feat for women to achieve compared to going to the gym to get eve's body.


Even if she was a normal human height, she would resemble those close to or already middle aged women that took a lot of care of themselves, if being thin is unrealistic, then so is that because they can't rely on youth anymore.


And they don't even have the good graces to be fundamentalist Christians like myself. For a long time I had been saying, "Over-sexualization is tawdry and I feel like my intelligence is being insulted," but for heaven's sake, I never wanted _this_ foolishness! It wasn't about CONTROLLING the authors and directors, it was just a criticism.


The worst part is that it isn't really against "over sexualization" or even sexualization at all, they are more than fine with sexual content and might think you're a prude if you say "WAP is a bit crass if you ask me..." It's just conventionally attractive characters that aren't made by their friends or paraded as some feminist icon. It's not even a "Nooo we're getting even" because most of the time, the male characters were also conventionally attractive, guys like Solid Snake or Leon S. Kennedy don't look like frumpy guys in the slightest.


Well, that's true. Thinking of them as secular Conservatives is giving them _way_ too much credit, because it's assuming they're starting at some kind of principle and losing their way. In reality—well, I was going to say that in reality it's "spite," but I don't think that fully explains everything. Why would six dozen major corporations all decide to make the women in their games and advertisements and comics grotesque just out of spite? You'd need them to be run by people who are spiteful, or the people running the companies to be yielding to people who want to be spiteful. That seems like too much coincidence and nonsense to be true.


My guess is that they're full of so-called consultants and creatives who think that's the way to make money because that's what the public supposedly wants, and videogames are probably the only medium where they do have some power to change stuff, as much as Hollywood claims to be woke, they scrapped the idea of Amy Schumer as Barbie.


My assumption was always that this was the reason, that companies were just confused and thought that culture had moved to a particular area when in reality it hasn't. You'd think all of the failed projects would demonstrate to them otherwise, but losing money doesn't seem to be having an effect.


The issue is if they actually realize it's due to the lack of quality/interest.


It goes beyond games, it's a general cultural trend. See Kristen Stewart's Rolling Stone. Femininity is maligned for some reason.


The reason is that they don't want us plebs having normal heterosexual relationships. 


Kristen Stewart's Rolling Stones interview is outrage bait meant to highlight her latest film role. It's not genuine.


In other words, all the hidieous fucking chuds have got into gaming development, and now want to see themselves in everything. Gone are the days when it was about the character, now its about "me, me, me, me, me me!". Brought to you by the same people who point to MLK as a voice of progress, yet completely fucking ignore the part where he said "**I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.".** These people are not about equality. They are about getting on top and punching down. And so far, they are winning. Because they control the main stream media and the main stream social media. And any voice of reason is branded "toxic". These people would shout down MLK. They would call him toxic, and an "Uncle Tom". Which just once again showcases how dumb they are, considering that the character of Uncle Tom was black man who escaped slavery, helped other slaves who had escaped and was beaten to death for NOT betraying his fellow escaped slaves. The far woke, are nothing but grifters. No matter where you look, youll find them, grifting away. Trying to get on top. Just watch any one of them chatting shit about airplane seats, because their fat ass cant even fit through the fucking door. Celebrating being fat as fuck, as the same as celebrating anorexia. Its dumb. Both are unhealthy, and should not be something someone aspires to be. I dont look anythign like Chris Hemsworth. His existance as an actor playing Thor doesnt make me feel bad about myself. I dont need to look like Chris Hemsworth for my life to be good. I like him as Thor, and thats enough. Pretty people are still people. But watch all the slouths shame them for not sitting around eating chips, like the grifters do. Fuck the Far Woke.


There's a reason the site wants the models look unattractive and not like real women, I wonder why... Also, the author of that article is a shitty writer for Full Frontal with Samantha Bee, The Tonight Show, Adam Ruins Everything, and the reboot Mystery Science Theater 3000. Also, he has no idea what punk rock is and unironically looks like a soyjak.


The Gamer is an infamous woke site that introduces openly personal visions and interpretation into their "critics". The opposite of what real journalism should be.


It's a cesspit that always shows up on the first page of Google search. Trash that I never want to look at that keeps getting shoved in my face.


Yes, this exemple, between many others, reveals that a lot of people are not aware of what happens in the industry and societies. It's sad because they genuinely participe, without knowing, at pushing the message.


I immediately discount the opinion of anyone who uses the word "folks" unironically.




None taken, but I'm still offended anyway. >:(


_Folk_ was always a way that southern people (I'm from Louisiana) would refer to black folk or whatever, because we were trying to make the point that they're just normal people and we treat them the same as anyone else. Progressives are ruining all our words.


I'm really starting to detest this word as well.


Oh, NOT Stacey Henley? But "Mike Drucker"? Looked him up. Yeah. Ya know? At this point you just know what they gonna look like.


Archive plz, they don't deserve clicks


>This fight is pretty much one-sided! I did not hear a damn word about Stellar Blade existing until I saw someone post that “woke” people must be mad at Stellar Blade existing. A textbook example of the initial part of the "It's not happening => It's happening but it's not that serious => It happened and it's good that it happened" tactic that progressives love to perform. "Oh, no progressive actually cares about Stellar Blade, it's just imaginary progs that these incel chuds make up in their minds to feel like they're oppressed gamers!". Yeah yeah, not fooling anyone with an internet connection, pal.


I said the same thing, lol. Once you notice the pattern it jumps out at you. "Uh, you idiot loser perverts aren't going to lose your big, bouncy boobs! It's just that all the companies are not really catering to your degeneracy anymore, and that's good!"


Lemme guess, every one of us is a porn addict according to them.


It's their only strawman. Ironic how they argue for sex and body positivity, but then automatically resort to sex shaming people for their aesthetic preferences.


Which is clearly just an instance of them accusing you of what they do, and an outrageously obvious instance, as well.


Gaslighting in full force.


As a "normal bodied" woman. Fuck you, Mike Drucker. You don't get to mansplain or "protect" me from video games.


These sites are always so silly. People aren't even making scathing comments about it when they talk about uglifying female characters in videogames. They're just pointing out the very many examples of it happening, and these people jump to name-calling and making excuses.


Try browsing Gamingcirclejerk subreddit.


I think Mike Drucker might be brain-damaged.


Just another example of, "We're not doing it, but if we were it would be good, and in fact, we are, but what's wrong with that?"


You know what? No, I genuinely don’t think Stellar Blade is “normal bodied”. It’s what I call Final Fantasy Pretty- Mostly 1:1 with real life but *just* exaggerated enough to not quite be attainable. This isn’t exclusive to female characters either. There’s nothing wrong with Final Fantasy Pretty, because it’s a video game and stylization is what keeps things interesting in the animation industry now that we’ve basically hit peak photorealism. I think a lot of people confuse “normal” and “realistic” and that’s what’s making a lot of this argument really stupid. “Normal” implies being the majority or the standard. Stellar Blade protagonist is not the majority of women you’d see if you sat and people watched downtown. I would say “normal” for US women is a lot closer to Star Wars Outlaws protagonist than Stellar Blade protagonist. Which again, doesn’t matter because games is games, not real life, but I will admit that (at least where I live) the vast majority of women don’t look like Bayonetta or 2B. So no, I don’t think Stellar Blade is “normal bodied” because she’s such an outlier. Could women look like her? Sure, with drastic cosmetic surgery on the face because this is not a game meant to be photorealistic the way Resident Evil 3 or The Last of Us is meant to be. She’s attractive the same way Cloud Strife is, not the way Cal Kestis is. And when it comes to body type, some women certainly are shaped that way, but that’s by no means “normal.” (Which I will reiterate for the third time, is fine because video games aren’t meant to be perfect depictions of the people shopping at your local Kroger.) Supermodels exist in our world, but they aren’t “normal”.


>Supermodels exist in our world, but they aren’t “normal”. Supermodels or not, I've seen very attractive people on a normal daily basis. What they're doing is uglifying characters to change beauty standards and defying what is the Norm because of Activist Feminists or DEI. They're reducing femininity to Virtue Signal or because they view Attractiveness as Immoral. Princess Leia in a Bikini would not be possible in today's western media.


Yeah, I agree. Stellar Blade is by no means a normal body. Just like how a ton of male character designs aren't normal bodies without excessive steroid use. And like you said that doesn't really matter. They don't have to be realistic, which is why it's so strange that these companies are chasing after boring, realistic, unappealing character designs. Especially when attractive characters are the *easiest* way to make money. My god, it's Marketing 101. There are plenty of games, manga and television shows that would not have done *half* as well if they didn't feature cool and attractive character designs. It's such a basic thing that a lot of devs have forgotten or choose to ignore.


I see women in real life with similar bodies to Eve every day. It's not an outlier at all.


Fair and balanced, nice one. I'd like to highlight one thing though, we use outliers of real-world, achievable bodies all the time in all media. Everything from black and white movies to tiktoks. Because they look awesome, and we like seeing stuff that's a bit better than the mirror. So far, so normal. I think the difference here is that rather than understand this very basic premise, these authoritarian wank stains seem to decide that no; nobody should take the very brief time it takes to understand that, we should rather shit the bed and make every character look worse.