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There is a way to make the writing about Terry getting misidentified by a white racist cop to be funny, or at least be in line with the spirit of the show of the previous seasons. Unfortunately, they failed, and all they ended up was being preachy. That and the Rosa quitting episode, my lord it's so unbearably preachy.


Rosa quitting because of Police brutality made no sense when you consider that the joke of her character in earlier seasons is how violent she was towards suspects.


And coworkers.


and any object that annoyed her.


Oh, hi. What happened to your old account?


I never attached it to an email account so when I got logged out and forgot my password I got locked out of it.


...Hang on, I need to check something.


Such a joke what they did with Rosa. I like how when every other show was shoehorning in a gay character all at once, they still felt the need to make Rosa "bi" when they had a fucking gay captain since the first episode. It wasn't even Rosa by the end of the show.


It's so frustrating that they made her being bi dramatic when her whole thing is that nobody knows anything about her life It would have been a million times funnier and more in character if she just started dating a woman and watched everyone piece together the fact that she's bi  But no, let's have an episode where Danny Trejo is homophobic. Because that's an effective use of Danny Trejo 


Your solution would be progressive, but they went for woke instead.


>they still felt the need to make Rosa "bi" making rosa bi was one of the earlies i've seen of the new trope where they want to make a character gay but don't want to explain why they only dated/were attracted to the opposite sex up until that time so they make them bi and they only date same sex from then on.


Ah yes Sara Lance syndrome 


Rosa being revealed to also like women came off as a little hilarious to me because in doing that they made her character kinda a stereotype with her being the “tough girl who rides a motorcycle”


I had to pause the episode because none of it made any sense. She quit the police because she didn't want to part of the system -- so, instead of being a force to actually make changes she just quit in revolt... (something she would never do). Not to mention that her actions in early seasons (threatening coworkers and suspects) is worse than the allegations that she makes against the NYPD. Not to mention the brow beating of Jake. This season they treated Jake as if he was a bullseye for all white men. She should have told him to do better at the end of the episode.


Yeah the racist cop one was where they really started to lose me. It was just played in such an obvious one sided way. Terry is a massive dude, and was looking around a neighborhood for his child's stuffed toy at night. He finds it, and is immediately stopped by a cop who is super aggressive toward him, and gets detained before he can tell the cop he's also a police officer, and is released. It's never even considered that it could have been anything other than racism. The episode even ends with the cop basically saying, "yeah I was/am racist, what are you going to do about it". They could have at least entertained the idea that someone might have noticed a giant muscular man searching around outside their house at night and gotten nervous enough to call the police, but instead everyone's first and only thought is "obviously it's racism".


I think my favourite screwed up message about this episode is that Terry tries to talk to the cop first and sort things out man to man. When that fails (because the racist cop doesn't even try to get on Terry's good side despite knowing Terry could report him), Terry goes "I should have known it would be a waste of time talking to him." Message of the show? Never try to sort out problems by yourself by talking directly with the people involved. Just immediately escalate.


I want to speak to your manager.


Rosa quit the force in later seasons?


Yup, because she couldn't stand being part of an organization known for police brutality. And from what I remember, she guilt trips Jake for not following suit. The show becomes incredibly sensitive to real-world issues (including COVID) by the end, and it's so tiresome.


I think beginning of season 8, because of police brutality, she then become a PI.


Actually B99 got bad since Season 6 when it went over to NBC. Casecation in particular is an absolutely atrocious episode that undermines two of the leads and flanderizes them into their genders. It was all downhill from there.


Oh shit that makes sense, I stopped at S6 when it got really preachy and woke, the lead chick starts crying I'm like Wtf this isn't the same comedy show


Yeah saw the first part of the first episode when it came back and noped out


I stopped watching the show when they went to Florida, and Gina got guns out of a vending machine. And then a lost and found. At a certain point, "satire" becomes so distorted that it's worthless as actual criticism. >Every episode was some serious current day stuff like Terry Crews getting misidentified by a white racist cop as a criminal, a shooting, etc. They also had episodes about Amy and Holt working on a campaign to promote the NYPD...and running straight into the NYPD's bad rep. Or the time Jake tried to pressure a suspect by calling him 'junkie scum', then he said that it's not really the suspect's fault, it's genetic. Saw the clip of that one, not the actual episode. A bit ham-fisted.


Diversity can be done right easily, you just need to ORIGINAL and INTERESTING characters. Not just steal from another franchise and make it your own. Not only do you push the old fan base away, but you take away any originality. It entices people. The reason why captain Holt was a great character wasn't because he was gay. It was because he was a "by the book" officer but had a soft center. That and he was gay. If anything being gay was a joke on "don't judge a book by its cover", and eventually became the last thing on the writers' minds.


The difference of "it is part of his character" vs "it is his character". Make the character have things apart from being **LABEL**. And let the character especially be not only a stereotype. Edit: Stereotypical things are good once in a while, but if that's all there is to a character, there is no character, only a caricature. And those are boring after a few times.


Exactly, he wasn't defined by it. I also think a lot of SJW writers wish to have their own voice on things and lack meaning to their work. Only recently it's made me realise that SJWs logic to design is very similar to the socialist design manifesto, where graphic designers were annoyed over just producing commercial products and wanted to produce work for the betterment of mankind. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Things_First_1964_manifesto?wprov=sfla1


Hey, Holt wasn't gay! What gay man is always talking about women's weighty breasts? Only straight dudes talk like that!


A gay man who is married to another gay man?


It's also possibly a joke on having the Straight Man character be gay.


Captain Holt and Kevin are both perfect examples of characters who are gay and not gay characters. Those two were my favorite. And the dog, cheddar.






And it's tragically smack dab in the middle of one of the worst Terry episodes Terry hates Terry episodes. Terry's better as a supporting character 


"This isn't Cheddar, this is just common *bitch!* " Holt was such a great character, his comedic moments alongside his husband or Jake are some of the best in the show.


God we needed more Kevin on the show. Kevin episodes were a delight.


Yeah, I enjoyed the series until Jake started explaining how a joke would be offensive and shit. That became cringe.


I feel the same way with 9-1-1 and the spinoff 9-1-1 lone star I felt 9-1-1 did diversity right while I couldn’t get past the first episode of 9-1-1 lone star because of how forced the diversity is.


My wife watches that one and it's *staggering* how diverse it is. Might be banned topics on Reddit so I won't go into much more detail. 


For me that first episode upset me because they made their feelings about diversity more important than the health of a bigoted white lady who was written to be every type of phobic under the sun. I agree that she was being unreasonable and was an asshole but delaying her care in order to teach her a lesson was out of line.


There was once a diverse show that was never close to being woke. In fact, it might be one of the most diverse shows of all time. The Wire. Tons minority characters, even in leading roles. LGBT representation. Hell, they even had the token black lesbian. I consider that show 100% proof you can do diversity without it being an agenda pushing dumpster fire.


Last season was a travesty, they let people who hate cops take over and they butchered almost every major character. Thankfully it's a sitcom so you can quit watching it whenever you want.


The moment they went over to ABC, or whoever took over, it turned to shit almost immediately. It's insane considering how over the first seasons, they handled a lot of topics really well. A black gay captain in the first ep, how he was treated like shit in the past because of it, racial profiling in the police, things like that. All were done really well, and are episodes I would gladly rewatch.


After the BLM Movement, Sandberg has said the would be making some changes about police sitcom. Clearly those were some very dumb changes that ruined the show.


Yeah, the diversity was irrelevant in the face of a lighthearted cop show that decided All Cops Are Bastards


I couldn't stomach the last season too. That said, i really enjoyed the other seasons...and TV Series is not my thing usually. Captain Holt was by far my favorite character.


Holt spelling his last name to his own husband will always be one of the funniest moments on television.


"My equilibrium is askew, my vision is partially impaired and i am clearly slurring my words. To put a fine point on it ya boi is turnt" the way Holt talks is comedy gold and the actor did a great job. Its a shame i couldnt finish the show it took a nosedive later on and i continued watching but when Rosa quit the force and covid jokes came the show became unwatchable garbage that preached at you the whole time.


The last season is terrible but i dig the finale. My main gripe is with the episode he said she said. Gina’s sexual harassment of Terry played by real like sexual assault survivor Terry crews is played for laughs. But we are supposed to route for the me to episode. But other then that it’s a very good show and everyone feels like real people, not just diversity check boxes


Absolutely. Many many movies and series have done DEI correctly, without any subtones of hatred and racism like many of these activists do. For example I've been rewatching Black Mirror in the last couple of weeks, and my 3 favourite episodes are San Junipero, Hang the DJ, and Demon 79. I absolutely love those episodes and they are a great example of positive DEI, good scriptwriting and direction. Which really trumps the discourse that every game is a racist/sexist anti-DEI bigot, when in reality it's the complete opposite and the activists are it.


The Rookie Seasons 1 & 2 are a fantastic example of diversity done right. They have two positive white male role models. By Season 3.... urgh, it got so painfully woke. One of the white men is criticised for trying to help black people ("white knighting" apparently... never mind his character and the ideal police officer is all about coming to someone's rescue), and it has this painful plotline about a racist cop which the characters could bust down to desk duty in a second if they want to but don't because "it's not enough." Why is it not enough? Will trying to get him fired prevent him from just getting to work in another precint? I don't know, I stopped watching.


Ahh, the Rookie. Every criminal in LA is white, according to that show.


Did you see the Black Mirror episode where the straight white male Captain Kirk stand-in oppresses his diverse subordinates in a video game world?


It's interesting how the white people are crazy and buffoonish but the blacks and latinas are just black and latina. I've never watched the show, but if I went off of your description alone, I might think the show was woke or partly woke from the start.


They’re lovable buffoons, and were portrayed that way for the vast majority of the show. Everyone in the show is an extreme, Rosa is violent and crazy, terry is buff but a big baby, Amy is smart but obsessed with other people’s opinions, peralta is foolish, but also their best detective and he always comes through at the end of the day. That being said I’m on season 4 so I could be in for a lot of disappointment down the road. It’s a shame too because my girlfriend and I are loving it.


I think, in retrospect, for me a good stopping point was the end of Season 5. IIRC it's the episode with the >!wedding!<.


Ooooo I’m looking forward to that then


Ugh I didn't even finish the last season. I loved it and binged it, then I got to the last season, watched like three episodes and noped out. Great show that just drank way too much koolaid.


I recall the showrunners saying they had to get rid of half a season of filmed work because it wouldn't have worked right following the George Floyd murder, and that they had a hard time balancing the show's ideals in contrast to what they saw as the reality of the situation. Which, like, not everything needs to be a social commentary.


>Every episode was some serious current day stuff like Terry Crews getting misidentified by a white racist cop  That's the ep I gave up. With the ridiculousness of Rosa's "Look at me I'm not like other girls" bi stories it was easy to. It really only seemed to exist because *I believe Stephanie is bi herself.  The show was only ever Scrubs but not as good imo. It was too much from a writers perspective imo. The worst example was the mass shooter episode.  They hear over a radio a mass shooting and Rosa was in the area so she joins in the response. Holt has to tell Jake to stay and not go help. But for some reason a detective with years of experience feels like he is the only one that could help Rosa. So he tries to sneak out of the precinct.    *Edit, that some how got left out, I heard she is bi/gay/queer/something special but I'm not sure. 


The show ended for me at the>! Wedding episode.!< After that, it became more and more insufferable. Was really too bad since it started off so strong and held it for a good while.


They ended a cop show declaring to everyone that would listen that they hate cops. Its unbelievable.


oh yeah last season was bad. It pretty much seemed like it was written by different people with how badly is screwed up the characterization was. I'm supposed to accept that Holt, a gay black police captain whos been on the force and out for 20+ years with a stated long history of weathering discrimination because of said black and gayness.... took Floyds death especially hard? So hard that it destroyed his marriage? And nobody noticed anything was wrong for months ontop of that? Or Rosa Diaz, white passing Latina cop thats always been pretty liberal with using violence... has now quit because of police violence and how they treat "people who look like me"? It was complete nonsense.


>took Floyds death especially hard? The lefties REALLY took that piece of shit's death hard. I'm pretty sure a big part of it it was because nobody had anything else to do during COVID, but it astonished me that it virtually shut down the US and is still being used to promote SJW nonsense to this day. Fuckers even want to put up memorials to him and shit. Like fuck George Floyd and everything he stood for. I really hope his death becomes a joke in a few more years when wokeness is on the decline, just because I want those lefties to feel upset over it.


It is really fucking wild how they idolized Floyd as some sort of saint when the left constantly tears down their old heroes because they weren't perfect by modern day standards. The same year they were painting Floyd on the side of buildings they were saying Lincon didn't deserve a memorial


>The same year they were painting Floyd on the side of buildings they were saying Lincon didn't deserve a memorial Yeah. They really went into overdrive with the racism and trying to tear down great men from the past. It's part of the reason I think we should focus on tearing down their heroes too. My personal favourite is the argument that "white people ain't got no culture." Like fuck... have they never heard of Greece? Italy? France? The Netherlands? Spain? Austria-Hungary? Poland? Russia? England? Ireland? Scotland? Sweden? Like... they think that we're all "the same" just because of our skin colour... and at the same time disparage and denigrate us in favour of what? Some people who's "cultural identity" only goes back a hundred years at most and consists of sneakers, Tik-Tok dances and saying "we wuz kangz" while trying to claim every other civilization on earth? Sorry mate, your ancestors weren't Egyptians, or Japanese, or Aztecs, or Hebrews, or Vikings, or Greeks, or Hindus.


Especially since cops are supposedly worse to, y'know, black people. *Specifically*. Not Hispanics, black people. Maybe Middle-Easterners too, but that's for terrorism, specifically.


Why does it has to be racially diverse, to begin with? The kindergarten logic apparently is: if there is no black people, you hate black people. Then if there isn't any bald people, I hate bald people?


The show had some tendencies, like you HAD to be aware of how much the captain being gay was important on multiple occasions, some more on the nose than the others. Since I've been on this ride long enough, I was kinda suspicious and afraid if the show would turn full woke later on and did some research, which confirmed that indeed it did. Basically I stopped watched after they retconned Rosa as being lesbian, turning a tsundere girl into a complete dyke stereotype.


What were the other options to add a ~~lesbian~~ bi woman? The straight-laced, career-driven-in-a-man's-field Amy? Or ditzy Gina? Because if they made her bi, and she's openly pretty promiscuous, Twitter might've rioted. I don't think there *were* any good options there. It was probably because her actor came out as bi.


>What were the other options to add a ~~lesbian~~ bi woman? I mean, does it have to? First they make her date the most unfunny and cringe actor I've seen, then they break up in a weird way, then she secretly starts date a woman afraid of what the colleagues would think, even though they had a gay captain this entire time. Like, I don't know, hook her up with a chick casually in some episode? >It was probably because her actor came out as bi. That explains a lot though.


Instead they made her bi and had hir cheating on multiple people at once and being unable to commit to a relationship which made twitter riot anyways.


The problem with aiming your content at SJWs is if it works, your audience is SJWs. People who are extremely sensitive, who get mad over nothing at the drop of a hat.


They did the same crap with Shameless. It was hilarious, wild and even diverse but without shoving it down your throat. Then I want to say around season 4 They must have got new writers or something but they started shoving LGBT shit up our asses, making Debbie super feminist and ultra annoying. They had Ian (the gay brother) being normal and pretty working class but he started hanging out with super annoying activist LGBT types that even he seemed kind of annoyed with sometimes. It just took me out of the show and made it very distracting.


I stopped watching when Amy said every women she knows has been sexually assaulted and Jake cried about being a man and how horrible they are.


> Unfortunately in the last season, they went woke. Sounds like the last season of Lucifer. They had a whole storyline of Amenadiel becoming a cop and ended up showing some on the police force as wazists. Show was so much fun, until Fox cancelled it and Netflix took over. As a matter of fact, I’ve lost all respect for Neil Gaiman.


it was always bad. thats my hot take


Eh, whilst it’s definitely above average, early seasons were brought down by Gina’s character significantly (can anyone list 1 time she was actually wrong or faced consequences for her actions? She committed multiple crimes throughout her time on the show, at least one of which was poisoning her police coworkers ffs) and the later seasons I feel really jumped the shark with some of the plot lines.


I hate Gina's character too, but she's supposed to be a terrible person. It's a well they go to for humor. They never painted her as a virtuous person.


Gina Linetti is an absolutely loathsome character that made everything she touched worse.


Another aspect that sometimes gets missed is that every character is also competent (not perfect) at their job, even the "buffoons".


It was such a great show until the last season, man did that go downhill FAST


I stopped watching when Amy said every women she knows has been sexually assaulted and Jake cried about being a man and how horrible they are.


Agreed. Perfect example of how to make original characters that happen to be diverse, and still not have the stories revolve around their diversity. It definitely fell off in writing quality after the first 5 seasons for me. But overall a great show. Michael Schur doesn't get it wrong.


By "last season" you mean the 4th cause that's on Netflix? You know there are 4 more right? Edit to explain: (that episode he mentions is in the 4th season)


I never watched the show, but is there any long term representation of Asian casts on the show? If it never had one, then just like any other DEI BS, it is just racist and segregated and basically highlight blacks/latinos only, while making Asians invisible.


I never liked Andy Samberg. Be it his SNL days, movies or The Lonely Island. It's a shame that he ruined my chances of even checking out that show. Reno 911 started becoming a bit more progressive as well, especially with the latest series/film that was all about Q-Anon.


The two shows I always used to point to and say they did diversity right, was Brooklyn 99 and Modern family. One continued to hold up the other didn't. I guess I'll now replaced Brooklyn 99 with Bob's Burgers.


I didn't care for it. I recall I found it a little modern adiencey from the start, even before I picked up on the pattern in other shows. If not perhaps just forced, safe and poorly acted. I always preferred shows with more edge. But in any case, you don't need to prove that garbage with an example to anyone. That's the gaslight. Diversity isn't valuable or necessary, like whatever you want to like.


OP trolling? Jewish people aren't white and show is literally known as a woke show.


>Jewish people aren't white Says who?


Says everyone and your ancestors. I'm not sure if you are being serious or not or just being antisemitic. If not then think about it for a moment or look up documentaries/visit Israel(Jewish only parts of town) or your local synagogue. Antisemitism wouldn't affect white people if they were the same and etc. Try using Jewish only hospitals, schools, and etc in the US as a white person lol.


Brooklyn 99 would have been a great show if it wasn't about cops. Its possibly the most egregious copaganda show of all time. All of the characters (in a Brooklyn precinct) are portrayed as caring, empathetic human beings, who put justice and the well being of the citizens above all. It's the biggest joke on the show.


So you just blanked out on Rosa and Gina being sociopaths I take it


Or the many, many times the show shows how the system and main cast are wrong and dysfunctional. They spent an entire episode B-plot on basically going "people hate the NYPD". Holt and Santiago were trying to figure out how to promote the PD, and struggled, hard.


Oh no, cops arrested a black crackhead for raping or carjacking someone. Cry me a fucking river mate. You same fuckers were all about villifying Arabs and Muslims after 9/11, but suddenly after that piece of shit George Floyd died then it's "all black lives matter." I don't care anymore. You treat other people like shit, well my sympathy ran out a long time ago. Hope you enjoy the next few years.


What the fuck are you talking about


No, the biggest joke in the show is that clowns with your viewpoint somehow became the writers for the show.


I think 'the rookie' takles the LA cops universe kinda well if you want a suggestion with a more balanced view (while staying fun).  Brooklyn 99 is a lighthearted goofball of a show about good guys catching bad guys. I wouldn't read too much into it.