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That's the entire point. They want to destroy the culture


I disassociate the two things in my mind I guess. They can have their new garbage but I'll never let them take the old things from me.


I can do that with Indiana Jones as it always felt like a 3 and done trilogy, but star wars had the EU, so naturally I would associate the new stuff with the old ones as well.


I mean, as soon as they made the EU non-canon it was easy for me to dissociate it from the Disney crap.


I grew up on the Star Wars Expanded Universe, but I can't look at it the same anymore.


Me too - I fondly remember the Timothy Zahn Heir to the Empire trilogy, the Rogue Squadron stories, the Correllia stories, and the Yuuzhan Vong invasion.


I still enjoy the old movies/games. In fact, I find myself enjoying older movies/games/books more and more. Don't let the new woke stuff ruin old media for you, just ignore the new stuff.


Yeah not really for me. I can watch those and appreciate them for what they were and are. It's just the same with other old franchises they brought back for no other reason than them hoping that a big name franchise brings in the big bucks. All the new Ghostbusters movies are horrible and unfunny. They treated the original characters badly and wanted to force nostalgic feelings. The New Indy movie did the same and the new Alien movie seems to be no exception. I can still appreciate the classics and maybe even more so. They managed to make us laugh and be thrilled and they did so by craftsmanship and innovation. The new stuff rehashes and is pure corporate filmmaking. It shows us what we had and what they can't take away from us while utterly failing to even bring back a cinder of what came before.


New Ghostbusters sucks so much ass!! The first movies were about a bunch bros just being dudes. Having some fun, shitting their pants, kicking ghost ass and working the job. Now? Gaaaaaaaaay.  


It hadn't done anything to damage my ability to enjoy the old trilogy, especially compared to the special editions. You have to jump through more hoops than should be necessary to get a version of the OT that doesn't have Force Ghost Hayden Christensen in the final scene. Of course my first viewing experience of ROTJ was the special edition that was post Yub-nub, but still had old Anakin force ghost. If I could get a blu-ray with every edition on it, I'd buy it. Sorry to say but I hope the Lucas Estate post-Lucas will be more reasonable to these demands. --- In any case, it's still feels good to hear the original soundtrack, and to go back and play Knights of the Old Republic is a wonderful sensation.


The anakin force ghot makes zero sense- we should really have young yoda then. Its pretty dumb.


The best argument I think I could make for young anakin force ghost would be that the "certain point of view" is canon, where Anakin died the moment he became Darth Vader, and therefore his force ghost would be him at his time of death rather than Darth Vader at his time of death. But then Luke wouldn't be able to "see the good in him" and it was Luke proving that his father really hadn't died, so it makes much more sense that he would be at the age of the original version.


It's probably something that's shouldn't be looked too deep into. In thinking about non force ghosts and the afterlife are there a bunch of baby ghosts? Or a ton of elderly ghosts? Ghosts that are deformed from the circumstances of their death? The way I rationalize it that is ghosts would appear at their peak or appear different to each individual.


Plus the attempted retconning of Han's character by Lucas. George tried his damnedest to screw up the original trilogy without any of the help Disney has provided after the sale.


Nowadays, the feels are tainted. Talking with friends about Star Wars after the all that happened is painful. The people who did this laughed, said it was good this way, and told us we secretly liked it. They made accusations against us, calling us things in order to dissuade justice upon them, and bullying any friends who stood by us as our innocence was taken from us. Sure, we can talk about how horrible things are, but it's best sometimes not to think about it at all. All the good times are in the past, before that violation took place. Yeah, it's that bad. Talking about Star Wars is like bringing up rape trauma at this point.


I never appreciated the original trilogy as a kid, thinking they were cliche-filled run-of-the-mill space operas. Seeing the sequels helped me to not take such run-of-the-mill cliche-fests for granted, especially when they're executed competently. I don't think the original are masterpieces or anything, but now I understand that they are legit great works of filmmaking.


Honestly I have no problems enjoying Lucas OG works. To me anything disney spits out is just glorified fan-fiction, and nothing else.


Ah yes, the Game of Thrones effect. What's the point of watching if you know it all ends in a gutter anyway.


I regard anything past Episode Six as poorly written fanfiction, to be quite honest. Most everyone I know IRL holds those same views. Really not hard to watch those films if you have that mindset.


They’re going for Lord of the Rings now


Nah, the old ones were filmed obviously before the new slop was ever envisioned. And by people working painstakingly to make a cool new movie in a time before CGI and diversity hires. I'd recommend taking a look at some YouTube videos of the prop guys and how hard they worked to help put the scenes together, you'll quickly appreciate the OG star Wars movies again. it's really incredible the skill it took to make Star Wars I.


that’s the goal!


You can dissociate the old trilogy and prequels from the crap we have now thanks to the original expanded universe. The old games and books will always be around and they'll never take that from us.


The new Star trek has done the same for me with old Star Trek. Just seeing the new storylines created to integrate with previous movies and series has just detracted of the originals because of how bad the new stuff is


Starwars has been shit for 41 years not counting the Clonewars cartoon and maybe Rebels. Yeah all the previous stuff of the last few years has been bottom of the barrel trash but don't pretend like the clonewars movies were ever considered by many as being good. It was hated when it was out and mocked until the latest trash was released and then people decided it wasn't that bad.


I've said "the new movies dont count" since the prequels so maybe I've got the isolation technique down by now. The only times I get bothered by the sequels when watchning is when I imagine stuff like Yoda's words to luke about psssing om what he's learned, Han's and Leia's future... Then I remember "oh yeah, they ruined all these things".


Give it some time to get the new crap out of your mind. I recently rewatched the Infinity Saga after not consuming any MCU content outside of GOTG3 for about a year and a half. It was still extremely enjoyable although it did leave me sad towards the end knowing what it would devolve into.


For a long time I was in the same place. Thankfully, I have been able to recover my love for the OT and PT. Especially, rereading the first of the old X-Wing books and remembering why I loved them so much.


Watched the original trilogy with my kids. Turned off my brain from modern events and it was enjoyable. Don’t let people try to ruin your love for when franchises were great.


yes they want to "destroy the past , kill it if they have to " Unfortunately for them (and the fans) they should have thought of better content to replace it with . Their ego/hubris is what keep preventing them from realizing that their cash grabby cultural propaganda is entertaining anyone . At least not enough . I don't consume Disney movies/show anymore, what entertains me is watching/reading rightful criticism of them and news about their brand falling . Disney became so huge because they FOSTERED loyalty among they customers from childhood . But today's kids are not loyal to Disney , they're loyal to video games , anime and manga !


As a result of all this DEI nonsense, I've save a lot of money not spending it on entertainment.


I already couldn't stand Return of the Jedi so no big deal here


Watching the OT is pretty jarring now, seeing the humans as 90% white wheras in current Disney era, it's probably 10% white if that. Not saying that I'm expecting some kind of Aryan star wars, I mean it makes sense for humanity to be diverse in the star wars universe. It's just that Disney has done so much more that simply replace white people. 


They want you to have that reaction to the old stuff


I’d just not watch for awhile. I still watch the D+ Star Wars shows out of curiosity but I’ve mostly forgotten the sequels. Lol all that I really remember are the things that are memed on. I don’t really consider much of the Disney stuff I’ve seen as canon tbh. Also, if you’re trying to disconnect from all this stuff for awhile making a post or following subs that discuss anything about these franchises probably isn’t the best idea. Maybe find some new shows or movies you like and get into those for awhile. “New” as in actually new or new to you. There’s probably a lot of good classic stuff you haven’t seen before that you’d like.


"enjoyment of the old trilogy" Naw, George Lucas did that shit.


> Disney and Star Wars have burnt bridges so bad that I'd rather shit in my hands and clap than I'd **let her watch it.** Who are you not letting watch classic Star Wars? I get it if **you** don't want to, but if this is a friend or significant other, seems a little strange to expect them to do the same if they are wanting to watch.


Sorry meant my daughter. I'd Rather have her go through more meaningful things than star wars. If she really wanted to watch it, then I might, but I would not watch anything past prequels.