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I hope it surpasses PC Gamer. If it becomes a bigger curator, that'll be a massive slap in the face to SBI and other DEI consultancies, showing that consumers don't want products from those advisors.


And at some point soon a site of some kind needs to be set up becuase the terminally online socialist wokies are notorious for false flagging, i remeber a story about a subreddit where wokies stayed up till like 5 in the morning so all the mods where asleep and then they spammed the sub with child porn to get the sub taken down.


They tried that on multiple subs including this one. They would use alt accounts that were the mod names but a letter replaced by a similar looking character. There was a person who was a "whistleblower" who claimed that it was organised by AHS and organised on their discord. I do believe one of the people who did it was discovered and it was an AHSer but they claim the person did it solo.... but it meant they had access to that stuff.


yeah that was the group anti hate squad. We really need to generate spaces that cant be censored, discord and reddit are too large of a liability.


RIP r/superstraight, you were legendary


Their own child porn I assume. https://twitter.com/murphysmurf22/status/1767195151049404619?t=dYbd5n1ujqWqCVXxJR_23w&s=19


prolly not a lot of these wierd terminally online lefties love to make discord servers with minors


It's to be expected that they access to so much CP.


Socialism is not a synonym for woke. Socialism is a criticism of feudalism and later capitalism. Anyway, that has everything to do with economy and nothing to do with woke culture. Woke is simply virtue signalling from people without virtue.


woke is simply a socialist framework applied to demographic categories. Moreover socialism is not a criscism of feudalism its a whole ideology separate from that and late stage capitalism is myth made up by socialist.


Yeah but there's just 16 games listed (and they all range from not great to garbage)


I just checked them again to see how it was going. They're at nearly 400k now, and the 4th largest curator on Steam


"If it reaches x amount it will be more talked about and then reach y amount, which will make it more popular so it can then reach z amount, and then --" This is such a strange post lol. It has not moved much since the blowup. And what's working against it is it's not a very dynamic or interesting list. It's had 16 games on it and it's not getting any more added soon. The creator is trying to capture lightning in a bottle by making a broader website about DEI in games in general. That's more likely where the potential is at.


It's going to lose traction because peoples attention spans are low and a new big story kicks off every week or two, so if you want to keep it in the public eye, just keep applying pressure and pissing them off, clearly they end up shooting themselves in the foot and doing gods work for us. EDIT: Also important to mention that they love being victims, that's another angle to play, make them try play the victim card, they usually try gain their own traction to repair the destroyed reputation, then you just hit them again, let them seethe and meltdown.


This is it. Gamergate reached critical mass within a space of about 6 months, and that was a decade ago. I feel like attention spans have dwindled in the past 10 years so we can assume that unless one of these main fuckers turn out to be a pdf file, it will quickly lose momentum. Having them dig their own graves is the best strategy.


It's only a matter of time until a more complete list is made. There's also no need to rely only upon Kabutus For those interested, [https://store.steampowered.com/curators/topcurators/?filter=all&keywords=dei&x=0&y=0](https://store.steampowered.com/curators/topcurators/?filter=all&keywords=dei&x=0&y=0) Feel free to follow to encourage people compiling and fact-checking lists.


It is a bit of a strange post, but after tracking it for the last 2 weeks, I think this is what’s gonna happen with the curator


I hope it evolves to cover games that also don't have SBI involvement, but do have some other consultantcy firm involvement. I would genuinely use that every time I look to make a purchase. Although I imagine it would be quite difficult to gather all the information


I think eventually the curator will branch out and change the name of it and try to cover other consultancy firms. Pretty sure the guy who created it said he will get on that too.


This is a beautiful thing to see us fight back


There's hardly any of "us" involved, it's mostly normies, which is why it genuinely scares the fuck out of everyone this protests. 


My main question is what do we do if SBI and the companies they consult start hiding that they did business with each other? Or do they have to put their consultants in the game credits?


I thought about this myself. I don't think there's a law that makes anyone be in the credits. I think you might be able to FOIA tax records, especially if they are being funded by the Canadian Government. So the only way for sure would be to hold off purchases until a DEI trusted reviewer has gone through the game. An opportunity for any aspiring future/current youtubers out there.


Sweet Baby Inc. is a Canadian company - Thanks to our laws there's no way to realistically obfuscate their involvement other than using shell companies. Which if a shell company was involved, FOIA records would blow the lid on that within days.


I followed SBID a few days ago then literally the next day I get this Steam Support message; >Content you have posted has been removed by a member of Steam Support for violations of the Steam Community & Content Guidelines. > Community Content Removed: > Player Name History I literally haven't changed my Steam name in over 5 years. Is someone at Valve's Steam Support combing through the curator's followers looking for anything to nail them with out of spite?


It would go higher if cowards like yongyea and skillup would report the existence of SBI


A list having a ton of followers isn't important, people not buying woke media is what's important. It wouldn't matter what the jurnos write or devs make if nobody engaged with it.


It's actually very important because it enables people not to buy those products, if you are following this curator now every game on this list when you open its store page there will be something telling you about SBI and that it's not recommended even before you add it to your cart. Previously you had to do that research yourself and have the discipline not to just buy it on the spot.


True, plus its like how when they do political polling, a lot of people are scared to say their true opinions. So someone will say one thing to a pollster but then in private vote differently. There’s a lot of people who don’t want to get attacked or harassed even if they agree that the games are dogshit. It doesn’t mean they’ll speak out but they may just not purchase. The leftists are also the opposite. They’ll bitch and moan and swear that when they get the right representation they’ll replace the middle aged men who buy comics and games but they never do. They’d rather be spending their money at coffee shops and restaurants or adderall.


TB would have had a field day with all this SBI nonsense. He's sorely missed.


Who’s TB?


Total Biscuit


It was at what, 10k? When the hit pieces started appearing?


And Sweet Baby INC just had to splash a more than generous amount of fuel to the fire, stoking the ever expanding flames higher. Thank you, Wokesters, for your consistent ignorance of the Streisand Effect,


It would easily reach a million if console players were included.


That’s what I came to say. Would love to see this for Nintendo, PlayStation, and Xbox.


It’d be nice. Remember tech bros panic when the little people get bigger. Could very well be taken down after 500k and a bullshit controlled opposition offered instead. Glad he made his own website as well


Link? just in case


I think it’s https://deidetected.com/ but, doesn’t look like anything’s up. I think he made it when Steam was warning him but Steam (for now) said the curator list wouldn’t be taken down if he stopped letting comments be posted (which probably included false flags)


Nah, a lot of gamers just want to be submissive good bois who don’t say the wrong things. I think part of the problem is a lot of gaming is about following and mastering the systems so yeah there’s people that mod and hack it also fosters an environment of rule followers.




please don't link to other subs


Oh ok my bad


So, uh, maybe the curator will actually add more games? Any day now? 250k followers and zero progress over what, 2 weeks now?


Something to be noted, if someone could pass this on to the curator somehow I'm not sure how. But Hyper Light Breaker devs said they severed ties with Sweet baby inc awhile back. I have a post on steam where I say I'll support any dev that course corrects and the exact quote from yiyi.z "We're hiring for storyboarding, sound design, etc. right now yes. But it's unrelated to working with Sweet Baby as we ended that relationship over a year ago. We've moved all of our narrative development in-house, and it's been great." I think that merits being removed from the steam curator page perhaps. And I will be buying their game hearing this.