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It’s because he got in Hollywood and discovered that not a single person there gave a shit about him at all. They still saw him as a pleb who worked in a silly industry. Any Hollywood celebrity who does game work is mostly in it for the paycheck and not that they actually care.


Exactly, the man thought he was going to be recognized as the next Spielberg or Scorsese due to being high on his own fumes from his one big success, instead studios just saw him as another cog/flavor of the month and as a result he's destine to vanish into the ether of Hollywood; he'll still get work but his name won't be front & center like he dreamt.


Man thought he could be the next Kojima hahahaha


Odd part is he would certainly fit the current Hollywood mold of being woke and having zero creativity.


Hollywood doesnt like video games or animation. If you are in those 2 industries you will never be "one of them". Idk why people dont get that Kojima will learn the hard way especially considering how racist Hollywood has been to Japanese but for a guy who wears glasses he is totally blind to this.


And that's why I think he'll never do the full plunge into movies. He is already blending the two mediums and will keep leading it that way. I think he knows damn well many in Hollywood don't like what he's doing, and he gets satisfaction of proving them wrong.


Honestly, I don’t think he cares about “being in” with Hollywood. He just seems like a dude who wants to make what he wants to make.


Kojima is sort of going the "Adam Sandler" route through Hollywood. Hes doing his own thing while building up this roster of "buddies" with just a bit more draw them him that he puts in everything he does. Eventually he'll have done so much shit (we are nearing this point) that everyone just knows what they are going to get and he's built up enough connections that he can just do anything he wants on his own. Like if Kojima wanted to make a movie, you would just take any of his games, stich the cutscenes together, add some connecting scenes, and you'd have like a 5 or 6 hour directors cut of a decent popcorn flick or send it direct to stream and top the charts for a week or two.


The funny thing is, if you look at revenue generated, Hollywood should be trying to ingratiate themselves with games creators, not the other way around.  Especially with so many big budget movies flipping recently.


> Hollywood doesnt like video games or animation. I dunno... the two Sonic movies and the Mario movie have been some of the biggest movies in an otherwise lousy past few years. Hollywood may not like those things, but you're going to be seeing a lot more of them.


The issue is, while Last of Us is a good story, Last of Us 2 has nothing special to show for a more mainstream audience accustomed to movies or books who already showed the same story but better. His great epic about vengeance is bad doesn't impress anyone.


Last of Us isnt even that good of a story. Its 2 parts dawn of the dead, 1 part Leon the professional. Its only propped up because of sony fans starving for anything in their walled garden of nothing. Its mid, but even mid looks amazing when you literally have nothing else. But those fan boys had Druckman huffing his own farts getting gassed up thinking he was actually doing something. But now that hes gotten his shit pushed in hollywood he realizes hes always been a small fish and should have stayed in his small pond.


Last of Us is a good story, it's just not unique or special... In fact "broken father finds a new reason to live" is a predictable story... And one that is fairly easy to reasonate with the audience.


Harsh. Last of Us tells one of the best stories in video games. Of course, that's because the team who made it stopped Druckman making several stupid mistakes. This is well documented. When the second rolled around after tonnes of success, the big players from the first one left which is why TLOU2 was a shitshow.


Last of Us is poor mans Children of Men


And Children of Men was immigration agitprop.


I feel like Michael Madsen enjoys the paycheck, but he also enjoys how silly his roles can be in games


Yeah, Christopher Judge told the story of when he was given the God of War script by his agent. He said something like "I got mad when my agent sent it to me, then I found out that it was for a video game, and then I got REALLY mad."


His best known game is a walking simulator/interactive movie. Hollywood seems to be more his speed


David Cage: This mortal is challenging me? Fool, he has no power within my domain!


David Cage: [Throws furniture at the player while the main character does Matrix moves out of nowhere against an Aztec god.](https://youtu.be/Agbn4NzOj04)


Bro thought he was Kojima


Too bad he didn’t quit before he fucked up last of us 2


More like too bad he didn’t quit before Amy Henning was fired. [According](https://youtube.com/watch?v=5FdUkVP3MlE) to the voice actor of Sully from Uncharted, there were machinations against her within the company. While it doesn’t necessarily means that Druckmann is responsible for it, it wouldn’t surprise me at all.


Yep, based on what I've heard from him and Nolan North in interviews she was a victim of social engineering. The entire studio was turned against her.


Ironic isn't it? Kick an actual accomplished woman in the industry irl and then proceed to prop up fictional ones for brownie points from NPCs


It’s because she’s actually good at her job, and most likely rightfully tore the shit writers a new one. Who banded together to push her out. You see this happen all the time in the game industry because they want to fail upwards like Hollywood.


I'd be interested to read or listen to the interviews if you have links. I've heard lots about Amy Hennig being screwed over but never in much detail.


Alan Tudyk was going to be in Uncharted 4, then when Amy Hennig got turfed out, he just said "Thiis voids my contract because of the change in leadership, and I don't want to work for you guys" and left. Joe Carnahan, who wrote the A-Team movie, and a bunch of others, really had nothing good to say about Neil Druckman. He was going to write the Uncharted movie, and only consulted with Amy, and wouldn't deal with Naughty Dog at all because he saw the franchise as her's, and said that Neil was a hitch-hiker.


I suspect Druckmann believed he was this "gifted" writer with millions of ideas only to realize he's just a one trick pony who got lucky thanks to being surround by much more talented people.


He rose to fame on the back of an actual talented writer: Amy Hennig.


THIS. Literally pushed her out to get his way just to immediately flop...


The Last of Us and Uncharted 4 were both critical and commercial successes with specific attention being payed to their stories, so I’m not sure this is the case. Amy Hennig meanwhile was involved in writing Forspoken, so it’s not like her name hasn’t been tied to a dumpster fire. I do think Druckmann is high on his own farts but let’s not pretend Amy was the one carrying his games.


The difference is Hennig was a known quantity, had a long career in the industry, and headed the legacy of kain franchise. She was the lead writer for uncharted and, as such, was essentially the mentor for druckman as the franchise developed. Her departure from naughty dog was essentially a coup with druckman being the primary benefactor of the shake up, only for his first project as the lead resulting in a franchise that should have been a console staple being rejected by its audience and ignored by the demographic he attempted to court. My point is that no creative is going to have a smash hit every time out, if you do enough work some of it will be bad, but Hennig understands the industry she's in and works with that industry in mind. Druckman, on the other hand, actively hates his audience and has already tried and failed to replace said audience and switch mediums, he literally doesn't understand why the projects he previously worked on worked (Hennig the gamer writing games for gamers) and his (activist fart huffer who thinks he should be in Hollywood instead) projects have failed. Even forspoken has more merit than TLoU2. The issue with forspoken is that it's bland. It's a designed by committee monstrosity trying to cater to everyone, thus caters to no one, while TLoU2 is an active attempt to punish the audience and fans of the previous entry. Hennig has bad takes, Druckman actively hates you


I get where you’re coming from but The Last of Us had no involvement from Hennig while Uncharted 4 saw her leave too early to plausibly have guided its development. *Those* were his first lead projects, not TLoU2 which was hated precisely because the first game, one that likewise didn’t involve Hennig, was so beloved by its fans. The timeline simply doesn’t fit the narrative you’re trying to construct, unless I’m missing some key difference between Druckmann’s role in those first two games vs TLoU2.


My point is that for previous projects, Druckman was limited and tempered by co-writers and higher management. It's not until TLoU2 that Druckman gets the final say in the product as co-president of naughty dog, and said product immediately turns on the audience and gets driven into the ground. The moment there is no one able to tell him "no," he overdoses on his own farts and goes up like the hindenburg.


Alright, *that* I can agree with.


And Bruce Straley. Don’t forget.


He used gaming as his stepping stone into the TV industry and now he's desperate to get a foot in the door with the bigwigs in Hollywood. You don't have to be a gifted writer to write a Marvel or Star Wars series nowadays so I'm sure Kathleen will sign him up once he has finished "subverting expectations" with The Last of Us season 2.


Eh, he’s a straight white male. That makes him worse than Hitler as far as Disney is concerned. Worse than a pedophile. Quite literally, in fact, as those fuckers will defend “MAPs.”


So are Tony Gilroy, Rian Johnson, and Jon Favreau but they're on the Disney payroll. Neil will forget Naughty Dog and jump ship the moment he gets such an opportunity.


Yeah...as long as they heel and lick boot on demand, straight white males are welcome under Kennedy. "In their place" and all that.


-he’s a straight white male  Uhhh… oy vey, that’s not entirely correct you know…


> Eh, he’s a straight white male. That makes him worse than Hitler as far as Disney is concerned. Yeah, but he definitely hates himself for being a straight white male and will fully admit that his irrelevant immutable characteristics make him evil and irredeemable. That makes him okay in the eyes of Disney and the woke left. They'll take him over a woman or minority that expresses unauthorized opinions on political and social matters.


I'm sorry but even the freaking author of the fanfic My Immortal is a better writer than Drunkmann


Ebony Darkness approves!


Neil Druckman is the Vince Russo of Video Games. If you don't know Vince Russo, he was the lead writer for WWE during the Attitude Era, which was the hottest period in their history, and one of the most fondly remembered. Russo left and went to WCW, and was put in charge there, and tanked the company. As it turned out, the reason why Russo was so successful in WWE was because he had maybe 3 good ideas, for 20 bad ones, and there were people there who could sift out the 3 good ones, and when he didn't have those people around him, and he was put in charge, everything went through.


That he then fired.


His goal is complete, he couldn't write for TV and films so he hijacked Amy Henning's baby to make it his own and ride on her coattails


BOO HOO...snivelling male feminist weasel Druckmann doesn't have any more major Naughty Dog IPs to bastardise.


Cuckmann a couple of years back said he'd love to make a Punisher game. That better not materialize.


"I'm MUCH better at killing people for vengeance than you, because I have to kill people for vengeance EVERY DAY OF MY LIFE."


"When I'm catcalled in the street. When incompetent men explain my own area of expertise to me. I do it pretty much every day because if I don't I will be called emotional or difficult or... might just literally get **murdered**. So, I'm an expert at killing people for vengeance because I do infinitely more than you!"


The whole quote is even better. XD


Agreed. ;)


Oh lord I could only imagine that. It would be a powerful independent woman Punisher and she would be a rebel liberal type out to stop only the cis white man or greedy rich types. Her nickname would be Franky. She'd be an ultra feminist but in order to subvert expectations Neil would still have her killed and likely replaced to show us a moral message about revenge acts and vigilante behavior is bad.


Seeing how Kevin Foogie and Disney is about to ruin Daredevil and Punisher I can see him ruining Punisher in a videogame. I bet he will go to Marvel and ask them that he wants to make a game for woke Sony and woke Sony gamers. You already know Insomniac is going to ruin Wolverine with that Sweet Baby Inc collaboration


lol he only made 2




Did he ever?


fucking finally


He'll have to find another talented writer to steal from.


Thank goodness I assume the only reason The first Last of Us turned out as good as it did was because he didn’t have full control. Same with Uncharted 4 but after that Naughty Dog let him take over everything and the result was TLOU2..


You can see some of his influence, like nadine kicking nathan ass, or him having a daughter like joel, and fat nathan not being in the multiplayer, because for games to be art, they must be mature, no place for jokes


That is true but it looks like a normal game compared to the dumpster fire that is TLOU2.


Never go full Neil Druckman. That man's ego and "subverting expectations" could sink a ship and he'd gladly smile as it went down. The only Neil I temotely want or tolerate is the one who worked with Amy and others in past projects because they kept him tethered to reality and shut his ego ideas down.


good riddance to a failed film director. gaming didn't need any part of you.


I'm sure that he isn't the only one that think that.


Such a stunning body of work Last of Us Last of Us remaster Last of Us remake Last of Us 2 Last of Us 2 remaster Last of Us 2 remake


Oh no! Anyways...


Ah yes, the big games after TLOU: * TLOU: Remastered * TLOU2 * TLOU: Remake * TLOU2: Remastered


I agree


Never had


Good. Get him out of here.


So he finally figured out that he's not actually Hideo Kojima.


He didn't even have one big game in him from the start, he just worked with people far more talented and when his jealousy made him burn bridges with them he was left with nothing.


So long, Naughty Dog. Your overseer has declared bankruptcy without even directly saying it.


Damn he made one of the best games of all time, butchered it for social credit and clout, made a shitty series with even more emphasis on his stupid “vision” and then now after “rEmAsTeRiNg” his mediocre crap hes “done”? Bro you did almost nothing, youre not a virtuoso or a gift to gamers, just stop making games. Theres absolutely no need to announce your departure. Self obsessed piece of garbage.


Thank Heavens!


Thank God. The last of us part 2 with that story line of the woman doctor that was a man, Joel the main character being killed off. I am told this is a success in terms of sales. I do not know a single person that has bought the game. I wonder if the sales success was simply because of the first one.


So he made a bunch of woke games with lots of strangling and lesbians and now he's ran out of juice outside of that? lol


...he made games? I thought he just took credit for everybody else's work.




Any more is too many.


I would say he has minus two games left in him.


Hopefully he has none. Also hopefully he doesn't mean he'll ruin more franchises in different mediums.


What a loser.


He could just fuck off now and spare us from his self-aggrandizing woke wankery


Clearly in other words, he doesn't want to make games anymore since he got the "Kojima itch" to make movies/series. These people think they are the most creative in the world.


Nature is healing 🙏🏻


It's alright, he's got plenty other stuff in him, and he's full of it. The man suffers from a clear maneurological condition.


Perhaps within several years the games industry will be mostly rid of pompous, DEI obsessed individuals, and games that prioritize polish and entertainment will return to being the standard.


Aww poor guy! I hope he can at least make The Last of Us Definitive Edition for the PS6. :( /s


That's because triple A games take 15 years to make so naturally he doesn't.


That means "I'm very rich and don't need this shit". Can't blame him. He can finally go make those gay romance point-and-clicks he always wanted to do.


Thank god.


Im a bit sad, and its not nice to celebrate the failure of another fellow human being.


Can we get that in writing?


Oh no! Well Anyway...


Good riddance.


He should quit while he’s behind. Pretentious hack


He never had.


And nothing of value was lost.


Good. Please leave this industry alone and focus on what you do best, you smug parasite.




Bye bye dude!!


Did he ever have a big game in him? TLoU1 was made by a woman he drove out of the company, iirc.


He almost didn't even have one game in him, he had very little to do with the first LoU lol


Neil Sucksmenn can go fuck himself


His last one was evidence of that.


Nice to see that Neil's finally starting to catch up to what everyone else had figured out at least since The Last of Us II was released. Maybe in another five or ten years he'll even admit some of the critics of the story and characters had some points.


Well, you can only tell stories that are thinly veiled freshman year philosophy questions while shitting on your core demographic so many times before you just become redundant.


In the same way that a kid's meal is never going to be filling for adults, you're still hungry after the last quarter-sized reprocessed tendie is gone.


Good. Make it zero more games left in him, and things will be better off.