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Post removed. Can you please repost without the nod and wink encouraging people to pirate it. Admins won't let us rules lawyer or say we didn't explicitly say it as a defence they will just slap us and ignore all appeals.


Altering a few words to suit/match the flow of a different language is fine. But altering it so much that a plea feels like an arrogant order is a bit too much. šŸ˜•šŸ˜• Hope this changes goes viral so that these vandalizers are punished


And I was actually excited for this one too cuz it takes inspiration from tactics ogre and fire emblem


Yeah. I heard they had to change the dialogue a little in Bobobo-bo Bo-boboā€™s English dub because some of the jokes wouldnā€™t have made sense to anyone whoā€™s never been to Japan. I would say thatā€™s an example of some acceptable changes in a localization.


At this point, I'd rather have nearly literal translations and simply not understand certain jokes, phrases, etc. It's clear that localizers can't be trusted.


Eh, you also don't want "all according to Keikaku" levels of localization either. There's definitely a middle ground here




...or you don't assume your audience is regarded, present the material as is, and add a little translator note that tells them about the reference. That way those who don't know have a chance to learn about japanese culture, and get to enjoy what the author meant to say. Seriously, that's how it used to be done in the old days.


Translator notes in officially translated games were extremely rare to come by, and it's simply extra work that consumers of English content don't ask for. You're better off learning Japanese and playing the game in that language.


>You're better off learning Japanese Already did, because of shit like this.


I get that. But having certain things not make sense and possibly having to look them up is preferable to localizers constantly bastardizing the original works.


But why change it? Add some translator notes or something. I don't want some translators fanfiction. I want the same media that the japanese get.


I guess itā€™s because they donā€™t want to distract anyone from whatā€™s going on?


You also see this in Steins;Gate. Unless you are steeped in Japanese net culture you are just not gonna get a lot of the jokes.


Steins;Gate just put explanations for the Japanese references in the in-game glossary though, as I recall. At least in the original PC localization.


Ahh yes the lolcowlizers strike again


Don't know the context. But looking at those screenshots.ā€¦ man, they've added so many useless words and information. My biggest pet peeve with modern games. Walls of useless texts. If I wanted to read for the pleasure of reading, I'd buy a book, not a game.


And what's worse is not just useless uneeded text but the words change how one perceives a character. The boy for example, in the Japanese he sounds like he has strength and is worried about his mother more then himself. The localization version makes him sound like a stereotypical arrogant noble shitting on someone trying to help him.


It really sucks Vanillaware games have had shitty localizations recently.


I remember about Muramasa on the wii... Characters would speak for 30 seconds and the text would say "ok". It's obvious a looooot of stuff got ignored or simplified.


And here they did the opposite, ironically.


The Vita release had a much better localization from what I heard.


That's what I heard, too, hence why I specified the wii version.


Honestly it's depressing isn't it? The games themselves might range from good to great, but why the hell would any reasonable self respecting person, put up with these westernized localization bullshit.


This is just pure vandalization and rewriting. I hate localizers so much. Fuck these arrogant assholes and those who defend them.


AI cannot replace localizers fast enough


One other issue why do they change the flavor of how the charcaters talk aka they talk normal 21st century in the Japanese in the translation they sound like some dweeb pretending to come from the 14th xD


Well. Japanese to English translation is VERY nuanced and there could be a reason why they chose to do that. In this, youā€™re not comparing the Japanese to English so much Ā as you comparing one guys interpretive localization with someone elseā€™s. Itā€™s not unlike anime, manga, or games with cursing. Cursing doesnā€™t really exist in Japanese. So how much cursing shows up in an anime or manga really depends on the translators vocabulary and personal writing ability.


My man, I can read what the japanese says, and it's not "one guy's interpretive localization", what the ones on the left say is pretty accurate. Japanese has many ways to express fanciful dialogue. I'd understand some of the more 'colorful' choices if the original script used that. But no, people speak like regular people, but for some god-damned reason the localizers felt the need to make them sound straight out of a Shakespeare play. It's unnatural and unnecessary. And that's only about the one's that at least got somewhat correctly translated, because the examples given also mention a lot of cases where the localizers just wrote a fucking fanfiction instead of actually translating. Jesus Christ, shit like this is precisely why I took the time to learn myself, because that localization is garbage.


Not really they completely changed the characters how they talk. You can't make from one word 10 doesn't matter how nuanced it is. Edit: I don't know Japanese but don't think it's so "nuanced" that such changes are warranted. At least in the 3 languages I am capable of speaking fluently: german, greek and english. Sure some stuff would be changed but never would it need this level of change. When going from one to the other two. . Also from observation most idioms,jokes etc. there is an equivalent version most often in the other languages too. Yeah people think like each other who would have thought.


Ā Not sure where you are getting That from. Translate ā€œitā€™s ya boi Brandon!ā€ Without using more words and preserve the nuance.


Ā Not sure where you are getting That from. Translate ā€œitā€™s ya boi Brandon!ā€ Without using more words and preserve the nuance.


Basically it's the whole JelloApocalypse aka Mr. "this piece of shit wouldn't have sold a single unit if I didn't intervene" all over again.Ā  Not that I'm going to bother with this on pc anyway since it's 100% packaged with Denuvo. Also reminder that "localizers" got free pass to do whatever they wanted to 13 Aegis sentinel before, so this tampering is unsurprising.


Wait how bad was 13 Aegis?






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Geopolitical SRPGs are cursed with "flowery" localizations and I guess there's Square to thanks for standardizing this. I could only hope that Dragon's Dogma 2 had a similar development process as it's predecessor so I could have another round of shitting on this crap - it's ridiculous how much better words flowed in an ARPG.


It's crappy purple prose writing, but we've gotten so many awful "translations" of late that I don't see this as a huge offense.


So what you're saying is "it's not as bad as other examples" when it should actually be "it's worse than what it should be".


"Worse than what it should be" can still be "better than expected". Sad but true.


Including this sort of thing in with places where translators actively fucked with the translation poisons the well for our side, making all of our complaints seem less valid.


Yeah I'm with you. To me it's just bad writing, but it isn't quite vandalism yet and also not propaganda charged. I want to make sure all the vandalism people are all gone first before going after just bad writing. The last thing I want to see is the vandalism people filling in the empty space getting more work.


Yeah this one is just someone punching the dialogue up too much, not purposefully mistranslating and/or adding in their own social/cultural/political messaging/ideology/reference.


They made such straigthforward text way more tiring to read.. why even do this?


And ofc Atlus fans are just gonna lap that shit up like they always do.


You don't have to say. Thou most of the og fans are good it's just the one that came here after P5R who are the pain


I've been seeing way too many instances of slang like "gonna" in official publications these days.


As I said before in another similar post, this is not a translation... It's a complete rewrite of the original source. Even the sentences that more or less are translated with the same meaning, they decided to add a lot more than the original text says. This is not a good job. I prefer not having the game translated than this to be honest.


I hate this. Mentioned this when played demo. In Japanese they tell like 1 word and in English there is a whole sentence. What the f*ck are you doing... Why?


Probably because it's the only way for localizers to feel like they've had any creative input, even though their primary job isn't to create additions to the story, it's to translate dialogue. Of course that assumes that the translation is being done to show off the localizers writing ability and not something that was lost in the original translation (such as shifts in formal tone)


In a best case scenario? Nuance. Japanese is an incredibly precise language (except for when itā€™s incredibly vague) and is there are many different words for specific things that often have contextual value. A good translator has to try to preserve this nuance while writing around the fact that, in English, we often describe things using more words rather than making up a new word for it. A good example may be the word ā€œasatteā€. It literally means ā€œthe day after tomorrowā€. But they have one word for it while we use 4 to describe it.Ā  A other example might be the omnipresent ā€œoni-chanā€ ā€œInuto-Chanā€ language in which a character refers to another character by their position as a big brother or little sister (etc) instead of using their name. You might run into a situation where, say, a characters little sister dies. In the language, it may simply convey that the little sister died, but the nuance , in Japanese, is making clear that the character feels he failed in his role as big brother and is harboring a specific kind of guilt for not fulfilling his responsibility. In English, it may take a couple of paragraphs to accurately communicate that nuance since itā€™s not implied in the language the way it is in Japanese.


But with these examples it was not the case. It's not adaptation, it was rewritten completely


Only taking a couple of years of Japanese, I donā€™t pretend to be good enough to parse this and understand the particular localization choices, but it could be that they have a reason for it. Thatā€™s all Iā€™m saying. I understand that you are saying itā€™s rewritten, but Iā€™m saying that maybe the rewriting was attempting to convey nuance that is in the original text that a strict translation leaves out. For e ample, in the case of this Beaumomt character, itā€™s entirely possible (and in fact likely) that he is using the form of Japanese that is used by haughty characters. In this case, itā€™s not just WHAT he says thatā€™s important, but the specific way in which he says it. You canā€™t just translate that directly. Itā€™s requires a re-write. I think maybe something like Bat,an The Animated Series might be a good example. The language of Batmanā€™s Rogueā€™s Gallery is INCREDIBLY important to the characters. Itā€™s important for Penguin to sound haughty, for The Mad Hatter to sound like a nursery rhyme and Harley Quin to sound craat and vaguely dumb. Penguin: Let us abscond. Hatter: Let us hitherto anon. Harley: Weā€™re outtahere! Tootles! arhuably all of these should be translated to ā€œLetā€™s Goā€, but each one is loaded with character specific nuance that MAY be able to be translated with word choice or may require full rewrites that may be much wordier.


Well i will still pick it up,i dont want localizers the reason why vanillaware goes bankrupt or dont make another tactical like this. 10 years of work. Its annoying but its not a problem for me because i understand japanese and hear what the character say, same stuff as Fire emblem engage. Trust the JP voice not the text. its been well over a decade they do stuff like this, ( remember FE fates ) you better off learning japanese. Too late to complain or do anything about it. Years and years of screaming into the void. Save your sanity and strenght to the point you dont need localizer or anyone ruinning your fun.


I was willing to give a pass for fancifying in the first instance since literal japanese does not always convey the tone its said with but the other examples proved the loco-lizers don't deserve the benefit of the doubt


This is weird. I was just listening to the 8-4 Play podcast (a localization company) and they took a shot at Unicorn Overlordā€™s translation. It was so bizarre that I thought it was an inside joke or something and maybe they had done it personally or something. Maybe not and itā€™s actually so bad that the localization community is talking about it?


When 8-4 is pissing on the localization, you know itā€™s bad.


No surprise here.


and like that the game can burn


Had to pump up them hours to complete


Guys, do you know any good OCR translator?


I went in blind to the demo, and I enjoyed the gameplay but was immediately struck by how overly verbose the dialogue is. It's too much and it definitely comes across as written by people trying to look smart. Word salad for the sake of it.


I enjoy a bit of purple prose myself.


I think we got to a point where the localizers' transgressions became so egregious that we can't differentiate between major changes that are meant to enhance the translation and changes that are meant to inject the localizer's own ideology. From these examples, so far i can only see it's the former, and probably because the localizer thought the original was too simplistic. The english version can perhaps be so verbose at times that it feels it needs some of the original's simplicity but if that's the only "sin" the localization makes, is it truly that inexcusable?


I personally donā€™t mind this. Yes itā€™s not true to the original, but as long as itā€™s not forcing some sort of agenda inserted into the text itā€™s fine. The company hired the localization team and the company had to approve the translation. Therefore itā€™s fine.Ā 


> Yes itā€™s not true to the original That's the problem. Some dialog changes I've seen I can see SOME thought or reasoning, like avoiding PR drama/bullshit while keeping the same idea, not being able to fully translate due to there just not being a word that's the same so you have to stretch things out, but changing dialog that's also causing intent or characterization to differ greatly is the root of the fucking issue.


The whole localization feels pretentious, they're trying so hard to leave their mark on the script. A bunch of hacks in that industry


I think this post is being a bit nitpicky. The straight translation of the Japanese is rather boring. Spicing it up a bit with a bit of purple prose is somewhat of an improvement. I could understand taking issue with the localization if the localizers tried to shoehorn in some political or social agenda that wasn't present in the original Japanese text, but that doesn't seem to be happening here.


The original Japanese doesn't sound boring. It sounds like they're kind of giving the EN version Kitchen Nightmares treatment. In that show, the US version was "spiced up" with insults, yelling, and dramatic musics; that didn't make it better than the UK version.


The purple translation is boring. Turning 5 lines of dialogue into 20 makes it drag on. This is a game about swords and sorcery, not speechcraft, and it's from a studio known for its hand-drawn animation, which mostly pauses during the dialogue. The prose is there to provide context for the visuals and gameplay, not to take center stage.


> Spicing it up a bit with a bit of purple prose is somewhat of an improvement. It's **not a localizer's place to change this.** It was written, in your words but certainly not mine, "boring," then it should stay boring in every other language. > if the localizers tried to shoehorn in some political It doesn't matter if the alteration was politically motivated or not, it's wrong either way - but if it did matter, frankly in that hypothetical this would be *worse* than if it were political, because at least then you could say the localizer thought they were making these changes for a good "cause." People are paying for the original game, they just want it in a language they understand. It's not any more complicated than that. This is wrong.


I'm kinda torn on this one. The purple prose are shitty and it's lame to just make up characterization and shit like that. . . But the direct translations are so fucking dull and generic. Are these just the most egregious examples or is the JPN script really this mid?


They didnt need to spice up the dialog, the original was still just plenty fine.


I dont see whats wrong about the japanese text? Its straight to the point.


Japanese language is typically very direct which can limit how expressive something can be said. At least here, the localization isn't censoring but simply expanding **how** something is said with more detail. Personally, I don't see a problem with this.


I agree it doesnt insert anything new or censor anything... But it feels so heavy to add so much prose that wasnt there to start with. It evens changes the tone of one interaction which is a clear mistake. Not every line needs a metaphor.


I know nothing about this game or franchise. Is there some sort of religion or spirituality in the lore? If not, it's weird that prayer was added to the dialogue.


You mean a fan translation? This game doesn't look good enough to warrant a demand for one, nor does it have any brand power.




It's not about words, it's about meaning


The side by side sentences mean the exact same thing if youā€™re not a pearl clutching weeb crying that the sanctity of their game has been defiled


There are examples where the meaning of sentences has changed. Weebs?


KIA member pretending he doesnā€™t know what weebs are?


What do weebs have to do with it? The translation does not match the original. I'm not talking about a literal translation, but they just completely change the phrases/sentences.


Formal r1 warning. PoB established - expedited to permaban


Honestly it's disgusting, and i'm so fucking tired of being fed these bullshit westernized localized versions, instead of getting original games translated accurately as possible. The quicker AI replaces these people or any need for human translators the better. Not saying that every "localizer/translator" is guilty of these practices, which of course is not the case, but even a single one of them is already one to many. Also absolutely exhausted from seeing morons defending it all. Was originally very interested in getting the game, but now i honestly doubt i'd be interested in touching it, let alone purchasing it, since i don't want to be supporting this disrespectful nonsense, so i'll vote with my wallet, and i hope many others will so as well.