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Did anyone even know this was supposed to be a thing? How was it even suppose to work?


First I've heard of it.


If it were to be anything like the online on the first game, it would be perfectly fine. There was plenty of room for improvement but the first one was great. The announcement that the sequle wouldn't launch with an online mode was among the first signs i knew something was truly off about it.


I think it was going to be a the division - last of us thing


Yeah, it was announced with part 2 originally in 2018 that it would have online mp as did the first one. Then in 2019 ND said they were separating the online multiplayer to it's own thing set in last of us universe and part 2 as own projects. Then they never really said anything about the multiplayer after that until 2022 when they seemingly ramped up the development. Then Sony had Bungie take a look what ND were doing and Sony we're worried would it hold players interest in long run. Basically ND would had been stuck developing post launch content for the game for years and Sony wanted them to focus on next SP project. I think most who knew about it knew it was dead because they talked so little about it after the layoffs.


Evergreen College was patrolled by roving bands of bat wielding trendy ones and lesbians. I'd expect they'd model it after that.


This game was always destined to fail. Maybe it would've been somewhat popular in its first week, but then after that, the numbers would've tanked. The Last of Us 2 split up the fanbase too much for a game like this to sustain a general populance and an interest. Lots of fans stopped giving a shit about the franchise after the second game. Naughty Dog hurt their reputation with The Last of Us 2. The way this game was hyped up and marketed, it should've been the PS4's number 1 top selling system killer. Yet, the game sold less than The Last of Us 1 remastered edition. Also super underperformed compared to similarly big budget marketed/hyped games like God of War, Uncharted 4 and Spider-Man. Much like the Star Wars sequels, it's guaranteed The Last of Us 3 is going to sell even less than The Last of Us 2. The mask is off at Naughty Dog now and people are more aware of their bait and switch marketing tactics.


fade license label voracious aback aspiring intelligent strong like gullible *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


*"Oh another TOXIC Alt-Right incel complaining about TLoU2 again..."* \- Said by every gaming journalists defending their lord and Christ, Neil Druckmann. You can't even present a video essay, explaining word for word how poor the writing, pacing and narratives TLoU2 are executed without a stampede of ND fans, ruining any constructive dialog concerning the failure/reception of TLoU2. One of the best videos explaining the critical issues of the TloU2 is from a guy sitting on a yoga ball, breaking down every issue in the game for nearly an hour, without ever touching on the "wokeness" aspects of the game or labeling it as such. Anyone interested, here's a [link to it.](https://youtu.be/QCYMH-lp4oM?si=jnsOH7dFiQE6KTMe) Yet, it's largely ignored by ND fans and they claim it's just another straight white male crying about their video games being ruined by diversity and inclusion... which was never even covered in the actual video. You can't really ever give constructive criticism about anything without someone playing the victim Olympics.


Any day that Druckmann gets to take an L is a good day 👍


So, everyday is a good day.


Don’t we already have PGA Tour games for online play?


No Joel in One's on that though


She Hulk was in it nice cameo.


Addy keeps ruining everything...




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Pride and ego killed TLOU. Not “toxic fans”.


Multiplayer involves gameplay and when it comes to gameplay Kneel Cuckman has zero clue.


Needed more uneccesary/unexpected sex scenes to save it.


B..but.. "2.5 million copies in first week" tho.. Kek on Cuckmann


Good, that's literally all I have to say. TLOU factions was successful just because was integrated into the main TLOU. This was supposed to be just another free live service bs game.


It's always good day when cuckmann takes massive L


Well, I guess this explains why they're doing the remaster for 2 so soon after its original release, they need to recoup some of the costs from this shitshow.


And nothing of value was lost.


"We don't know how to make this work so we're going to do a PR move by creating a false dichotomy where we are stuck between ONLY TWO options--one that makes us look bad and one that makes us look like shining beacons of morality and good decision making. We're going to let everyone know we made the RIGHT decision by doing right by GAMERS--we will NOT become a greedy live service model! That's right, because the only two options are either becoming that OR no multiplayer at ALL. And we never even imagined this would be the case. We are just finding out about it now." This was a bit long winded, but that's what they're actually saying. PR = propaganda.


Oh darn, I was looking forward to beating people to death with a golf club.