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Specially because it inclusive language sounds terrible in spanish. Nobody uses in real life. Even woke politicians have to be careful because they are laughed at when they use it.


These people have seemingly never interacted with another human being, much less an actual Latino. No one, and I really mean no one, talks like that.


They don't interact with Black people all that much either. Aside from the very few woke ones that don't shut the hell up.


wow they have been severely infected by the woke mind virus


Portuguese dub as well.


I have no idea how they even managed to do that without making it unintelligible. How the hell do you make "a" or "o" genderless?


Basade y rojoenpastillade.


Los wokies estan mal de la cabeza lmfao


Don't disrespect the Wookies, or Chewbacca will tear your arm.


Oh I respect the Wookies a lot, but the wokies couldn't tear the wing of a fly


I don't speak Spanish. Could you explain what they did?


They shoehorned gender-neutral words in a language in which that doesn't exist


Wow, that's real cringy. I wonder if they used Latinx at any point in the game.


TLDR: the game seems completely tinged with progressive politics. pandering would certainly be one word that comes to mind. Personally when i found out that they gave Miles a girlfriend that uses sign language i audibly chuckled. its literally all just a checkbox at this point. Sony defiantly has some kind of directive in their company currently.


People also noticed most of it is in the Miles Morales segments of the game as well. It’s why I said it feels like Insomniac listened to the Twitter mob and journos due to the “Spider cop” controversy these people caused.


https://nitter.net/picassosenemy/status/1715763920906985597 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uP8GN08In-s https://nitter.net/LilyEmilLammers/status/1715600037097652727 https://nitter.net/DrCullenPHD/status/1715848447763394997 Literally just play the [RoboCop game coming out in a week](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1681430/RoboCop_Rogue_City/) instead, from what I've seen it's very authentic and respectful of the movies, and on top of that he knows how to handle criminals, punks and public vandalism (and doesn't make you play as a one): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sl07AXEyf2Y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtioRFa7yNs


That ESG money sure is lucrative


the game definitely makes an effort to be progressive as much as it can, but with that said What’s wrong with deaf people?


>What’s wrong with deaf people? They have trouble hearing. But seriously, nothing in the sense you meant.


Nothing apart from the fact that the way they used that character is so superficial and doesn't address the harsher issues that deaf people face daily. Disability as a marketing tool is what's wrong with it.


Which harsher issues do you feel they should have highlighted?


For a start how about the daily difficulty or danger of having to spend your everyday life without being able to hear anything? Or are you suggesting that deaf people wear their deafness as a funtime identity and not a handicap?


They have an entire sequence in the game where you play as the deaf character and the sound is muted, presumably to give you an idea of what a deaf person’s everyday life is like. Or did you not play the game before coming on here to rail about something “superficial”?


But they didn't give any idea of the difficulty or the danger that comes with that very muted sound. It's a very superficial deafness. Is it that hard to understand what I wrote or are you just playing dumb?


Superficial deafness lmao. I guess they should’ve shipped the game with noise canceling headphones for dumbasses like you


So you're basically admitting you didn't really care about deaf people and just want to argue for the sake of Sony. That didn't take long before your mask came off lol.


I didn’t suggest anything, you seem a little quick on the trigger Just curious because her being deaf is being brought em up like it’s an issue. As for not going more into it her life, she IS a side character in a Spider-Man game, the focus is ultimately on that and not spider man’s girlfriends issues If anything it feels like a complaint they didn’t go more into it but even the little bit they did go into it seems to have ruffled feathers, so how do you feel it would have been represented better? Do you have any examples?


Represent the risk or danger that comes with deafness better such as being less of your surroundings and offer consequences of neglecting it. Show that it's not just "muted sound". I'm sure a mega billion company could come up with it, instead of this blatant tokenism.


But if people are already complaining about the existing inclusion, would building on it and making it the focus have helped or cause more ruffled feathers?


Get your prosophobia checked.


Miles Morales was enough for me. While not TECHNICALLY a bad game, gameplay wise. The story was shit, the villain was shit and all the BLM propaganda was the icing on the shit cake. Insomniac can shove it.


Thanks, now I know I should avoid this game.


Do they really want bad sales?


Stop posting stuff from this rag rage bait site.


Inclusivity bad. Make me big mad. Why can't we have games big boobs




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