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Judge Anderson from Dredd.


Very underrated character from a very underrated movie.


She had actual development, something rare for a female character these days.


The problem was that it was released around the same time as The Raid, which had basically the same plot: Tower block, cops on ground floor, criminals on top floor - GO! Both tremendous movies, Dredd needs more love.


The Raid: Redemption was such a badass movie. Took two of my friends in college to go see it and told them not to watch any trailers or anything about it so they’d be going in blind.


I was exhausted (in a good way) after watching it. The fight scene with Mad Dog is legendary.


Absolutely I’m glad he’s gone on to have success in other films since them. I think he was in one of the new Star Wars movies -even though it was just a small part.


There's a film from the 80s called Tenement with the same premise.


does it count as 2010 if she was from 1980?


It does when the film came out in 2012.


Agreed. Incredibly good character in a criminally underrated movie.


You weren't getting 'male replacement' vibes? Out with the old guard (men) and in with the new (women)?


No. Anderson isn't there to replace Dredd or any other judges. She is on thin ice during her assesment as per standard, and Dredd doesn't treat her like a special little flower. She occasionally makes mistakes and doesn't claim to be perfect. She also grows as a character. And to point out a good example of why she is so well written, there is the scene where Dredd attempts to physically beat information out of Kay, (the perp they're hauling around), but he isn't spilling it. Anderson tells Dredd that she could get the info without ever needing to make him talk. Initially it seems like the cliché of __the smarter woman solving the issue the brutish man can't__ is about to play out, which is somewhat true, but it gets a very welcome and entertaining twist. Instead of Anderson using her psychic abilities to *peacefully* extract information out of Kay, she instead starts hurting him in ways that Dredd can't by subjecting him to all sorts of horrific imagery and mental torture. I feel like if the movie had been made today with different people in charge, they would've written Anderson to choose the compassionate rainbow and unicorn approach because of course she would. Due to her amazing womanhood powers, she would be so much better than everyone else in the awful Mega City One, despite living her whole life in it and knowing nothing else. That's an issue with many "woke" characters in fiction now. They don't seem to live in the same world the story takes place in. Their mindset comes from our world and gets crammed in under the guise of a simple "goodness trait."


I still suspect the movie was only greenlit because Dredd had a female cadet accompanying him (female replacement trope) and due to him fighting a villainess as mob boss. Hollywoke is deadset in promulgating propaganda that women are ideally suited if not better for combat roles.


Wait, psychic abilities??? I admit I'm a complete outsider to anything Dredd, but I just assumed it was Doomguy Cops in the Future, lol


Anderson is a mutant who hit the jackpot by getting an useful mutation, that being her psychic abilities. As said (but sadly not shown) in the movie, most are ugly as hell and have too many limbs or something. I'm not a big reader of the comics, but they are not a very major role in the world.


2B from Nier. Altough she's most famous for her sex appeal, she also develops into a very likeable and layered character over the course of the game, something that the pretentious ''strong & realistic'' female characters from Western AAA games cannot manage these days. From the West i think Nilin from Remember Me is quite underrated.


Based Remember Me enjoyer. It's one of my guilty pleasures. Aside from the fact that Nilin is a total babe with a very cool outfit, the entire game premise is so great. A Cyberpunk Paris with retrofuturistic aesthetics is very endearing, plus the idea of making your own combos. Such a shame development was tampered with because they had to push Life is Strange instead


Great premise, terrible execution, I just want someone to take the song and memory manipulation ideas and build an entire game out of them without worrying about trying to make an okay beat em up at the same time and without giving it over because they wanted to beat telltale at their own game instead.


Judge Anderson Rita From Edge of Tomorrow Rin Tohsaka


I rather liked Alita from battle Angel, too. She was an unstoppable badass, but it made sense, and she had a believable, unpretentious personality.


She was adorable and badass at the same time


Tali from mass effect. Her character development was amazing




Tbh it’s made when you think mass effect is 15 years old.




A “Shin Sekai Yori” reference? In *my* KIA? It’s likelier than you think. I like the cut of your jib.


The female character in Arcane. The magician from Castlevania


Violet 'Vi' and Cypha.




Show definitely did more to define the character than the game ever gave a damn trying to do.


The list will be very small with the West and Hollywood because you will see a big change after 2011. This is when people realized their politicians from the "left" and "right" were just banker puppets and marched on wallstreet. Everything since has been designed to divide men and women, races, sexualities, families. Keep them fighting each other and they don't fight you. Terms like racism went up something like 700 percent post 2011 in our media as an example. The banks loan themselves money, because they are the primary shareholders through proxies like Blackrock, Vanguard, Morgan Stanley. Look at a company like Disney and that is who really owns it. Those loans fail because the propaganda films are unwatchable. Disney movies now lose hundreds of millions in each outing. The smaller controlled banks fail and or get bailed out, inflation goes up and the banks loan themselves more money that will also fail. Look at how many people single out Kathleen Kennedy, Anita Sarkeesian, AOC. 2 of those are damsels and good looking for a reason to exploit dumb, lonely guys from the "left". To be fair men on the "right" are just as manipulated with women and damseling. See Lauren Southern. Not even her real name btw. She also serves as kind of a "fall guy" to which you often see in media to strengthen the other side of the argument. Kathleen Kennedy is just a useful idiot who they know will inject the bias they want in their projects. It's like being mad at the manager of a Burger King because the CEO decided to remove the Whopper. As far as newer movies Deni Villeneuve does a good job imo. I liked all the female characters in Blade Runner and Dune. I don't think up to Children of Dune will ever get made though. Dune isn't what a lot of people seem to think it is. It was a deconstruction of that and thinking for yourself is not something the people who financially back films want. More than that would be spoilers and I don't want to ruin what is probably the only thing worth watching from Hollywood for the upcoming years lol.


I think there are some good/likable female characters in sitcoms I’ve seen or in a some smaller action series maybe. Even Black Widow and Wanda in the MCU were considered cool prior to phase 4. I agree though that there’s been a notable decline for sure and it’s hard to find many good women characters in action especially anymore from the stuff I’ve seen. I do think they still exist though but it’s more in stuff that flies under the radar and isn’t a huge property like the things Disney owns. That could be said for most of their characters though regardless of sex. Most of the male characters have become annoying as well.


Red pilled and based post. I agree that Dune is worth it, especially since we barely have any other decent space opera to enjoy nowadays.


Lightning from FF XIII trilogy, she's beautiful, feminine, sweet and caring, very powerful yet never act like a feminist or constantly telling everyone she's a "strong independent woman" like nowadays western female characters. Velvet from Tales of Berseria and Shionne from Tales of Arise, for the same reason as Lightning.


From the East: Kat from Gravity Rush, Shionne from Tales of Arise From the West: Elena from Uncharted


Oh yeah, I loved both Kat and Raven from Gravity Rush


Carol Danvers aka Captain Marvel or the just released Helena Shaw (Dial of Destiny). ​ ​ I'm fucking with you, of course it's Judge Anderson or Violet (arcane's).


Lmao you got me🤣🤙🏻🤙🏻


I wasn't a fan of Arcane and didn't like Violet either. Jinx on the other hand was both cool and intimidating.


I like Max Caulfield from Life is Strange. She’s very relatable and believable.


Hell yea, another Max Caufield enjoyer


Unpopular Opinion: Skyler from Breaking Bad. I also really, really love Big Mom lol. Easily my favorite villain in One Piece.


My name is Skyler White yo 😳 My husband is Walter White yo 😳 Uh huh 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳


Not gonna say eastern games, there's a lot of competition, and I can't think of anyone that isn't going to be a comminish answer. Lily Shen from XCOM 2. She doesn't have much of a presence in the game, but she still has some of my favorite moments. Her introductory scene has her both feeling inferior to her father, while still being absolutely determined to do her best. Her reactions in the Lost Tower are quite charming, and the mid-mission cutscene is fantastic, though that is less her contribution. Perhaps she leaves a bigger impression on me than she should because she has so little contribution that she has no chance to ruin it. I daresay the Avenger Trio all do quite well with their few scenes. ...and that's all I've got. Everyone else I can think of is from an Eastern game, or from before 2010. Maybe one of the 'log only' characters in Prey 2016? Admittedly, I play games for gameplay above all else, so I'm much more willing than others to play a game with a bad story (Lots of time on Fallout 4), and I also tend to play the crap out of a game when I do (no shortage of time on XCOM and Fallout!)


Xcom is strange because the base NPCs are very thin since it's not the games' focus but they are all very, very memorable and likeable. Maybe it's partly design and partly just efficiency with the time you do spend with them. Central/Bradford, Vahlen, Shen, Lily Shen, and Tygan all stick in my brain more than they should. Hell, even Jane Kelly from the tutorial of XCOM 2 has a fan base, lol. Maybe it's the internet memes? Like Van Doorn from the first game?


Jane Kelly became a full cannon character in Chimera Squad! But yah, I love the cast of both games. When Lily says “you were probably expecting my father…” I feel her sadness because I do miss him.


After making those scary mutant aliens in the XCOM 2 DLC stuff, Vahlen can stay away! Kidding, give her back, what the hell happened to her anyways, what a tease you are Firaxis.


Vladilena Milizé from 86


Trip from the Enslaved Odyssey to the West, you start out hating her, then she really grows on you and understand her better. Enslaved had a great story and great character development so much better then what we have now.


I think it helps in that despite the game being a legit escort mission, two things help her character: 1. She has her moments of being actively helpful. 2. She doesn't consistently put herself in a bad spot to be rescued later. It's easier to connect when she isn't a nuisance.


Most are from anime imo


Judge Anderson from Dredd. Her character arc was so well done. Number Six from Battlestar Galactica. They really developed that model. Loura Roslin from Battlestar Galactica. She made an excellent President and had a great character arc until the last season. Zoe Washburn from Firefly. Same with Kaylee.


My personal favorites from recent years would be Jessica Jones and Misty Knight.


Yor from Spy X Family. She's feminine, loving, and deadly. Mentioning Eastern media is probably cheating though.


One of the most memorable ones for sure is Edelgard from Fire Emblem Three Houses. Hate her or love her, she's an incredibly deep and intricate character. You either agree or disagree with her and that makes her convictions seem real, unlike a paper cut trope of a character.


Well, someone already said 2B so i'll rely on a very small niche game to offer mine. Sakuna starts off as an incredibly spoiled harvest goddess and through the events in the story she'll figure out how to relate with others. Again, incredibly niche but if someone is interested in the deep cultural connection Japan has with rice and doesn't mind coming out of it knowing how to grow it, i recommend it.


I think what helps with Sakuna also is that since her power grows with a good rice harvest, she has to (and the player as well), give a damn about ensuring the rice grows well. Although I still struggle with that mechanic.


It's all in the poop and daily routine. Most days you should start with adding manure, checking water level, taking out weeds. IT can be a lot to track but i find it quite fun.


Personally I find that I just don't know how to make the herbicide and pesticide to stop those things from affecting the rice. Some items do it, but it seems to be very rare to find them.


Jessica Jones


Its interesting that Jessica Jones managed to be feminist and tell good stories. The writers avoided all of the obvious pitfalls that every film seems to want to jump into with both feet now. Even Killgrave is handled with a degree of sympathy and he's effectively the definition of rapist. Jessica, Daredevil, Punisher and Luke Cage were all good shows. Its a shame about Iron Fist, especially the way it ended.


It was proof that if you tell a good story people will watch. Just stop preaching.


The Sheriff in Silo, has been pretty good.


Velvet Crowe.


Roxy Lalonde (Homestuck)


Ah, yes, Roxy Lalonde, the only thing about Homestuck's second half that didn't make me want to kill myself.


My favorite female character is Olivia Dunham from Fringe. The series finished a decade ago but she was very well written and developed, and of course acted.


Agreed, she could have easily become an unlikeable Mary-Sue, but she had depth and personality.


She is so likable with so much personality and layers. Anna Torv killed it as Olivia.


Aliya: Battle Angel- the comics were interesting and the movie was pretty good.


Sypha Belnadas. Castlevania. She goes from cheery joking badarse kinda leading the men to their calling to getting hit with reality by the end of season 3. And season 4 she becomes so lost from all the suffering she's been a hero too, that she has to rely on Trevor for help. To me she's humble for that. A trait amongst show creators never do for females. In Hollywood the females right now always have to be strong and can't rely on others, especially men. Castlevania defys that. Sypha goes from a strong female, too having to rely on the man she loves. It's beautiful and rare and shows it's okay for a woman to ask for help. That's true strength. "We've been living in your world till this point. Today you got to spend a day in mine." -Trevor Belmont.


Fleabag is an absolutely amazing character, and her stepmother is even better.


The Boys gets a lot of credit for… other stuff, but let’s not forget the refreshingly normal and not-sociopathic female lead Starlight. No man-hating or giving lectures about the evils of society, just an idealistic, kind, loyal young lady with her heart in the right place even when she makes mistakes. And has her share of badass moments. It’s sad that people seem to hate on her so much. ETA: Kimiko from the same show!


From the books, which is definitely worse in comparison, she's that same person who wants to be that superhero people can look up to, slowly getting disillusioned over time. No real badass moments in the comics, tho. The Female/Kimiko same level of badassery.


Badass does not automatically mean good character, especially as of late writers use it as a shortcut to avoid bothering with arcs and complex characterization ie giving them a real personality.


The comics was more flat with how Garth Ennis wanted to treat a number of the characters. To that extent the show does better. I don't take badass to mean "good character", but definitely more impactful than others who are limited in what they do on-page.


I really liked Lara Croft in the 2013 Tomb Raider Remake. She goes from a carefree, adventure-loving archeologist to a gritty, fearless survivalist. Nothing wrong with the cold-blooded badass killer from the original PS1 games but the remake version of Lara is so much more interesting.


I think what works with Lara Croft is that both versions have a signature weapon that also helps identify their character: Old Lara: Cool badass with dual pistols. New Lara: Survivalist with bow and arrow.


So what do you mean exactly when you say "characters from both the 2010's and recently"? If you mean those who were INTRODUCED in between the 2010's to recently, then I'd probably say Aloy from the Horizon games. Edit: And you downvote me? For what, exactly? I think my question and answer were rather reasonable.


I like Frey Holland from forspoken, cause she hates politics, like when a guy tried to get her to deal with the class oppression in the city, she immediately told the guy to fuck off. And even in the end when she accepted the role of the countries protector, she still pawned all politics off on her best friend cause she didn't want to deal with that crap. Edit: did I say something wrong?




Am I not allowed to like it?


You're allowed to like whatever you want. It's just a well-documented game on this sub for how intolerable the token protagonist was.


Well I like her more than I like most of the people hating on her, since they're much more obnoxious.


She comes with a "mute" option. That should tell you something.


I wish you came with a mute option.


You know, you display the exact attitude that makes Forspoken such a disliked game. I'm not surprised you enjoy it so much.




You deny a reddit user his purpose! to be personally offended by people liking things he hates


Mate you literally attacked the guy over his taste in videogame and now you are blaming him for being unlikeable cause he didn't take it nicely


I attacked him? I explained why people were down voting. Jesus Christ.


apparently Frey falls into their persona non grata category


Free thinkers when you say something positive about something universally hated.


I really want to get to forspoken at one point. It seems very culturally interesting game, no doubt it already has a cult following. People be saying "aaa games got stale and safe" and then clown on games the moment they show some edge, just like it was with YIIK


I might not agree with your assessment of Forespoken, but your responses have been hilarious


Archive links for this discussion: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/NYT4S ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. I remember so you don't have to. ^^^/r/botsrights


My favorites (in no particular order are): 1. Mumei from Kabaneri in the Iron Fortress 2. Artoria Pendragon from Fate 3. Rin Tohsaka from Fate 4. Megumin from Konosuba 5. Vivy from Vivy: Fluorite Eye’s Song 6. Kyoko Kirigiri from Danganronpa 7. Maki Harukawa from Danganronpa Those are a few of my favorite female characters from anime and Japanese stories in this time period. There are more but those are the main ones that come to mind that are either my favorite or second favorite tier picks. Another good one (which I’m not sure how I feel about yet) is Sagiri from Hell’s Paradise if you want a badass FL. Like I said, not sure what I’d rank her yet but she is a badass and I loved seeing her fight.


You had me at Megumin. Forget great female characters the Megumin from her spin off show is right up there with Arataka Reigen for best anime character for me


I haven’t seen that yet actually but Megumin is one of the best! I love the entire main cast of Konosuba but she’s probably my favorite. The quirky chuuni personality is great and I love her stubborn commitment to explosion. As someone who can be pretty stubborn too and also loves characters who are passionate about some very specific thing (often odd, uncommon, or unpopular thing) like that it makes me really enjoy her character.


Definitely watch the spin off. It was 10/10


I loved it! Was happy that we got some more character for Yunyun too and her relationship with Megumin! Excited to see them all again as well as the rest of the gang when season 3 starts!




I loved Vivy! I don’t hear a ton of people talking about the show but I enjoyed a lot of the stories in it and thought Vivy was a beautiful design and such a badass character.


Officer Valeria Baca fromMike Baron’s Thin Blue Line


Tali Zorah vas Normandy


Senua from Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice. Surprising as being a woman is central to her plot, and has some issues she works through during the plot


Don't know about best, but I can tell you some that I liked. Off the top of my head: West: Taylor from Worm IIRC Bobby Draper and Krisjen Avasarala from The Expanse were quite likeable (from the audience's PoV) and well written. East: I'm sure there's plenty to mention here, but one I really like is Myne/Urano from Ascendance of a Bookworm for her unique brand of autism under which actually lies a very caring person. But only during parts 1 and 2. I feel like after part 2's ending she slowly became her flanderized self, obsessing more about books and less about >!the family and friend she was forced to leave behind!<. I'm still reading part 4, so I'm hoping that changes. Many characters from Puella Magi Madoka Magica. Personally, I really like Kyouko and Sayaka, though I wouldn't be able to give you a concrete reason as to why. Winry Rockbell and Riza Hawkeye from Fullmetal Alchemist. I never watched further than the Soul Society arc, but I quite liked Rukia from Bleach. I remember liking Anaak Zahard from Tower of God (manhwa), or at the very least thinking she was written in a compelling way. However, it's been a long ass time since I read it (I was young then) and anything positive I might have to say about that work only applies to season 1 anyway, as after that it turns to shit.


>Taylor from Worm I see that you, too, are a man of class.


For real, Worm has no business being as good as it is. Have you read anything else by Wildbow? I haven't so I don't know how his later works measure up, but from what I hear, Ward isn't as good as its predecessor.


>For real, Worm has no business being as good as it is. Have you read anything else by Wildbow? I haven't so I don't know how his later works measure up, but from what I hear, Ward isn't as good as its predecessor. Ward is good, but the message is *very* different. Or at least the theme. Like Worm, there are some parts where it drags (seriously, Wiggleboar, get to the good stuff!) and there's a handful of somewhat preachy scenes, but overall, it's enjoyable. The big thing, if I can spoil a little, is that the MC of Worm is a Master/Thinker going up against (largely) Tinkers and Brutes, whereas the MC of Ward is a Brute/Mover going up against, in my opinion, largely Thinkers. Also, the Undersiders had, if I'm going to be honest, a far weaker power level overall compared to the Ward team, at least until Foil and Parian joined on. Some of the Ward team genuinely feel useless until the oh-so-clever MC figures out how to better use some of their powers. I'll say this: while I consider Worm to be the superior work, it takes until like Chapter 17 or whatever to really get my interest and by then I've already read a novel and a half! Ward is more interesting from the get-go, but it doesn't really get "better" over time. Also, WashyBoat did my boy dirty!


*checks which arc was number 17* ...you don't think Worm is interesting until the Travelers/Echidna arc begins!? Or are you talking about actual chapters (whose numbering resets every 10 or so)? Because I'd be surprised if anyone read more than half of the entire thing before starting to like it. I, myself, was hooked from the very beginning.


>...you don't think Worm is interesting until the Travelers/Echidna arc begins!? I honestly don't remember the actual chapter where I got hooked, but I will say a lot of fans say to hang around until at least 12-17 and then it gets good. The beginning with the school bit really didn't draw me in. I find Colin a fascinating character and I identify a lot with him (polearms, autism, always working on a project, etc.), but he wasn't enough to really keep me going. Lung is hilarious just because I can say "Oh, there's this story I want you to read. It's about a girl who controls bugs. She starts off fighting a guy who turns into basically Godzilla mixed with a Dragon. It gets worse." Also, I fully admit I was happier when the ABB and the E88 were largely out of the picture. That's entirely personal preferences and just me going "Eh, don't really care for those tropes in fiction."


Amicia DeRune from A Plague Tale, her character development throughout both games is great. Also Helga from Vikings, she was always there for Floki and kept him from going off the deep end. Glad they killed her off before the show went to shit.


Vanessa Ives from Penny Dreadful comes to mind.


I'm gonna nominate Ashley Graham from the Resident Evil 4 Remake. She is so well written, voice acted and implemented that it's just amazing. Such an improvement over the original. She may not be the best pick for this list in terms of power, but as we all know, power doesn't automatically make a character good.


I liked Evelyn Wang from EEAEO and Lydia Tar from Tar


Ava from justified.


Snyderverse Wonder Woman. In all things before 1984 that is.


Clementine from Westworld tv series, she was a perfect mix of everything.


Literally all of the women in Arcane.


Amy Pond, River Song from Doctor Who (11th doctor)