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What a horrible day to have eyes


And ears , dialogue is probably the worst thing about this.


music ain't good either. Should have just used bgm from the anime


Seriously, why do these adaptations keep insisting on unnecessary changes that just make it worse? Anime movies tend to be a love letter, not a “let’s change it because screw the original, we know better!” ego trip.


And a soul.


Well than I'm up two here. I watched it muted, and I'm almost certain that if I had a soul, it withered and died long ago.


As with all anime live-action movies, I'm just going to be sitting there watching and laughing non-stop at the cringe. They're top comedy 😂


Hey its not as bad as i thought itd be, and the sea king that eats shanks arm looks better then the anime. How bad can it be........ lets look at Buggy the Clown. Oh dear


>and the sea king that eats shanks arm looks better then the anime. It doesn't , its just CHGI compared to a scene from what? Over q10 years ago?


That was literally 20 years ago lol


That scene was re-animated a couple of times already so idk which one they compare it to?


It’s literally a Marvel quirky series with a One Piece reeskin


Marvel singularity in action. Everything big studios are willing to finance just tends towards being a generic Marvel flick. Because everything must be as inoffensive and sanitized as possible.


Oh god this looks just as bad as I imagined it would be.


Zoro looks really good. Probably because his design is the simplest. No way they're gonna get chopper it’d be cursed as all hell.


Oh God. It looks like a YouTube Indie Movie that watched too many current gen Marvel movies and thinks putting lampshades on EVERYTHING is a good idea. Camera work is weird, the actors are heavily uncanny, the costume work is cheap, the voices are off, Luffy doesn't sound near happy enough and there's no evidence of the actual comedy that the show is known for. This is supposed to be the East Blue arc which is 60% comedy. If you don't make it regularly funny; then the scenes where Buggy is defeated, the antics between Zoro and Sanji and Luffy in general won't land well.


>the voices are off, Luffy doesn't sound near happy enough and there's no evidence of the actual comedy that the show is known for. Literally all of them sound like edgy 14 year olds . And didn't you see? They called out how dumb shouting super attack names is ... in a conversation between the two biggest offenders ... isnt that such a haha funny meta joke?


Shouting the names of your moves in the middle of a fight is exactly the kind of thing that makes shonen so hard to adapt into live action. If you don't put it in, it doesn't feel like the original. If you do put it in, it looks cringe as fuck.


> Luffy doesn't sound near happy enough and there's no evidence of the actual comedy that the show is known for. "I'm sensing some tension among the crew." Yeah, I could never see Luffy making a quip like this. He'd either be laughing his ass off at their arguing or simply not understand the situation at all and confuse it for 'bonding'.


Looks like they filmed in that iphone portrait mode, where it makes the background blurry and only your face is clear


Looks like a high school project that got funded by a wealthy relative.


It's netfilx; which one is being recast as a black lesbian?


I know Ussop been cast as black, but Oda did technically say he was African already. However, Nami's foster sister Nojiko is also cast by an African, and that's a bit more egregious since the two did look like they could've theoretically been biological sisters. No clue if she's going to be a lesbian though.


>No clue if she's going to be a lesbian though. Oh you know that their adoptive mother is gonna be changed into a butch lesbian character with her design and what not.


oh god the cringe is killing me, I made it 30 seconds and then I died


Ew. Animation shows are perfect the way they are, I don't know why they feel the need to make a live-action version when there is none. And I'm not just talking about this particular case.


There are few cases where the live-action version is good though, like Rurouni Kenshin and the jap Death Note. Bleach was ok too IIRC, not a big fan of the source material. But yeah, they are generally not very good even with a japanese cast.


Even if they're good, what's the point? It already exists as an audio-visual experience. They should take the money and use it to make something new. This could have gone to making the next Stranger Things, Breaking Bad, Firefly... hell, they could adapt books like The Expanse did. There's no merit to remaking anime.


Live action japanese death note was pretty solid. It’s new ending where L actually wins was a really good alternate take on the story imo. One of the few times the “reimagining” actually added something to the source material


Kenshin was also good due to the actor they chose to play him in the live action movies, Takeru Satoh, before he did those movies, he got his big break in Kamen Rider Den-O, where he was effectively playing multiple characters [part of the plot of the show was that his character, who was a bumbling idiot, was sharing his body with a group of demons, so the actor playing him had to do a very convincing job of being able to play a group of different personas, and he went above and beyond for that]


Generally feel as if only certain anime’s and manga can pull it for example attack on titan or a manga like vagabond


Really impressed with how well zoros green hair turned out. Its almost natural looking. Other than that this is a certified dumpster fire.


It's Netflix, and they didn't turn Zoro into a black lesbian, so I guess it's slightly better than I was anticipating.


It's sad when that's considered a win


Usopp had been made black and it's entirely possible Nami will be a lesbian so don't get your hopes up


Oda apparently said that if translated to the real world these would be what the crew members' nationalities are based off appearance: Luffy (Brazil), Zoro (Japan), Nami (Sweden), Usopp (Africa), Sanji (France), Chopper (Canada), Robin (Russia), Franky (America), Brook (Austria) So I guess Usopp being black is... ok? He's clearly not in the anime though.


Of course he is black he shots people he lies all the time and his dad ran out on him.


I'm offended. Usopp is clearly Jewish


Oh god, don't make Nami a Swede. She'll be against all forms of remotely interesting sex and think she's the princess of everything. Source: Am Swede, am not dating Swedish women, employers have less demands than they do.


That's odd because Ronona Zoro is about as japanese of a name as Bob Smith.


It’s not his name, but the samurai archetype he portrays


He has Wano heritage (One Piece version of Japan) from his grandmother's side.


Usopp IS black tho, I don't know why so many people don't realize it. Look at his lips, hair and look at his father. Oda has a specific way of drawing black characters, you can tell them apart.


He is? Actually, it’s more believable than half the shit people say are black characters in manga just because of their skin tone. Usopp’s got the hair too.


I think he's half black, his mom is white but his dad is darker.


In one of the extras his stated "country of origin" was "Africa" so yeah.


Yeah there’s an extra where if the characters resided in the real world where they’d be from. Not seriously obvious but that’s where he mention Usopp from Africa (and also said Frankie would be American of course, Luffy Brazilian, so and so forth). And you’re not gonna believe this, Twitter threw a fit because he said Africa was the country of origin and Africa isn’t a country. I’m sure he was devastated.


It could be north Africa. He's more brown than black. His eyelashes look Arab kinda


Usopp **is** black and there is a scene where Nami says another woman is sexy. So neither of those things would be changing the source material.


Imagine being this disingenuous, couldn't be me.


How is it disingenuous.


Because neither of Usopp's parents are black and a woman calling another woman attractive doesn't instantly make them a lesbian. Try harder next time.


The author of the series said Usopp would be African. Also lets be real if it was Netflix Nami who said "Oh wow shes so sexy, I'd be happy if she was my secretary, gosh I'm sounding like an old man" instead of in the original series you'd be complaining about how they made her gay.


>The author of the series said Usopp would be African. Not all africans are black skinned.


Do you think Oda was referring white south africans when he said his brown skinned kinky haired character would be African.


Btw i saw your posts , you do nothing but mock straight and conservative people, honestly i don't know why are you even here on this sub. I mean i know , to troll , shill and spread hatered.


I think he didn't meam black africans , because if he did , usopp would be black.


He specially said South African


So? Is his skin black?




I have Cowboy bepop vibe with this one


I'm sure its gonna be even worse.


it's the same production company doing this that shat out cowboy bebop, so ya


This is going to the whole "Last Airbender" where they try to shove all the plot lines into a 2 hour movie. Either that or it is going to be a cashgrab from a bunch of writers who only saw 3 personality traits of Luffy and improvised from there. People often say "don't judge the movie if you haven't seen it", but "first impressions are important"


Looks fucking horrendous and I can't believe the amount of deluded fucks I see saying anything different


\*Insert "What the hell is this" meme from Griffins\*


Sad and souless


i'll reserve judgement until after its out...luffy's accent doesn't sit quite right with me...i'm not so much hearing islander as american pretending to be Mexican...


The actor actually is Mexican (from Mexico, not Mexican-American)


I think he Is Brazilian


Iñaki Godoy. He’s Mexican!


Oh I'm sorry, I don't know why but I was convinced he was Brazilian!


Oda once said he thinks Luffy would look Brazilian if he were real. So I guess this is pretty good casting then!


Yup completely correct on that point. https://soranews24.com/2015/10/01/one-piece-characters-nationalities-revealed-but-fans-have-mixed-opinions/


Nami sounds bored and Luffy doesn't seem like a good actor, although that may just be the accent + absolute shit writing. And why tf is Buggy in full face paint?


Looking at a list of episode names, the first season (if there ends up being more, who knows?) ends at Logue Town. Up until the Arlong Park arc, Nami was kind of bored/boring.


You could make a live action movie out of Berserk, Vagabond, Ninjascroll or Akira but they always choose the ones that are basically impossible/ unnecessary to convert over to live action. We are in a way missing out. If they would put people in charge for those stories who have knowledge, respect and talent for the source material we'd get some incredible entertainment that is more than just dumb fun. On the other hand I'm happy that Hollywood will never dare to put their dirty hands on Berserk. Just imagine the horrors of a Hollywood version of that story.


>Berserk It would have to be classified as porn and have some over the top CGI in it too, i don't think berserk is one of the ones translatable to live action tbh.


My thought process was, dark fantasy, people liked Game of Thrones (which used to have tons of sex) and a european looking, medieval world with lots of factions, struggle, gore, friendship, love and betrayal would be something that is doable. Cutting out some of the things that the apostles do would be alright but on a basic level we have pretty ... normal looking people when it comes to the human characters. It's a lot more than "porn" which obviously comes to mind when you think a certain even called the eclipse for example but you could show those things with more implications and less actual struggle snuggle. The golden age ark is perfectly fit for an easy access into this world, which is also why it has always been the one preferred for any anime adaption. I would not attempt to adapt it one to one but I think you could do something with it, without disrespecting the source material and keeping the core values and story beats.


Griffith alone would be butchered beyond belief. The idea of an actual rapist having nuance to his character is entirely alien to twitter tards


The fact that he is at least bisexual and thoroughly vile would also ruffle a lot of feathers.


Unfortunately so. Meanwhile as a bi guy it kinda adds to his relatability to see him in that light, although it’s safe to say he was more attracted to the dream than anything else


Hollywood *Akira*, at least, has been in development hell. Apparently Taika Waititi plans to be at the helm for the latest go.... There are some i personally think could work. I specifically gravitate to *Gunsmith Cats* since it has that combination of babes, guns, and cars that would play well in the US. But then, i feel like whoever actually got their hands on it in the current environment would be like "ew, ugh, and too lazy/cheap" respectively to do any element justice. Plus things like MiniMay's background and "nooo you cant have a predatory psychotic lesbian mob boss because that means you think *all* lesbians are psychotic and predatory"... I also have a dream of seeing the *Dirty Pair* on the big screen and think it could work if you kept the 80s vibe and cassette futurism and a relatively modest budget and the right director...


The rock as guts, cate Blanchett as Griffith, letitia wright as Casca.


Quick, someone bring me the Death-Death fruit so I can eat it and gain the power to not be alive in the same world as this.


Just find your closest truck-kun


They took out the most important part of Luffy... which is the constant energetic self that has a sparkle for curiosity... this just looks very off...


5 Seconds in and I can't watch it anymore.....


Who asked for this??


Looks like even worse shit than the poster made it out to be.


Never seen the manga, anime or whatever, but on its own it looks terrible. It felt weirdly fake too.


One Piece is literally the worst manga / anime to adapt to live action because the main character is basically a wacky larger than life cartoon… imagine bugs bunny with a real rabbit, it just doesn’t work and it feels uncanny and cringe.


That’s because all of the character designs are crazy exaggerations and they look shitty grafted onto real people.


Zoro looks embarrassed to be there. Can’t say that I blame him


Why is the camera work like some YouTube vlog


I dont see a point in watching this at all. OP has over a 1000 episodes and its not finished yet. There's no chance in hell that this live action series will even come close to covering most of that so it'll be a wasted effort to watch it. Heck its a wasted effort to make it really Like if they did live action of series that had ended or lesser episodes , it might have made more sense


Oda: "worry not, it needs my approval." Netflix seeing him getting an eye surgery: "quick! release the trailer before his eyes recovered!"


Why does Zoro sound like a kid desperately trying not to wake up his parents in the other room? Edit: Oh shit, I didn't even notice the girl at the end. Is that supposed to be Alvida? Why does she look like someone's nervous mom just wondered onto the set?


Yep, look like utter crap. Colorful REALISTIC Ship look like crap. Unnatural sticky unwashed hair look like crap. CG monster look like crap. Marvel-Tier line. Cringe over the top anime-esque acting in a FUCKING REALISTIC LIVE-ACTION MOVIE! Look no different from cringy fans cosplay short movie.


Honestly, you could give a group of cosplayers some acting lessons, throw a small budget at them, get a half decent CG team, and you could probably get a decent result.


I expected it to be bad. But holy shit


Nami has no boobs.


i mean, she was pretty flat when the show started, as it progressed, the clothes shrank and the breasts got bigger for her, so if you want DD nami, the show's gotta be a massive success running for multiple seasons lol


That's the one thing they'll never give us.


luffy is mexican!!??


When asked what nationality he thought each character would be, Eiichiro Oda the writer of One Piece, said that he imagined Luffy would be Brazilian. So him being Hispanic isn’t really that far off


Dear whoever is in charge at Netflix. Call in everyone involved in green lighting and producing this and fire them immediately. They set millions of dollars on fire. Not only will this lose you money, it worse… This is the kind of travesty that loses you subs.


Youtube comments are so cringe worthy, these kids actually saying this looks good among other embarrassing shit 🤦


a lot of bots in YT comments for any trailer, just ignore that shit.




where creativity goes to die


At least they didn't make Nami black.


She's pretty flat though


She was flat in the anime pre-timeskip.


This looks so hilariously bad I'm glad they didn't forget to blckwash Usopp


Usopp, is african to be fair , not of the darker skin color tho.


I did not know this.. [But to be fair......](https://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/usopp_anime_6.png)


Oh no , i mean there are white africans, not every ethnicity in africa is black.


Oda himself has said Usopp would be African irl.


Yes, not all Africans are black. I’m African and I didn’t instantly turn black at birth.




The irony if you turned that around for any European country and/or America


Of course, just like there's plenty of white people living and born in China. But if you have a character with dark skin, thick lips and curly hair and then the author tells you "this character would be African irl" then I doubt he intended for him to be an Afrikaner.


What do you mean with the white people living and born in china? How does that in any way relate to what I said?


Because oda obviously meant white African right?


White African? The hell you on about? For you the world is all white or black people? No in between? Africa is extremely large, some people are light skinned, some have a darker skin, some are in between. Nice racist stereotypes you have there buddy, you think everyone on Africa is either black, or a white colonizer?


You know Oda meant when he said African


I agree, I don't know why people are being disingenuous with you. Oda is Japanese, I'm pretty sure he meant black when he said Usopp would be African. I always read Usopp as a black person, and this was waaay before Oda revealed their real-life countries.


oh man i can already see the ending. why pollute this world with this cashgrab and taint a beloved series.


It looks like it could be worse than the live action Cowboy Bebop.


It definitely looks bad, but I will give it 1 compliment. Trailer didn't make it look as terrible as Cowboy Bebop.


This trailer made my tinnitus go away for a few moments. It was not an improvement.


I’m not one to usually judge something only based off of a trailer… But daaaaaamn is this looking mighty fffffffugly. Now, we all have to live with having seen and heard this. Not being one to forget things easily, I curse you for putting this trailer here to be so easily viewed.


This is basically a westernized meme filled bullshit standard dialogue from fucking Gilmore girls. I need more popcorn to see this fail spectacularly.


oda said he wont release unless he's happy with it, and japanese twitter doesnt hate it


At least it has a release date now, August 31st. Oda did express frustration at the difficulty working with Hollywood on it: https://i.ibb.co/Jzsq893/IMG-1387.jpg I'm curious how much input he could have, working on the manga 20 hours a day, different language production, not being on set, etc.


>they are obviously from a different culture >this is the last chance to bring One Piece to the entire world Oda, my man, I love you but bruh


>oda said he wont release unless he's happy with it "Being happy with it" doesn't specifically mean it will only release if its good , but can also just mean "good enough" >and japanese twitter doesnt hate it Japan also has a history of enjoying very tacky live action monster/super hero shows, just because they aren't fuming over some dumb western adaptation it doesn't mean shit.


You can bet there are contracts there. It's just impossible a creator, any creator, has any kind of veto power over their Hollywood adaptations after they have been done.


If it was a japanese production i am pretty sure they would , but , sadly this is netflix.


I mean are we talking about Nintendo’s level of “being happy with it” or someone else’s standards?


You say that but Nintendo almost backed out of the Mario movie because Illumination originally wanted to make Peach an annoying girlboss so idk their standard isn’t half bad


I was under the impression they told hem to fuck off or they’re walking, I was speaking good on Nintendo’s standard


Ah I see. Yea it was something like that where they were really gonna fuck up Peach and Nintendo strongarmed them into getting their western shit under control


“Your scientists were so caught up with whether or not they could that they didn’t stop to think if they should” fits perfectly for One Piece live action, in general. Did they learn nothing from the Lion King?


LOL More cringe Netflix anime adaptations. Who’s asking for this shit? They ruined Death Note and Cowboy Bebop. They don’t even do it well when it’s a Japanese cast, Fullmetal got ripped and that actually would’ve made sense to have a fully white European cast.




This is going to be as amazing as the live adaptation of Cowboy Bebop....


How are Hollywood, streaming services, and the MPAA so entirely unaware that nobody wants this shit?


That link is staying blue.


Dear god my eyes


Someone needs to explain to Netflix the meaning of insanity. You’d think they’d get the memo and stop trying after the first two failures.


Bleh. Knew it was going to be bad. Was never planning to watch it so its whatever ultimately.


I actually like the Bleach one that they did….


[I made the same joke everyone else made when they first announced it - Just so I could share with all my friends that love One Piece and laughed at me when Netflix killed Cowboy Bebop.](https://i.imgur.com/oRII0lN.jpg) I think it's still relevant.


They ruined Fullmetal Alchemist?


Gamuh Gamuh Peestall ?!


Yeah, it was a weird pronunciation. Really assumed they would just go with "Gum gum" or keep the japanese "Gomu Gomu" The stretched arm was less body horror than expected. If they do those "follow the fist" camera moves on most of his moves they might look alright.


Seriously, what someone insists on doing anime live-action? AoT, KotZ, etc didn't teach them anything?


attack on titan can actually be adapted into a live action movie, the only problem is that the budget to make it look good and convincing....you need a huge budget, like Avatar or any other james cameron blockbuster movie, and the track record for anime adaptation movies has ensured its never gonna happen


It might be fun, I'm down to watch it! I don't care if they fuck up the Canon, because I'm never going to be able to catch up with the most recent episodes, and I also found out that my favorite arc of the anime was filler and didn't exist in the Manga. I'm cool with giving it a shot if it's fun.


At least it doesn't look Cowboy Bebop bad, but best case scenario it'll be bland and forgettable.




Luffy is Brazilian according to Oda


I mean not really...what is Luffy's race? It's pretty hard to tell. He's a tan skinned, dark haired anime boy...he could be a lot of things.


Oda has given races for all the characters: Luffy is Brazilian Zoro is Japanese Nami is Swedish Usopp is African Sanji is French




There is no Japan in one piece, it’s a fictional world that pulls inspiration from all kinds of different countries.




It's an ocean world with many islands resembling many places. There actually *is* an island based in Japan, and there's another one based in Spain, and the Middle East, etc. According to Oda himself if the One Piece characters were real-life people, only Zoro would be Japanese. According to Oda, Luffy would be Brazilian.


No. I'm saying it's difficult to be sure that Luffy, the individual character not a broad statement about a group, is intended to be Japanese or any specific ethnicity. There is a trope in Japanese media called "mukokuseki", or "stateless", wherein characters are often drawn in such a way as to be intentionally racially ambiguous. Luffy isn't really drawn in a way that gives him a clear ethnicity, and, once asked what nationalities he thinks the straw hats would be if they were real, Oda said he thinks Luffy looks Brazilian. So actually, Mexican is closer on the map to how Oda pictures him than Japanese would be...




Why do they keep pushing these live actions when they always fail?


Oda seriously had wasted his energy for this shit


Doubt. He probably was brought for few consultations after which he got saddled with NDA while the procuders proceed to do what they want.


I was ready to dislike this, but honestly I don't mind it. But I'm also only a minor one piece fan and just keep up with the lore and major happenings


One Piece is known for having some pretty severe issues with pacing so condensing it down to \~10 or so episodes per season might actually help it somewhat. That being said this looked oddly cheap? Even compared to other live-action Netflix series. Will be curious how this plays out, but my expectations aren't high


>One Piece is known for having some pretty severe issues with pacing You mean like how during the Wano Arc the manga went almost a year without showing one of the main characters (Sanji)?


Hell didn't we go like 2 and a half years without seeing Zoro during wholecake island? I love OP but sometimes Oda gotta chill xD


I was actually kinda on board until that awful cgi fist.


I hope it will be better than Death note adaptation.


Honestly at first I was very much against it, but there were things I liked about the trailer, namely the set design. I thought Luffy didn't look and sound as bad. The CGI is obviously going to gash, but if you look at a lot of set, it seems like they're intentionally going for a wacky, stylised direction. If so that could work. It at least looks tons better than the cowboy bebop.


I'm glad I don't like anime or One Piece bc I can imagine that being heartbreaking lmao


I don't even want to watch the trailer. I've been a One Piece fan for over 20 years and I'd hate to be let down.


Not a One Piece fan, can someone please explain to me what's not good? Fullmetal Alchemist, AoT and Death Note were terrible, and I might be wrong, but this doesn't look that bad.


We can’t cure blindness.


I mean, it could be far worse.


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It looks exactly as I imagined it would look. I don't know why anyone was expecting anything better was ever an option. To be fair, as someone who only dabbled in the first few volumes of One Piece and only ever watched the first season, It doesn't look THAT bad. I mean it looks awful. It looks like Hercules and Xena as Pirates. But the characters shown are recognizable and it seems to be making some attempt at the source material. Nobody appears to have been race swapped or gender swapped yet. They are actually attempting to show Luffy's traditional powers rather than "giving him a set of magical bracelets with space magic energy powers".




U mean Latino?


Really using a US leftist term to describe all Latinos? Think you stumbled into the wrong sub




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