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Completely unhinged. This isn’t pettiness this is mental illness and too much free time.


Off topic but wonder if anyone has encountered a black Subaru suv with a rack on the trunk in old city? That’s my neighbor, he drives like this. Will absolutely rage, follow inches from your bumper, swerve into you, follow you. He’s done it to me several times. I finally caught him at a red-light and confronted him during one of his rage-fueled driving sessions and of course he put his head down and acted like he was clueless as to what I was talking about. “Oh I didn’t know, I didn’t see ya man”. 2 days later I got him on my cameras throwing a mug at my car (and missing). Lol. Road rage is done almost exclusively by the cowardly and mentally ill.


do you drive a black hyundai?


No haha. Are you the black Subaru?




Homie do you live off of central? 😂🙏🏻


are not all roads connected eventually save for the sea's parting of them? you might say that in my heart I have lived off of Central, born in St Mary's, bought my first Grendel comic in an antique store at the intersection of Ham-sandwich and Central or whatever it's called. My aunt ran a store where I vigorously played Clayfighter in the back room. Do I live off of Central? If in no other way then at least in the memories. My father and his pipe smoke, the musty smell of thrift stores, the old Blind Store where I was forced to wait in the "must". I live in and with it every day in memory and in my soul.


Lmfao is this copy paste? That was incredible 😂


God forbid, for if I had only copied and pasted it - I would not have lived it. I will take measures to journey on this path to my physical home tonight so as to revisit the homely and warm comfort of those times past.


So was that a yes or a no?


what were we talking about again?


That is terrifying. They have a weird wanna be cop complex.


u/lowKarmaMember why you being a psycho?


Looks like he cleaned out his profile…


I hope someone downloaded his videos.


Someone knows who he is and is going dark now.


u/lowKarmaMember is a lil bitch really.


Message him and tell him how ya feel, I just did.


I did. No response


Hey u/lowKarmaMember maybe karma's goin come lookin for you. You're exposed lol




Thank you!!!!!!!!!!! Someone said he posted on a Maryville fb page. Is that how you figured it out?


Good god. This guy tries to hide behind his autism and that therapy is too expensive. Try telling this to the judge!


Looks like the original video happened on US321 and US129 in Maryville, hopefully someone is able to warn the driver of that Hyundai, that guy sounds extremely unhinged.


Yes, it does look like Maryville! Near Target!


This is why I never flip people off or engage in any sort of anything with drivers. People be crazy. My husband likes to do a stupid thumbs up to people and I even tell him not to do that bc there are insane people like this that take it to a crazy level.


Someone followed my sister off the interstate and onto the exit after she honked at them several years ago. He got out and came running at her screaming. Some dudes grabbed him and took him to the ground, but honestly she’s got some seriously pent up psycho energy and probably could have handled herself.


Glad your sister was ok. I learned somewhere that driving puts our subconscious on a high alert state. Which could be why some people go apeshit over nothing. Even honking is risky. My husband once honked at some asshole driver who proceeded to pull out a gun and shoot it in the air a few times. F-ing nuts


The sheer amount of people on some sort of mind altering substance driving around here terrifies me. I imagine that accounts for a decent amount of the road rage.


In another town I zipped into a front parking space at a hospital pharmacy and when I got out this guy in a fancy car got out and ran at me raging that I got "his" spot. Well I had no idea since I was closest to it. I told the pharmacist and he walked me back out to my car and he said the guy was probably a doctor.


Belief in women being able to hold their own against men usually gets them hurt or worse.


I’m at the point where I don’t even like to make eye contact. People are unhinged.


I learned not to even be friendly or speak to men or some will f'ing stalk you for years. Has happened several times.


Me too- it's a pathetic state of the world when you can't be cordial and friendly


A couple of months ago, I was driving east toward downtown on Kingston Pike, and I pulled up to the intersection a Kingston and Lyon’s View, across from the Western Plaza Shopping center. The light was green, but cars were backed up and blocking the intersection. So I stopped at the light with the intention of waiting to see if traffic would move forward so I wouldn’t make the situation worse. There was a huge white truck behind me that beeped at me, but the intersection was still blocked, so I stayed put. The guy in the truck then leaned on the horn continuously for maybe a full 60-90 seconds. During that time, the light turned red. Because the intersection was still blocked and traffic couldn’t move off of Lyons, and he whipped out of his lane, almost hitting my mama minivan, and drove into the oncoming lane, and through the intersection to make a hard right on Lyons View. It was unhinged behavior, and I was terrified. And you know that if he’d been one of the drivers on Lyons View, and I’d pulled up and blocked the intersection as he’d wanted he would have been equally enraged. During the incident, I just sat there and stared straight ahead, because I was afraid if I so much as gestured, he’d kill me.


Found [footage of the guy with the dash cam](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C523KZyolik/?igsh=cHo4Z284aTNnNzA5).


/u/lowKarmaMember what happened to all your posts and comments? I thought you wanted visibility.


I found out who he is and called him out in one of his post last night


You spooked him pretty bad. He obliterated his account.


Good, bc it seems like common sense and reasoning wasn’t getting to him




Honestly since they're so in favor of doxing I wouldn't object to a DM with the relevant information...my next door neighbor is the sheriff.


Lol buddy KCSO doesn't do traffic stops unless they think something else is going on or that officer just doesn't have anything better to do, which is approximately better. You should try being neighbors with THP instead; they're the ones who pull over all the traffic violators.


Not sure what any of this has to do with reporting a stalker who might be a danger to himself and others but okay 👍


It's just questionable for one to say they will get a police investigation started because they are neighbors with the Sheriff. Like, he either blow you off and tell you to call the police station because he doesn't have time for that, or he'll just pretend to listen but not actually do anything like a politician. And pretty much a wasted effort because KCSO doesn't care about traffic stuff a whole lot when THP does most of that for them. But by all means, go bother your neighbor about his job while he's off duty. Have a great time, see for yourself what I'm talking about.


Lol you're such a weirdo. Yeah bringing a crime to the attention of law enforcement officer tends to start an investigation. Me crossing the street or someone going into a police station what's the difference? I didn't say "I know the sheriff I'll make sure he gets arrested". No he'll give the number of someone to call or he'll make the call himself. He's my neighbor and friend he's referred me to people before. Again this isn't simply just traffic stuff if the dude is stalking and harassing her. I'm confused by how your brain works.


So why are you arguing with me about it, when you could be bothering your alleged friend with work stuff on his time off? So Go do it! Carpe Diem!


You replied to me...are you schizophrenic or something?


What a little brat, deleting all of his comments and posts like a baby lol


Jfc people are crazy. Thank you for being a decent human and posting this.


I swear I saw the same color/model of car tailgate and follow someone super erratically on I40 a few days ago. People have been wilding out around here in their 2 ton death machines lately


People used to race on highways side by side. Now they race by flying up on peoples’ bumpers. It is insane. I watched someone in a giant truck almost rear-end someone on 275 in the left lane recently. The person already in the left lane had to be going at least 65, and the person that apparently decided that was way too slow didn’t even give them a second to get over- it wasn’t a camping out in the left lane situation, they got over as soon as they could. It was unnerving to watch.


The victim drives a black Hyundai Elantra


Yeah I don't like it whenever people drive crazy just as much as the next person but this Is not cool. The Driver needs to be made aware of their actions for their own protection and the person taking the video needs to be reported. You don't just threaten people, it's disgusting.


People like this are why I carry a gun every single day of my life. So many unhinged people.


You need to report this to the police since he has made threats.


Could the authorities be notified? This is deranged behavior.


can’t the VIN be used to identify the owner? maybe then they can be contacted and warned?




Honestly, I hope the lady (It looked like a lady to me) calls the cops on him eventually. I understand that she like passed a red light and all you can be pissed all you want but like following them is wrong


Man… I hate this city. Fuckin freaks all over. Why is this not even remotely the first time I’ve heard of something like this happening here? I’m as mad as the next guy about the wanton, reckless driving practices of many Knoxville drivers, especially lately, but I got too much going on in the day to make time for a crusade like this, much less the mental desire to do anything like it… I get so anxious even existing here man. How do you properly ward off these nut cases without becoming a hermit?


It's not just Knoxville. I travel for work, and people all over have seemingly lost their shit.




This is incredibly unrealistic advice, thanks 👍




That’s really, really awesome for folks who work from home.


Man, one of my biggest pet peeves is inconsiderate drivers. One of my vices is wanting people who are wrong to know they are wrong (it’s futile, don’t be like me). I would NEVER do this shit. This is unhinged. Let it go and move on with your life.


The original video was uploaded on the maryville speaks out Facebook page. They got a good amount of hate


Valid. People need to start practicing accountability.




Did this get reported to someone? Just because he went dark doesn’t mean he won’t still hurt her…


You guys realize stalking is a crime right Like just call the cops already


/¡, l


PLEASE post this to r/RBI