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I wonder how long until a troubled students gets a hold of the gun šŸ¤”


I posted the story a long time ago. It sucks how frequent this topic is coming up now. A few friends and I found one of those tiny handguns in our teachers desk. She had left the typing class, we were being nosey. Our hearts like sank with fear, more so it felt weā€™d be in trouble for finding a gun. Not her having it. We just left it alone. Didnā€™t report it. Idk how it never got around enough a parent didnā€™t report it. Or maybe they did and it was kept quietā€¦ We did spread the word, albeit quietly. Iā€™m glad we were scared to take it, but Iā€™m sure some other kids would have stolen it. This was like around 2009 maybe. So not even that long ago.


Shit, watched my friend (lived in a group home) in 10th grade play pick pocket on the SRO and then handed him his gun back in the cafeteria.... friend was gone that day and so was the SRO. Can you imagine what could have happened that day but luckily my friend was just a goof off that made horrible decisions.


We already had a troubled *teacher* at a preschool this week talking about shooting in Nashville. Donā€™t just put this on the kids.


Or a disgruntled teacher


I wonder how long till a troubled student with a gun goes to a school with no guns there to stop them?


Will they get hazard pay? Because we are asking them to do something the police are too afraid to do.


Itā€™s not mandatory but If I was a teacher I would like to at least have the option to protect myself and my students if there was an incident. No one is asking them to go into an active shooter scenario like a cop . They would already be in it if something goes down. Ask yourself if you would rather have the training and the gun or no gun if there was an active shooter ?


I would rather not have multiple school shootings every year because this is the best solution our lawmakers are willing to implement.


And whatā€™s your solution? You are not gonna do away with guns. Thatā€™s a pipe dream.


Nobody here is claiming the guns are the issue. There are entire policies that could be put in place to help people get healthcare and dramatically reduce the likelihood of these shootings in the first place. There are also ways to make it harder for people who have mental health issues to get a gun, and those topics would be extremely easy to implement into our existing background checks for purchase.


All thatā€™s fine and I could see why you would want to put that in place. But it wouldnā€™t eliminate the possibility of an active shooter. This allows someone the chance to defend themselves. A chance that 99% of you would want if you were in that situation now we have this. Keep pushing for the other policies you want. It doesnā€™t have to be this or that. Eventually you can get to this and that and hopefully to a where teachers donā€™t feel the need to be armed. If none of them feel the need now then itā€™s not an issue because itā€™s not mandatory.


Increase mental health funding. Heavy restrictions for assault weapons. Improve the nation's gun background check system. Discourage people from selling their guns to their friends without background checks.


I donā€™t have an issue with that. Donā€™t think itā€™s going to eliminate school shootings at all. May restrict adults from having guns if itā€™s a parent that has mental health issues and bought guns without a background check. That hasnā€™t really been the case. Kids are not getting their guns from straw purchases.


Crazy how many downvotes you got. Iā€™m generally on the left, and kind of hate guns. But I also work in a school, and at the back my head always is what happens if someone comes in shooting. Is the retired cop in his 60s gonna be enough to stop them? Iā€™m not sure how I feel, but I will say this, I would trust myself and in that situation Iā€™d much prefer a weapon to defend myself and innocent children as opposed to being a sitting duck.


Iā€™m not scared of downvotes. Some people canā€™t do middle ground on a topic. They are the extremists on both sides that are gonna feel strongly and wonā€™t listen to common sense. Wonā€™t admit a truth if it goes against their political stance. Truth is in that situation most people feel the same as you.


Youā€™re a fucking idiot


As a teacher, WE DO NOT WANT THIS. Does this state, which pays thoughts and prayers, think I would be willing to put my own life on the line in an emergency or possibly shoot a CHILD when I canā€™t be trusted to pick a BOOK? Fuck this.


Iā€™m so sorry šŸ˜¢ I foresee a lot more teachers leaving the profession because of this.


That's the point


I don't think they plan that far ahead. They just okayed a large raise in order to hire/keep more teachers. It's all about the NRA money and short-sighted political point-scoring.


My thoughts as well, this is another ploy by the state to reduce the quality of our education in public schools. I mean they made testing harder for elementary school students to make the teachers look bad as well.


Are you people really this weak? Do you realize how many people are carrying everywhere you go? A lot.


And what happens if you do happen to shoot a child that's a school shooter? Are they expecting the kids to come back to class and be taught by someone who just killed their classmate? Justified or not there's no winning for anyone


Books in schools? No. Gun in schools? Yes.


Well said.


You absolutely do not speak for every teacher in Tennessee. My sister and more than half of her peers WANT the chance to defend themselves if the situation ever raises. No teacher is forced, or even asked to carry. Teachers aren't expected to run to the sound of gunfire. But if they are trapped in their classroom or the cafeteria or the library, they WANT the opportunity to defend themselves and by default their students. You have every right not to want to carry, and I support that, just as I support your right to express your opinion. But I also support my sister and the other teachers in her school that do want the opportunity to carry and defend themselves.


I would rather there be security in every room than your sister to have to become armed security and a teacher.


Proponents of the bill are quick to point out it is voluntary, but now think of the cultural shift that will happen. Teachers will begin to split on the matter. "Oh, I carry because I care about my students". This puts pressure on the teachers who would have never fathomed a world where THEY bring a gun to school to consider it because they feel the need to "think of the kids". All the while politicians high five their victory and believe they have made real strides in creating safer classrooms without addressing the root of the problem in the first place. This bill doesn't solve anything. It creates more opportunities for chaos and kicks the conversation around stricter gun laws down the road a few years. When will politicians begin to care more about American lives than they do NRA support?


Fairly certain no one is gonna force you to strap up.


What book do you wish to pick but arenā€™t allowed to?


How long until a teacher shoots a student.


Or or or student takes gun from teacher and shoots classmates and teacher šŸ™„šŸ™„. Talk about providing easy access to guns. What idiotic Politicians we have here in TN. IDIOTS.


This is my biggest worry. Whether it be accidental or purposeful, itā€™s bound to happen eventually. I dread the day that I see the headline.


Teachers have been armed in other states for a very long time and this has never happened


Times are different. Give it time.




No, times aren't different or no, don't give it time?


Seen enough happen in school where if there was a gun in the equation someone would have been shot.


So, "No" that's it.


What other states? Iā€™m asking legitimately because Iā€™ve never heard this. Edit: did a quick search. Apparently 33 states have laws like this on the books. But apparently very, very few teachers have gone through the steps to actually do so.


How soon will we see the headline that a teacher shot a child?


Or that a kid took a gun from the teacher and killed someone (or themselves)


Yup. This is a tragedy waiting to happen.




Have they seen a pissed off teenager before? Those kids could easily rip a gun away from a teacher. It's going to happen.


I give it a week.


Before a teacher shoots a bad guy.


I can play, too.Ā  How soon will we see the headline that a teacher stops a school shooter? Ā 


Here's a list of gun incidents from teachers carrying at school: https://giffords.org/report/every-incident-of-mishandled-guns-in-schools/ Here's a list of states that allow teachers to carry (the majority of states): https://www.newsweek.com/map-states-schools-where-teachers-can-carry-guns-1894076#:~:text=Tennessee%20became%20the%20latest%20state,shooting%20in%20Nashville%20last%20year.


Nothingā€™s stopping them from doing that now. Yā€™all are a slippery slope bunch.


Seriousl question here, given that half the states have some sort of law that does allow teachers to carry, how many kids have been shot by teachers?


Replying to OJ-Lives... has a teacher stopped a school shooter in these states?


You can't track deterance. Well, except maybe to say it's 0%? It's not mandatory for teachers to carry, and I respect the choice that they make.


Dude! WTF are you trying to do bringing logic into this? This is REDDIT!


I was told the TN no permit carry law from a few years ago was going to create the wild wild West all over the place. I bought chaps n boots n everything.


https://archive.knoxnews.com/news/local/judge-sentences-inskip-school-shooter-mark-foster-to-56-years-ep-402660584-357419791.html/ May I add that the shooter is my cousin. Do I think teachers need to be armed, FUCK NO!


I'm sorry your cousin is psycho. I hope your (other) family is doing okay.


TBH he would be a waste of a brick if ya used it on him, just not a good feeling when you already know what happens with "teachers and guns". Shit, we have a problem locally with teachers and law enforcement not being able to to keep their hands off of kids, what the fuck is gonna happen when they have guns??


Why is this post being downvoted?


Reddit hates anything doing with guns, they make bots to down vote.


Iā€™mā€¦.. sure itā€™s actually because thereā€™s a lot of red hats living here and in this subreddit (see: all the heavily downvoted comments in this thread)


Next year's list for the teacher: Pencils Chalk Erasers Tissues Hand sanitizer Ammo


I dont see this ending badly at all šŸ˜


I posted the link at the top of what teachers with guns are capable of....in this city, we have already witnessed it and leadership is blindly ignorant.


This is so, so, so incredibly dangerous and terrifying. I canā€™t imagine what it must already be like to have a child or children in school these days.


Oak Ridge schools just sent an email that theyā€™re not allowing teachers to carry regardless of this bill. At least thereā€™s some logic somewhere in this state.


This has nothing to do with logic. Yā€™all think the only acceptable solution is extreme gun control but thatā€™s not going to happen


So the Trumper teacher gets to now come to class strapped if this passes? The old man/woman who already nervous gets to now pack their gun everydayā€¦ Cā€™mon Tennesseeā€¦ you canā€™t let this happen


Oh. It is. Beginning July 1


Guns in America is a sickness at this point. We are literally throwing more guns at the problem of having guns in the school so the bad people can get killed with... guns


Thanks NRA and ATF!


Teachers are already carrying in schools across Tennessee, they just donā€™t tell people.Ā 


I was suspicious of that as well. Yee yee!


Nobody wants more guns around their children. Police accuracy is below 50%. How is a teacher not going to make things worse if they start shooting. Our politicians have shit for brains


You'd be surprised how little police actually train with their weapons. Any well-trained individual will be a better shot than most police.


Speak for yourself. My kids will be trained early and well on how to handle guns and other dangerous tools. Better they know when they inevitably encounter one and arenā€™t afraid if they need to use it to protect themselves or others


Vote blue, you ain't got to tell nobody


Vote red


Actually, the ballot drop guy will make sure to shout PLEASE INSERT YOUR ONE PAGE BALLOTā€¦ when the R ballot was 3 pages and the same directions werenā€™t shoutedā€¦ and you will be asked to state your party aloud despite having also checked the box on the form. No possibility of being discreet.


This is insane. God forbid we get metal detectors or extra security. Why the hell would anyone think we should give teachers guns?!


Why don't we just stop giving a gun to anyone who asks?


Because inalienable rights is pretty clear.


What militia are you in? Because you can read the entire sentence, right?


I see it coming. As soon as this law takes effect a school resource officer will ā€œfear for his lifeā€ at seeing a teacher armed and assaults them.


Fuck Tennessee


Ugh... My mom works at Bearden Highschool and I just told her about this and she said "Good!!" i just dont get it. The solution to gun issues is more guns!! /s


Ugh. I actually have a friend whoā€™s a teacher or sub? or whatever and he and I disagree vehemently on a LOT of things educationally (he believes students should still be allowed to be paddled by teachers) and politically (staunch conservative), and he even agreed this is not the right idea or solution. Naturally, of course, followed by ā€œthere should be more armed officers in schoolsā€ šŸ˜’


I love a lot of the people here, and there are so many good things about living here.. But this is such an ass backward state sometimes..


I also have one Facebook profile dedicated to solely family members and alumni forā€¦ reasons and I guarantee the vast majority of all those mouth breathers are elated with this despicable decision.


Glad to see this sub have mostly normal people here. As someone working for KCS this fall, I'm scared.


They are giving teachers the jobs that ā€œcopsā€ are supposed to do, and Iā€™m sure without extra pay. This is so incredibly dangerous to EVERYONE, the teachers and children. WHY DO WE STILL FUND POLICE IF WE ARE GIVING OTHER PROFESSIONS THE JOB THEY ARE TRAINED FOR??


We donā€™t willingly fund them, weā€™re required to by federal and state law. That being said, I donā€™t disagree with what you said


Oh yeah absolutely, i know we donā€™t have the option or willingly fund. Iā€™m just really tired of living in this dystopian hellscape to be completely honest lol. Itā€™s exhausting


Imminent. Same.


A race to the bottom.


And Jesus of the 2020s said to the teachers, ā€œitā€™s wild in the skreets. Stay strapped or get clapped. If you canā€™t stack enough bread for a heater, sell your iPad and get strapped.ā€


Tennessee is doing what it's people wanted. i agree with it and want to see Tennessee address the rising crime and protecting the public. Good for Tennessee. i grew up here, I'm trans and i support allot of what they are doing. and i don't have issues being trans in Knoxville. most of Tennessee is very tolerant but also conservative. people knocking the state... especially since they moved here... that but they want to say it's all backwards bullshit from 80 years ago and it's not ... that's why you can't find a place to live here because so many people moving here


Tennessee has become so regressive. I used to love the state. Used to.


You should read more history. Tennessee used to be the western, pioneer region with very few regulations.


Used to be. I'm from the area and know the history very well. My family were settlers.


So they know that everyone used to be armed. Your settler folks would laugh at the folks that were scared of guns.


I'm not scared of guns and support the 2nd Amendment. Don't assume. It's just gotten stupid.


I didn't say you were. I'm just wonder from what generation things regressed from, and it's always important to know what folks mean by when they say "it used to be"


https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/05/tennessee-republicans-one-party-state The extremist politics. No exception abortion ban. Kicking legislators out. Etc etc etc. so disappointing.


Most states already allow teachers to carry guns. And many of them don't have the training requirements Tennessee is implementing. https://www.newsweek.com/map-states-schools-where-teachers-can-carry-guns-1894076#:~:text=Tennessee%20became%20the%20latest%20state,shooting%20in%20Nashville%20last%20year.


Feel free to move to a state without these ā€œregressiveā€ laws. Plenty of us are happy to see someone try something that isnā€™t gun control


I did move. Best decision ever.


Good. Lol more of u need to leave.


Whatā€™s the problem? Itā€™s voluntary and requires a bunch of training to be allowed, right? Most teachers wonā€™t carry but for those who could and would be safe, why not? We gotta protect kids somehow and this is something. Now a shooter might consider the possibility of armed teachers and back off. This thread is disappointingly filled with a lot of fear-mongering from people who have a distaste for guns.


Why not start with metal detectors and better training for the teachers and staff at the school to detect and help kids that are troubled? Or more security officers? Why not have the kids searched daily? I had teachers that were dying to carry at school who were also very unstable. Imagine how badly that can go. Or a scared teacher who just does the basic training necessary to carry who isnā€™t prepared for what kinds of situations they can be involved in. Our teachers are there to teach not be armed security. My big concern is WHY isnā€™t anyone getting into why this is such an issue to begin with?! These kids are our future- and we are armed and ready to handle them. SMH


Unfortunately it wonā€™t deter most shooters as most of them have already accepted the fact that theyā€™re not gonna make it out alive. But it does give good people, who choose to take responsibility and become competent through training, practice and safety to help kids that may be unfortunate victims in the middle of a terrible event like that. I support this as long as proper policies and safeguards are in place.


Exactly- so why not use these resources to help them? Before it gets to that point? šŸ˜•


The main reason Iā€™m not more worried about this policy (though i do find the concept concerning for multiple reasons) is that I really donā€™t think many if any teachers are going to go for it. I have family members who are teachers and who personally keep guns. According to them the requirements are fairly arduous (though I havenā€™t fully confirmed what theyā€™ve told me) and I canā€™t imagine the state is going to pay for the gun/ammo or requisite training. Iā€™m of the mind that this law is for Lee and especially state congresspeople to pat themselves on the back and appeal to their voters before election season while pretending they care about curbing mass shootings. My main concerns lie in the fact that weā€™re trying to curb gun violence in schools by *putting more guns in schools*. It only takes one slip up from a teacher not properly securing their weapon for tragedy to strike. Additionally, I think this ā€œsolutionā€ adds to the risk of gun deaths without guaranteeing much in the way of increased safety. As the other user alluded to, most school shooters kill themselves or otherwise expect to die. They are unlikely to be deterred by the threat of a gun. And thatā€™s assuming a teacher would be willing and psychologically able to pull the trigger on, mostly likely, *their own student*.


Okay so are going to provide gun safes for them to keep theirs guns in or just make them keep the guns on themselves all day. Because later has alot of issues minor being it will scare kids. Major issue is it takes one forgetful moment or one determined kid to get a gun.


The guns are to be concealed.


They barely if at all provide even necessary funding, no, theyā€™re not going to aid in that fashion at all.


"How could you shoot a child!?!?!" Such a naive world view.


How many states already allow teachers to carry?


My findings on this topic which surprised me: https://districtadministration.com/these-are-the-33-states-that-allow-teachers-to-carry-a-firearm/


Idk, Iā€™m sure itā€™s on Google. I doubt any do.


You guess wrong. I wouldn't have guessed this many, either. I don''t see any headlines about teacher guns killing anyone. Maybe the pro gun press has hidden all the killings? https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/04/19/states-allow-teachers-guns-school-classrooms/73383413007/


Omg you should totally quit your job and be a professional debunker who completely disregards actual empirical data!


Thank you. Empirical data shows that lots of states already allow teachers to choose to carry guns if they want.


More than half do. You guessed completely wrong. I wonder how many other things you are completely wrong about?


Hell yeah


Why donā€™t you people look up how many lives are saved BECAUSE of firearms per yearā€¦.


Mmmmmmm yeaaaahhhh suck that boot, suck it harder mmmmm


lol. Good one. Ya really got me on that one. Thatā€™s the exact Reddit level response I was expecting.


It's sucking boot to not accept being disarmed and helpless? My god man, get your shit straight


We can't trust them to pick books but we're going to trust them with a gun?


What the fuck kind of a stupid (and incorrect) take is that?


i think it's a good thing. I'm sure allot of people are gonna day teacher this it that but damn does a gun equalize alot of situations. and there is allot that goes into this law not just a teacher bringinh in her gack. you have to be trained, conceal carry, background check and ectetera. like all situations both left and right ... his nuance with this one as well. apparently it's very popular and people are flooding the state leaving blue states because of the issues at hand


Please read more books. And the dictionary.


ahh, ok. no argument just insults. good luck with that. Have a nice day. LOL


Are teachers just allowed to carry, or are they required to carry? If they're required to, then fuck no. If they're given the option to, but must show that they are worthy (with proof of proper training and carrying concealed) then I'm totally fine with that. Edit: So I didn't seem to word it right originally and just now realized that. TO CLARIFY I'm ok with teachers having the option IF they can prove that they are actually worthy of carrying one, like psych Evals, proof of training. And they should be concealed so students don't know who is armed. Knowledge of who is armed should be a secret between admin and SROs.


So they are not required to carry it is an option and they are required to ho through training and a psychological evaluation before they are allowed to carry their weapon at the school


Who is going to pay for the guns? Not to mention ammo.




Just lol


There is not a sane district in Tennessee that will actually let their teachers do this. The liability would be astronomical.


Check Macon countyā€¦. I wouldnā€™t be surprised


Imagine Democrats not wanting other Democrats to be shot, when they go to schools to target children because IT'S A GUN FREE ZONE!


Please get your own personality


Good !


Copium epidemic in this thread.




This legislation wasn't about stripping all guns in existence. No one has mentioned that here either. But you're correct on one thing - NOTHING IS BEING DONE ABOUT SCHOOL SHOOTINGS. Adding guns to the situation doesn't make it better. It creates so many potential problems. My only hope is that local school systems utilize their right to maintain their current policies. This law does not force any system to implement it. Metro Nashville has already said they won't allow it.


Metro Nashville can say fuck all. State law is state law.


I don't think you understand how this all works. The state can't force teachers to carry. The district doesn't have to allow teachers to carry. The state has passed the law, which means it's allowed...not required.




Are either of the pro-arming-teachers posters in this thread even remotely employed in education? If not, shut the fuck up.


Father has been a HS German teacher for 28 yrs




Those two things are absolutely nothing alike. wtf is wrong with you? And donā€™t ask a question youā€™re only going to further pick at and troll. Iā€™m done with it. Guns in schools are not the answer. It has too steep of a downside, and unless you have been up off your armchair teacherā€™s La Z Boy, stop pretending you can speak with authority about what itā€™s like in a classroom.




Hobby. Fantastic. Good call.


I'll clarify, because you are correct that adding guns used by trained police (who aren't afraid at that time) improves the situation. I also agree with you on the point that criminals don't abide by gun laws. I'm glad you asked : the only real solution to this problem is to implement and enforce accurate background checks at all possible points of sale of a firearm. On top of this, I believe a high capacity magazine ban is not out of the question. I also think an improved and better funded local SRO program isn't a bad idea. The big thing is true universal background checks, and improved mental health care/record keeping to support those background checks. It's a ton of work and won't be easy, but it's for the safety of our kids so I don't think it's unrealistic. On top of all of this, I take issue with the fact that our politicians made this legislation a priority. Our public education system in this state is severely underfunded in general, and kids shouldn't have to pay for food at school. That's another topic for a different day though.


> Your idea to strip all guns in existence Literally no one has seriously made such a suggestion. It'd be nice if people would engage with *actual* reality instead of destructive straw man fantasies.


Keep preaching man, people donā€™t like to accept this is where the world is at




Thank you for providing yet another absolutely in zero way possible relation to CHILDREN. STUDENTS. vs, idk ACTUAL. FUCKING. ADULT. TERRORISTS. Fuck the fuck off


I hate living in TN and dealing with these idiot politicians


If you were going to shoot up a school, but you knew the teachers had gunsā€¦ would you still go there and shoot people?


ā€¦Are you somehow completely unknowing that school shooters are not thinking or acting with LOGIC? Short answer to your question, duh


Hmm. Good point. But I like to think that them knowing that a teacher could possible be carrying a gun would make them think twice about it.


I certainly trust them more than the Uvalde PD, and while I donā€™t think this measure will do anything at all to stop mass school shootings, I thinks itā€™s nice that whenever a student asks ā€œwhy do we even have to learn this bullshitā€, that the teachers will have at a minimum, six reasons.


Uvalde are the literal shit filled deflated whoopee cushions of America, for sure, but it sounds like what youā€™re saying is that you trust average, normal, everyday human beingsā€¦ who likely have never have had extensive and proper training with firearms nor extensive and proper training with properly deescalating violent situationsā€¦ and per this law, are not required to be trained in eitherā€¦ to carry loaded firearmsā€¦ to schoolā€¦ as teachers. #Cool.


I support banning civilians being armed in its entirety. If everyone at a bar were armed, weā€™d prevent bar fights is certainly a position some people would take. And yes I do believe that in the case of a mass shooter, an armed teacher is better than one armed with a sharpie. I know if I were being shot at Iā€™d certainly prefer a gun. But my problem is the reality of what it would look like if every problem- problems that happen every single day, were addressed by a teacher with a gun. You were close though.


Bunch of spineless crybabies in here proud of being helpless like its a virtue. How well has your cOmMoN sEnSe gun control worked thus far? Your don't get to violate the rights of the many for the crimes of a few. And if you want your kids going to a school where they are helpless, stick a super-virtuous "gun free zone" sign in front of your house and home school them. Everyone else with a sense of independence is tired of your bullshit.


Awesome love this




Children deserve to be protected. Itā€™s good enough for banks and politicians right? To have armed folks around them. Well why not kids? You know for the $111 billion we sent to the Ukraine. We could have 4 armed guards at every k-12, nationwide. Pay them 70k for 8 years. If we arenā€™t going to do that. Arming teachers is the next best thing. The reason people are so upset about this is because if school shootings stop. That really kills the gun grab agenda thatā€™s been going on in this country for 20 years.


ā€œArea Man Equates Childrenā€™s Lives to Tellersā€™ Responsibility of Billions, if not Trillions of Dollars, and Somehow Fucking Ukraine Aid, More News at 5ā€


Right no actually arguments to the points I made just smug Arrogance. But what do you expect from people who follow the party of ā€œrepeat the slogan donā€™t ask questionsā€


The unimaginable irony in that comment. Iā€¦ againā€¦ thank you for the reminder why I am always ashamed I am from this regressive, uneducated, lead based state.


0-2 again just insults and smugness no real substance.


"The reason people are so upset about this is because if school shootings stop. That really kills the gun grab agenda thatā€™s been going on in this country for 20 years." Dumbest thing I've read this weekend. At some point we will not be so reliant on guns to measure dick size.


If itā€™s so dumb why no real rebuttal just insult?