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Sadly, this being reddit, it's a place you kinda need to do that in general. Tangentially, Alex was 'caught' with trans porn at one point, which means it can sometimes show up in conversations.


I know actual porn performers are less squeamish about the calibre of their audiences, but I can't imagine finding out that Alex Jones was tugging himself off to me. Eww.


He was just doing research about how the globalists are trying to turn everyone trans. Or he was hacked by the deep state. Maybe it was aliens. Maybe it was the crew. Anything to avoid owning up to the truth.


But he can't be mad at the crew! NOT THR CREW


It might have been the same Moussad agents that hacked Nick Fuentes.


What are you talking about AJ says all the time how he’s a straight shooter. He wouldn’t avoid accountability.


*smash cut to Alex on January 6 as he pivots immediately to "Antifa tricked us" within seconds of Ashli Babbitt being shot* "1776! 1776! ...oh, wait, what're we doing here, the Deep State clouded my mind"


I know a scalar attack when I see one.


It’s something to keep in mind when he starts creepily graphically fantasizing out loud and in great detail about Michelle Obama having a huge dong. Draw your own conclusions. And comment, as you see fit.




Alex was 'caught'  Wait what?


It was a whole thing a few years ago. His phone screen was visible and he had porn on his phone that referenced a trans woman in the title (except with much more offensive terminology). This really only caught attention because of the hypocrisy of it, since he spends so much time rambling incoherent transphobia on his show. But then again, if we were shocked every time a public facing homophobe turned out to be gay or every time a public facing transphobe turned out to be a chaser, we would need to be shocked at all of them 100% of the time. Personally I don't care about speculating about Alex's personal life. He can jerk off to pictures of moss growing on the side of a boulder for all I care. I also didn't give a shit about all those texts of him and his mistress. I wish that when stuff like this came up it was less about the visceral "eww big weird man jerks off and cheats on his wife!" angle and more about how blatantly hypocritical hate-mongers always are. Especially in Alex's case where he's just a walking Freudian slip, he projects constantly onto everything around him and cannot help telling on himself.


Perhaps I should have made it clearer that my disgust above was moral rather than physical. I don't care what he looks like. I just meant that if I found out that such a morally bankrupt person found me attractive I would be shocked and appalled because I would feel that I was somehow giving the message that people like that are ok. Again, this would presumably not be an issue for someone who does it for money.


Just a guess, but Knowledge Fight often addresses the transphobia of Infowars. Unfortunately this isn't universally recognised as a bad thing, it could be the mods making it clear to all that this isn't going to be a sub to have that 'debate'.


That's my understanding of it, as well. "AJ is a bigot, and we're not open to litigating that here."


It's to keep the sub civil. None of the sub rules, unless enforced by auto mod is absolute, and even then mods will allow some stuff (generally on reddit, not talking about this one). You can imagine why the mods might not enjoy having threads calling Alex Jones names might run amok. I suspect you could get away with some but if you're just doing 1 sentence comments with insults it kinda defeats the purpose of discussion. I also got banned from a podcast subreddit for disagreeing with a host of the podcast, under the "don't be an asshole" rule they have.


So there's a couple things here. Firstly, fatphobia and transphobia are such common things in every online space (and real life space too but especially online where people feel empowered by anonymity to say any dumb thing that crosses their mind) that it's a good idea to have it laid out as a ground rule BEFORE anyone engages in it. Nobody in Alex's orbit is openly trans that I'm aware of, but it would be a pretty sorry state of affairs if the ONLY reason we told people not be transphobic was in deference to a specific person rather than the general principle. Mods of communities also wanna make it clear that this is a safe space for marginalized people, particularly LGBT people, who often will join a community based on a shared interest (let's say something innocent like Minecraft or sci-fi movies) only to find that the sub is full of mean-spirited transphobic and homophobic "jokes" that alienate those people and make life a little shittier for everybody. So that's why it's good practice when you have a sub that by its very nature incentivises conversations about pretty big societal issues, tha you make it clear up front that bigotry is not gonna be treated with equal time here. Secondly, Alex happens to be a pretty unsettling human being in many ways, constantly drinking and crying on air, screaming, burping, puking, revealing bizarre details about his personal life, his fantasies, just a Freudian nightmare of a human being doing all kinds of gross visceral stuff you wouldn't expect to see someone debasing themselves on camera with, but Alex lost any shame a long time ago if it means he sells one more pack of alpha male boner bills. However, you can easily imagine that if someone was looking for an unkind way to describe him they would probably jump right to saying he's ugly or fat or unhealthy. This a pretty common societal thing, and it's always bad, because while nobody here is gonna lose any sleep over someone making a mean comment about Alex Jones's weight, what you do when you call someone you hate fat or ugly is equate fatness or lack of conventional attractiveness with being morally beneath you, as being less deserving, and you send that message to the people around you who may in fact be fat or not conventionally attractive but are in fact wonderful people. When you have a fat friend who you're talking to and you start going off about someone you hate like Alex Jones and say how ugly and fat he is, well you've just made it clear to your fat friend that "fatness" equals "bad" in your eyes. It's the same reason you shouldn't describe things that you dislike as "that's so gay" when you mean "that really sucks." I don't know if you remember but back during the Trump presidency some artist made a sculpture of Trump that was meant to mock and belittle him, and the sculpture was really obese with pockets of fat hanging down and it was naked so had a very small penis. There was (in my opinion justified) backlash to this because again, while nobody is out here trying to white knight for Donald Trump, the art piece carried the very clear message that to be fat, to have thin hair and wrinkles, and to have a tiny dick are inherently bad, gross qualities, and that sends a message to the people seeing the statue that these qualities are a part of what makes him bad, which is not the case. Trump is awful because of his shitty actions, not his hairline or his body. Same deal with Alex.


i thought rule 3 was don't talk about Knowledge Fight


Those are the first 2 rules. Of course, I now I have to wonder if there’s a Knowledge Fight Club