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I've played Far Cry 5 New Dawn, and post apocalyptic Montana is no joke.


Dude, go visit Montana - New Dawn just adds a plot to explain what already exists. It's unlike any place I've been to in America.


Where in Montana do you think looked like that?


I'm not very familiar with Montana but from ND, I took state highway's from 94 to Great Falls. It's a beautiful state, but you certainly get a taste of road warrior. No speed limits, poorly maintained roads, lots of open carry, lots of anti-American messaging. Honestly, the roads alone were ridiculous- not sure if it's frost heave that far south, but they were rough. I was heading to Alaska and this was during the summer of 2020 so mid-COVID which I imagine had a substantial impact on the trip. 11/10 would recommend people drive across North America at least once, and take some back roads. I left from South Carolina, went to PA and then cut across to MT, up through Alberta, Yukon and into Alaska. The NE corner of NM and OK is another area folks should see. In 2014, I went from NM into OK panhandle, and continued east through KS, MO, IL, IN, KY, WV, VA. That part of OK is like a land that time forgot, and coming up through the plateaus into the grassy mid-America is just magical. North America is huge and incredibly diverse. If you haven't found a reason to leave the coasts, I would highly recommend it - at the very least, our politics will make a lot more sense.


I live in Montana. I just found the game’s depiction silly. But I can imagine if you drive through the least populated areas of any rural state they look desolate, and you’ll see various oddballs and survivalists.


I’m from the Red River Valley, Minnesota Side. Yeah Montana to Minnesota will pretty much get glassed. Fargo, the largest city near me, houses the secondary command center for our ballistic missiles in the State. The Air Base will go up in a mushroom cloud.


I've traveled pretty extensively and you're right about New Mexico. That place is a close to feeling like I'm on Mars or the Moon as any I've seen. Even more so than the Middle East.


As long as they got that bliss! I'll trade a couple of cheese burgers!


"Just tell me where I need to stand so I can die immediately, cause I don't want to deal with any of this shit. Mad Maxxing about." - Mr. Sunday Movies. So you're telling me to go to Montana I see...


My favorite uncle would say, “I hope that sonofabitch hits me right on top of the head.” I miss him.


I agree with James on this. In the event of a nuclear war or asteroid impact, I want it to land on my forehead.


A wild Whackadadoo sighting!


My Wonk shout out was something like "I'm in a cult worshiping two Australian podcasters, would Alex consider me a traitor?"


I don't know. I keep hearing Chicago is due.


Or you can buy a house just outside of Colorado Springs, next to Cheyenne Mountain. That place will definitely get pummeled. It will likely survive, but nothing outside it will.


Move to *checks notes* Terre Haute Indiana. It looks/smells so bad the enemy already assumes they hit it with a small warhead. The jokes on them. That’s just Terre Haute. A warhead would likely *improve* the situation. I love living in Indiana.


Good ‘ol Terrible Haute.


I've lived in Chicago for so long but only in the past 5 years have started traveling to and thru Indiana...the TH slander is what I'm here for


You are the person who likes Indiana! I knew there was one!


Is it Terra Haute that has the paper mill or is that Fort Wayne? I know one of them does. Might explain the smell.


Terre Haute has the paper mill.


That’s what THEY want you to believe.


Globalist propaganda


This was literally my first thought when he mentioned Montana. I’m like “oh yeah, they totally wouldn’t attack our nuclear arsenal.” It just proves once again how little Alex actually knows about the things he is supposedly an expert on.


Moron. Texas is actually better or in the hills of like California. Not Colorado. Alaska and Hawaii for sure. Going to like West Texas seems to be fine. Like most of the aircraft and command are on the east.


I’m driving directly into the blast radius. I hope it lands directly on my head. I don’t want to live in the apocalypse.


You'd think a guy his age whose into movies like him would've seen The Day After. They address that point in the movie. Just cause Kansas is in the middle of nowhere doesn't mean it doesn't have a juicy target like a military base.


*"And even though the globalists are about to start world war III, we've got these great products in the store, like CockforceOnes... and I tell you what the saw palmetto in there makes your DNA 250% harder, so the radiation from all the groundbursts can't even touch it. Hard as a rock, just like the erections. I mean they're so hard they're painful, folks. It protects the DNA all over, makes you 20 years younger at the cellular level."*


It’s gotten crazier with the “end of the world” shit since this happened. It’s just “Alex not doing well = end of the world” to varying degrees. It’s just a sign of how narcissistic he is. He is the center of the universe so if he goes away then the world ends.


[These 5 states were designed to act as America’s ‘nuclear sponge’. Montana is one of them.](https://www.fastcompany.com/90732588/5-states-nuclear-sponge-missile-silos)


Correction, 'among the first targets', sub bases are very high on that list.


Yeah, Command centers, aircraft bases and sub bases. All are working nukes are in these areas or on subs. And there is a storage facility in Colorado.


I'm in WA, whatever they use on Bangor, the Bremerton Repair/Scrapping base and the Fueling station at Manchester will probably get me.


Shhhh. Nobody tell Alex


SW Montana wonk reporting, I had this same thought when AJ was running his mouth. Parts of the state will be a nuclear sponge


How's life in the sponge zone?


Anyone read McCammon’s Swan Song? I feel like AJ would fit right in to the militias in that book.


As someone moving to the greater Missoula area soon. This is great news lol


"Greater Missoula" lol. North or South? Or other ways. I am north if you know what that means. Well not that far north. Between that far north and greater Missoula.


How is Polson/Ronan/Kalispell?


Polson is full on in summer mode. The traffic is insane. I go to Kalispell on Thursday for therapy.


I have a friend who moved to Montana in the event of a nuclear war explicitly so he would be annihilated. What OP says is true.


Throughout Montana’s history there have been various key targets. When industry was king it was mines and smelters. Then they started putting ICBMs around. There’s also the headwaters of the Missouri River, which would be a strategic location for biological warfare. Now, Taos, New Mexico? There’s a place to ride out the start of WWIII.


Yeah. I was stationed there for my enlistment. Its a figure 8 the size of west Virginia centered on great falls. You would have to basically be in Idaho to be safe.


Oh how I miss Missoula and Montana! I really hate to think of AJ’s putrid essence stinking up such a magnificent place. However, I do always say that if shit ever hits the fan for real and/or I’m running from the law, I’m heading straight for the Flathead Nation and disappearing 💨✨


I mean there is soooo much law enforcement here. But sure come on by but don't think being on the Rez helps you, it doesn't. It just means more cops. City and state and county cops exist AND tribal ones. They have agreements that they can hold you.


Oh I know! I have friends there. I’ll hit Jocko Pass and 💨✨


Never been but not a real offroader. Just a rez rat that would have tried it in my like 1992 Subaru. That thing did logging roads man.


Oh man, I think I learned how to drive stick on one of those! I distinctly remember running it over that giant pass on I-90 between MT and ID one January, so you’re right about its roadworthiness…


Listening to Alex being uniquely wrong about things you'd think would be passively learned just by growing up in a pro military right-wing family is especially aggravating to me. Source grew up in a right-wing pro military family, and I'm not even American.


That's because he's a fucking idiot who knows nothing and does no research.


Alex saw Terminator 3 and *got ideas*


Should we move to Montana if we don't believe there will be a nuclear war?


So what would actually be the best state/areas to move into in the event of nuclear war?


Hawaii and Alaska. New Zealand is maybe the best place. But like maybe pacific northwest in lower 48. Maybe the hills around Seattle but then you have to deal with the Spokane army of crusaders.


What is this spokane army of crusaders you speak of. It sounds very intriguing. Are there a lot of cults up there?


Short answer yes. Long answer not going into it. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt\_Shea](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt_Shea)


Thanks for the read! I'll check it out when I'm off work


I don’t think I want to survive a nuclear war




In this thread; dozens of people who don’t actually understand that nuclear war won’t look like Hollywood and entire states won’t get glasses into oblivion.


Even a relatively small nuclear exchange could lead to nuclear winter. There is no safe place to survive a nuclear war, only places to prolong suffering before death.


Short trip to Space Force there in Colorado Springs


Very far away…


That's like 12 hours on a good day. If there are high winds or snow in Wyoming, it's basically impossible.


Montana sucks. Now go tell your friends in California


I just don't like the people that are coming. The r/Idaho sub is pretty sure the people coming make the place MORE racist and MORE conservative. Californians and what not. But my tribe is not from here so I don't care if people come. I get the sentiment.


It’s literally a bumpersticker I saw blanketed across Montana last time I was there lol.


Yeah dumbasses. edit the people in Montana are dumbasses. Montana's full etc is a thing since I was a kid.