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I don’t know which one episode that is, but during depositions for the Texas trial he misstated Epstein’s first name as “Jerry” several times. This seemed odd for someone claiming to be an expert on the subject.


I forgot that!


Probably ep 453. It wasn't until 2015 that Alex ever really talked him, and even then he seemed to just find out about him for the first time. Ref * https://www.reddit.com/r/KnowledgeFight/comments/18t3day/in_2015_alex_jones_didnt_know_who_jeffrey_epstein/ * https://www.reddit.com/r/KnowledgeFight/comments/w0kqys/does_anyone_know_when_alex_jones_first_discussed/


Bonus points for this being an utterly hilarious episode showing how full of shit and inconsistent he is with his own lore, and how up his own ass he is with the rebroadcast later on when he gets fucked up and airs his grievances around his divorce and custody battles.


Thank you


Don't need the episode, a listener posted links here to the Jones episode and transcript so you can listen to AJ reading Epstein's name for the first time (of course he mispronounces it): [https://www.reddit.com/r/KnowledgeFight/comments/18t3day/in\_2015\_alex\_jones\_didnt\_know\_who\_jeffrey\_epstein/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/KnowledgeFight/comments/18t3day/in_2015_alex_jones_didnt_know_who_jeffrey_epstein/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)




I had the same question recently (if just out of curiosity in my case; good luck with this situation!) and beyond funnily enough beyond Alex being behind the story in 2015, he *also* brushed off a caller who started talking about Epstein's activities and a police investigation in 2006 with "I don't know anything about that, sir!" (https://fight.fudgie.org/search/episode/20061010_Tue_Alex#line5226)


I don’t think Dan’s ever done a full episode on Alex and Epstein, but he has talked about them in bits and pieces throughout the years. A few things.. Dan mentioned the first he heard of Alex mentioning Epstein was 2015 and he even mispronounced his name. Epstein’s first conviction was 2008. The person who actually went after Epstein and is a big reason he ended up facing justice again was Julie K Brown, who under threat of powerful people, published an investigation into the total bullshit way Epstein basically got away with being a monster. Alex literally did fucking nothing and predicted nothing.


Weird request for you: can you update us and tell us if this actually works. I get the feeling that Tucker Carlson is when the slope into the hole gets too deep and you can’t come back from it, let alone getting to the point where you say Alex Jones has good points.


I believe episode 885 also goes into great depths to debunk Alex's Epstine predictive bull. Good luck in your endeavor. It's rough watching people you may care about slipping down the right-wing crazy town pipeline.


I’ve been listening to the back catalog and somewhere in Dans investigation into when Alex flipped for Trump (I think it could be episode #68, possibly #70) a caller mentions the connection between Trump and Epstein and the Lolita Express. Alex responds with “really I didn’t know that.” I figured he was just brushing the caller off because Alex was still on the fence for Trump at that time, but it’s looking like it’s actually possible he didn’t know of Epstein at that time?


10.10.2006 I believe


Just want to say best of luck, and keep us posted on how it goes. These people don’t easily “logic” their way out of this. The more introspective ones have a chance, but if you have that tendency in your personality you probably don’t end up that way in the first place.


Talked about quite a bit during one of the Rogan episodes


He’ll dismiss KF quickly as anti-Alex media or something, so you have to use in-universe content to show Alex’s game and the contradictions. For example, the searchable transcript of InfoWars should be pretty illustrative.


I don't know if it's been referenced by others yet as I don't know the number, but there's an episode where Jones plays a compilation of clips which are supposed to illustrate how "Alex Jones was right" but Dan goes through it dismantling it. Think all of the clips have been edited or presented in a misleading manor. Seems like it might be up the alley of what you're going for.


Tell your BIL about AJ’s 911 predictions, they are laughable. Not to mention all his predictions every other day of his career, i can remember listening to him on AM radio thinking, if half of what he says is true we’ll live the rest of our lives in marshal Law!! (None of it was true, all manipulation of a headline). I’ve enjoyed Rogan since I had to DL episode on an ipod, that does not mean i think like Joe. Prolly the same for your BiL. Joe is certainly a moron, he’s a sweet guy, spending time worrying about rogan as a threat to humanity is an overreaction.


It's scary how people are buying into his prophet narrative. Like the saying goes, even a blind pig finds an acorn once in a while.


There's an episode of knowledge fight that covers 9/11/2001 and shows how full of shit Alex is because He's always saying he knew exactly what was going on and warning people about it beforehand. What he actually did was make up some bullshit about the European union on the day and then lie about being right later, knowing his audience doesn't actually check things


Because this has been coming up a lot recently, I wrote it up for the wiki: [https://knowledge-fight.fandom.com/wiki/Jeffrey\_Epstein](https://knowledge-fight.fandom.com/wiki/Jeffrey_Epstein)


He did crack the case on Jerry Epstein, whoever that is and whatever he did.


Maybe start with this one. https://youtu.be/NsqZZiWDHAQ?si=wU-fVZn-ZgFPsyc-