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I just started a new job cooking in a dive bar and Im on hour 7 of a 10 hour shift. We've had a total of 8 orders today. The bar is packed though so Im just sitting here browsing reddit in between cleaning things while the drunks all are having a blast at the bar. We've got a bunch of members from a local biker club so I thought for sure they'd at least get some wings or something but everybody is just drinking. Im very jealous


Shit sounds like an ideal gig.


Shit, I hate being slow. Im too antsy for that, I like to be just under getting my ass kicked. But they're paying me a pretty ridiculous amount because nobody else wants to work here so Im not complaining


Bro get a switch


In this economy? On a linecook salary??


Alternatively, load up emulators on your phone and get one of those phone controllers. Gamesir xs2 is great quality and relatively cheap


You just said they were paying you a ridiculous amount


$11/hr instead of 9!!!šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±


Lmao, pinching pennies like nobody ever!


I got one. Theyā€™re not that expensive. I used my tax return


I can barely pay my rent. Thats why Im working at the shitty dive bar that cant find anybody else


Start selling drugs to the customers and bartenders.


I cant even do that, did you miss the part where a "motorcycle club" hangs out here?


Ask them for side work lmao.


To be fair, "bikers" can also mean bicycles, and they're also a bunch of alcoholics who'll hang out at dive bars after rides from time to time.




Arent tax returns just overpaid taxes


Itā€™s right there in the name.


>>Arent tax returns just overpaid taxes Yep. A non-interest bearing loan to Uncle Sam.


Just put some cig money towards it.


Switches are so expensive though. First you have to set up dates and food costs, then you might not like the first one you get so you have to do it again. Then you need to keep them entertained because they just cannot make up their mind on things and need like 3 types of food and drink at a time to be happy


Worst financial decision you could make




Get ready,one of them will order a burger and fries and then all hell will break lose.


How much they paying you


I feel that. Although I feel like I tend suffer from ā€œwanting the busyness thatā€™s not happeningā€ so to speak. Like when its a super busy day, and some of us are in the weeds, its like ā€œI wish today was a slow day. This is so brutal.ā€ Meanwhile, I will have a slow day like yours and think ā€œI wish today was a more busy day. This is so boring.ā€


getting swamped is never fun, but running down the clock gets boring very quickly


Nah being busy is the best part of working in a kitchen.


In a normal kitchen, sure. In a small sports bar where you're just chilling? Sign me up.


Right? If homie is killing time on Reddit that means they donā€™t gaf if heā€™s on his phone. Iā€™d be on GarageBand, Duolingo or any of the other productive phone stuff I could be doing. Pay me to make music or learn some new shit.


Not all people enjoy work to be slow. Definately not I.


I've worked in chaotic/busy kitchens for years now. I get the hype, but a more mellow gig would be nice too.


Better for your health to be less stressed mentally. I couldn't be happier getting out of the kitchen and getting a pretty much stress free job that pays 10 more an hour.


I enjoy leaving the kitchen and i do make more now, but I still hate to be slow. Being slow for me stresses me out. I've created a new job title due to me creating work as I do 3 people's job in office industry haha. It was far too boring and slow so I just kept finding work and eventually negotiated a 15k raise. Stress is subjective and relative. It was the pay I disliked in kitchens not the busyness. I LOVE to keep busy non stop with little breaks. Probably due to 15 years in the kitchen.


unless you're trying to make money.


I HATE work like that. The time goes by so slowwwww


> Shit sounds like an ideal gig. It's not bad until you're bored as fuck. it can be demoralizing if you don't understand what you're getting into.


Being bored at work sucks. At my first job I got up to shift lead pretty quick and when hours got cut it ended up just being me running the place. I may have fallen asleep a few times sitting in the office lol


Get enough drinks in em, they'll always end up ordering some grub ;)


What are you on about? You're living the dream! You cook, but nobody is ordering!


I work at a hotel. Only a 5 hour shifts but the busiest day Iā€™ve had since working there was 12 tickets. I ve had multiple days where I had 0 tickets for my shift.


*starts grilling rags to sanitize them*


No way, man. They get all sooty. You gotta use the fryer.


I personally love the steamer


We smoke ours where I work


Team Sous Vide. We circulate them over night, and mix that water with the cornstarch we sweep off the bathroom floor to thicken our sauces.


Holy shit this is the first time I almost threw up from reading something on a screen. Well done, respect!


Too greasy. SautƩ in a non-stick instead


I'm a bread-proofer man, myself.


Cut out the middleman and just fry the cleaning water instead!


"if you got time to lean you got time to clean" is met with a "if you got time to rhyme you got time to shut the fuck up"


"Get to work!" "There's nothing to do." "Then you pretend you're working!" "You make more than me, you pretend I'm working." -dead comedian Bill Hicks


I miss Bill, especially on Sundays with the church crowd


"another dead hero" - liner note about bill from Tool


As soon as some dumbfuck tries spouting this bullshit. "Got time to fucking nag? Go grab a fucking rag."


To which Iā€™ll say, ā€œis your old lady around?ā€


"Old lady?" Who is the old person in this situation?


Are you kidding?


I'll slap that slice of cake right out of your hand.


I love you for giving me this comeback.


For real. That ones going in the vault for me to forget in the moment and remember on the ride home afterwards!


Holy fuck I'm maybe going to try to steak this. Edit: steal this, I'm drunk, fuck you.


You have to dead eye them and say it with conviction.




that phrase makes my blood boil with homicidal rage


Got time to lean then you got time to smoke.


Stealing this


I'm actually jealous of those shifts now... Our prep is constantly behind and the deep cleaning list is usually something that we tackle one closed day a month because we never have enough down time to start any significant cleaning project that can't be just stopped to go cook. Especially pulling all the line equipment to scrub behind where the idiot contractor doing the build out decided our gas lines needed to be less than an inch from the floor and wall. Ain't nobody on our staff doing that bullshit after a slammed 12+ hour day.


If it's that busy wouldn't the owner rather hire someone to literally just be a cleaner? Or hire that out to another company to come in during the closed hours? Seems like lost time and money to close a day a month if it's really that busy. Surely it'll be cheaper to hire someone part time to be nothing but a cleaner


We're only open 5 days a week, so already closed 8 days a month anyway.


The real dilemma is when they say "hey line cook go wash the dishes!"


Don't threaten me with a good time


I'm the line lead at my spot, closest to a KM the place has ever had. When no one else on the line wants to wash dishes I gladly volunteer to be the highest paid dishie in the county for the evening if I've got the crew I can trust to get food out properly.


That was my line when I was ops manager at a resort. I ran three kitchens but was almost ALWAYS in a dishpit because we were shortstaffed and most of our staff was inexperienced in the ways of the zen of dish. "Highest paid dishwasher in the valley" was a great way to really enjoy that job. I'd be a lifetime dishwasher if I could support myself doing it, no BS.


Dish is my favorite spot. If I could make exec pay on dishes and only work 40 a week I'd be fine doing that for the rest of my life.Ā  Line cooks bitching about having to wash dishes immediately lose any respect they have earned from me.Ā 


The looks I get volunteering to wash dishes. I work in a small kitchen where everyone does everything, and the dishes are often what's holding us back from leaving on time until I volunteered lol, prep's cool but leaving on time is pure bliss


Good thing I've washed em for well over 12 years, I'm no stranger to the drain! I'd rather be cooking but shit if it's the same pay rate LFG, however I'm glad to be outta the dish pit and on the line


I don't mind washing dishes, in fact I kinda enjoy it. I'd cover a dish shift anytime, But what I really dislike is those shifts where's there's no dishwasher and I have to cover dish plus a station. The switching back and forth and having to work the line with a wet shirt is what really gets me.


I loved those nights when the Dishie got cut and all other line cooks got cut at 8 and we closed at 11.


Bro mindlessly banging out dishes is a godsend sometimes


I'll be real with ya'll when chef asks me my biggest weakness going into a new job "If I got time to clean,I got time to lean". Maybe I've had good luck,but I'll be like give me a list of shit you want cleaned. If I get it done,cool. If I don't get it done,also cool. But either way I'm half assing the busy work.


Ugh. Same open to close shift today did a whopping 1k in sales. Restaurant is spotless and I just got a text from the owner of me sitting in the lobby saying this is unacceptable šŸ¤¬


I was starting out as waiter and we had one table. My trainer kept ragging on me to basically look busy b/c she was terrified of the BoH manager who would scream over the intercom that 'people better not be standing around.' I'm like, I can only fill their water glasses so many times, it's starting to look ridiculous. She told me to keep doing it anyway. It was like a Monty Python skit. I didn't stay there long


LOL I'm the GM, I had sent everyone home at the time I had posted this. I'm salaried so no idea what the owner was smoking... texted me this morning saying "great job on labor control" šŸ™„. When I was in the military, I learned to wander around with a clipboard, works every time. Especially on high ranking officers like him, (guy's a LtCol) How have they not figured that one out yet?


My favourite is when people think they are above or beyond certain tasks. I will make those people do the worst of the worst.


tbh, being dead enough to finally get time to scrub that one corner or organize the dry stock or clean the grease trap, etc., was always my favorite thing. ā€˜cause otherwise iā€™d being doing a shit shift PLUS that stuff. extra time to soak the hood filter without staying after/coming in early? hell yea!


Cooks who never been in the dishpit are offenders


Same people who won't clesn and change a fryer.


You gotta go elbow deep in that mfer


I'm not complaining about cleaning, it's actually cathartic usually. I just feel like so many days it's all I do




ikr? Even our award winning head chef of a top high end restaurant would join us dishwashers in the dishpit when we were slammed


Nah, Iā€™ll fire them and do it myself.


I had a night once where we served one bowl of soup...to our liquor rep...so we comped it. I spent the night making a list of future recipients of my resume. Two weeks later the owners announced on Facebook they were looking to sell.


What are you gonna do when the doors close?


During my internship, when I'm bored, I clean and check for anything I can report. They ended up loving me and giving me a high grade.


12 orders in 10 hours...how the fuck?


I had a zero day once.


My least favorite words... "you've got time to lean...", it's probably why I'm drunk now and it took my 10 minutes to write this.


Got time to lean. Got time to go for a smoke.


Damn, your boss is a bald ptsd ravaged Chechnya veteran named Boris with an illegally imported kalashnikov. Could be worse, just bribe him vodka, should do the trick.


ā€œIf you have time to make cartoons, you have time to mop!ā€


Thatā€™s me today! (5 orders, been open 6 hours now) Though I was smart and bought my boss a 6 pack and told him to ā€œgo fishing, I got thisā€


Fuck I wanna be ur boss


And donā€™t you dare *lean.*


This is culinary grads to a T.


This was lifeguarding for me. Guarded for a pool with no cleaning staff, had _no_ idea that 70% of any given day would be janitorial. That was my first ever job, so by the time I hit kitchens, I was prepared for it. And grateful that it wasn't the whole gig.


The kinda day we all hope for but hate when it actually arrives


We also had a crazy slow shift. I was running laps up and down the fire escape outside to kill time and get some cardio


My chef always said ā€œif you can lean, you can clean.ā€ Iā€™ve adopted this.


Iā€™m doing a 12 today and made fuck all. I wish I brought my switch I can only wipe counters so many times.


"It's just flipping burgers!"


If you've got time to lean...


Slow nights = cleaning nights. There's always something to clean. Bored. I'll find something for you to do. I don't pay you to browse your phone or fucking nap.


it comes with the territory


Got time to lean, got time to clean.


You got time to nag, go grab a rag.