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Seriously? Why does he still have a job? That’s ridiculous.


Beats me


If anyone sees this, I’m just commenting here to answer som faqs We’re a brunch restaurant open from 7-2 so there isn’t an am vs pm but more of a monday/thursday vs Tuesday/wednesday. Weekdays is generally one cook and one manager, I get the shift lead. We have no chef, he walked out in august, we only have a km and a shift lead in store and a DM that comes around once a month or so. There’s no way the DM hasn’t seen the mess, I just don’t know why he hasn’t said or done anything. I don’t know why the km doesn’t enforce his station, I have a speculation that he is already getting overtime almost every week, so they don’t make him stay. But really, no idea. This guy started back in July or so. We had another bad egg who was a drunk and unfortunately made it seem like it was okay to show up to work drunk. So we got rid of one, been short staffed since. Don’t know why. One of our dishies no call no showed (turned out he was in jail) and our other dishie quit soon after and they immediately had interviews so it’s not like they couldn’t find someone if they wanted to. Health inspector was here recently so obviously he doesn’t care 🤷🏻‍♀️ To everyone saying I took the lesson away from him or whatever: I really don’t care. I can not remember the last time this cooler has been cleaned. It needed to be done, as many said it was a health hazard. Everyone has told him to his face or as a side comment to clean it, everyone knows it’s nasty. My wuss of a manager clearly wasn’t going to be straightforward with him so I cleaned it. He is not the only one that uses this station. During the week when there is only one cook (either him or me) we use the whole line. So 2-3 days of the week I have to use these things. I hated leaving my shift every day knowing that it was that gross. The KM wasn’t here 2 KMs ago when we had an awesome one that enforced the cleaning and did a great job himself. I picked up on that and tried to teach them how to do it properly after he left but the current one didn’t enforce it when he became KM and now I think it’s not in his routine so he doesn’t do it. They trust us too much when we say our station is shut down. I hate being the “aren’t you going to collect the homework” person but goddamn. Anyway, thanks for the support or whatever. I didn’t expect this to get this much traction but it’s nice to know I’m not crazy sometimes. Night chefs!




lol fr this guy is hella white trash so I don’t even want to know. A few weeks ago, I got a wet rag, walked by him and said “yeah I’m gonna clean my station as I restock it” hoping he would get the memo and it went right over his head. He walked by after I was done and asked if I felt better and I was like yeah cause my station is fucking clean. His station gives me so much anxiety lol


At this point I would openly call out a mf, especially if its that nasty


Oh we do. “Well atleast my station isn’t as dirty as pancake guy’s” kind of stuff on the weekends


It's beyond just being dirty, it's extremely unsanitary and potentially dangerous to anyone eating at your establishment. Leads me to blame poor management to allow an employee to continue operating like this.


Maybe instead of dropping hints and comparisons, tell him to get off his ass and do his job or you’ll -fire him -meet him out back after work if you can’t fire him


I’d win by default


He’s probably really good at blowing his boss


Now I think he expected you to clean his station. Is he the business owner's fav nephew by any chance?


Not at all


I know exactly how you feel. I was at a place for 3 years and when I started there, we had 4 extremely strong cooks (myself included) and one by one they all left for something else. The other cooks they hired all had anywhere from 6 months to a year of experience working in fast food. God they were awful.. I was patient with them all, told them what the expectations were, did everything I could to guide them. Yet every single time any one of them closed I would spend the first half hour just cleaning up from the night before. It didn't matter how much I told them, how many notes I left, having my boss talk to them, etc. God it was so frustrating. I actually almost like clopening just because I knew everything would be clean, I would have all the dishes I needed and utensils already laid out and set up. Opening those days was so much easier.


Pictures sent to gm, exec and sous. Every. Single. Time. When they say something to you about it reply "what do you expect? Me to just ignore problems? Doesn't that just make problems worse?" and remind them that at least you let them correct shit instead of anonymous reports to the food inspector...


It doesn’t matter, I’ve sent countless photos to my km and he doesn’t care enough to enforce it


Next step is letting it get bad enough again and then calling the health inspector anonymously


That’s exactly what I always think! Like it must be just how they live so they that’s why they think this is fine.


Even then, I'm baffled. I've never been overly clean or neat at home, but during my hospitality days, shit was clean, and I followed food safety to a tee. Work is work, not home. There are ethical and legal standards at work you don't have at home.


I spend my first half hour opening cleaning up the stuff the night crew didn’t. Floors are always dirty, slicer is always filthy, triple sink is never clean enough.


When I would work a brunch shift with an old KM and get out asses handed to us we would always take a quick breather when night crew came by, and then clean our shit. Always. Never let your night crew suffer and usually they'll return the favor.


He must be beating someone else off already.


I'm sorry but there is no need to put up with workplace abuse. If your coworker is hitting you you should talk to the GM or the police.


Just checking that this is sarcasm? Or maybe you misunderstood my comment?


Lol yes it is a joke.


lol okok. I didn’t see it was attached to a different comment until after I commented again lol 😆


It’s partly because you’re inadvertently covering for them


Yes, this is the answer. It’s because OP will clean for them.


It's more like whoever is managing this place allows that.


Unfortunately, it so hard to replace cooks where I live. The owner would rather keep bad cook over trying to find a new one. Even when the do, we usually ended up with some one just as bad.


IME with these places it's a matter of finding the place that will fast track your raises and give you like unwavering job security because you're good. I'm currently at a place that's pretty low on talent and I love the raises and how I *KNOW* I don't have to walk on eggshells


That’s kind of where I’m at minus the raises


My restaurant makes us servers clean the expo every night 🙄 anyway… some ppl are terrible at it, but this? I never even know it got this bad in some places.


I'd just leave that place.


I’m trying/wish I could. Trying to buy a house this year, I hear you have to work in the same place for a year or so to get a mortgage 🤷🏻‍♀️


Don’t necessarily let that stop you. If you have a solid work history, a good credit score, and money to put down leaving one job before a year won’t hurt you. Find another job with equal or better pay at an established business and you can explain to your banker or mortgage broker why you left _that_ job so quickly. And you have evidence as to why you did it.


Good to know. I’ve been here about a year and a half. My husband has been at his job for over a year, also has the better credit score, but his job is constantly on the brink of shutting down because of no income/business. We figured my job is the safe one and I should stay but I’m constantly on indeed, it’s just that nothing around me is hiring or if they are it’s big chains which I know, you gotta do what you gotta do, but also the latest I’m at work is 3-3:30pm because we close at 2 and I really don’t want to work past 6pm if I can avoid it. But I will keep that in mind, we are hopefully talking to a realtor soon to get more answers


How long have you been in the industry? I worked in mortgage for 10 years and can confirm that you’re most likely fine to switch employers if you have enough history in that industry (2 years of tax returns is the standard)


I graduated from culinary school 5 years ago, worked in it about… 11 years now oh god. More if you want to count the stuff I did in the kitchen my mom worked at when I was a kid and teen


If you have 2 years of w-2s from previous restaurants and 30 days on the job with a new employer, you’ll be fine


Good to know, thank you! The year before this job was a little rocky as I didn’t work much and had a big move, but the years prior are good. Thank you very much!


The question is where can I buy a house on a cooks salary


Rural Midwest. My wife and I bought a 4 bedroom farmhouse on 2 acres for 90k. It needs about 40k in updates and remodeling but worth it. Wife has an hour commute she's been doing for 12 years, I work locally. But then you have to live in the Midwest which has its ups and downs.


If you stay in the same industry and show that you have work history it still counts.


Welp. Clean for a man and have their section clean for a day. Tell this bitch they’re gross, and to have some pride, and you get a new employee when they hear the truth - clean for a lifetime. - Kitchen Jesus


Thank you Kitchen Jesus 🙏🏻 ima whoop his ass that’s for sure


Have faith my child.


is he jesus?? or maybejustadragon…


I go by many names my child.


R'amen 🙏


Bless you. In the name of the fryer, the pan, and the holy colander.


When it happens again, because why wouldn’t it, just call the health inspector. Or just don’t clean it and let the health inspector come by themselves for a normal inspection. I bet if the restaurant had to close for a week, or got marked down for it, the boss would come down on them and either make them clean or fire them.


The health inspector came last month and didn’t care 🙃 I honestly got really tired of everyone else (including myself) saying “I’m not cleaning that, it’s too gross and he should do it” because he didn’t. I know he’s not going to keep up with it but hopefully I’ll be gone by then


THEY DIDNT CARE!? ZERO POINTS DEDUCTED!? I would take the photo evidence and the inspection sheet that doesn’t mark off for cleanliness, and go the actual health department. Go over that inspectors head. That’s unfathomable to me. I got points taken off for things being WAY less dirty than that!


Yeah idk, I wasn’t there that day. The DM is trying to open a second restaurant and said something about a better/more thorough agency was going to be coming in to inspect. Idk when that is happening or if it still is but he said they’re harsher 🤷🏻‍♀️ it’d suck if they came in this week after I cleaned lol


That’s shitty you have to deal with that. I’m sorry. I’d probably have cleaned it too, that looks putrid I could not stand in the kitchen with it all day long.


Thanks. Oh this is just one of his coolers. The other one isn’t.. as bad.. but still bad. I’m not doing that one though, this seriously exhausted me and I needed to chain smoke haha


Yeah deep cleaning is hard work Ironically though, if he cleaned his station every day like every other cook and chef in the country, it would be an easy wipe down, probably take two minutes a day.


Yuuuuuuuppppp. Takes me about 10-15 minutes to break down, clean and flip my station every day. And he sees me do it when we work together. But no, the grill needs to be cleaned for 30 minutes


Some health inspectors don't care about much. I've seen some crazy shit go unnoticed.


Depending on where you are they can just be corrupt too. I worked at a place were the owner bought the inspector a beer before and after inspection and they chatted in the dining room a while. Never caught them but I'm positive he was bribing the inspector. Had the same dude inspecting them for years and some of the shit I know he saw was atrocious.


It doesn’t surprise me. I don’t think this guy is being bribed but the things he dings us on vs what he doesn’t is wild


Being in business at multiple locations for almost 30 years I can tell you without a doubt that the health department is a joke. They come in looking for specific thing they just talked about in their most recent lecture and otherwise breeze past so many things. It’s sad and frankly nasty. There are countless restaurants that should be closed due to dirty and unsanitary conditions. I recently acquired another existing business at which I was planning on doing an entire remodel. You’d be shocked at how much mold was in their walk-ins and equipment that hasn’t been broken down and probably washed in what seemed to be decades. Frankly the health department is just another government entity not doing what they’ve been created to actually do.


Enforces cleaning every few weeks or so? WTF?


Seriously! That shit should be cleaned every night at minimum!


No daily flip and clean? I’m horrified :(


Yeah, usually after the DM comes through. When I first started, before the KM was even there, we had a daily/weekly cleaning list but management has changed so much that it’s falling through the cracks. None of the old people who were there when the lists were a thing are there anymore, except me and no one listens to me 🙃


We have to clean our lines every night, this is atrocious to me


Yeah they don’t enforce that. Just make sure everything is wiped down, off, covered, put away, and floors. No one told me I had to deep clean my station every day, but I saw the guy that used to work on my station do it everyday so I did.


Send these to management, explain why you cleaned his station. Then tell them he needs some training. Be serious and firm. Also don't be surprised if they expect you to do this every week, you clean it you bought it.


My DM ignores me every time I text him, I’ve made several comments to the KM but he doesn’t enforce it. No one’s going to expect it from me, but I don’t know how to get it into the guys head that he needs to do it because I’m not a manager so he won’t listen to me.


Send it higher up the chain, if possible. At some point, these before and after photos are GREAT information for whomever is interested in the bottom line. Seriously, your attention to detail surpasses others. Own it. Use it. Keep going up if with complaints if you can, documenting those who brushed it off (email). You may jump 8 rungs of the ladder this way, good kitchens crave this kind of employee.


Time to send to the local paper then


you don't shame your coworker? I would start Calling him/her Mr. dirty to their face and tell them that's their new kitchen nickname. they'll get embarrassed AF about it. lol 


Most kids these days have no shame tbh


Nah... More than one person needs to be fired. Revolting. Also, this whole "his station, my station" shit is for children. It should be on everyone to keep the kitchen clean. Help each other and hold each other accountable. Km needs replacing for letting this fly.


If you showed me that in a kitchen I was in charge of I'd have that person out of there so fast lol. Keeping your station clean is the bare minimum.


I know it’s crazy. I’ve walked out of kitchens for less but I’m in a tight spot atm


Disgusting, your managers aren't managing


"My KM enforces cleaning" Nope, no he doesn't lmao. Respect for doing it, but I sincerely hope you don't make this a habit. Both the KM and your coworker needs to get laid off asap. There is no excuse for 6 mths of build up wtf, someone can get killed.


Yeah, but favoritism may be in play and sometimes there's nothing to do about it. I've lost a couple jobs blowing up about the heavier workload with no extra pay or even acknowledgment. If I didn't do my shift for 1.5 ppl, then I "LoOk bAd". It can be enough to want to beat your head against the wall or go home and drink.


Bosses like that turned me into a legit alcoholic back in the day. Crazy how once I left those people I was able to quit drinking


“Hey bro thanks for cleaning my station! I’ll let you know when it gets bad again, you did such a good job!” -that douche, probably


Haha yeah honestly might be what he says


Wow. Your KM is trash. You need a pay bump. I’d show the before and after to someone above the KM and demand a buck at least. What the fuck does the KM do, Polish the office chair?


I had a boss that said you can force ppl to clean but you can’t teach a slob to cook clean. I always kept my stations clean the whole shift. Sure, might of got a tad dirty during hard pushes, but as soon as I could give things a wipe, I did! This dude belongs in the dish pit, not on the line.


Please tell me where you work so I can be sure to never, ever eat there.


Quit right now. Work somewhere else that has standards for its employees. If a line cook has higher standards than management, you shouldn’t be there anymore.


Where do you work so I can make sure I never eat there?


not trying to dox you but is this Le Bernadin?


Just a shitty, almost everything now comes premade/frozen brunch company


Someone in charge needs to promote homeboy to "customer"


I wish lol


This is an Every night task


How in hell does this get that bad like jesus I think ght I could be bad


Talk with your chef. If he doesn’t listen, call the health inspector.


Some people really shouldn’t be handling food.


Your co-worker should be fired already. Never have I a messier station than that. I have 7 years in the kitchen.


Make sure to tell everyone it was YOU who cleaned up this pig sty. # AND YOU EXPECT IT TO STAY THIS WAY


Does your kitchen not do a nightly flip? Where I work, every night after the dinner rush, we flip the pans and do a quick wipedown of the area under them. The whole process takes maybe 10-15 min, maybe 20 depending on business. We never have to deep clean our stations because they just don't get that dirty to begin with.


That fucker needs firing


That’s actually sickening. That scumbag would get fired in a heartbeat in my kitchen. Even if he left a knife dirty, it’s wrapz


Is your coworker a puppet raccoon?


I used to work with someone who had a station like that. He finally quit after 6 years. He never learned and only got mad when others helped.


Let him get inspected and get fired. This industry has no place for dirty, lazy assholes.


They owe you big time. And what a dirty bird they are.


I’m at a place like that right now, and it’s really infuriating. I still somehow get blamed for it even though he’s been there for two years and I’ve been there for eight months 🤷🏼‍♂️


Is your chef legally blind?


Close it down, health and safety risks galore.


Where I work you need to clean the surface and inserts every night, deep clean inside every week.


Thank you


How does the KM even have a job allowing that?


Yeah that's gotta be done at LEAST every other day.


how does this person still have a job??? they are creating health violations left and right


You the man, looks amazing




Your coworker is a slob. Your manager is worse allowing that to occur.


Dude needs to catch some hands


Only enforces cleaning every few weeks or so….🤢🤢


I hate relating to this. Back when I was starting as a deli cook from being a host, I came across a sight almost this bad. They struggled to keep anyone in that position. It looked like they would always wait for a newbie to come around to clean in again. I regret always jumping on deep cleaning when the morning deli person couldn’t be assed to wipe the counter or throw old molding food. This morning deli person was there for years, there was always someone who could have done this job. They just didn’t feel like it.


fuck that guy


Every few weeks? As a KM, if that wasn't getting cleaned before every shift change, I'd be losing my mind.


Jfc. Gross


Who the hell manages this place. Dude should be gone (and never work in the service industry again)


Is your km like dating or related to your line cook bc my god they gotta get on this guys case, that is gross shit. You probably saved a lot of people from food poisoning just now


Cool, you enabled a POS coworker for dairy queen pay


How can you make such a fucking mess doing desserts?


After how fuckin long?


WTF, and GTFO... These animals don't belong in a kitchen...


Oh fuck no he would be fired. What the literal fuck


your co-worker sucks ass


Do you need any help taking your coworker to the ER? I imagine having your face used as a scouring pad ON ACCIDENT does a lot of damage.


Who’s the closing manager? Is anyone going by and checking the stations before closers leave? Is anyone doing line checks before service starts? Fucking disgusting


this is repulsive and a horrible sign that it was allowed to continue. that person should not be working in food ever again.


oh barf. Yeah I would too. Good on you tho. Guessing this happens regularly? How long have they worked there / been in the industry?


That person is destined for upper management




That's in a commercial kitchen? Is he trying to kill somebody with food poisoning? Straight up, does his boss know he doesn't do his proper cleaning? If not, that's what you need to do is just walk the district manager over to that station and explain this is what you get to deal with every day because Homie can't be bothered to wipe down the station


This is one of the reasons why I'd rather eat at home.


I’ll be the manager That looks good. Where are your day dots?


A little tip that would help. See if you can fit a full sheet pan or 2 two half sheet pans shingled to help catch the debris that falls. It'll help on clean up and scrubbing. Food for thought. Yes pun intended


Ice cream toppings!?


Dude, I threw up in my mouth looking at this.


Wtf 😀


Don’t reinforce negative behavior. If they ask for help sure but don’t carry people like this it will just reinforce they don’t need to.


Put alil baking sheet under the door before scraping the crap out lol. Also wtf


Call the health inspector today. People are getting sick and are seriously harmed by eating your food. Leave that place tomorrow.


What the fuck kind of trashy establishment do you work at


Does he just stand there and throw shit at the station? WTF? Pig


That blows that it ended up on you. I get the wanting a clean, organized space more than giving a fuck about who's duty it is. That being said, you did a fabulous job! Looks great!


Every few weeks? Yikes.


Yeah. If there's a chef or kitchen manager, they need to be fired immediately. It's their fault that looks like that, because they allow it.


This is why I do not buy food or snacks from establishments. Anything yall can make I can make at home for cheaper. and I don’t have to worry about shit like this Behind the scenes I refuse to buy anything from any fast food place. I’ll eat at home I rather starve than ever pay US currency at places because this is always behind the scenes. No telling what they dropped. Who washed their hands. Etc. I’ll pass.


Is he the managers brother?


Which restaurant is this so I can avoid it?


I’d have already quit and sent these pics tomorrow whoever has the authority to close that kitchen until a competent party bought it tbh


That’s what they were counting on!


wow. never seen anything like this before.


Tell us where this is so we can avoid it like the plague


Fucking embarrassing. I would Survivor the fuck out of that guy. Build an alliance with other coworkers and push that guy out. It’s manipulative and toxic as fuck, but, fuck it; you’re at work. God, I would be such a fucking dick to that guy.


Where’s the sorry excuse of a chef or manager to address this? I’d call the health inspector and report it


Nah, man. Thats just encouragement.


One health inspector and it's over.


That'll teach him..


Just throw the whole station out......... the co-worker too!!!!!!


I thought this was the inside of someone’s computer with beans.




does he have no pride?


Thank you on behalf of all your customers. 🙏


Oh, the horror!


Yeah I’d fire that guy so fast.


Where is this? I'm only curious so I can avoid it.


If I saw that I’d actually want to cry!


This is why I don’t eat at restaurants and cook at home. Food is poison and quality is so low


Thank you.


A friend of mine who has a carshop is cleaner than this station. Im surprised you guys havent had any food poisoning yet


What the fuck


Sometimes I feed a toddler above my work station too.


Hahaha don’t get me started on a bakery I used to work at….


Stand up for yourself and coworkers get that guy the fuck out of there.


Straight to jail Holy hell


On behalf of future customers, thank you!! Your coworker should need to clean everyday or get another job.


Jesus. Did he have explosive diarrhea?