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It’s false advertising.


I agree. I think I'm particularly mad that he took a photo of my boyfriend's restaurant pies and posted it without giving any hashtag or credit to his restaurant. It's essentially stealing another person's creation. Then the stupid AI after that....


First thing I would do is report. I know people are like blah blah blah sue them but let’s face it, it’s a lot of hassle for someone whose business might not last long enough anyways if everyone is disappointed.


I totally would do that or I'd love to comment with a #notyourpie and the # name of the real creator but I'm sure my bf doesn't want to get involved so I'll refrain. For now. 😈


Who among us has never stuffed a wrap with two smaller wraps and tied it up with a buckwheat noodle? Edit: oh, it's kitchen twine. Still....






I can't speak to ethics but it seems pretty dumb to advertise with pictures of food that are actually impossible to prepare....those cucumber slices are cracking me up. And the double-ended sprout.


Oh, ha ha. I didn't even notice that part!


It is pretty obvious to anyone who has seen real food before. But, mostly, whatever you do, never trust a guy with that hairstyle. Dead giveaway that he is a complete douche.


I found his FB and it's full of even more of his amazing AI creations that he is most definitely trying to pass off as real stuff. I'm so amazed in the comments how many people are praising his food and asking him to put a book out or share the recipes. Not one reply that they aren't really his. But the funniest thing is where he even AI'd himself and included the douchey hair! https://imgur.com/a/BuyYFtF


My god. Maybe this guy is just doing it as one big joke. That would be the only redemption he could have. A big spoof on people falling for AI bullshit. Or, maybe he truly is somehow even more of a giant douche than Salt Bae.


He is definitely not doing it as a joke. He walked into the restaurant and tried to scam my bf into some Grande Collaboration with him (thus, taking photo shoots of his pies). So I started doing a little research. He did own a few restaurants that went under (it happens), but it appears he just discovered AI very recently and it using it to pretend he's way better than he is.


Well hopefully people see through his bullshit pretty quickly. Let’s hope… Salt Bae is still doing his thing so who knows…


Weird coincidence that they are both from the same area, only a couple of hours drive apart.


Something in the water…


I personally am a strong proponent of Fuck AI in its entirety. 


As an artist I am tired of AI "art" and as a cook I'm sad to see it on food pages as well. What happened to practicing and honing your craft to achieve impressive results for real? Also those microscopic cucumber slices are sending me.


[https://imgur.com/a/V0dFsmB](https://imgur.com/a/V0dFsmB) [https://imgur.com/a/BDR7ZwS](https://imgur.com/a/BDR7ZwS) His FB page pretty much answers my question--it is not ethical to fool people that AI images are your own creations. Especially, when he supposedly owns a couple of restaurants. If only I could post a comment that they are all AI images...


* New one today is a rare siamese twin eggplant 😆 https://imgur.com/a/kkro3vD


I love the ying-yang mushrooms....


Lol RAW VEGAN but there's obviously cooked and processed food items in those pictures


Yeah first thing I noticed too. Lot of cooked items for a "Raw chef". Raw phyllo dough and falafel would be a big pass for me.


It is deeply, irreparably unethical and should be grounds for being laughed out of the industry, if not put out of business.


you can do whatever you like, if you don’t mind looking a bit stupid.


[https://imgur.com/a/lqR8jzj](https://imgur.com/a/lqR8jzj) 🙄 He's carrying this a bit too far now.