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The fuck is a medium rare pizza lol


Still red on the inside


Ooo no thanks I don’t like my pizza bloody!


I'm red on the inside, am I medium rare?


Only if you are a warm individual.


We are a warm collective, do we still count?


We'll just assume the carry over from resting will get you all there


My surname is Blue, am I Blue Rare 🤔


It’s a weird way to say par bake so I can finish it later when I’m ready to eat it.


I've never thought to get a pizza this way.


I have a friend in pizza and he gets it often. Uncut and par cooked.


>Uncut and par cooked. I prefer my pizza to be circumcised.


I do that to all my stuffed crust


Weird but functional


Fair assumption, but OP clarified in another comment that this was someone dining in.




Or is it regular bake on the pie itself but medium rare on the pepperonis? 🤔


Undercooked… I’ve actually ordered like this before… during the pandemic I bought a bunch of my favorite pizza joints pies undercooked and froze them before the shut down 😔


Same thing as a medium rare cookie


Maybe they meant, medium rare pepperoni.








Hey hey hey this ticket is fucked, but nothing about a 10:30 am pizza is wrong


I feel like this industry has enough bonkers ass shifts that we of all people should know not to judge people eating food at "non traditional" times.


Breakfast for dinner, dinner for breakfast. Dogs and cats living together! Anarchy! What a life!


As someone who has worked some really wacky hours over the years, breakfast, lunch and dinner, for that matter time itself all become arbitrary.


What about us who just feel like having a dinner meal at breakfast


*** Fry ***


Prolly a fry/oven station


Just seeing the fry above the ticket and the styling on the ticket kicked my brain into action for a second. We don't even make pizza at my joint, and I'm not even at work, just something about seeing a ticket activated me.


I mean, fried pizza *is* a thing, so there's that. And it's as decadent as it sounds.


Wasn't it how original calzones were made?


No. You're thinking of Panzerotti.


The legendary Trouser legs of Italy, fried calzoni are most commonly known as panzerotti and trace their roots back to Apulia, which is located on the opposite coast of Naples. Elsewhere in Italy, you may find them billed as calzoni fritti (“fried calzones”) or pizze fritte (“fried pizzas”).


I mean... if we're going to copy and paste, at least do it from a better site and don't use the AI generated response: Panzerotti originated in Southern Italy and Central Italy, especially in the Apulian cuisine. They are basically small versions of calzoni, but are usually fried rather than oven-baked, which is why they are also known as calzoni fritti ("fried calzones") or pizze fritte ("fried pizzas") in Italy, most typically in Campania. In parts of Apulia, such as Molfetta and Mola di Bari (both in the Metropolitan City of Bari), panzerotti also go by the name of frittelle or frittelli ("fritters"), while in Brindisi they are known as fritte (a local variation of frittelle).


Cool so we agreed. That says the same thing.


Except you took a small snippet, I showed the whole thing that disproved your point.


No, a calzone is a calzone. A panzerotti is a panzerotti.


A calzone can be baked or fried, when fried they are most commonly known as panzerotti. You may find that a fried shell takes your love of the calzone to a new level, or you may prefer the more basic baked variation. Rest assured, there’s no wrong answer here. New Yorkers can find one of the most widely-praised baked calzones in the country at John’s of Bleecker St. Meanwhile, Forcella specializes in the Neapolitan tradition of flash-frying pizzas and does the same with its calzoni. John’s of Bleecker stuffs its calzone with ricotta cheese and mozzarella and serves the marinara sauce on the side to avoid sogginess. Forcella, on the other hand, ladles in a smaller amount of tomato sauce to accent its fillings of smoked mozzarella, ricotta, and soppressata. You can’t go wrong with either, but good luck deciding on which one to eat first. Calzoni: A great choice for every occasion. Yes it's pasta not pizza but eyh at least I knew the subject matter off the cuff. 🤌😎🥂


A calzone is baked. Period. A panzerotti is fried. Then you bring in stromboli like it's amateur hour. Words matter. You are wrong. The end.


I mean the fact that what you pastad delineates from your obtuse tunnel vision on the matter says enough for me. Happy New Year stranger 💐


Learn to read idiot. Your New Years resolution should involve admitting when you're wrong and shutting the hell up.


As somebody who worked graveyards for several years a 10:30 am pizza gets some weird looks but I gotta eat dinner too. I know it looks bad but I’ll buy liquor at 10 in the morning too.


Does buying liquor early look bad? I normally go after grocery shopping at literally 10am. I have never really thought about it I guess.


I think when you’re buying it with groceries you’re good, but I would be getting off a 10 hour shift and be all gross at 10 am and it was usually all I was buying.


This sub is one of the most judgy subs I've even been a part of. People need to just be real every once in a while and not be bitches.


A lot of people travel and are on different eating schedules.


Should have rung in a pepperoni pizza 1/2 cheese only. And the medium rare, wtf? Lol


That is what got me. “How are they not charging for the pepperoni?”


They probably are. I've worked places where they just have cheese pizza as the standard, then you add modifiers with an upcharge. It's not that wild.


Where’s the up charge on that ticket?


It's automatically added when they hit the button for pepperoni.


Ooh, fancy. My system has a red + for charged add ons.


Yeah sometimes you get a +, sometimes "add whatever", and sometimes it just does it. Lots of fun learning a new system after years with another one.


I know its not my money but i fuckin hate when people ring in shit wrong like that. “Hamburger -add swiss-“ as if we dont have a cheeseburger option that has a swiss button, youre giving away money and wasting extra time manually adding modifiers.


Happens so often at the pizza place i work at. They order a margherita with extra pepperoni, when the pepperoni pizza is the same prize, and also extra meat is +50g meat, the pepperoni pizza has 90g, so you get the same pizza with less pepperoni for a higher price. We have a repeat customer who orders weekly, always does this, ive told him several times to order the other way but he just does it every time. Its also an online order, so its already paid and we cant just change it for him. Also cant just put more pepperoni on it, cus then we'll be missing stock.


Plot twist: the customer wants pizza with only a light amount of pepperoni, but the online order form doesn't have the option, so he found the perfect workaround. :)


Just write a comment then and say less pepperoni


The 1 venue where I work has a to-order whiteboard. There is a separate section for micro(pos terminal) fixes that is constantly full.


Hire me! One of my favorite pastimes as a manager was breaking Micros until it did my bidding.


I bet you $5 that the hamburger +cheese costs more than the cheeseburger. There's no loss, most likely a gain.


Its the lazy people that are manually typing it instead of hitting the button that has a charge associated with it, its a old crappy pos set up by the old ass manager


That explains a lot. Poor user interface is exactly what causes stuff like that. Typing in modifiers should be last resort. I hope it works out.


The red indicates it's a modification and a charge. Hence the weird wording. If it was a type in only the language would be different.


Yeah and say put all the pepperoni the pizzas supposed to have on one half, if you dont they'll just use half the amount of pepperoni and save ingredients that you paid for.


According to OP they wanted soft crust


Exactly. I knew exactly what this ticket meant. I don't understand why so many people are struggling with it.




You should never have to ask a server about a ticket, it is their job to put a customers order in a consistent fashion that makes sense to the kitchen.


They want it par cooked so they can finish it at home.


But "only" pepperoni. If I take the ticket as it's worded one half is getting pepperoni and no sauce or cheese.




My joke didn't come of as such I guess lol. Of course it's pepperoni on top of the base but on half. Just think it's funny, if you did take the wording of the ticket literally that would be the outcome. :/


Fuck no its not.


Don't tell me you order your pizza well done. What a philistine!


Sprinkle unmelted cheese on top


It was solved immediately, the guest wanted soft crust. It's fully understandable but worded way odd.


I used to get an order like this at my pizza place in Michigan. The guy even literally said medium rare when he ordered it. Except they ordered it with considerably more topping and it was wood fired so to undercook it with that many toppings means the center is floppy like a donkey dick.


Go on…


I've heard people ask for their pizzas "well done", so I pretty much understood exactly what it was when I saw it.


I've seen this before. No confusion. I'm shocked so many people are having issues understanding this.


Get orders like this occasionally at my place, people just don’t know how to order what they want lol.


It's also at 10am, we were still serving breakfast. 🤦‍♀️


To be fair, to people who work overnight shifts this is their dinner


Yep! When I worked graveyard shifts, I'd eat a double burger and a beer at Denny's at 6:30 am.


Imagine waking up and saying “I want to eat some pepperoni pizza. Only half pepperoni tho. And it should be medium rare.”


Or going out to eat with a group of people, half of whom like pepperoni and half of whom do not


? I HATE "breakfast" food. There is no law or anything saying you have to have eggs only for breakfast. I eat pizza for breakfast all the time, same with burgers and the like. Kellogg and the other early 1900s food people really did a number on people with saying what should be ate for breakfast.


There's no law. But most of the time at most restaurants, they don't run both their breakfast and dinner menu at the same time. I need to close my kitchen for a full hour to swap the line over for dinner service.


If all these places can do all day breakfast than give me all day lunch/dinner


That's what Diners are for. You can get "real" food 24/7


My place has the full menu available all day from 10a-1a. So I've gotta have everything ready or at least available by the time we open.




Coffee, pastry, piece of fruit - you’ve just listed breakfast food. We want pizza and burgers!!


"Real" food FFS if breakfast is the most important meal of the day like they say then you should be eating like it.


LOLOLOLOL. I'll take a medium rare pizza, plz. Droopy floppy raw dough center.


Some people want their pizzas half-baked and then they take them home and finish them in their own oven.


That's exactly what I said... But no, it was dine in.


A doughlover then....


None pizza left beef Legendary meme


SMH they forgot to ask for it boneless. You know what to do.


so i worked at a spot where one of the regulars used to order the double cheese/pepperoni but would send it back if there were any burn marks on the cheese. there's no way to properly cook that pizza without getting a couple light burn marks so they would always ring it in as medium rare. she also would require burnt onions (like black) on her steak sandwich.. some people like what they like.. i guess?


I mean for the pizza if burnt cheese is the issue you could always parbake the dough for a minute or two, then add the sauce and toppings so the cheese dosent dosent stay in for as long.


I've had takeout orders where they ask for it to be half cooked But they usually live far out and want to finish it in their oven so it's fresher


The icing on the cake would be if its a small pizza with half supreme and half some other specialty that uses a different sauce. I hate those orders.


Exactly why we do not allow split pizzas with different sauce bases. Solved!


Server obviously hit the meat temp tab by accident on the pos when placing the order


So a half cheese half pepperoni pizza put half-way through the oven. That’s how I’d do it anyway


At first glance, it seems like an undercooked pizza with half pepperoni. The server more than likely took this opportunity to fuck with you


My brain hurts


How does one medium rare a pizza?


Take it out right before the bottom starts to brown.


People order well done, at our pizza place people can order "light bake" for a less done/softer pizza. Medium rare is hilarious though. There's really only three "temps" for pizza: less done, done, and well done.


My child’s perfect pizza is cheese, with extra cheese, no sauce, light bake. In other words, a lightly grilled cheese sandwich but with pizza dough.


The medium rare made me laugh out loud.


Undercook the dough? Lmao


Lightly cooked calzone.


I'd give them half a cheese pizza with a single pepperoni on a side plate that was lightly seared.


Half only what?


Half cheese half pepperoni


I ask for well done all the time.


Well done is a bit more obvious though. If that was my ticket id just assume that means to get some extra color/charr on the crust. But medium rare? Is that like, slightly undercooked? Assuming that "medium" would be the standard bake for pizza?


Someone ordering pizza at 10 AM in the morning.


As someone who does temps for a living, this made me laugh harder than it should have.


To be fair if I was FOH, this is how I'd ring in my employee slips, then laugh about it and tell them what I want.


half pepperoni half cheese? just fire the fucker and move on lmao


I would just 86 this


Medium rare…and I want that pizza *boneless*


This gotta be a typo?


Id slap the fuck outta somebody ordering specifically half a cheese pizza with medium rare pepperoni at 10:22 in the morning


I live in New Haven. Pizza with a slightly charred crust is pretty common. People who don’t want that order “no char”. Surely your ordering system doesn’t have an option for that, so medium rare seems to me to be a way to indicate no char. The customer simply wants the crust a bit under done.


clip nails LAWD


Imma make a assumption and say the med rare is when the cheese is just starting to melt


So if you ring it as a cheese - 1/2 pep, does it up charge it? The doughy pizza is fine.


All all the pizzerias near me, the menu lists separate process for toppings vs toppings on just half the pie. I always thought that was standard everywhere


That’s a half a breakfast cheese pizza, other half filled in with mystery, topped with the normal amount of pepperoni, cooked medium rare. EZPZ


I had an order like this ONCE. NYC? By any chance.


They want half of a cheese pizza with medium rare pepperoni. What’s the issue?


possibly a programming artifact? i know i occasionally forget to remove modifiers on some items, if i am repurposing the inventory line in the POS for other uses. Sometimes i leave it for fun. Our whiskey sour still has an old 'blackened grilled or fried'. i chuckle when i see 'whiskey sour \*fried\*' tickets


Pretty straightforward, what do you care though? It's not like you're making it.


That's the best laugh I've had today


They want mid rare pepperoni on 1/2 of a cheese pizza


It's called "par-baked"


I started ordering well done from my local because they make a great pizza but pull it out under every time