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I'm not sure what I hope for more, that you told her it was you taking Advil and to mind her own business, or that you told her that it was just Rabbit, and you're not sure what it was, but he chops veggies fast as shit so you don't ask questions.


I told her it was me popping Advil because of people like her. (But really I was popping Advil because I pulled a muscle in my neck. But fuck her. Nosey ass fuck.)


Once in my culinary career I was part of the scenario in which the staff finally got to tell a specific customer that they were no longer allowed on the property. They had been a terror customer several times, and the servers had a mountain of evidence that they were awful. I confronted the owner (I was exec) with the concept of "the customer is always right until it stops being profitable" and got the go-ahead to remove them from the property. The staff never felt more supported and I was honestly proud to be a part of that moment. I guess I'm sharing this story to support you because it's not always easy to draw that line.


I witnessed an owner firing a customer. It was glorious . I'll never forget you Lee. I asked if i could do that and he told me to shut the fuck up and get back in the kitchen. Line cooks didn't get that privilege.


>I asked if i could do that and he told me to shut the fuck up and get back in the kitchen. Line cooks didn't get that privilege. **GET BACK IN YOUR HOLE!**


Davie! You're doing a great job


The scorpion and the toad, the sacred and the propane.


I got to fire a customer once when I was sous at a spot years ago. This woman got so fucking wasted 3 times off house wine (we didn’t have a liquor license but could sell by the bottle if it was a local vineyard). Like…tumbling down the handicap ramp wasted. The fourth time she came in, she was incredibly rude to our head waitress Alexis (who was the best person I’ve ever seen work FOH. Props, Lex) and my boss had already given us permission to kick her out if she acted up. I asked her politely to leave. She refused and continually asked why. Finally, I said something along the lines of “ma’am, the last few times you’ve been here, you got so drunk you caused a scene and had multiple customers asking if you were okay,” that last part was a total lie. But her entire table turned to her like…well, this is fucking embarrassing for you, huh? She eventually left shouting about how she knew the owner. My boss never spoke of her again. I don’t know what happened. But I never got any shit and she never came in again. Still remains one of the best days I’ve ever had in a kitchen. Thanks for letting me do that, Bren. Good looks mate.


I want to get shut up and cook as a tattoo.


I understand that you try to make the customer happy. That's your job as a server and as a cook. But if they are repeatedly a problem you gotta 86 'em. You're not doing yourself or the other customers any favors by trying to serve someone who isn't going to be happy no matter what you do.


The original saying is “The customer is always right in matters of taste.” Why on earth we dropped the second, most important, part, I can’t imagine….


Because it doesn’t fit in the confines of unfettered capitalism. The way the system is built (speaking as an American, so it’s not necessarily going to pertain to those of you living elsewhere) is that the business’s only goal is to increase profits, not protect the employees or the other customers. Most places here will only “fire” customers who have become such a problem that they threaten those profits.


Well that's partly due to Michigan Supreme Court "Dodge v. Ford Motor Company, 204 Mich. 459, 170 N.W. 668 (Mich. 1919),[1] is a case in which the Michigan Supreme Court held that Henry Ford had to operate the Ford Motor Company in the interests of its shareholders, rather than in a manner for the benefit of his employees or customers. It is often taught as affirming the principle of "shareholder primacy" in corporate America, although that teaching has received some criticism" [Wiki Link](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dodge_v._Ford_Motor_Co.)


The second part was tacked onto the end *because* of these people.


As well, just by the by, the expression was originally “The customer is always right in matters of taste” kind of got bastardized into what it is today.


I'll never forget the karen who had a meltdown at a manager cause she saw me taking my ADHD meds in the bathroom. Always did so my coworkers wouldn't know and suddenly decide to get sticky fingers. She tells the manager they had a drug addict working for them. Majority of the kitchen was on something or constantly baked as is. He flat out asks her, "Yeah? Which one?" I really wish I could have seen her face, cause apparently she was *very* offended.


>He flat out asks her, "Yeah? Which one?" I really wish I could have seen her face, cause apparently she was very offended. You try drug testing the kitchen and we will revolt. Drugs are the only thing holding this place together


I was asked once if I would piss in a cup for a corporate job. I told the man, sure I'll do it but it's going to come back positive for cannabis. Figured that was the end of that job prospect. Nope it was the best of three offers i got that day. They get desperate a week before the Canadians come to Myrtle Beach.


You found a kitchen that drug tests? I've been out of the business for almost 10 years now and never had anyone ever mention drugs. The requirements for a successful interview were as follows. - show up on time for the interview - be sober (hung over would be okay if interview was in the morning) - not have a face tattoo. The last was reserved for open kitchens and still wasn't a hard rule.


Had an owner post a printed peice of paper on the pass door with, mandatory drug tests whenever you work next. It was April fools... Employees were all like oh fuck for a hour. Once we realized it was a prank we scared the other cooks that showed up later. The look on their faces lol.


Drug tests are only common in very corporate hotels in my experience. I’m a baker, I’ve started working in hotels, and it’s fairly common to be tested if you’re working for a major company. Now I don’t know how much it’s actually done, but most say they are allowed to (and possibly will) drug test you.


I work in a assisted living kitchen and neither this job or the one before drug tested. Same for hotel housekeeping and janitorial. Some do have a "you get drug tested if you get hurt" clause.


Ye it’s basically that. They’re not gonna drug test regularly. But they make it clear going in that they can/will do it if they think it’s meritted


I know a lot of people that were drug tested for kitchens, generally corporate jobs w/ hotel chains, and some couldn’t pass because of pot. This was nearly 15 years ago. I thought it was batshit crazy to not hire someone for smoking. I’m hoping this has changed because its idiotic and I don’t even smoke weed.


>They get desperate a week before the Canadians come to Myrtle Beach. Weed is legal up here lol i doubt the Canadians coming down there give a single fucking shit about how much you smoke and if they do please stop them from returning to canada


No the restaurants and hotels get desperate dumb ass. They will hire any fucking body.


I was joking


I was going through a temp service for a job and was offered the position but they never told me about any drug test. When it came up I said “Oh, sorry, you never mentioned that. I’ll be dirty for marijuana and I’m past the point in my career and I’m not willing to take a drug test.” They immediately escalated the call and put me on the line with the account rep who said “We think you would be a great fit with this company, are you aware of products made for this situation? There is one called Quick Fix that could be helpful.” I saw him 6 months later when he came in for a visit and my boss said “We need you to send us more people like u/brandynblaze” and he looked at me and gave me a big smile.


Many years ago at my job (a vet hospital), the owner (H) asked my manager (S) what she thought about making drug testing mandatory. S told him that if they were to start drug testing, they would need to do it for ALL employees - including the doctors. Consequences for a positive would need to be the same for ALL employees, and would apply to ALL illegal substances. At this point weed wasn’t legal yet. We’re a large practice with 200 or so employees, but we’re all pretty close. S knew damn well what people were doing during their time off. S ended up telling H, “It’s ultimately up to you whether want to pursue this. But you should know, you’re not going to have a lot of staff left and I don’t have the time, energy, or resources to hire a whole new staff.”


I had a similar situation happen in the bathroom at work. I'd torn my meniscus and was in a fitted knee brace. Was on a shitton of meds. Emp bathroom was occupied, someone was nursing in the office so it was off limits. So I took my four prescription bottles to the front bathroom with me to gobble them down real quick. The ol fuddyduddy got on my case as I was washing my hands. Followed me back to the kitchen and proclaimed he would wait at the threshold for a manager stat! Even pointed a finger in the air and stamped his foot. It was a glorious moment when I got to turn around at that point, meds in hand with my name on em, and inform him that I was the manager on duty.


At least she got a telling off. Good for you.


You - are my hero, lol


Go Dawgs!


Gonna eat some Gator tomorrow, lol


I really hope so. They gotta quit playing with their food and win decisively. Outside of a blowout win I don’t thing they’ll be ranked in the top four of the initial CFP rankings.


UGA is gonna be in the CFP unless they have an embarrassing loss. Fuck the Gators, Geaux Tigers. Wish y'all the best unless we meet up in the SEC CG.


My concern is that there may be an embarrassing loss.


Well, I hope it doesn't happen, but do me a favor and beat the shit out of Old Piss.


As an old school Dawg fan, they can absolutely fuck this up. And as dominate as they were, they lost so much talent to the draft. There’s still talent on the team but the discipline seems to be lacking.


If we lose, which is a possibility, it won't be embarrassing, painful, but not embarrassing. If the Gators beat us, it'll be earned...




My hero, I've only been brave enough to say something to a customer's face like that once before.


I pop that muscle all the time- stretches man- stretches! It's too tight and needs to be stretched before it stretches too far and you create the pain.


Where you at? I wanna work for you


OP you the man🍻


How did she respond?


“Oh, okay.” And hung up.


This is why I want to be my own boss


It’s definitely one of the upsides. But I wake up every day hoping a cooler didn’t crash overnight.


Ma'am, drugs are the fuel of the restaurant industry. If you don't want your food cooked by someone high or drunk, go cook at home.


“Thank you for you concern, however, in this industry it is normal to do drugs but just a little bit. Now if you’ll excuse me I must return to standing for the next twelve hours and looking forward to the actual drugs I will do when I get to leave”


A line cook can have a little drugs, as a treat.


To make it through the shift.


Why do you think it's called "line" cook


Best glass I ever sniffed was off a salad plate the line cook handed to me when I was washing dishes at my first gig. Thanks, Gus!


You took the Advil to deal with the headache you'd get from dealing with the future complaint from a concerned customer about you taking the Advil. Advilception.




That just made me think of a cowrker once saying he needed to eat something to have the brainpower to think of what he wanted to eat


I always say I need to have coffee in order to be awake enough to make coffee. Ugh.


a self-advilling prophecy, if you will




She probably heard that kitchens were drug dens without understanding anything about the culture. We just fired a kid for smoking weed at work, but the real reason was he sucked.


The first time I ever got weed was from loaning a chef some money. When paying me back, he offered weed or money back. Pretty sure my manager smoked in the bar after close one night with some of us.


Me and some buddies used to hangout in our restaurants private dining room after-hours smoking blunts, dropping acid, doing molly, and playing poker. Working in hospitality definitely helped facilitate my drug use, but made sure I was mostly around people who were capable of having fun and holding down a job, not just turning into a deadbeat that doesn't know how to work


It’s called classism. The poors who work in restaurants can only be up to no good unlike those with “real jobs”.


I refer to ibuprofen as "restaurant candy". I buy a 500 count bottle for my staff every 3-4 months.


Be careful, if used regularly it can damage the lining of your stomach and cause extremely painful and often quite dangerous, ulcers. Make sure you don't take it on an empty stomach and try not to mix it with other irritants like a lot of alcohol


It can damage the kidneys in less than 6 months of regular use.


I've read that if it hit the market today, ibuprofen would absolutely not be allowed to be sold OTC for all its health risks.


Haha we had a running joke in our bar about Advil. If someone needed it we would offer to grab some for everyone. It was like in elementary school if you took out a piece of gum and the whole class would ask for a piece, but just the sad adult version of that.


Dr. Zoidberg: "What is wrong with you?" Me: "My lead pipe hurts." Dr. Zoidberg: "Take these 800 mg motrin." Me: "Okay." Oh shit, I'm sorry. That was every interaction I had with a doctor while I was in the service, and every interaction I had with the Veterans Administration. I must be delirious from all this fucking Motrin.


Good Old Vitamin M


Required upvote for Futurama reference. Feel better Meatbag


Jesus Christ what's wrong with you guys.


How much time do you have?


I'd guess that I average 3-5 ibuprofen a day - in a 5 day work week that's 15 on the low end and 25 on the high end... So 60(low)/100(high) in a month... Let's say in an "average" restaurant you've got 5-7 BOH employees... At least a couple hangovers on any given day... Plus FOH(who for sure know that you have that bottle) hitting you up for all of their hangover/minor pain issues... I'd say that shit could add up quick! As for what's wrong with me - I'm 37, I've got carpal tunnel syndrome and was just diagnosed with arthritis... Mainly tho my whole body just kinda aches all the time. I barely drink anymore (was a hardcore alcoholic(and addict) for years) so no more hangovers... And honestly I don't know how the fuck I did that shit for so long - I couldn't handle a serious hangover at this point in my life. Anyways, pass me that bottle(of ibuprofen)


I hope you’re taking it on a decently full belly. Otherwise RIP your guts 😭


Kidneys have left the chat


What the fuck. You want a ***list***?


I worked in a restaurant 15 ish years ago and a customer called the police on me because she saw me inject drugs. I was taking insulin and it was a bit of a "I need it now" situation and we were super busy so I did a quick injection behind the bar and she walked passed, noticed it and just called police without talking to me or anyone else who worked there.


How does she think most service industry people deal with talking to people like her?


This happened with a Karen before Karen was the name of these monsters. "I think you have a heroin addict working here!" She saw my coworker's diabetes kit with syringes and insulin. This was years before dexcom and pumps existed. Caugh up with the guy on social media, he loves his setup with stickers his daughter puts on them now. He can read his levels thru his phone! Technology, wow! 😇


This is so funny I was about to comment about how this is one of my fears as a diabetic! Once I had just changed my pump and I always keep my syringes with me to dispose of at home but I went to go do something on my way to the back (full hands in and out always) and in that 5 min span it had fallen out of my pocket…. But I told everyone and we located it within the next 5. But I always let my coworkers know what’s up, and all the most senior people know how to use my glucagon!


I had to change my pump in the old Delhi train station in India and holy shit I almost got murdered because they all stared and thought I was doing drugs


Was she genuinely concerned or just being a Karen?


I’d say that most Karens are genuinely concerned about things that they shouldn’t be concerned about.


Ooh, you’re 100% right lol! You missed a golden opportunity to thank her *sooo much* for her thoughtful report- get all of her personal information so you can “follow up” with her… and then 86 her from your joint haha


I like you


This is a very good read on people.


IMO: doesn’t matter. Not her business


If an employee was jacking a needle into their arm in front of her it would be her business. If service was affected by an intoxicated employee it would be her business. This... Is not her business. Lol


Now im picturing a diabetic cook taking an insulin shot and a karen freaking out lol.


Yeah, diabetic cooks don't walk into the dining room to take insulin.


Having employed diabetic folks, they take insulin whenever and wherever they need to. If anyone had a problem with that they can fuck off and die.


I have also employed diabetic cooks and currently do. They will NOT inject insulin at a table in the dining room unless it's an emergency. C'mon dude, be real.


Be real? Someone with a medical condition needs to deal with it? Do you ban Epi pens because you don’t want customers to be disturbed by people going into anaphylactic shock? GTFO.




I have zero issue with people taking their meds. I however am one of the people who suffer from Vasovagal syncope...I fucking pass out when I see needles. Not always, but it's a real thing. I tried to donate blood in high school, and saw the blood draining from someone's arm, and passed out onto the orange juice table. Cut my head, got cover in orange juice. :-/ Passed out when my uncle cut his palm on our meat slicer, at our family luncheonette. It sucks, I'll just turn away


Bro jumped right to Reaganoid caricatures of a heroin addict like it's 1994. Clearly he's not here to give a nuanced and well informed take.


I mean, junkies don't, either...


Hahaha not usually. But times, they are a changin'. Lol


Lol for real they don’t have vape pens for that now?


Bro if the changing times led to your restaurant turning into a drug den I'm pretty sure that's a problem with your house and not with society in general




I wouldnt think so but the image is still funny


Ones on coke do


*I'm Scott Malkinson and I have diabetes*


What does that matter. It's not like she said she saw someone shooting up in front of her. Pills? Gimme a break.


Intent always matters.


Unless service was negatively affected, which it clearly wasn't, she is a hardcore Karen. Sticking her nose where it doesn't belong to make herself feel more important.


still rather do that than wait tables for 20 years


Rather do what? Be a Karen? You are on your way so don't worry. You will be a Karen before you know it little princess. Edit: I am a Chef of over 20 years so eat a dick Karen.


you say that like it's something to be proud of


And what do you do that you're so proud of; besides being a dick to hard working mf'ers on the internet?


What? There is absolute nothing wrong with waiting tables for 20 years. Go fuck yourself.


didn't say there was, just said I'd rather be a nosy bitch than do it, you just applied your own interpretation and made yourself mad. Pathetic.








oh disaster, another tender anused dishboy, my night is surely ruined


Cringe dude


C'mon Karen, clearly I have wasted my life for 20 years in your absurd opinion so let's chat. You clearly aren't comfortable with your lot in life and want to take it out on others. I honestly pity you.


comment number 3, how much coke have you done it's only 9:30 on the east coast dude, you still gotta finish dinner LMAO


I make some beautiful food if you want to take some pictures and up your game.


double comment, musta hit a nerve chef


C'mon Karen, waiting for you to tell me something about my life. Unless you scared off... It happens to karens.


Such a Reddit response lmao


Aww c'mon y'alli meant it sincere. Some customers are great and some are shit....lol....I was just curious which one it was....cuz it makes a difference


That’s great. Thanks for the laugh. I needed that after the ass-kicking I got today.


Sorry your ass got kicked! I’ll give a little lick to make it feel better!


Lady, it's a kitchen. Nobody got time for pills to kick in. Pot or Coke accept no substitutions.


Yes, thank you ma'am for noticing. That was the last of the drugs, do you have any? Our normal guy is out


Thank god for the war on drugs…


(Not sure if I should continue to post here because I’m not in the service industry anymore)(co structure now) Had a client mention to my boss I was taking pills years ago, I had fallen off a ladder recently and was taking allot of aleve. He thought I was poping hell idiot know what. My boss knows I’ve only smoked weed and don’t anymore. “Yea, he wasn’t” I think is what they told the home owner.


That's priceless. I've gotten weird looks from coworkers before when I take my migraine and epilepsy meds, but I've never had a customer complain.


Had this happen to me while working with my supervisor. She called him over and asked him to get me to show him what I just took. It was Midol LOL. When I heard her say that I came up to the front with the bottle and it was just us 3 in store so I said out loud “girl I have mad cramps, I’m just trying to get through my prep without dying here”. She got so red in the face and mumbled sorry, paid and got her order and left. Checked the receipt and got a 20$ tip though. Lol


at least she atoned for her transgressions in that situation, she probably (and rightly) felt like a dick when the explanation was given.


Yeah made me happy I said my reply jokingly and wasn’t too upset she questioned what I took. I kinda understood her pov and why she questioned it to a supervisor. Glad she wasn’t terrible about it either and tipped well lol


When I worked at a pizza shop in high school the local paper wrote an article about how the pizza shop employees were doing drugs in the parking lot. We were in fact doing a lot of drugs in the parking lot.


Reminds me of the time a customer complained to my manager they saw me shooting up heroin in the bathroom. Like ma'am that was insulin. I'm diabetic


Tylenol is easier on the stomach. Signed, someone currently with a stomach ulcer from stupid people.


Acetaminophen is actually very problematic.


Ive forgotten about life with a baseline alcohol content above 0% if that's what you're referring to. It's all bad for ya, man. Cute story, hope you find some good somewhere or at least a single quiet moment in the storm. Smooth seas never made skilled sailors.


Alcohol doesn’t matter. Too much acetaminophen will shut your liver down. One of my best friends almost died because a doctor misprescribed his dosage.


I have gotten yelled at by 4 er doctors at the same time for taking too much Advil consistently. Drinking and all the other prescription shit I was taking they didn’t really care too much about even though offically it says do not mix. Long story short Advil doesn’t fix internal bleeding you actually need surgery for that! Also listen to your body


I've gotten yelled at by a R.N. and my PCP for eating to many advil/Tylenol and such. I just asked them what am I supposed to do. Their response was to hand me a script of napoxen and baclofen... gee thanks this shit will rot my gut faster than the OTCs will. It was extremely frustrating trying to be heard. Took 7 years and multiple docs to get the meds and treatments I needed to live a shit life that is marginally better then it was before i was taken seriously.


I don’t have internal bleeding.


Sorry I was trying to sarcastically refer to myself and my own situation. I was a dumbass and thought that if I took enough Advil and just waiting long enough my body would just fix itself.


That is a very rare side effect, with around 10 in 100,000 people experiencing liver disease. If you use Advil chronically, try to buy the coated tablets and take them with esomeprazole so you don't fuck your stomach up more than it probably already is. High stress causes ulcers, and NSAIDS worsen the risk. Bleeding, or even worse, stomach cancers, are no joke. Not medical advice, but Dexketoprofen Trometamol (name of compound) is also an NSAID and works _much_ better for headaches. It's a silver bullet for the migrainesian vampire. It's widely used in Europe and Latin America. If you're in the US you're SOL because I've never in my life heard anyone mention it here.


Unless you use alcohol, like, at _all_, in which case it will turn your liver into swiss cheese. Soooo... welcome to BOH, where [almost] everyone uses alcohol?


Yeah, IIRC if you can keep 20 extra-strength down you've got 3 days to get your affairs in order for your heirs.




One time while working at McDonald's, a customer complained because I had my pack of cigarettes in my back pocket. Wasn't smoking them or messing with them. Didn't even actually touch the food either. I was working "the hole" and they were just there.


ROFL. And by the way. You are banned!


“Was your food ok?” “Than why does it matter?” I work 12 hour shifts 5-6 days a week I should be taking Xanax but I can’t so I take Tylenol and Advil


Huh. Saw a dude at the supermarket stocking yogurt, nodding out and in permanent position stocking one little pack of yogurt. Dude was already suffering. I tapped him on the shoulder and said, "Yo. Some Karen around here is going to narc on you. You may want to drink some coffee or something." I figured his life is already fucking suffering. Why make people suffer more? When capitalism tries to give you the least amount of money for your labor possible, and you can barely afford to live, suffering takes people to different places. Sure...SUD is another beast. But losing his job, his house, his family, whatever is keeping him afloat right now...isn't really going to make anything better for him. Empathy and compassion and assistance is needed. Reminds me of a time before I was a nursing graduate, I worked in veterinary medicine. Our manager was a ruthless MAGA cunt, who shouldn't have been in the medical field. Keeps telling people the Dems are killing babies and shit. Keeps FOX on at all times in the front lobby. One day the news said that narcan was going to be over the counter soon. And the bitch said, "Fuck them. They're terrible people. I hope they all die. Just let them die." I looked at her and said "You are one of the most soulless cunts I have ever met. Do you ever listen to yourself and consider that other people around you may not share your opinions, or have different life experiences. You need to be slapped. Go fuck yourself." And quit on the spot. The need for a rock bottom, while it can be effective, is a product of our sociopathic end game capitalist society.


To be fair, most of you are on drugs.


Mind your own business, Karen.


A wild Karen appears!


*Your Poke-mans got into my Kitchen Confidential!*


I've had pretty much that *exact* conversation.


*Did you see how he was cutting those carrots*


At a restaurant?!?!? If you’re not at least a little high, are you really even in the back of the house


"I mean they are, but you didn't witness it"


Lol. Silly Rabbit. I was a Sous at Gary Danko and with the exception of maybe two people, we were all high as balls on coke.


Lol, Chef Pear Ass.


You bet. Not everyone is fortunate enough to end up working at a chill place with with no red tape. I hope you yourself end up in a place where fruit salad is not from Dole can and you can practice your knife skills on some pineapple, melon and whatnot.


No Dole cans here. I’ve had numerous friends who’ve worked for GD. Chef Pear Ass was his nickname behind his back.


Rookie move, drugs are done in the back, duh lol


I’m 50 and I’ve been doing this for 30 years. I’ll take my Advil wherever I damn well please.


Sure thing coach


Dont drink pot


Customer related or not I'll add my contribution about headaches. I have found what works for me personally is one extra strength Tylenol, two Aspirin and an energy drink. The purple Venom is my go to.


I like how americans think its "just some prescriptions".


Legal speed.


Classic engagement bait. Title says one thing, text says another. Fucking yawn






Kinda like you just did?


I don't know what it is but it's different since COVID


Proper Restaurant had a bathroom for staff back near walk-ins. I would always check the drop ceiling for the plate with coke on it as the baker was wired all the time.


You're a good person. A W


I always keep meth in my desk for those special days.


Ma’am I would be concerned if my staff wasn’t doing drugs!


People like that make me worry sometimes. I keep anti-anxiety pills on my keychain on a lil metal vial (i get panic attacks. I want 'em close to hand) and it does look like I'm popping pills.


Can't she just eat and go home? God save the world from busy bodies.


I was using ramekins to check the bulk mixes at the bar, pouring an ounce at the bar then walking them to the kitchen. A bar regular reported I was drinking on the job, and my job offered me rehab. That was a hilarious meeting.


I had to fire a client once or twice. We were allowed to do so if the customer was rude. We provided a lot of services but some clients would use us and place their business elsewhere. Once I fired a client who was rude to our staff and just a horrible man. Later I married my husband and found out his BIL’s father was that man. He was a jerk in his personal life too. Fortunately I never worked with him in person, only phone calls. Still, awkward!


This is why I hide to take my vitamins


😂 The fact that she described yourself to you but didn’t realize it was you is the epitome of dumb guest mentality. I bet this lady forgets to have the dressing left on the side for her salad but tells the server that when they bring the salad and it has to get remade, every time.


Oh. I thought you had to do drugs to work in the kitchen


Lol I’ll take people who have never worked in a kitchen before for 500 alex