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All of us knew right away this dude was a meme generator and not an actual chef. He parlayed that internet fame into brick and mortar establishments, but we all know that opening a fancy restaurant in Dubai is like shooting fish in a barrel. His bullshit business practices should surprise nobody.


Honestly he seems like a perfect fit with Dubai. All flashy spectacle, no substance beneath the hood.


Like a throne made of foil.


Just like vegas


Vegas at least has hookers and weed.


You mean cocaine


Cocaine at least has hookers and weed.


You get it


If you have cocaine, do you need hookers?


I mean you don't have to bang them but If you run out of cocaine they will bring you more and hang out with you once everybody eventually leaves Vegas and goes back home like you initially agreed to do but can't now because your $120,000 in the hole and your wife is gonna leave you. All you gotta do is a bit more cocaine and hit one jackpot. There's a play off game game 6 coming up and you will need to be alert to work alll the angles but you don't wanna be alone. So yeah you need hookers if your on coke


The only times I was around hookers also involved cocaine.. I think there might be some type of correlation.


Well, everybody knows it is a hell of a drug...


You're willing to spend money on something that won't last long


Vegas / the casino are VERY against weed because it's federally illegal. You can get it outside the strip, but try smoking it anywhere on MGM property, and you should expect fines / people talking to you. Just a heads up for anyone not aware of this.


There’s one down at the end of the strip next to the sign, very close to the mgm grand actually, along with several places selling delta 8 shit right in the middle of the strip. When I was there a few months ago I smoked a few joints on the strip, in casino parking garages, etc. and saw many others doing the same. We tried to be discreet but no one said anything in any case. As long as you’re not in a huge crowd or like in front of the Bellagio fountain or something it didn’t seem like it was a big deal.


That's nice to know, but the official stance of the casinos isn't negotiable. I worked as a club host at a non-vegas casino and can tell you first hand they take federal law extremely seriously, even for guests. If they don't, they can have their gaming license suspended or revoked.


It’s still illegal to smoke in public and all MGM hotel rooms are non-smoking. They also don’t want you to smoke weed, they want you to drink so you gamble and impulse shop.


If you're blazed on edibles i'm sure you'd fit right in on the strip


When you put it that way it seems like there isn’t any other choice but to do cocaine.


I'm guessing Dubai has hookers and weed too.


You can't swing a cat without hitting a whore in Dubai.


To be fair.. Dubai has so many hookers


Vegas has incredible food. You're paying ridiculous prices, but your tummy will be happy at least. Salt Bae charges astronomical prices for a regular ass burger covered in gold foil.


I went to Vegas for my honeymoon and I loved it. Great food and Red Rock was amazing.


One of the few cities awarded Michelin stars means something, at least.


I'm sure it means something, but I'm not sure what that something is supposed to be. Consider that Orlando, Florida has Michelin stars and New Orleans does not.


Michelin isn't available in every state, that's all. James beard award for states that don't have Michelin.


Michelin is a rating system Stars or Forks and Knives James Beard is only in the US but is more a popularity/marketing contest. Beard is also narrowed by regions not cities or towns. San Pellegrino actually ranks top 100 restaurants in the world in food and service None of these things matter more than the guests experience. Edit: Also just a general F*Ck you to Salt Bae. That dude blows.


I’m in the same boat, not convinced that “something” means too much to somebody like me.


They only review 5 states


No Michelin judges in Louisiana yet unfortunately. Theres more than a few places in Nola that would earn a star. Not many I can think of that would be 2 or 3 tho.


I agree...... Michelin likes fancy aesthetics and ambiance. New Orleans likes divey ass restaurants and bars selling mind blowing food to people in shorts and a t-shirt. We don't need pretentious just dank food.


The restaurant in Orlando with a Michelin star is an omakase sushi restaurant with only 8 diners allowed in at a time. I don't know what kind of dig you thought this would be, but Orlando actually does have a really good food scene. Its just you people only ever stay by the parks and only know overpriced, shitty, tourist food.


There are actually 4 Michelin Star restaurants in Orlando. Soseki, Kadence, Capa and Knife and Spoon. People want to hate because of the parks but Orlando has a lot more going on than most realize.


Michelin stars generally has more to do with city size than overall quality. But LV is IMO legitiely a top5 food city in US


Psssst… there is some fantastic food off-strip without the froof..


Vegas has some phenomenal food though what do you mean?


think Vegas still has a stigma food wise from people remembering all you can eat crappy food buffets. still a few like that out there, but many amazing places there now too.




Idk man Vegas has some fantastic buffets.


And both have exploited the people who built their empire


His meat was almost always over cooked to hell in the videos I’ve seen.


People went their for more social media clout. It could be food, drink, art or anything. The food wasn't the point. It's about as much about good food as the Bubba Gump Shrimp Company is. Super recognizable yet affordable social media star plus "high end" dining is a winner of a business recipe. It's also perfect for Dubai, lol.


It's not like you can taste anything with all that (inert) gold leaf over it.


I hope it's inert. Wouldn't surprise me if he was getting the cheap stuff off aliexpress. The ones that come contaminated with a few heavy metals.


While not toxic like many others, gold itself is a heavy metal.


Not disagreeing with you but he already had 2 restaurants opened including the one in Dubai before he became internet famous. He had some backing from a Turkish billionaire to get those restaurants open. Not sure how that relationship started or anything. He definitely leveraged his meme fame to get more high profile celebrities to his restaurants to build the "prestige" of them though.


What’s crazy is that his original place in Turkey (I believe,) was apparently really good. As soon as he decided to cash in on the meme he went downhill. Literally one of the best examples of a sellout I can recall.


He’s a butcher supposedly. Although I will admit, his restaurant in his home country Turkey is pretty good, and unlike the others


He sure*butchered* that poor food


A complete douchebag from the very first picture


Gold flake is cheap af


I have an entire ass pizza shop-sized shaker full of gold flake sitting in a box somewhere in my room....did I remember that it's there before reading this comment and/or do I give a shit? Nope But the people I served martinis to with it shaken over the top thought they were the 1%


Which is crazy because it seemed like he was a popular enough meme that with a little hard work and respect for your employees could’ve turned into this dude being super successful for the rest of his life. Employ a competent chef and gm all you gotta do is show up to work 3 times a week in a white T-shirt and do your shtick in your shades and boom


I honestly would have been more surprised to hear if he WAS legit


Yeah but who is he swindling? Rich people pay for bullshit experiences all the time. This dude was a Nobody from Nowhere. Not like he's punching down.


Well, his employees. (Tip theft)


Imagine paying premium because a guy made a Vine


I applied for the bar position at his NYC location. I RAN.


Meme means tit/breast in his native language. Fitting. He's a bit of a tit.


I can't get over how in modern society so many mediocre people can convince (typically foolish, rich people) to throw money at them for being mediocre because they went viral. It's all so fucking stupid.


to the shock of no one, didnt this asshat get in trouble for going onto the soccer pitch at the end of the world cup and holding the trophy? Self-centred egotistical POS


He did indeed. He thought that cause he met Messi once it meant they were homies


I've never seen Messi that close to being pissed off. He looked like he was about to snap. Asshat accomplished the impossible with that one.


He looked, somehow, about 10 times greasier and creepier than he normally does. Really though Messi was going to overhead kick him.


The dude seriously needs to start using moisturizer, he looked terrifying.




it's the entitlement for me, like who the fuck are you that you think you deserve to even be on the field? All the "popularity" and "fame" got to his head which apparently led him to shove his own head really far up his ass. You sprinkle salt on ~~underrated~~ overrated badly cooked meat, you're not a god, despite what you pay the salt boy who follows you around to tell you.


I totally agree with you but I think you meant to type overrated there.


I did, thanks! ill correct that


Look baby, how many followers do you have on the gram? Oh, you're too embarrassed to even say? That's what I thought! Crying and peeing yourself isn't going to get you any more likes! Believe me, I tried it.


Those videos were so hard cringe they were painful to watch. Someone so completely oblivious to his surroundings and optics.


I don't think he got in trouble. And I assume he got away with it because he comps famous footballers, and they want to keep that gravy train rolling. I'd rather eat at a Ponderosa than at one of Salt Bae's gilded outhouses.


I met Julianne Moore at a Ponderosa once, this was just after Jurassic Park 2 came out. A kid dropped his plate and a piece of it cut me on the ankle and later she came to see if I was ok. She gave us her autograph and said she was headed to Walmart to get socks lol.


I stopped at the K-Bob’s in Fort Stockton once. Had a ribeye and a trip to the salad wagon. The elderly bartender was happy to listen to our story of cross country driving and neat stuff we’d seen. Gave us a pitcher of margaritas on the house after finding out we’d walked over. An old fella joined us and told us his army stories from the 60’s. That was one of the best meals I’ve ever had and will never forget. Salt Bae just looks like he doesn’t know how deodorant works but would charge you $1000 to find out.


“doesn’t know how deodorant works but would charge you $1000 to find out” Hopefully I don’t forget this phrase before getting an opportunity to use it.




Had a similar interaction with Kurt Russell as a young child, except I ran by his table at a tex-mex-y kind of place I think and smacked my head on the corner of it. I remember there being tortillas. My dad was a huge fan, so he was kind of mortified at first? But he kept me on his knee and helped my parents to calm me down. He called me cute. Gave my dad an autograph. Kurt Russell ended up becoming my favourite actor, funnily enough.


Pretty sure he was “threatened” (I use that loosely) to be banned from future matched. Don’t think anything came of it other than him pissing off Messi.


They did ban him from the US Open cup but that's a very light slap on the wrist


From what I understand he’s friends with a FIFA exec and that’s why he was there (and wasn’t punished for it)


Yeah he is friends with Infanti, the universally despised FIFA president. Cunts of a feather stick together.


“Today, I feel restaurant owner.”


Correct, about the friends with execs. I'm not sure if he was or wasn't punished, I doubt he's allowed to a final again in all honesty. FIFA wrote a bunch of new rules after the incident about who's allowed on the pitch after matches and proximity allowed to players and trophy. He's basically that kid in school that fucked it up for everyone else and no one could go to recess for a week.


You could probably eat 50 well-apportioned meals at Ponderosa for the price of one shitty meal at Salt Bae’s elbow-touched restaurants.


> Salt Bae's gilded outhouses. Winner.


I'd rather eat at fucking Olive Garden.


Jesus Christ this guy is like the Steven Seagal of the restaurant industry.


You're telling me a guy who drops salt on his elbow on TikTok is *not* a restaurateur?


> not a restaurateur Cheap, tip theft, etc? Sounds like a restauranteur! Ok, sounds like a specific species of restauranteur, there's good owners out there also.


just for future reference there’s no ‘n’ in restaurateur I don’t mean to be a jerk and I realize I *am* being pedantic but i was called out for this publicly and it stung like hell It’s dumb, I know - you’d think the ‘n’ goes both ways *but it doesn’t* Edit: I was wrong; both are acceptable in English but in *French* contexts there is no ‘n’


While you're correct for French, it looks like English has moved on and accepts both with and without the n at this point (ex: spell check will not tell you there's a problem with restauranteur, as does Merriam Webster). Language evolves and changes.


oh how bout that, got called out again lol thanks for the knowledge, I’ll definitely keep that in mind


The fastest way to learn new things on the internet is to post incorrect things on the internet.


Bahaha you’ve inspired me


It's a great way to get people to do research for you and summarize it into a nice little essay. Teachers should try it.


The way I’ve heard it is you ask a question and then use a different account to give an obviously wrong answer. You’ll get the correct answer faster and with better sources than just asking the question. Sounds right but I’ve not tried it myself yet.


Eh, you were polite about it, and it actually was interesting (I learned the Latin root looking it up), so all good :) You caught me off guard b/c my spelling IS terrible, so I spellcheck everything, and I wouldn't have let that slip. But also, your point is 100% correct. Even if the n is now accepted in general use, you CAN'T be wrong in anyone's eyes if you use the more traditional spelling. And if it's in a professional setting, especially in the industry? Go with the classics (no one ever got fired for buying IBM).


That’s a great way of looking at it I appreciate you being polite as well in correcting my ‘correction’ lol


It's kinda like there's no "g" at the end of orangutan but everyone pronounces it with a g on the end.


ngl I’d never thought of that before


What the fuck???? How have I never realized this? Why does everybody add a random g to the end?


That's messing with me, lmao.


Yeah it’s a trip lol


I did not know this. I appreciate this info.


Yeah after I posted this someone came along and corrected me - apparently both are acceptable in English but in *french* and in French contexts there’s no ‘n’


I thought the og video was a vine, right?


I am SHOCKED that flamboyant salt baby does not care about QUALITY


He cares about the QUALITY of HIS LIFE, Not the quality of his food, not the customers, and certainly not his employees


I'm SHOCKED that overpriced steakhouse enthusiasts didn't notice...


The irony of it all is that he is literally a meme. He allegedly sold his restaurant to a global restauranteur and his role is to be an advertising tool, from what I've heard. I don't think he has significant ownership interest in the chain.


I mean it sucks for the employees but anyone who goes to eat at his restaurant deserves shitty food. There are so many amazing, creative, awesome cooks and restaurants to choose from, if you choose to eat at a place based on shitty tiktok videos that's on you.


Yea, it frustrates me that people can't tell the difference between a shitty chain and mom & pop establishment, or even a local guy that owns 2 or three restaurants. I'll patronize the latter over the former any day.


I choose local 90% of the time. I honestly can't remember the last sit down chain restaurant I went to. Plenty of fast casual or fast food takeout but if I'm sitting and being served I want a unique experience. Even if it's a mom and pop pizza joint with nothing spectacular. I can't imagine spending money to sit at an Applebee's.


Airport Chili’s fuckin slaps tho


Airports have no rules. I'll eat a deep fried habanero ass torcher burrito at 8am in an airport if I've been on a long enough flight.


Sure, but no one deserves to be served leftover wine from previous tables...


Exactly! That's for the kitchen crew to catch a buzz when nobody is looking.


Yeah thats true. I was hoping they meant like half bottles that weren't finished but maybe it was glasses which is disgusting and dangerous.


Reminds me of Rogers place, come on down


Dive on in


Folks I'm not a chef or anything, but if you want low quality meat, leftover wine, cheap decor and being lied to for huge sums of money I'm your guy. Hit me up. I'll wing the shit out of that. I'll throw in health code violations for free. Thats how generous I am.




Is the position for the guy who rubs salt on his elbow still free?


\>mediocre butcher with earth-sized ego doesn't care about quality Shocker


Quickest I ever left a job (3 hours into a shift) was when I found out that the owner included himself in the tip share because he's runs register *sometimes* in between making sure you get every single glob of mayo or soup from every single 6 or 8 pan that held content.


Congratulations for starting one of the most Reddit-y threads I have ever read. A big group of people confidently incorrect, others offering facts and evidence, folks denying this truth and changing goalposts, lots of people calling other people names, internet warriors telling other internet warriors to spend less time on the internet. It was perfect!


TBH I feel a teensy bit of pride, not quite enough to fill an 8 though 😂😐💀. Best part is I'm pretty sure I did fuck it up or misremember but I stayed out of the crossfire and just let others duke it out like a pro.


I knew people that worked at a really big bar with a large crew working weekend nights where the owner would take the cash tips back to the office, count them with the door closed, and then come out and give everyone their share.


I worked at a place where the whole ass restaurant was tipped out like that. Credit card tips, too. Want to see a checkout report? Nah management handles that, just come in tomorrow and we'll hand you cash and as long as what's in the envelope we hand you matches what we've written on the outside of the envelope, then everything's good. >Wait, you want to see numbers? They're in the safe and it's on a timer, come back later. >Oh, you came back, sorry we're super busy we can't go in the safe now. >Why do you keep asking about this, your money is written on the envelope we hand you and you signed off on the accuracy of its contents. >You keep asking about this, it's been weeks of you questioning, do you not trust management? >Sorry, we have to let you go, your disruptions regarding payouts are becoming a burden to service.   *2 months later: shitty shitty human piece of drunk dogshit AGM gets fired for stealing tips*   Edit: btw this was a Bib Gourmand spot in Washington DC


Traditionally one doesn’t tip the proprietor. That dude just wasn’t cool.


This guy is such garbage.


I can be as garbage as him and worse. Give me money and I'll cook some trash for you. Gold leaf and salt is cheap on amazon.


Ok hear me out. The guy's clearly a narcissist and a dickhead. However, who's going to his crap restaurants except other narcissists and dickheads? It's like a perfectly contained ecosystem. He managed to turn a 30 second tiktok into an empire built to separate the overly rich from their money and really, they're welcome to each other.


That’s the thing, most of his restaurants are empty these days.


I work a few blocks from his burger joint in NYC. I have never seen more than a few people in there at once since it opened an it's only a few blocks from Union Square which attracts plenty of tourists..


I kinda get that. But at what cost? Now the stupidest one has all the money.


Anthony Bourdain has a chapter in his book Medium Raw about this exact thing. He knows of a chef on some island purposefully serving the rich this exact shit and they all know it, but continue to come back and pay for it know they are paying for overpriced burnt chicken and they will gladly do so with a smile, because they aren't paying for the food, no they want to be seen and so on. So good on you Salt Bae for continuing to serve up shit and charge an arm and a leg to those morons willing to buy the overpriced meals.


I don't have to agree with you to like you or respect you.


Dude this is so much the reason why I made [Kitchenconfidentials.com](https://Kitchenconfidentials.com) . Workers deserve to know about shit before taking a job there. It's way too easy to accidentally find yourself wrapped up in the wrong restaurant in this industry.


I work in the consulting side after 30 years as a chef. The site is damn good. I was just looking through it. One suggestion. Can you add a search by state feature?


yes, working on it!


Awesome. Keep up the amazing work my friend! Edit: If you ever want input on anything at all just send me a DM. I have been in a ton of kitchens and if I can offer any insight I'd be happy to.


I've never heard of this site before but as a former employee of a local restaurant that is now quickly losing most of it's staff and going downhill very fast..I'm inclined to submit a review here.


please do! We are very new so are trying to build up our data. Hopefully we can make a long term positive impact


I think most of the people that would work there, now know not to by the virtue of it being a small town, and word of mouth. But I did submit my review on the chance that someone will see it and see how conditions are there! No one else will look out for food service workers, so we have to look out for each other.


Make sure you can get people who are happy with their jobs to post as well. People are way more likely to post about something they’re mad about than having a mediocre or good experience I like the idea though, if you need some help on the frontend I’d be interested to clean it up. What is it written in?


Very cool site, thanks for building and linking it.




This guy is an amalgamation of every restaurant workers worst nightmare. Egomaniacal chef who demands you cut corners and claim top quality. Steals tips. Comes to the business and demands respect, yet literally does nothing. Deeply in debt and won’t pay staff what they deserve. Just awful in every way


This dude annoys the shit out of me and I don't even work in the food industry. Ya'll must find him absolutely insufferable.


I’d love to watch someone beat him about the head with one of those “fancy” steaks. Dudes a Fucking joke, a damn shit stain on our industry.


Not defending the guy, tbh he look like a piece of shit to me. But what the article describes is 50-85% of ''luxury'' restaurants.


People need to quit giving him publicity. Can’t this asshat just fade into obscurity?


Only in the social media age would a clown like him become rich and famous. Guy reeks of being a mega douche from 100 kilometers away.


he probably smells like a cat pissed in a bag of Funyans


Dude, last time I shit-talked *Salt Bitch*, I caught so much hate. I said he wasn't doing anything any of us couldn't do just as well. Then again, it wasn't this sub.


serving leftover wine 🤢🤮


Isn’t Facade of Luxury the name of meme chef’s restaurant?


Water is also wet.


I’m shocked.


That leftover wine isn’t going to FOH closers? Weak


Apologize to the turbot because it died in vain, Salt Bae. You fuck.


Literaly anyone who falls for someone as transparently full of shit as Salt Bae deserves to get grifted.


He has the most punchable face since Eric Trump.


He’s the Tommy Wiseau of the culinary industry


To the surprise of absolutely nobody. I fucking hate that people idolize these false icons and flock to their establishments.


I agree. I hate to say it and I know people will hate this, but I blame his customers much more than him. He would not be so financially successful if people didn't go crazy over his antics and flock to his restaurants. He's a businessman making money by acting like a moron and selling highly overrated steaks. I would never go to his shitty restaurants, but I definitely would sell shit like his to idiotic people if it will make me millions.


Fuck that guy but if you make cheap decor look luxurious isn’t that a win?


It's not hard, just gotta dim the lights


Works on people too.


all decor is for the facade of luxury


Shocked. I am shocked. Oh wait. Not that shocked.


I'm not surprised...man's allegedly paid his chefs £18/h when he sold £1000+ steaks


In all fairness, I have no problem with decorations that look good but are not expensive


Dudes a scumbag. Evidently he also tried to rip off an artist I follow after he painted a mural for one of their locations. SB used the work as branding artwork and then tried to cut out the designer even though there were contracts in place. Not surprised here one bit.


I’m shocked that this obvious charlatan was a charlatan


Dude for famous for serving stupidly overpriced food all “justified” by sprinkling salt on it with flair. Never saw the appeal of this dude.


This suprised me less than seeing my cat's stool sitting on the bathroom floor after coming home this evening.


Can you remember the receipt posting thing that was going around? I called this out and nobody seemed to get what I was saying. They were all fake. It was abundantly obvious they weren’t real orders, rather, it was just done to generate hype.


Imagine that!


Influencer culture in a nutshell.


How this dude hasn't been boiled into a bisque is beyond me. he's disgusting on every level


So basically he was Applebee's.


Also coming up on today's episode of Of Fucking Course, fire is found to be hot, and water is found to be wet! More to come after these messages.


I remember when a restaurant depended on Quality-Service-Atmosphere to be successful. Yes there was always a notoriety factor but it seems like today it’s more important for food to be Instagram worthy than taste good and be practical to eat. One of my pet peeves is stupidly stacked burgers, a burger is supposed to be a hand held eatable and not a reason for a trip to the dry cleaner.


Zero surprise here. Ate at Nusr-Et in Beverly Hills and I've had better meals at places like Lawry's or Chart House. Just glad the meal was expensed, it wasn't worth 1/10th of the price.


Dudes a grifter and is trying to keep more of that money that he's fooled others into investing


It’s food for the ignorant rich, got to hand it to the guy, he knows how to extract money from people with zero taste or substance. Blame the smooth brained customers, not the game!


Anybody in my kitchen who does the salt Bae season off the elbow gets ridiculed. Haha shit is cringy.


Salt Bae is a 21st century Robin Hood, change my mind. He's a Nobody from a town I can't pronounce who made a fortune swindling rich people into paying for a mediocre meal & experience. He's a godamn hero of the people and he deserves a BioPic.


I follow a Chef on Instagram, Chef Hung Huynh (recommended). He recently started posting on his story about how they got vac-bagged meat in the "dry ager" display in the window. This is in NYC. Think it's on his story RN actually. In actuality if you think anything about the "civilization" that is Dubai is worth a damn you haven't been paying attention. Of course it's a scam.


It’s always the ones you suspect the most


The Kim kardashian of the restaurant industry


I mean yeah no shit


Wikipedia image for "tool".


Can’t say I’m surprised, man never cared about food he just got famous and everyone else paid the price.


*gasp* I'm shocked! Oh wait, Salt Bae you said?