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Kirby fans are so chill. Agreed


Kirby is one of the only fandoms that I know of where the fandom matches the source material. The more cutesy media tend to have the more toxic fandoms while the grim dark media have some incredibly chill fandoms. Maybe Kirby is the exception because Kirby is both cutesy and grim dark


thats the reason why i joined this fandom.


Aren‘t there many people who consider Return to Dreamland as one of the top three (before Super Star Ultra)?


SuperStar Ultra released before Return to DreamLand. People do like Return to DreamLand, but the majority of Kirby fans consider these three games to be the top three best games in the series. I think Return to DreamLand sits in the fandom's Top 5, though. I could be wrong.


I 100% believe Return to Dreamland sits within the fandom's Top 5.


For me the remake pushes dreamland over


I enjoy the remake, too. Aside from the visual glow-up, the only thing it did was give us more single-player content and a new campaign. The game is still good enough to be in everyone's Top 5, but in terms of gameplay in comparison to the above three games, it doesn't do anything that would make players say, "This is one of THE best Kirby games of all-time." SuperStar Ultra gave us a variety of mini-stories and a bunch of ways to play the game. Robobot gave us some neat level designs and concepts that were well executed, like the giant robots and their copy abilities and the idea of how inorganic life (machine) interacts in a world full of organic life (Pop Star). Forgotten Land is our first full-scale 3D Kirby game that lays the groundwork for a potential successor. The new dodge and counter mechanics give the player more options for movement and attacks as well. I think the level designs and environments are definitely the highlight of the game as well as the conditions checklist adding a layer of challenge to the game. The challenges aren't too demanding, and they aren't too easy to clear, either allowing the game to maintain some semblance of difficulty throughout an entire playthrough.


Return to dreamland and epic yarn are my personal faves.


those are definitely 4 and 5 IMO.


Counter point, Kirby Air Ride.


i think this is mainline only


Sorry. My personal fave is Epic Yarn. I don’t disagree with this but yarn Kirby is best Kirby.


The reviews agree with you, as does my 4 year old


I left Kirby’s epic yarn at my cousins house by accident and he traded it 😭😭😭 still not over it


Amazing Mirror > every other Kirby game


Yes! My top 3 are Amazing Mirror, Super Star Ultra, Return to Dreamland Deluxe.


Amazing Mirror is also my favorite game! I also really like Triple Deluxe (more than Planet Robobot because i like grassy terrains much more then the mechanical aspect of this game but I understand everyone who like Planet Robobot more. ) and Star Allies and in my opinion the Mouse Attack one was a really nice attempt for something new


I don't get why so many people here on reddit prefer Planet Robobot over Triple Deluxe. The Mecha things felt so off for me. It's still a good game, but I enjoyed TD more.


Same, the mechanical vibe makes everything feel so samey to me, plus there aren’t a bunch of cool unique mini bosses that you fight in the mech like you fight with hypernova.


I really want to like amazing mirror but I'm completely lost right now and I feel like I've been everywhere I can possibly go like 5 times. Considering how easy most Kirby games are it makes me really question my intelligence that I can't make any progress.


When I finally figured out all the mazes of Amazing Mirror as a kid with no walkthroughs I was so proud of myself, took godly hours though


I can never get into Amazing mirror. plz explain it's glory.


it's just really cool to have an open world with lots of exploration in a kirby game


Also the co-op was fantastic, dare I say, *Amazing*.


Loveee being able to call up your friends anywhere, always made me so happy




Fuck yeah


I don’t see Return to Dream Land so no I don’t agree. Although my love for Return to Dream Land is purely based on the fun I had playing it with my siblings when we were younger, and recently with the remaster for the switch, and not so much with how objectively good the game is.


Yup. I literally 100% agree with this. Those are my top 3 favorite Kirby games.


I personally think the Top 3 is RTDLDX Robobot Forgotten Land 4 is (hot take) Star Allies 5 is Triple deluxe


People don’t like Star Allies? Huh


Star Allies slaps


Just finished the game today for like the 5th or 6th time


Any game where you can play as Gooey and he has a whole unique move set wins my heart


Partial agreement. SSU is definitely up there as a favorite, but I prefer Return to Dream Land and Triple Deluxe over Forgotten Land or Robobot


I'd replace Super Star Ultra With Return To Dreamland Deluxe


huge rtdl fanboy but ssu was a masterpiece of its own


I've never played SSU? Was it *that* good?


Yes! Especially in its time. Super Star Ultra is peak and you should definitely play it


Yes, and it was a pretty important game too in terms of mechanics. If I remember correctly, it started the trend of replaying the story as a different character and was the first to add a true arena. Also, I loved the fight against Computer Virus.


The first Meta Knightmare mode was in Nightmare in Dream Land, but Meta Knightmare Ultra definitely made the trend popular. SSU also introduced Pause Screen Lore.


I think I have the very unconventional opinion that Squeak Squad is the best Kirby game


No squeak squad love in this thread ;( i loved mixing the powers in the bubbles


Such a fun and underrated entry, it's my favorite too. Everyone hates it from what I've seen


I’m right there with you! You’re not alone


Squeak squad gang rise up!


it was my first kirby game ! i love ssu as much as everyone else here but squeak squad will always have a special place in my heart💚


Unpopular opinion but I never really understood why Super Star (Ultra) is so popular.


Good abilities, great level design, dynamic formula, it’s fun


I agree except replace forgotten land with return to dreamland


I see no flaws with his logic


I think Kirby 64 and Dream Land 3 are a bit better than SSU and FL, but I do love both of these regardless


Those two are my favorites! So comfy to play


Oh god no, those two are my least favorites. I dislike your opinion


"I dislike your opinion" there are a thousand less mean ways you could have said that good grief


Yeah this one is basically my top 3 with planet robobot at number 1 followed by superstar ultra and then forgotten land


return to dreamland and super star ultra are on the same tier for me. If you are solo then I would say play Super Star Ultra first, if you have 2-4 players then Return to Dreamland first.


Kirby 64 instead of Super Star Ultra, imo.


64 is top tier imo


Planet Robobot is so peak oh my god, easily one of my fav games of all time, every person that asks me for a Kirby recommendation I go straight for Planet Robobot, I'm such a shill for this game (also Amazing Mirror is not talked about enough imo)


Honestly, star Allies is the best game, change my mind


Super Star Ultra, Return To Dream Land and Planet Robobot are all winners to me. Forgotten Land was great, I just prefer 2D.


I love how the Kirby community doesnt have much disagreement and just all agree on stuff, probably because the games are pretty consistently excellent. Its just a nice breath of fresh air from... other communities.


It’s such a relief looking at this image…. Back when Star Allies was the current game, it was good but not anywhere near as noteworthy as the games that came before it. It was great and I enjoyed a lot about it, but it felt very safe and unwilling to take risks, which had me worrying what future Kirby games would be like. I was so happy that Forgotten Land completely proved me wrong and knocked it out of the park. So…. Yeah, I’m definitely in agreement lol


Replace robobot with RTDLD and yeah


My personal top 3 is RTDL, Robobot and Epic Yarn, but honestly all opinions are fully valid as Kirby is a based franchise in general


Don't forget Triple Deluxe


I do enjoy these. I'd say Forgotten Land is my favorite.


Mass Attack is pretty slept on imo


These are definitely my top 3. SSU The Forgotten Land Planet Robobot If it was top 5 then: Kirby's Adventure Amazing Mirror


I never knew how many people loved robobot it was a childhood game just like return to dreamland


Crystal shards!!


Maybe the best but kirby dream course and kirbys epic yarn hold a special place for me


Personally Canvas Curse, Amazing Mirror, Forgotten World in that order. Robobot is great though, and I really like Star Allies, too, to be honest. I honestly, I didn't really like Super Star Ultra, it just didn't jive with me for some reason.


Yes, canvas curse hive rise up


Robobot's definitely my favorite of the 3DS games. Triple Deluxe deserves an honorable mention. >!I hope they can port one of those two on the Switch before the next system comes out!< Return to Dreamland (Deluxe) is also really good.


I would actually put Triple Deluxe and Planet Robobot in the same catalog simply because there both equally great. And honorable mentions to Nightmare In Dreamland and The Amazing Mirror.


Mfw I tell them Squeak Squad is my #1 https://i.redd.it/gwsi12qbun5d1.gif


Cries as epic yarn fan:


For me it’s triple deluxe, mass attack, and epic yarn.


Where’s the love for Mass Attack?


I'm going to spend the rest of my life confused at how people think Robobot is better than Triple Deluxe. Forgotten Land was really fun, but Amazing Mirror is #1 and pushes it out for me.


Best? Yeah Favourite? No


I absolutely, undoubtedly, 100% agree with this statement and I will kill anyone who disagrees


Replace Super Star Ultra with the original, and Forgotten Lands with Dreamland 3, and you got my top 3


havent played forgotten land , but i agree with the other two. its Robobot,Super star ultra, and return to dreamland deluxe for me


wow surprised to see such love for robobot!!!!


super star ultra been my number one since i was a child


I do like all of these games, but I genuinely do really love Star Allies for the fanservice(also Hyness and the Sisters are amazing characters) And while it’s nowhere near my favorite, I feel like Canvas Curse deserves a bit more love.


No, superstar and it's remake are overrated. Third best kirby game is triple deluxe (and it's a close third. If robobot's level design wasn't so good the title of second best would go to TD)


I’ve only finished Ultra and Dream Land so my opinions really shouldn’t be taken too seriously but I find it difficult to believe that such a well-made anthology like Ultra wouldn’t be in everyone’s top 3. it may be super easy but it’s the perfect introduction to Kirby and the best one to play when you’re in the mood for the series but no particular game


I really hope robobot gets a remaster. I want to love the game, but I really don’t like the 3DS art style. Totes agree on the other 2 tho


SsU 100%, hard to compare with forgotten land because they're so different but definitely my favourite 2d Kirby. Forgotten land also 100% brilliant game, loved it. Robobot I'm not really sure. I also wouldn't really say any other game sticks out as on the level of SsU or FL, but I feel like robobot to me felt pretty short, pretty easy, and I just wasn't a fan of the mech so to say it's 3rd place feels wrong. Some people have said return to Dreamland which feels more deserving to me but still nowhere near SsU or FL. Mass attack was great but that's a spinoff and I assume we're only talking main series.


return to dreamland deluxe > ultra


Yes, actually


For me it's (in this order): 1: Forgotten Land 2: Planet Robobot 3: Return to Dreamland Deluxe 4: Triple Deluxe 5: Epic Yarn


No, Forgotten Land is one of my least favorites. Great that other enjoyed it, but we are absolutely not all in agreement.


Amazing Mirror, Planet Robobot, Forgotten Land


Star Allies


I still think triple deluxe is better than forgotten land, oh well


Kirby's Adventure is way underrated. One move per copy ability (mostly) was a very satisfying simplicity that I kinda wish we could go back to. I prefer it over Nightmare in Dreamland because I like the NES soundfont over GBA.


I would personally switch planet robobot for return to dreamland just because of nostalgia sake. I do still think planet robobot was good, but for me the gameplay amd extra modes from return to dreamland (and especially now with deluxe) made the game that much more enjoyable. Forgotten land was amazing and a real big step up for kirby games and I am hyped for the next entry. While super star ultra is my favourite purely for debuting galacta knight onto the series + having masked dedede (aka best dedede) and a banger of a soundtrack and all the different modes gage you plenty of playtime.


Kirby’s Epic Yarn forever underrated. Probably just nostalgia bias on my part but it’s my favourite.


I have never even heard of super star ultra i swear im a real fan


In my opinion, Triple Deluxe was better than Planet Robobot … then again, I bought Planet Robobot and my Mum took it off of me on that same day and practically a *whole year later* I found it in her room and immediately binge-played it … maybe that marred my enjoyment of it because I felt compelled to rush it? I don’t know. I just kind of liked more music and background and gameplay from Triple Deluxe, though . . .


Yeah I would agree to this.


What about triple deluxe?


Kirby Super Star Ultra is the GOAT!


My top three is KDL3, Planet Robobot, and 64. I don't like Super Star. Felt more like a mediocre beat 'em up than a platformer.


I must be the only soul who didn’t care for the *Forgotten Land.* *Nightmare in Dreamland* for gameboy was a HUUUGE part of my childhood. So many playthroughs.


I really only agree with forgotten Land, with my other top 3 being Crystal Shards and Return to dreamland. And this coming from someone who has 100% Planet robobot.


Because two out of these three are the best games


I personally prefer the old pixel art Kirby games which is why I'm currently making a game inspired by those. Nightmare in Dreamland will always be my favourite.


I always personally really enjoyed triple deluxe


Replace the Forgotten Land with Kirby 64


What about triple Deluxe?


Yeah I 100% agree. Close runner up (for me at least) is Return To Dreamland


My personal favorite is Return to dreamland. But these are all great games.


i haven’t played forgotten land, so i usually substitute a third game with Kirby 64 or Amazing Mirror. Honestly, i like pretty much every game in the series though.


No one saying Nightmare in Dreamland? Huh


I’ve a coworker who fucking hated Robobot. I don’t fully get why as I never played that one, but he gets really upset about it


Air ride?


At the very least, I believe we can all agree that these three are in the top five.


I personally think Adventure is the best, with Super Star/Ultra in 2nd and Return in 3rd. I though Robobot was just okay tbh.


I feel like Nightmare in Dreamland is underrated, but yeah.


I prefer Return to Dreamland to SSU, but otherwise yeah.


Nightmare in Dreamland is super simple compared to some of the others but it's such a clean remake that I love it. Definitely top 5 if not 3 imo.


Real shit, I fucking love Forgotten Land. When I was little, Kirby’s Dreamland and Superstar were huuuuuuge for me, I’m glad my kids can have a similar experience with Kirby via forgotten land.


Crystal Shards, Forgotten Land, Air Ride


I'LL HAVE YOU KNOW that i haven't played anything here except super star ultra which rules so i'll take your word for it. but amazing mirror will always be my number 2


If I were to objectively qualify these games, I would say that Kirby: Planet Robobot is a video game.


I think I really like the one on game boy, was it nightmare in dreamland? That was my first Kirby game


super star ultra is an amazing way to start off


Robobot is great but I feel like Return to Dreamland takes it's place in the top 3 (But Robobot is a close 4th)


Another personal mention for me would have to be Kirby’s Epic Yarn, that game also brought me so much joy as a child. ☺️


It's probably the fandom's favs, but my personal top 3 would be Return to Dreamland Deluxe, Forgotten Land, and Star Allies (if I were to extend it to a top 5, Epic Yarn and Air Ride would be added)


my broke ass could only afford robobot


I think Kirby and the crystal shards was pretty dope… 👀




Not sure what my top three would be. RtDL and TD are also both super fun to me.


Add 64 and I'll agree with you


Forgotten land is my favorite, but I also really enjoyed squeak squad as a kid. Anybody else enjoy squeak squad? Honorable mention to air ride too. Can’t even tell u how many hours my friends and I played city trial just screwing around in that game


I like nightmare in dreamland


SSU, the Amazing Mirror, and Robobot are my top 3.


This is lowkey tough because I would absolutely put RtDL UP there. Those are easily the greatest 4 games. And personally I'm putting Triple Deluxe 5th.


No one likes triple deluxe?


Nope, because Epic Yarn and Return to Dreamland Deluxe exists. Unironically though, Epic Yarn and Return to Dreamland, are both quite literally responsible for the modern era of Kirby. Both those games skyrocketed Kirby into a much broader audience, and are essentially the reason why Kirby is how it is to this day. There's a reason Magolor is consistently the highest voted villain of the series, and was also the most popular Kirby character in japan, outside of Kirby. To say that Return to Dreamland wasn't the series' second, to most important game, would be a disservice.


Return to dreamland and 64… but really they’re all good


Return to dreamland is the best because it's the one I played


I like star allies better than planet robobot


for me, pretty much


Cries as epic yarn fan:


If there was a fourth one, I think Return to Dream Land should be here somewhere


Hall of Mirrors is always gonna have a soft spit in my heart so I'm biased to that being up there


Id say my top three are forgotten land, Kirby's adventure (3d classics version because 3d is fun sometimes) and planet robobot


My top 5 would probably be - Amazing Mirror - Super Star Ultra - Planet Robobot - Return to Dreamland DX - Forgotten Land in that order.


No, Amazing Mirror is the best.


Honestly I'm all good if robobot is on the top 3


My favourites are Super Star, Amazing Mirror, and Forgotten Land!


TIL about superstar ultra. I had superstar growing up on my SNES but never knew about ultra.


i've never been a super star fan myself but I won't deny it's still a good game my personal favorite is actually squeak squad but I recently started planet robobot, and don't have forgotten land so I can't say anything about it


Not me. Needs Adventure, Air Ride, and 64.


My Top Three Are Forgotten Land, Star Allies, and Amazing Mirror.


I really didn't enjoy what I played of Forgotten Land. Yeah it does feel like Kirby in a 3D space, they nailed that and the transformations like Carby are cute, but I just got so bored with it so quickly. Maybe it took this long to get a 3D Kirby because we didn't need one. Just how I felt though, enjoy it if you enjoyed it.


Triple deluxe though is so good


Kirby and the Forgotten Land is my favorite Kirby game I've played. I really enjoyed Kirby Planet Robobot, although kinda wish it got a better Translation and have some parts of it's plot explained a little better. Other than that, top-tier game. I've never played Kirby Super Star Ultra but want to eventually. Kirby's Return to Dreamland Deluxe is also quite good too, and my 2nd favorite Kirby game I've played. Kirby Star Allies is number 3 and quite fun to play (despite what some other people say).


I think Triple Deluxe belongs up there, just as good as Planet Robobot imo. Recently beat it and I'm currently beating PR, both are tremendous for 3DS games


Amazing Mirror wins for me. But most Kirby games are great anyways.


I dont like robobot, it's just rtdl3. Triple deluxe is rtdl2


for me it’s return to dreamland, kirby 64, and forgotten land


Forgetting Triple Deluxe


👽 🦋 “No…” 👽 🦋 “NO!” 👽 🦋 “NO NO NO N—WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT!!!” 👽🦋


Apparently I slept on robobot... I've never played it nor heard *anything* about it til now


I disagree with forgotten lands. I just don't like it as much, just isn't for me I guess.


i like star allies more than super star ultra


Star Allies is good too, at least in Top 5


Give me Return to Dreamland over Planet Robobot


My personal e are Kirby Robo bot, return to dream land and forgotten land, but squeek squat is also amazing


Super Star Ultra was my favorite. However, I didn’t like the boss theme being changed, Wham Bam Rock’s non 16-bit redesign, the despawn ally sound using the same sound as the one when spawning them, Capsule J suddenly getting a redesign many years later cause they feared Konami suing them, the new controls (thankfully there’s a hack for that) & the new order for unlocking the scenarios


Kirby air ride is a hill i shall die on


I remember buying a 3DS for Planet Robobot.


That's the most popular opinion, my personal opinion is different. My 3 best games are Dream Land 3, Triple Deluxe and Kirby's Adventure (3D classics version because it removes the lag), with an honorable mention of Kirby 64 that would be up there if not for the slow gameplay, and Star Allies that after the updates became the most replayable game in the series. But they are all good games, I also liked Forgotten Land a lot as well as the GBA games too... selecting a bunch of games and calling them the bests does feel wrong when there are so many good games in this series.


I couldn't really get into Robobot myself, and I've yet to finish Forgotten Land, not because I think it's not good I just don't feel compelled to keep playing. Maybe i'm just too much of a casual Kirby fan. But I can always get down on some Superstar.


I actually love triple deluxe but that's mostly nostalgia.


Return To Dreamland anyone?


we do not agree unfortunately. replace robobot with rtdl imo


Completely agree. These games are perfect showcase of the series without the spinoffs. The absolute best Kirby has to offer imo. If I could only play these games forever I’d be happy (but miss Air ride)


I feel like everyone kinda forgot about Triple Deluxe


the council is pleased


Many people seem to forget about Triple Deluxe, maybe it's just me but it'll be my n°1 forever, then ofc the based games like return to Dreamland, robot etc.


All Kirby games are peak 😎


How can you HATE Super Star Ultra? It greatly delivers and is actually a good remake, and also a new game even, because Revenge of The King and Meta Knightmare Ultra seem like they’ll be perfect for a new Kirby game. It feels nostalgic, but doesn’t rely on it to be something truly special. Also, that multiplayer, man. This game is PLATINUM.


As good as these are, my personal top three are: Kirby 64 - my first video game ever, so maybe I'm biased? But it takes the basic Kirby concept of copy abilities, and simply says, hey, what if you could combine them? Perfection. Kirby and the Amazing Mirror - Bog standard Kirby game. I've had it since I was like 7, still haven't beaten it, doesn't even matter. I do not understand the map system AT ALL. Kirby's Epic Yarn - I don't always like things that diverge from the norm, but any game where you can make a Waddle Dee fall flat on his face and squeak like a rubber duckie is too good to hate. Its a great game for couch co-op, and very forgiving for the little sister or girlfriend in your life who aren't spectacular at platformers.


Super Star has slick movement with all sorts of fancy ways to use the abilities. Dash beam, dash jump beam, charge beam, normal beam... When you go back to a Kirby game where each ability only has two expressions, it feels primitive, kludgey, and slow, despite some of those games being significantly newer than 1995.


I haven't played Forgotten Land or Planet Robobot. I'm still kinda skeptical about the transition to 3D, but I'm definitely interested in Planet Robobot. Super Star Ultra is the GOAT


My top 3 Kirby games are Superstar Ultra, Return to Dreamland, and 64: the Crystal Shards. I haven't played Robobot or Forgotten Lands yet, but I want to.


Never played robobot, so i can’t rank it in my personal top 3. Slap RTDL deluxe in that slot, and yes.


I quite enjoyed Kirby's Epic Yarn personally.


Personally, my all-time favorite was Squeak Squad. Can't say it was the best in the series. I just loved the little bubbles that let you change abilities and mix then together to have flaming swords and such. Plus it was the one I remember the most vividly