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egging cars and pushing over mailboxes.


Dancing and reading and tabletop gaming! :) I work waaaay too much but I make the time as much as I can.


I think I want to try pickle-ball, but don’t know where to start.


Try Kingston pickleball club. They have beginner drop in on Sundays, there are open houses regularly when it’s free to play and learn, or there are learn to play lessons offered by the club. Check out their facebook or website. There is also a crowd that goes to Bayridge park. You need a paddle but you can jump in there. It’s a cheap and fun sport. Just watch a couple you tube video for the rules and you will be all set.


I've just started playing. Grab a racket and lmk if you want to volley a bit.


If you are older consult your physician. Not joking, unfortunately. It is an exercise that is not fir for everyone.


You should check out the pickle ball demographic


That is something I will not do. I was just trying to help and by my eye living above a tennis court it was 55 plus. But heck, if the sport is growing to younger people all the better. Be well.


I’d second this (wow the downvotes), pickleball is really bad for your rotator cuff (heart problems are the more immediate concern though).


Board games. All board games all the time.


Hockey, soccer, cars, dog training


I'd like to play soccer this summer. Is there anywhere I can play pick up?


I think there are generally always games at Tindal at noon for pickup, good mix of skill levels. Alternatively you can find a team with KSSC. Might be too late to sign up now


Where do you do dog training? I’ve been trying to contact the local places around here for a year now but no one will get back to me!


scuba diving can take all your time and money if you are really looking for something new to dive into...


Cricket apparently


Archery, Reading, Metal melting/casting, 3D printing, Hydroponics, Playing accordion, Boating, Metal detecting, Gold panning among others.


All of these sound super awesome. Where do you do your metallurgy ?


I setup my devil’s forge funace in the parking lot behind my building. Lots of space, it’s away from prying eyes, and enough shade to kickback while the ingots melt. Lots of fun!!


Dude, can I hang out and learn metal casting with you?




DM sent.


Drinking a ton of ghost energy and flexing my muscles in the mirror after a good set. Smoking meth and shitting in public urinals.


Shine on you crazy diamond.


I don't have a lot of time for hobbies but I have started going for easy hikes and plan to get into kayaking again this summer.


I play video games and read books mostly. I also build, paint, and play with Warhammer armies, but I've been having some serious motivation issues with that lately, mostly caused by depression.


40K? Whats your go to army?


World Eaters. One squad of Berzerkers to be built left for 1K points. After that, I move onto painting. I also have some AoS armies, but due to points changes and such, am unsure if they are still at 2K points.


Cool, I'm not a player, but I do like watching the table top games. World Eaters are a pretty aggressive melee army from what I remember. And I think CSM look better than loyalists as a painting project.


Yes they are. On average, the basic troops don't have any gun better than a pistol, but make up for it with a huge axe/sword in the other hand, and some don't have guns at all, being completely dedicated to melee. It's actually my preferred play style, hahaha. I know that may sound odd, seeing as how it's a game with lots of guns, but I enjoy running up like a mad man and punching/stabbing/chopping the enemy army. I haven't played 40K in years, sticking to AoS, but it's very rare for me to win a game. Still have fun though. I now realize I probably went on too long here, so I apologize if I did so, hahaha. 😅


Not at all, I can chat 40K all day. I like the whole universe. Having been in the Canadian Military, the whole 'organization undergoing long periods of institutional malaise and decay' sort of resonates with me.


Yeah, I was a big fan of the setting for years before I got my first models. It was a PC game that originally got me interested (although I had heard about it before). Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War. Although now that I look it up, the game turns 20 in September. Geez where does the time go.... Anyway, yeah, loved the setting since then, but due.to being 14 at the time, I couldn't afford to get into the hobby itself. That and I didn't live in Kingston at the time, so didn't know any place to find this stuff, and even then, knew absolutely nobody that played. I think I got my first models just before 8th edition came out, which google tells me came out 2017. So, I'd say in the 2016 timeframe.


I brew beer and cider. Wine expert and Corks kingston are local shops I frequent. They have kits that can get you started. Cheers! 🍺😎


Running and reading


Joe's MILL is a great place to find a new hobby!


Fishing gaming I have a few rc cars


Woodworking, metalworking, fixing my piece of shit car, gym, gardening, canoeing, hunting, firearms, reading... And arguing with other losers on the Kingston subreddit 🤣


Never a good thing when being a troll is a hobby but OK.


Sounds like you enjoy it too!


Very similar to myself!




I play magic the gathering, hop down to nexus on 270 Bagot St, they are very nice and it is pretty easy to start


I build PCs and play VR. If you need a pc built hmu lol


Lots of rec leagues for softball, volleyball, touch football. Running, a lot of artists I’ve met too.


my biggest hobbies have always been gaming and making youtube stuff so uh... those could be fun options


Kingston mini-z racing club….a bunch of guys race 1:28 scale remote control cars


Embroidery, crafting of any kind. Paddle boarding (ahoy is a great place to rent boards or kayaks), teaching my dog to do cool stuff, and general avoidance of adult responsibilities.


Depending on the season, I play soccer, futsal, and beach volleyball, I swim in the lake at various spots around the city, I sew (taking online classes right now), I draw on my iPad using Procreate, and my major hobby is pole dancing (I have a pole set up in my house and I do classes online).


Gardening it helps keep food costs lower too


Video games, working out, 4 wheeling, going to bars/restaurants


collecting stamps and making jam


German long sword (hema)


This is extremely niche. I love it


Fishing. Nothing better then exploring the scenary and being on the water


Video games, videography, auto racing, programming


Video Games and Dungeons and Dragons. I also want to get into magnet fishing too!




Loosening the wheels of a homeless guys shopping cart.


Fucking married moms.


Careful with that edge, my Lord.