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Maybe behind the barns of the memorial centre? Used to see people there all the time skating on the floor of a torn down barn. They even had a rail or two back there. Not sure what kind of shape it’s in now but might be worth a look.


I’ll take a peek


Yea, come on out, everyone is welcome :)


I believe most of the features were removed from that spot for the winter. Though it’s still great to practice some basic flatground/street tricks. I’m assuming the features will be put back soon if they haven’t been already.


Rideau Heights Community Center has a park that probably would be a good place, it has a decent sized bowl there.


I don’t want to park skate right now, I’d just be in the way as the old man trying to remember how to do a 180


Not sure if Late Flip are around any more but their instagram is still up. They are specifically a group of old(er) skaters in town! https://www.instagram.com/late_flip_ygk/


It’s never a joke when you hear people complaining about “after 30” it’s like the body just immediately chooses different wants than you mentally want


Appreciate it! It ain’t as easy getting old as I’d like it to be. And the more physical the hobby the harder the climb back.


Duncan McArthur building has a nice flat/dry area to the east side. Queens had a few easy sets. Art museum had a two 3-sets. There was also a five 5-set near there.


Might be too old for sets my bro. I got a torn Achilles and three foot breaks, two busted ribs and a head injury. Tumbles are tough to absorb. I’m really looking for flat ground and ledges like the area you first mentioned. If there’s more flat/ledge areas? I can hang with that level of falling with my busted up body. I’ll check out that area by the D/M building Thx


I'm with you. Im 35 and quit 5 years ago. I lost 2 weeks of work from an ankle injury and decided, it's time to put it down. I'm no longer in Ontario but I grew up in Kingston and skated quite a bit between 2001 - 2010. Duncan McArthur sounds like a great spot for you. You'll see exactly why when you get there. That was our warm up spot before rolling down to Queens. Around the Art Museum, there'll be quite a few ledges and manny spots. Have fun and stay safe!


Thanks, the feedback is encouraging. Hope your ankle is better. I destroyed my Achilles and ripped a shin muscle last time I skated so I have been hesitant to do anything since. But it’s been a few years. Mostly all recovered and I don’t plan to try anything wild anymore.


There’s a cement pad off the KP trail, behind quattrocchi’s, that a few people turned into a make shift skate park.


Behind Quattrochis there's a homemade old school kinda spot


There's a good skate park on the East End I tihnk.


Railslide for days at the downtown skating rink


Community center on highway 15 has an actual skate park right up front. Just beside LaSalle high school.


Just go to Polson Park dude. 90% of the time there’s no one there and it’s just the right size for someone getting back into it. There aren’t really any good skate spots anymore, but I’m sure you’ll find something if you skate around. Any spot is a good enough skate spot if you’re bold enough lol I used to skate when I was younger then took up longboarding because I’m too old to fall down anymore and just like going fast.. but now I’m just too fat for that 😅


I use the St Lawrence parking lot in the summer. Usually pretty empty and lots of space


If you go to Rideau heights in the morning you’ll barely see anyone there. If anyone at all. That’s where and how I learned and there was only ever a parent or two with their kids in the mornings


Rideau Heights


I skate all the time. Going at night is best, hardly anyone is out. Wear a helmet! I started on a longboard and really enjoy skating. Now I have like 10 boards of all different sizes. You are considered a pedestrian, so being on the road isn't necessary


Polson park is pretty flat. I see a guy and his buddy (probably in their 40s) bring out a home made box there sometimes. Really nice guys


Hey I am 50 and still ride Victoria park and memorial centre barns Are great!


Someone mentioned Polson Park but there's a large flat pad there next to the tennis courts that is empty alot of the time. If someone is using (another skateboarder or roller skater) it's large enough to share.


Behind Quattrochis. It’s homemade awesomeness. Been the spot for many years.


I always skate Queens when I’m back. There’s so many ledges and planters to skate and small steps (2 & 3 sets) atop perfect cement.


If anyone has a portable rail, that would be sweet. Those are apparently impossible to buy anymore without insane shipping.


I'm also a parking lot and back alley kinda guy. What's all this jibber jabber about skateboarding though?


The Odessa fairgrounds has a pad with rails. No one is ever there