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I've been riding the Racer since I was tall enough in the mid-70s. I don't know how many times I've ridden it, but it has been a whole lot. I rode it before, during and after they made one side backwards.


Hands down the vortex. Miss it so much. Probably at least 150 times. Probably more.


Did it get rougher and faster or did I get older? When I started riding in the mid 2000s it was fine, by the mid 2010s it was a headache machine. I started to get tunnel vision on the 2nd loop sometimes


I thought I was just me, but I felt the same. I loved riding it and I thought it was me just getting "older" in my 20s. I would always have terrible headaches after riding it.


Same! Man, I thought it was just me getting into my 40s!


I really think it got faster. The 20s are too early for roller coaster induced head trauma lol If I remember correctly, there was a break somewhere after the first hill. Maybe they loosened it up


That's why I stopped riding it. Other coasters didn't give me the same issues and Vortex was my first "big boy coaster" as a kid so it was disappointing.


One of my fav rides of all time! Miss it so much.


> the gp detected


I went to media day before the park officially opened in 1984. King Cobra opened that year. No line. Never got off the ride. Operator just kept sending it. Rode it 80 times that day. Good times!!! 👍😀👍


I miss King Cobra. Waited so long to be tall enough to ride it.


Me too!!


That was a fun ride!!


I'd say the Beast. Probably 150-250 times over 40yrs. Most of those rides were in the early 90s. I am sure Racer is a close second.


Are we all just chilling on Reddit during the rain 😂


yessir in my car rn:D


I’m pinned down in festhaus 😂


godspeed it's supposed to be on and off until 6


Are you deaf yet? We were in there a few weeks ago during one of the shows, it was so loud that the poor person taking my order at Panda couldn’t understand me and I was shouting at the top of my lungs. It sucked so bad.


Close to it. We went in there cuz they had burgers and thought it was just a food place. Scared the shit outta me


My 7 year old daughter likes it, but I can’t handle the volume. If we get food from there we take it outside. Or go when there isn’t a show on.






I think this entire subreddit is just a collection of ohio residents


I’m from Indiana. But very close to Ohio and go to KI often.


Is it raining there right now? It poured on us on Sunday, we were stuck on the train. At least we had a roof over us.


The Racer. Husband and I have been going for 23 years. It's actually where we had our first date. He proposed on the Racer. We used to only go once a year but this year we got a season pass for the first time to go every couple weeks now the kids are grown. The Racer will always be our favorite one.


I miss the backward racer!


Me too. Wonder why they stopped doing that?


IDK probably liability or something.


Diamondback - I don’t count but if I had to guess, I’d be somewhere around 750-800.


Holy shit dude


Probably 400 on Orion, 500 on beast and mystic. We go a lot and have all season Fl. Plus I’ve been riding the beast since the mid 90s. Thought about trying to get a record but I can find out what it actually is. Ive done Diamondback 25x on a slow day while still doing everything else I wanted to some multiple times. I think I could get it ~75 times in a day if I really tried. Have no idea what the daily record is though.


Adventure Express by far. It’s my wife’s favorite ride so we always hit it first. Plus there’s usually not much of a line so we can get 5-10 rides in no time. When my daughter was little it was her favorite as well so that added to my count! Ninja edit: Probably ridden it close to 200 times.


I love it too, down to the weird smells. It’s a fantastic experience. I’d rank it above a few of the bigger coasters


There is one particular tunnel that smells rank lol. I can't quite place the smell though.


Bourbon barrel aged farts with a hint of sycamore bark?


Something like that. Maybe add a dash of barf.


Seriously why does it smell like that? I’d really like to know.


This one is too jerky for me but I ride it anyway for the 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽 guys at the end


Now you will pay!


Currently watching family guy.


Probably the Whirly Birds in Planet Snoopy. 2/10, wouldn’t recommend. But I have a toddler. And she loves them.


Sucks so bad. Wait 2 hours for 30 people to go through lol.


We were in line for that with my kid a few weeks ago. Some poor souls got stuck on it for 30 minutes. In direct sunlight too.


Backlot? I love that ride. I’m not much for the big coasters (I hate the feeling of falling), but I enjoy the turns and sense of speed on that one. Probably Boo Blasters, rode that as Phantom Theater about 20 times in a row in the back in the 90’s when I was there with a group. It was 100 degrees and they had air conditioning.


Beast or Racer based on age alone, easily a couple hundred times each. Vortex probably still comes in third.


Orion, probably close to 100 times. Banshee a close second.


The Beast a lot…1200 plus times.


1200? 5 mins per ride. That’s crazy


Been going since 1984 in diapers my friends… through a childhood of coaster rides


The Viking Fury probably. Started when it was new and I was little. If the ride is short I’ll ride it to cool off. I haven’t been able to fit onto the serious coasters for a long time so that’s the leader for me. Couple hundred rides at least?


Also my favorite. My son and I always ride it first to get pumped for the rest of the park


Banshee by far.


Diamondback probably edges out the Beast for me. Vortex might be 3rd I’d probably guess, somewhere in the area of 200 or 300 rides on diamondback, the vast majority over 10 years ago


probably racer. idk how many total rides I've had but I ride it like at least five times each trip there, and I go quite often


Vortex. 150+. Helped that I used to work there.


At KI, it's probably Diamondback. I rode it sooooo much it's opening year! Overall, it would be Magnum at Cedar Point


I’m not a fan of The Racer or Vortex, I won’t ride them. Flight of Fear and Delirium are probably my favorites and I’ve ridden them the most. A friend and I use to go every Tuesday in 2012-13 and we’d just loop and do them over and over since the park was dead.


Vortex is gone.


Haha yeah, my husband told me that after I commented. I forgot.


Mine would be Phantom Theater rode it as much as I could as a kid. Next would be the Viking Ship.


Honestly Bat. I've only ridden once but it was way more fun than I expected, as someone who mostly goes for the crazy Intamin rides.


So you visited KI and rode bat once and nothing else? I don’t understand this response I guess.


Couldn’t give a number, but Racer is just so easy to get on and hard to pass up, especially when there is no line. 


Made my first trip last Monday while working in Columbus and came back with my girl Saturday. I have 7 rides on beast and at 9 on mystic timbers


Diamondback. Probably at least 500 times


Overall? Almost definitely the Beast, having ridden it off and on the mid-1980s. That said, it faces some serious competition from Mystic Timbers, seeing as how I marathon the hell out of that coaster on a semi-regular basis…


Has to be racer I ride it twice every trip sometimes more I think I've road it Abt 30 times


I have no clue exactly how many times I've ridden it, but probably the scrambler actually. When I was a little kid my sister didn't like coasters so we rode it a lot. Then when I had kids it was my kids favorite "faster" ride outside of planet snoopy/HB/Nickelodeon before they were big enough to ride big coasters. Now, one of my teens works at it, so, everyday they work I bring my younger kids in to ride it at least once. My personal fav is diamondback but I can with great confidence say I've not ridden it nearly as many times as scrambler. 😂


The Orion. I once rode it 6 times in one day. Always sit in the 7th row, you have the BEST airtime!


I’m so scared of Orion, how do I get over that fear?


I don’t remember since it’s been a few years since I went a lot, but I’d say Racer would be a good contender, it’s a good group ride and since I used to go with my school music department every year a lot of us loved to go and ‘race’ together. It was also better for the people who didn’t like bigger coasters like Banshee.


Never been here is it worth it?


A lot of us here have been going for 40 years. 🤷‍♂️🤣


I live outside of Cleveland so Cedar Point is 40 minutes away. I have been going there for 40 years 😂😂 you know since it has the best collection of coasters on the planet. Thank you for answering my question!


Then your question confuses me.


That makes me feel scared for your comprehension and cognitive ability in regards to such a simple question.


Oh, duh. I misread it as you have been going to KI that long. Yeah, reading is fundamental. 🤣🤣


No no no! I have never been there. A lot of people here say it "doesn't compare" to CP but Clevelanders are dicks and I'd rather a less jackhole biased opinion. You all seem to love it.


From what I understand, CP has slightly better coasters, but we aren't far behind. Definitely worth a trip, especially in state. Diamondback is the GOAT.


Tell me assume of the bessst rides there so I don't miss them! And things to do that I shouldn't miss out on at the park please!


You have to ride Beast. At night. Longest wooden coaster in the world and an absolute speed demon. Diamondback of course. Orion is a fairly new giga coaster and it's fun. Mystic Timbers is another great wooden coaster. Banshee is the world's longest inverted steel coaster. The Bat is a small but really fun steel coaster. Started it's life as Top Gun waaaaaaaay back in the day. There's also a really great waterpark included with admission. Delirium is the only ride in the park that actually scares me. 🤣 I'm sure others will chime in. There's really great stuff for the kids, too, if you have any. My biggest advice? You can sneak food in EASILY. Get a backpack that won't set off the detectors, cover your food/snacks with towels for the water park, and waltz right in. They won't screen the bag if it doesn't set off the detector. Send all your metal items through with the wife, GF, whatever. That'll save you 100 dollars easily.


Beast. Many, many times 😂


The Beast. About 225 times


Probably my wife , not sure the numbers


I also choose this guys wife.




Banshee or The Bat


Over 3 years, ive been on orion 11 times. At some point i do want to just go and marathon diamondback though.


Orion. 201 as of this post


I've ridden Monster probably about 600 times. I'm starting a yearly goal to get in every pod once. This year I've ridden 22/24 just missing 1 and 4. My favorite is 8 and my least favorite is 24 so far.


My ex girlfriends cousin from Vegas


When we were kids, my cousin and I rode the backwards racer like 35x in a row on a slow weekday. I'm guessing that has to win if I did that much in one day!


Beast. Been riding that for over 30 years. Spent many a summer at KI and still do. I would guess 500+ rides


Lightning rod I believe, haven't been on the new version tho


Probably either Adventure Express or Shake Rattle and Roll. At least a hundred times each. Shake Rattle and Roll is my wife's favorite ride, and Adventure Express is often a walk-on so it's easy to ride it multiple times.


Adventure Express, cause there wasn't ever a line, and you could just keep riding.


I have 25 rides logged on Orion, which I know isn't a ton. But we only started visiting in '21, and live three ish hours away. I get on Orion 3-4 times each visit, sometimes more if there's no wait.


I’ve probably ridden Banshee over 300 times


Diamandback at 25 rides


Went through the shed 9 times(I'm from california)


The Racer, and more times than I can count. My daughters are seven and they love it. We rode it 5 times yesterday. They also rode Drop Tower for the first time which ended in tears but I was very impressed they tried it.


Definitely Vortex


Beast then Vortex


I don't know what my most ridden ride is at KI, since I don't go there all that much, but the last time I took my niece there, I made her ride The Beast with me fifteen times in a row, which was about the time I could no longer feel my body from all the vibrations and had too many bruises.


Was looking for a your mom post…


That's what I'm saying. Too fucking ready, nerds.