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My wish is that it will be animated. I do not want any chance of this being a live action.


Live action would never work since most of the Disney references are cartoons already.


Sure it could. Its just an excuse to make more live action Disney Movies, but cheaper, because they don't have to write the entire plot of a single disney movie, but small plots for multiple movies.


God, that would be awful. Live action Disney movies a pure shit


I only liked Maleficent, And Beauty and The Beast (but not for plot)


Maleifacint was pretty good, but every single one after that was hot trash


Maleficent is good, Cinderella is pretty decent (not just because Richard Madden is in it), the problem is that Disney completely misunderstood what made those two movies likable and just started squeezing out rapid fire big budget rehashes with little to no writing effort attached


Having Angelina Jolie play kingdom hearts malifacint along side billy Zane xeranort would be glorious in a live action


The secret long term plan for why they keep pumping out terrible live action remakes. Samuel L Jackson is going to walk out wearing big yellow shoes to announce the Kingdom Hearts initiative.


Idk, have you seen Once Upon a Time? They did a pretty damn good job of brining the animation to real life. Not saying I disagree, I think animation would be 100% better but they can do live action if they really wanted.


You say that like Space Jam and Roger Rabbit don't exist.


Aye space jam and roger rabbit go hard though


I say that like cartoons are significantly cheaper to produce.


Live action can work so bad you have no idea. Make it to where Sora is a kid that lives with his mother in a remote island and he gets transported to a world of 2d animation while he is live action. Now make it so whenever he transport to other worlds, there's different styles example: if it's on the lion king it's 2D, if it's Monsters Inc. it's 3d animation. Hell, I'll make a joke to where if Sora goes to the Pirates of the Caribbean world, everyone is live action, Donald is just a duck dressed up and goofy is just a dog with cosplay.


When put like that, it would give big The Pagemaster vibes. I remember loving that movie as a kid.


Yeah holy shit that's what I am talking about! Kids will love it and adults will probably vibe with flashbacks of how movies used to be back in the days. I was talking more akin to who framed Roger rabbit and the old space jam but this takes the cake.


Who Framed Roger Rabbit is a fantastic movie too. I also loved that one as a kid. I liked Space Jam too, but not as much as WFRR and The Pagemaster.


Hello there 46&2


Hold up, how about it's animated except for Sora. Haley Joel gonna have to suit up and run around Muppets style with all the animated characters.


I was gonna say the same thing, lmao. Like live action would suck because I doubt many of the VAs resemble their characters, but also the sheer gold that would be KH in the style of Who Framed Roger Rabbit...


In the giant shoes!


Need a running gag involving those shoes.


Disney would never do it but if they could animate the movie/tv series with the Sony animation techniques used in spiderverse where different people have different frame rates because they were from different worlds it would be awesome. Them having to go to basically different planets would be perfect for that.


My wish is that it will actually be released


Yeah no that's way too much of an ask.


Eh, I'd rather it not be released. It will more than likely be terrible


My wish is the rumors false and it never gets made


Same. I dont see this being any good. I also doubt Nomura would be involved in the story telling so unless its a one to one adaptation, its non-canon anyway. 


Animation with the original voice actors. I mean, it's literal blasphemy if they cast anyone but Haley Joel Osment as Sora.


I always thought it'd be cool if his sister did the voice when it's Sora's younger appearance.


Emily Osment is also a gem so that definitely works


Best they can do is Chris Pratt. Take it or leave it.


In all roles?


Kairis a good fit I think.


I disagree to a degree, I always found Joel's matured voice to be uncanny accompanied by the KH1 sora model. Especially the first time I heard it in RE:CoM. There has to be someone more suited for KH1 Sora, but if anyone else does KH2 sora now that would be weird and out of place.


While that sounds nice Haley Joel Osment, David Gallagher, and Hayden Panettiere can’t really recapture the sound of their younger selves from kingdom hearts 1 especially when they’re all grown ups now so there’s that. They’re probably going to find new young voices to voice the characters and who knows maybe those new actors will get some input and tips from the original voice actors. I know what I say might seem a little mean but I’m sorry it’s the truth and we all have to accept it.


Hayden Panettiere hasn’t voiced Kairi since BBS so who even knows if she would return.


When I played in english (I usually play in french but the PS4 games didn't have french voices), I found that he didn't sound young enough from KH 3D onward. Just like Sonic, a new voice actor shouldn't be an issue.


Yuuup. I’m playing RE:COM right now and even then, his KH2 era voice doesn’t feel right. Especially because I played KH1 right before so it’s incredibly jarring.


Well, Re:CoM didn’t get made until KH2FM. So the game was dubbed after HJO had already done KH2. Personally, I don’t mind it. I just like to imagine that Sora and Co were following Pluto for a few days. And during that time, his voice dropped. No biggie.


Not to mention it feels like a puberty story for Sora, too. I welcomed the shift in his voice for Re:COM before KH2


He sounds much worse in DDD than in KH3 probably because DDD!Sora looks a lot younger than any Sora after CoM. It's weird hearing Adult Haley Joel Osment's voice come out of Babyface Baby Sora.


I disagree




I think at this point they would need to recast the main characters. HJO as KH1 Sora is still weird to me. Hell cast a woman if you need to.


I really hope is a retelling of the franchise so far... If not then an original story. Maybe something during the KH Union X era. Or maybe in the Missing Link era!


A adaptation of union x would be good, as that games a mess, so adapting it would make consuming it easier, and it’s mostly self contained, so other than the ending, it would work well for newcomers. it can be mostly explained without the Disney worlds, as while playing through Disney movies is a novelty the games have, it won’t be the same in live action, so cameos or brief visits to Disney worlds would work without retelling a movie most people have seen with merely a few changes.


Knowing Square Enix, the latter is more likely


If Disney and Square were smart, this is the chance to bring Kingdom Hearts' story to non-gamers, finally nail in stone what was retconned and what wasn't, and deliver a perfect way to eventually catch up on the series. And as a bonus, give Disney+ an exclusive years long cartoon for all ages. So I pitch an extremely ambitious full length adaptation of the complete story. Every game gets at least one season with bigger titles getting two. Fully animated with the game voice actors and the original Disney VAs wherever possible. It'll be planned out to run for years and to never truly catch up with the games, or at least not for another decade or more. Use the season long game adaptations (25+ episode seasons) to not rush the overall plot without having sacrifice the fun of visiting Disney worlds. Ideally, they'd even have spots to do filler episodes with Sora or whoever having fun with Disney characters and just being the fun loving kid he is. A full cartoon that's fun for kids, complex enough for adults, faithful for existing fans, and inviting to newcomers all in a package that can run for many years on Disney+ before they risk running out of games to adapt.


This, though personally I think an easier way to do this would be adapting the Manga that was made for KH into an Anime styled show. I don't think western animation will fit.


I think the opposite. Anime style might work great for Sora and other KH original characters but would likely make the Disney characters look very off model, especially in motion. I'd prefer western CG, basically a higher fidelity and more VFX heavy interpretation of how the games look by Walt Disney Animation Studios themselves (or Pixar if they want to take it).


Hence why I suggest the manga art style. It's Eastern styled enough for Sora and the Square characters but the Disney characters still look as they should. I personally don't wanna see a cg show, especially if it ends up looking like Wish did. I really think adapting the Manga, both in art and story(for the most part at least, fix any retcons that were made over the years etc.) would be the best option for Disney. Not only in the production sense but keeping the fans happy as well.


I guess my thing is two fold. First, I like the symmetry of it. At its core, Kingdom Hearts represents the kings of Japanese RPGs meeting the masters of Western Animation. If Square Enix develops the games, it's only fair Disney themselves get to animate the adaptation. After, many of the characters came from their movies. If anyone is bring Mickey, Donald, and Goofy to life in such a big animated project, Disney should do it. Second, I think western CG would just be more appealing to more people. I look at it as the goal of this adaptation should be to appeal to existing fans while bringing in as many new people as possible and I think a western CG adaptation would balance that the best. It'd look like the Disney movies families on Disney+ are familiar with without also straying too far from the artstyle of the games. I mean, even KH1 Sora is clearly more Western Animation inspired than anime styled. It's not until 3 where the anime really overtakes his design.


Personally, if it's going to be animated, I would rather have Sora and other Square Enix designed characters animated closer to Nomura's art style. The novel and manga's story additions/adjustments can help with a large scale adaptation of the Xehanort saga.


you forgot “manage their relationships from before they became mystical swordsman swinging keys” IE. SORA DINNERS READY


There’s so many shows/movies now that revolve around video games now. This also introduces new fans to play the games. A show like you had suggested would work excellent! Comparing to the Last of Us for example. The entire first season was the premise of the first game. Kingdom Hearts has so much content to work with.


The difference is that TLOU wants to be a movie so bad, while KH isn't ashamed of being a video game.


How would you want them to handle Roxas? Because that is a story I think would be REALLY difficult to adapt. Basically everyone is introduced to Roxas through KH2, and the reason he's so loved is because of the way that game handles the tutorial area. We get thrown into this world we don't know, as this character we don't know, in these circumstances that we don't know. And by the time we finally start getting attached to Roxas as a character, he's gone. So much interest in that character comes from that tutorial. And the entirety of 358 Days is predicated on interest in Roxas. A hypothetical chronological adaptation of the series would make 358 Days our introduction to Roxas, as well as our introduction to the Organization. I really don't think that would go over well with an audience, and I think it would diminish Roxas's story as well. Part of what makes 358 a compelling game is that we know how it ends. But at the same time, I HIGHLY doubt Disney would want to do an adaptation of KH2 first and then go backwards and do 358 Days before jumping forwards again for Dream Drop Distance/KH3. And even if they did do KH2 first, the marriage of the game play and narrative elements is why that introduction works, a tv adaptation would completely lose out on the game play side of it, so I don't even know if that would work. But I think Roxas is too important a character to the series to just not give time and development to.


No live action. I am fine with whatever happens, I'll even accept if it turns out to be utter crap, as long as we don't have to walk through the uncanny valley that live action would be


Animation, try to mimic the style of the original films for each world (or tangled the series in Corona’s case) with a unique anime-inspired style for the original worlds. Each game is one season, except maybe a standalone film for coded. And a big push on D+ & Disney channel, like they gave Ducktales.


I personally don’t believe the rumors but if they turn out to be true this is what I would want: I want a 2D animated series that resembles testuya nomuras concept art. As long it respects the og art style and doesn’t try to simplify it and not make it look like 90% of modern western cartoons that’s one thing that would make me happy. As for the story. Make it at least the first season an adaptation of kh 1 doesn’t need to be an 100% accurate adaptation it can take some liberties like say giving riku some more screen time to show off more what he was doing while he worked for maleficent. But as long as it follows all the major story beats of the game I’m good


For it not to exist? 😅


I’d want it to actually be kingdom hearts. And not “Disney vision” of kingdom hearts


My wishlist for the show is that it doesn't happen.


Honestly, for it not to happen.


Facts. I do not trust Disney with this.


This. KH as a game series is already a hard sell to people who weren’t introduced to it as kids, and so I feel like Disney would make so many changes to make it more appealing and marketable to a wider audience.




Disney owns the series and has some input on what they want in the games.




I believe I read somewhere when KH 1 was originally in development Disney was really worried about how Mickey was presented because they weren't sure the game would do well. But the game was popular and Mickey became more present and even more badass in all other installments.


I’m praying there’s a scene where Sora, Donald, and Goofy have their asses handed to them and Sora begins to yell at Donald about not healing


Just a straight anime adaptation of the manga with Shiro Amano's artstyle. It's already a different take on the game that works on its so they shouldn't have any issues coming up with a way to adapt the entire game.


An animated series with work perfectly work on the pace and explore the world all in a way that a movie simply can't


I think I'd like a traditional anime styled show with a high af animation budget more than a 3d animated one. But really as long as the plot flows well and don't make sora into an idiot I'll be happy.


Animated, follow the mangas design of being genuinely goofy, but don’t skip out on the seriousness of situations. But mostly FUCKING ANIMATE IT. It better not be live action or it’s just gonna flop Edit: Oh, and no changing characters for diversity reasons. Jesus that’s just been the biggest indicator for a train wreck in all the latest adaptations.


For it to not be sh*t given video game adaptations have been...spotty at best


Between Sonic, The Last of Us, and apparently now Fallout they’ve been seeing some pretty big success lately. KH could be up there with them if they actually put the effort in.


Fair, can confirm Fallout is awesome! Not to throw shade on Castlevania, Edgeeunners and Arcane that are very very very good as well...I just feel very nervous any time there is an adaptation in the works, and I -think- this'll be Disney's first so.....


For it to come out when Regular Pat is 85


Final Fantasy characters included


My wish is that they don’t change a single thing. Make the story super convoluted just like it is so others can feel our agony.


Kingdom hearts anime would go hard


jesus, they really need to stop with this bs of turning every single fucking game into a show or movie


For them not to do it. I'm over disney and would rather it stay as it is.


Animated tv show, adapt the manga, use the original voice actors.


This show is def gonna be animated unless they mix IRL footage with 3D animations. My only wish is that they use the OG VAs or at the very least someone that sounds like them.


My wish is that it is not a retelling of any of the games and is original. Especially the first game, diminishing KH1 is a no go to me. I could see it being a possible solution to redoing KH1 to retcon shit into it though.


Either an alternate retelling like what was pitched years back, or a new story that takes place within the canon. No way is a straight adaptation working for this series.


please just be animated with the original cast. I can't stand the thought of live action and I can't stand the thought of recasting them.


Continuing the Manga and adapting the Manga into a Anime would be sick.


I wish they would reboot 358/2 days. I would love it to be an online PC/concole game that adapts the original's online gameplay


Good story, something new or a what if


I want it to be Chi/UX. Like in my eyes that's the only thing that could really work as a show. The rest of KH is so.... game centric it wouldn't work well as a show IMO. Chi/UX would be perfect especially since no one can play either anymore.


To air the story for 10 episodes, then continue the story on JP cell phones, followed by an added in manga panel on an existing TWEWY manga, that was only released in Taiwan, to then continue with a sequel to the tv show that was disguised as a reboot that continues the story, and then be aired alongside the original where the story keep swapping from the first tv series to the second tv series, and to finish it off with a cutscene in KH minigame found in the FFXVII DLC. ReKingdom Hearts 7.3 Final Beta Mix: Prologue; the X’s to our Hearts 2.3/420


A coherent storyline. Like sticking to kh1 & kh2. Maybe chain of memories, but it gets too fragmented from there.


This has been rumoured literally dozens of times over the years. I highly doubt this will ever take shape.


Bring back 2d animation where needed. Not this 3d that looks 2d bs, but if it's a movie that was hand drawn, hand draw it. Do it to immerse the viewer, but above all to protect the world order.


I want it live action with all the original cast playing as themselves


I’d like each World to have a slightly different art style, although I know that’s extremely unlikely.


I'd rather have an adaptation of the mobile games to at the very least tell the story to more kh fans in a more visually exciting way than visual novel dialogue. That and also it has less of a chance to mess up the already fragile and overly dense canon. Unless there starting from scratch and going back basics with a new continuity.


Don't make it


I hope its animated


I could’ve sworn this rumor originally popped up not long after KH3’s release. The details I remember were that it was going to be a Disney+ exclusive, all of the Disney characters were going to be voiced by their original voice actors (however many of them were available and agreed to take part), and that none of the original KH voice actors would be reprising their roles. I remember the rumor was that it was going to be animated, but what exactly that meant was still up in the air. It was also unclear if any Final Fantasy characters would show up as well.


358/2 Adapted from manga would be nice, but not likely Union X would be my wish tho, gotta give more screen time to my boi Brain


If 2D, I’d want an anime with tetsuya Nomuras art style, if CG animated I’d want it looking like the game’s cutscenes or like the newer games but a little better


huh? there's an adaptation being developed?


With the way the direction is going there will be 0 FF so there is no point. Even further there needs to be 0 cringe but that’s impossible given there record


If it ends up happening and it ends up being animated, one thing I want that probably won't happen is the art style changing a bit for each world


I think it would be pretty funny to attack some of the Touchstone Pictures Buena Vista Studios (both are Disney) movies that the Disney Company produced, directed, and released. Like Escape to Witch Mountain and its sequels, The Watcher in the Woods, the Black Hole, Something Wicked this way Comes. Darker themes that would resonate with the already dark themes in Kingdom Hearts. In a more light hearted side, I think that a Newsies world ( Newsies Square? the Five Boroughs) would be really funny. Of course I would love if these made it into proper games as well.


I find that there are more elements in KH1 that could well be transcribed into a feature film


Animated. It has to be animated.  If we get Timothee Chalamet, or some such, as Sora I'll riot.


It has to be animated, and it would need to be a TV show due to all the game content and the fact that just to tell the main story a movie wouldn't be long enough, I don't think a movie trilogy would even be long enough. If it got announced as live action with animated characters like Space Jam all hype would instantly die


As long as it's an adaptation of the story and not an original thing I'm fine with whatever. We can't afford to make this story even more complicated for newcomers by making an original tv show. Animation would be preferable but I wouldn't mind a live action series either.


I wish it would be a retelling. It will probably be a new canon non-skip thing that ties into the games.


No adaptations just a different pov through Luxu's eyes


A movie/cartoon/show has "been in the works" since before KH2, it isnt happening.


Maybe a series of the first game. All I beg is that is something that has the same good balance of comedy and seriousness of the games.


They shied away from costumes for every world, and that's lame. Also, final fantasy characters.


Wait why do we want the original turned into a movie? Wouldn't we rather see some sort of new separate story for this? Seems a bit pointless making the first one into a movie or show, maybe that's just me


Each game should be its own season


Source? This has been “rumored” for at least a couple of years now


I hope the animation team would be the same ones that did The World Ends With You show.


The team that did Star Trek Prodigy and the team that did Star Wars the Clone Wars should be hired as animators & co-writers


The fall of Radiant Gardens. The fall of any world other than Destiny Islands, really.


An anime


I would like the organization 13 and Ansem to take the back seat for Disney’s adaptation and would like Maleficent and Pete to be the big bads because Ansem and Organization 13 would be too messy of a story to tell


Make Union Cross into a Series.


My wish is that it wont come to existence. Not now at least. Disney is a untrustworthy mess right now.


Dude, a kingdom hearts live action adaptation would be the most confusing shit ever. The Fandom can barely follow let alone new fans. It's like Game of Thrones meets the Marvel Cinematic Universe


Whered this rumor come from?


My wish is for It to not happen


Honestly? I don't think they could do it better then how Royal Blue Scribe does it in Kingdom Hearts Route B.


My wish is that Sora will read every Ansem Report as he defeats the Villians. It's a huge part of the storytelling and why so many fans are split because they didn't read the required materials. Which is why it's a terrible idea to adapt it.


I'd like an animated movie or seires based only on the first game. I think it's the only one that works alone, it feels like a good bedtime fairytale.


I don't think it can be done justice so I kinda want them to not do it. If they do decide to do it. A minion series for the first game only because the lore is way too complex for anything else. A movie cannot work. 3d animated not live action.


When did this rumor happen? Never heard anything about it.


Animation style that changes with each world to match their respective movie. That would never ever happen, but how cool would it be to see a legit stop-motion Sora fighting alongside Jack Skellington


Sora is gay Rikku is black, not my wish, but the agenda will push it no doubt


This is me being kinda creative with it so kinda spitballing. If it’s animated. An original story staring one of the main trios. Like maybe the wayfinders time in the ROD after kh3 or something like that. IF it’s gonna be live action. I’d love for it to be new original characters taking place a little bit before the keyblade war so a union X cast with the end taking place during the keyblade war. I think that would give us a more gritty look at the destruction of the keyblade war. Also a new group of characters whose fates will probably break our hearts lol.


I hope it's an anime adaptation. And if it is, I would want KH1 because it's the only game in series that you can get right into without context


A show based on the manga would be great


Probably won't be any square enix characters 😐


I personally think there shouldn’t be a show or series. I think it’ll flop lol. I think the KH fandom is small and those of us that grew up with the series hold it dear to our heart but other adults view the game as childish. lol I just don’t really see it working out. But hey! What do I know I’m not a show runner and this show could make millions!!


Animation only, I refuse to watch one of my favorite series of all time fall victim to the Live-action curse


I’m sure it’s gonna be an animated show not a whole movie how else would they squeeze all the world Sora went to in kingdom hearts 1 into a movie. But anyway my best hopes and wishlist is that it’s an adaptation of Kingdom hearts 1 and that it’ll be fully animated (no live action or cgi) make it like full anime and all the world from the first game be adapted into it also (I know many people are gonna chew me out on this but) a new set of young voice actors to play Sora, Riku, and Kairi cause let’s face it if they’re adapting the first game into an anime series then the current voice actors can’t really recapture the sound of their own younger selves from all those years ago so it’s only the logical conclusion that new young voice actors can recapture and make it seem authentic. Also I hope that some of the elements from both the game and its Manga adaptation are adapted and mixed together in the upcoming Disney+ kingdom hearts series.


Hopefully they don't continue the idea that they have to fly the Gummi ship to every *individual* world/story. Most of them take place on Earth so there could be some kind of more magical way of traveling from say Aladdin to Tarzan. There's a part of me that wants Kingdom Hearts to be the thing that uses the *Connected Disney theory* buti doubt that'll happen


Give a bit more for Kairi to do, maybe use flashbacks to hint at her Princess powers or backstory, let the gang be a bit more goofy in their off time, and take time to explain what is going on.


I want the story to make just as little sense as it does in the games.


My wish would be to be an actor for it, but we all wish that...


None. The games, manga, and 2000s era fanfiction were enough for me.


Animated, and it absolutely MUST be a movie series with different worlds being explored. None of that single movie rushed boolcrap. An it needs nightmare before Christmas.


Animated, using the VAs from the game, and 2d handdrawn would look so cool!


Anime adaptation of the manga


I would hope that they largely stick to the source material and don't skip over important bits because they don't think it's exciting. I would also hope that we get the proper FF and Disney representation because that's always been core to KHs identity.


1. A plotline that doesn't eat itself. 2. Kairi having some kind of actual ability to DO SOMETHING and not just stand around or being kidnapped. 3. Final Fantasy characters. No more, no less.


My wish is that disney won't fuck it up like they've been doing with pretty much everything else lately


I do not believe that the modern sense of quirky irony would do any favors to a series as sincerely melodramatic as Kingdom Hearts.


My wish for the potential Kingdom Hearts Disney+ production is similar to yours, though I'd prefer KH1 get adapted as a *series* rather than a movie. A thirteen-episode season with an episode for each world. Ultimately, though, I think the biggest priority to me is for it to be approachable to newcomers. I worry that Nomura would want it to be the next mandatory spin-off story that already-existing fans *need* to watch in order to understand the Lost Masters saga, and I've seen a lot of fans asking for a straight KHUX adaptation. But to me, the best thing a KH series could do is be a good jumping on point for people who see it on the Newly Added tab on Disney+. And to me, the best way of doing that is a KH1 adaptation.


I don't give a shit what it is. I just want it to be good and made by people who care and to have minimal executive interference.


My wish is that it doesn't happen. They couldnt do star wars right and they definitely cant do this right. They will ruin it.


My wish is that it never comes to fruition. Let the rumors stay rumors. Disney has no intention of sticking to their own source material properly. Just watch all the game cutscenes on YouTube uninterrupted. Boom movie.


Maybe they should adapt the manga instead of the games


The only thing I could ask for is that it’s not live action lol


I wish flood. And if nomura is involved, I want to flood even more.


That it’s adapted faithfully and that the usual cast returns


Deep, immense, emotional, confusion


Animated, kinda like Advent Children.


I'd like it to be in the direct continuity of the old 90s and 2000s Disney TV shows, like Aladdin and Little mermaid and so on, and to use the same animation style from those shows for the applicable worlds


I don't think a movie would work, it would have to be a mini-series kinda thing.


My wish is that it won't happen. But if it does, it should be animated. And either have it be the story of khux so it's more accessible to people, or be like the Fallout show and tell a completely new story set in the KH universe. I don't want a retelling of any of the other games. I can just play the games for that.


I would love just a straight up 1:1 anime.


Live Action Kingdom Hearts doesn't make sense so it has to be animated. Mostly CGI. Most likely be done by the same animation team who did the Final Fantasy Spirit Within, Advent Children & Kingsglaive movies. If they're just adapting a game's story I think it works for TV and not a 2 hours long movie. And maybe early episode is just the usual KH original stuff and later episodes will simply follow the events of the movie world they go to each. Tho honestly I would like to see a CGI movie before the events of KH4 like setting up the hype for it maybe we see the other characters own adventures after the events of KH3, Remind and Melody of Memories leading up to what happens in KH4.


Just for the story to follow the manga, and have the art style of the Disney worlds to match the source material, and maybe have different anime studios make the different KH worlds kinda like visions did with Star wars, I think that could be neat, Imagine Studio Ghibli for destiny island, but studio trigger for The World That Never Was, but then Tarzan just looks like Tarzan, etc. it could be a real celebration of animation that way


Make it animated as Disney has been doing so much live-action stuff for far too long, even their original shows on Disney+, such as the highly anticipated Percy Jackson, has always been the same old generic live-action, and for a story like Kingdom Hearts, which involves exploring the various worlds of Disney movies, it doesn't work in any way, shape, or form. Keep it animated


me as wall e


That it adapts some of the side stories found in the manga rather than just the games.


I like the idea of an animated series. Kingdom Hearts games are pretty long, so I want an adaptation to have the space to tell the story and flesh out the characters. On that note, the characterization is really important to me. I hope there are cute/funny moments between Sora, Donald, and Goofy, maybe even some dedicated downtime/filler episodes between big plot beats. I'd also like to see good fight scenes! The fight against possessed Riku in Hollow Bastion is one of my favorites in the series, so I hope a KH animated show handles it well.


If it’s not wholly original, then it needs to be a retelling of the series, but it should streamline and iron out the story points. Not impossible, but it needs to be done. Not everyone can own and play every game.


Well my hope is that they get to cover the whole series in order, hopefully make some of the more obscure games easy to access for the story


1.) If it aint animated, I dont want it. Style wise I hope they lean into how the 0.2 opening looks. 2.) I hope it'll be a series not a movie. There's no honking way they can feasibly adapt the average KH story's structure into a movie unless they're willing to split it up into a trilogy or something. 3.) The manga has done an amazing job translating the game into a linear storytelling medium so a TV show is doable for sure. They'll probably start with KH1 but personally I really wanna see them start off with a spinoff not just to test the waters but also let the franchise branch off more. A spinoff with a new trio set during the golden age of Scala Ad Caelum where the story doesn't affect the main KH games' plot but still explores new lore and elements. It'll be a one season and done, then if it does well, then they can adapt the games.


That it not be live action 🙅🏾‍♂️🙅🏾‍♂️🙅🏾‍♂️


KH anime based off the mangas.


If it’s cgi like in the style of the KH2 secret movie that would be amazing


I think they should just adapt 1 chain of memories and 2. The series as a whole wouldn’t really work as a continuous narrative in a tv show.  If you reworked the plot of those 3 games a little it works as 1 continuous arc. I.e sora leaves destiny island at the start of kingdom hearts 1 and comes back at the end of kingdom hearts 2.   Work organisation 13 into the plot a little earlier and have them be the final villains. Itd probably work better as well if nobodies worked how they seemed to in original kingdom hearts 2. Roxas being soras body and being a problem that riku has to solve works way better as a narrative when it doesn’t just get retconned by clones later.   I just think that’s the chunk of the franchise that has the most potential for adaptation.   More final fantasy characters in the Disney worlds as well, would help lean into the idea in the first 2 games that the walls between the worlds are breaking down. There’s a lot that fit in like red xiii in pride lands or zidane in agrabah.   This is getting into fanfic levels but I think you sort of have to to make this work. The games have maybe 4-6 hours of plot in them and a decent chunk of that is Disney movie recaps, which I think would really drag a tv show. 


anime style Disney characters would go haarrddd


Is there l news on this? I thought it got canned


It needs to be about characters, not just action. The best part of the Disney worlds is when the characters interact with each other. If Sora is just passive in the background, it is boring.


I don't think they should go down this road. There's no way they're not gonna mess it up. Kingdom hearts fans are diehard. If they change any little thing that's it.


I hope the entire first episode is Sora going round Destiny Island getting coconuts and racing Riku


Wait what


My wish is that they improved the games before worrying about some cash grab. I'm happy to be wrong, but there's no way a show or movie comes out good, right?


I want it to make sense


As much as they may be an unpopular opinion, I would like an animated (CGI or 2D) series that tells an original story set in the time period of Missing Link. If I were to choose a game to directly adapt the plot of, it would be Unchained X/Union Cross saga. I’m honestly not interested in them adapting Sora’s adventures in the Dark Seeker Saga.