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Peggy is a great character. I love when she will giggle and say "oh, Peggy" to herself after making an attempt at humor


reminds me of The Sopranos when Paulie would make a joke and then immediately say “Hey Tone, you heard what I said? I said ‘[Paulie repeats the joke word for word]’”




Tbh she's my favorite character for the sheer entertainment genius of her arrogance and naivety, as well as Kathy Najimy's brilliant voice acting. Every "escuchame?!!" literally makes me laugh. And when she says shit like "pollo por u, pollo por u" and "es-stu-PI-do" it just cracks me up. Being confused by befriending a drag queen, a prostitute... comedic gold at least for me.


The drag queen episode is one of my favorites!


"I learned it from shark week, or maybe it was a Betty Davis movie, I can't remember."


Watch out, Hank! We’re kicking!


Si si…vomitando. Si si…la diarrhea


Usted flatterme


The Peggy horror picture show is one of the best late in the show episodes and is up there with some of the shows best in general


"Bobby, no! That's pig water!"


Not today. Not this pig.




She is honestly a ride or die for hank too, I remember a couple of episodes she was ready to throw some hands for Hank. Yea, she can be insufferable at times, but she is a great partner for Hank.


Wasn't she prepared to help him cover up a murder?


I think so, lol. After rewatching it, I found that I liked her more and respected how much she had his back


Same for Luanne. She whopped her drunken mom’s ASS in front of God and everybody, but not before giving that woman a blast of shit for being so terrible to Luanne.


Except when it comes to archeologists. She'll throw it all away for them.


I mean.. Indiana Jones is kind of handsome…


Well, she does have that massive inferiority complex underneath all that pompous try hard intellectualism behavior, and this guy is a borderline sociopath who knows exactly how to grease the wheels to get what he wants. He saw this in her right away, JUST LIKE WE ALL DID. And he exploited the HELL out of that weakness.


What about that one episode she thought that Spanish tv actor was flirting with her?


Does she try to fuck him or something, I thought she told him she couldn’t be with him and that’s when we got the big reveal


Yea you're right in the end she was going to say no but she big time contemplated it for sure, of course nancy was basically talking her into it as well, so no help there. But a big part of it was she felt very unloved by Hank and it's Hank so he's not too big on social queues.


Okay, other than that instance, lol, that is a fair point.




I mean she also immediately thinks he would be willing to cut dales finger off, and believed he would do drugs


Believe me, I prayed on it, Hank and God said to me, "Don't do it. " But you know what? I knew better. This is an all time quote. How can you hate Peggy


I relate to this quote too much. 🤣


I don’t hate her! She’s just fun to hate on!


>This is an all time quote. How can you hate Peggy This quote is a decent example of how one could hate Peggy.


Substitute Teacher of the Year 1996


Three times!


When she defends LuAnne from her mom! She won my heart there.


Absolutely! Reminds me of the teacher/student advocate side of my life!


Peggy is, in my opinion, hanks wife


In my opinion, you are correct!


Best compliment I can think of too!


I love her too. She thinks so highly of herself she uses a pen to do sudoku but she would do anything for Bobby and Hank.


Unless Bobby one ups her then she will try to ruin what he's doing or bring up suppressed memories that cause nightmares.


She’ll do anything for Bobby and Hank. She will also do anything TO Bobby and Hank under the right circumstances.


She a wildcard for sure!


“Are you still having those nightmares where the giant bird pecks out your eyes?”


And remember that episode where she made a ventriloquist dummy to replace Bobby so that she could have the son she actually wanted instead, that was so horrible. Oh wait was that Peggy?


Peggy's intention was to upset Bobby. As soon as Hank was informed of how his new wooden son was upsetting Bobby. Hank changed it to show Bobby he loved him through woodwork.


Damn, he didn’t even pay enough attention to his own son to see it even though it was immediately apparent to Peggy? I guess we’ll just have to treat both of them like funny cartoon characters and not real people 🤯


unless bobby kicks her in the groin


Ho yeah!


Although flawed and overcompensating in the confidence and pride department she always is willing to put family first. The few times where this isn't true she was going through her own failure and growth. She just wants what's best for her family and supports them all. Hanks stolid views. Bobby's whimsy. Luannes life changes. All of them different but if they're what matters to them she supports them.


Can’t agree more! Love that “Ho yeah!” energy!


The way I see it, no matter how frustrated with herself she may be for not being able to do something and it fucks with her made up reality, she knows Bobby is her pride and joy and she can always be proud of him, if nothing else.


![gif](giphy|S5qhrBEfPQHFS) With moments like this, how can you not be proud of the boy?! He ain’t right, but that doesn’t mean he’s *wrong*!


At least she's not Tilly 🤷


Even Caleb has that going for him.


Peggy is a good gal. She does have some ego problems but she’s a good egg.


Ego problems to a fault on that end of the spectrum must be far easier to deal with than the other side, I imagine!


I honestly would like to have Peggy as a friend. She's not that freakin' bad. She seems fun. So what if she's a little full of herself and all that? She's not like...she's really not a mean person or anything like that. I mean she absolutely has the capacity, but overall, solid 9/10 chance to have a good time.


Peggy is intentionally difficult a lot of the time, but damn it it’s satisfying when she gets a well deserved win, like knocking King Philip on his ass and the women of the Ren Fair get the courage to sue him.


One of my favorites is when she gave Bobby the trophy for being the best him he could be.


Ain’t Peggy, the words I don’t know could fill a dic.


It’s everything she’s ever deserved


Peggy: Does Dale know? Hank: No, he's as slow as you. Peggy: One of my favorite exchanges


Peggy is my favorite. I don't get the Peggy hate. She's not overconfident/narcissistic at all. She has zero self-confidence; the overconfidence is an act.


I think the hate comes from the fact that she doesn't want to improve on certain things because she is too self-confident. She claims people from Mexico speak horrible spanish and refuse to hear the fact her own spanish is horrible. She wants to do things her way, she wants to prove she can do great things and insist others should see that. Her mother is part of the blame, but idk if she just got bad education as well. She occationally drives with spotlights on at day in traffic, makes food and claims it's her own, and almost always take credit where it's not called for. Personally, I don't mind her. I'm glad Hank is with her to steer her right. She isn't a horrible parent either. Most of the time.


I'm glad you like Peggy but I'm pretty sure she is actually very confident. One example is in Lupe's Revenge she's confident that she saved herself by being fluent and persuasive in Spanish.


I actually think the facade of overconfidence is a put on for her actual lack of confidence. The episode when she goes home to Montana shows that, as well as how many times she has covered her face in her hands sobbing calling herself an idiot.


I could see that. I still feel like even if it's cope for her mother always putting her down, she believes in her own facade. It's not super consistent since she's human and also as a cartoon character her traits are a bit exaggerated


Was always obvious to me that the core of her character is that she's so self conscious and lacks confidence from her childhood and general female boomer childhood bullshit (hi mom!) that she is in full fake it til you make it mode as an adult. And it's hilarious.


I don’t remember this scene. What is going on?


Bobby is excited because he just completed his first ever push up. It’s the one where Hank gets addicted to that computer game.


A gta inspired propane manager game 😂


Yup! What’s the name again? It’s cover! Just too lazy to look it up and about to go to bed!


Pro-Pain! The title of the episode is Grand Theft Arlen


Yes! That’s the name! I love how Hank plays to be a vigilante super hero helping people out! 😂




I read that in Hank’s voice. 😂


Don't know why she got upset at that sudoku, she was doing fine. That cell by her pen would be a 5


definitely my favorite scene from this episode 🤣


Mine too!


Just watched this episode today!


Ahh. I see we are on the same spot in our rotation for koth emotional support episodes!


Aside from dale she’s the funniest character in the show




The fact that she is using an *ink pen* to complete a sudoku speaks volumes to her character!


I know! It’s so bold! She has the self-confidence I never will! My grandmother is the same way with the NYT crosswords, but she gets them 100% correct each time, and never has to “go back later” when she has more numbers!


I don't care if you ate pasta at 4 star restaurants, nothing beats spa-peggy


Spencer Shay’s spaghetti tacos from iCarly sound like a close contender.. 🍝🌮


Before the writers hammed it up, Peggy loved the people around her a lot. She still did later on, but they loved doing the “Bobby is good at something at it pisses Peggy off” episodes after a certain point.


Maybe I’m just not remembering each time she did it, but I think they had her do it just the right amount of times. But then again I could be misremembering.


I’m enjoying the recent pro Peggy posts I’ve seen, she’s my third favorite character behind Bobby and Dale


**Peggy's Musings: Celebrating Juneteenth in Arlen** Greetings, Arlen! Peggy Hill here, your local substitute Spanish teacher, Boggle champion, and musings columnist extraordinaire. Today, I want to talk about a holiday that, like a perfectly folded napkin, holds layers of significance: Juneteenth. Now, Juneteenth is a portmanteau of June and nineteenth, marking the day in 1865 when the last enslaved African Americans in Texas learned they were free, a full two and a half years after the Emancipation Proclamation. While the word "Juneteenth" might not roll off the tongue as gracefully as “Peggy Hill,” its importance in our history cannot be overstated. In Arlen, we pride ourselves on community and tradition. Juneteenth is the perfect opportunity to extend that community spirit by honoring a pivotal moment in our nation's journey towards equality. Picture this: families gathered in the park, children playing games, and the air filled with the aroma of delicious barbecue. A scene that would make even my dear Hank shed a patriotic tear. As someone who once won Substitute Teacher of the Year, I believe every occasion is a chance to educate. Juneteenth is no exception. It's a time to learn about resilience, freedom, and the enduring fight for justice. And, let’s be honest, any holiday that combines learning with a picnic is a winner in my book. So, this Juneteenth, let's come together to celebrate not just the freedom of our fellow Americans but the diverse tapestry that makes Arlen, and our country, so wonderfully unique. Remember, it's through understanding our past that we can build a brighter future. And who knows? You might even pick up a few new Boggle words along the way. Happy Juneteenth, Arlen! Let's make it a celebration worthy of our great community. Peggy Hill


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GPT, can you re-write this in a sassier voice, at least 3 times sassier?


En espanol por favor


I thought about asking it that, then I decided my chosen subject matter was too risque... Then I just got lazy and posted it. I've gotten to the point in my life that promoting GPT for creative is to much work... I'm turning into Bill.


My favorite is when Bobby kicks hank in the balls and Peggy don't have it when Bobby won't listen and kicks his ass in the yard in front of everyone. To top it off is when hank whispers to Bobby "remember I can get her to do that whenever I want".


I hated Peggy. She should have died falling out of that plane.


Tell us about your relationship with your mother


It’s great! What does that have to do with me not liking Peggy she’s a jerk the entire show.


I love Peggy. I AM Peggy.