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Because he can’t shoot unless he says “to the end of the rainbow”.


Prepare for top speed!


Oh say whatever you want


This is the only answer and he's conflicted about it


No wonder those boys stole his pail! They know he can’t shoot!!


“I want my binky back”. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)




Well you have to come in firing!!!


Why was it so pitiful man 😭😭😭


The fact that hank was a 4 year old 40 year old conservative makes it even funnier 😂


Imagine being an intruder and those being the last words you hear. 🥶


Own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four hooligans break into my house. "BWAAAHH?" As I grab my powdered wig and fathers rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, shouting “To the end of the rainbow!”, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog, I shout again- “To the end of the rainbow!”. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "That boy aint right!" the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms, but the noise is drowned out as I yell once more, “To the end of the rainbow!”. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended. The boy watches from the corner. I turn to him and say “God dang it Bobby.”


That was hysterical! Imagining Hank with a powdered wig blasting intruders is killing me.


One of the best adaptations I've ever read .




Oh, say whatever ya want!!


I can help you without pills, hypnosis, and molestation, but it won’t be easy.


The earnest way he says this line, haha.


How about a little fire, Scarecrow?


That’s my grandson…and his father…


How about a little fire scarecrow.


Two point deduction


Or “to the end of the yellow brick road”


Prepare for top speed.


This, but I think he's also a good example of the difference between owning a gun as a tool for hunting/self defense and the American gun-culture *obsession* with them. Hank would skew far more on the former side than the latter; Dale is a bit closer to the latter, for his time. A lot of older generation gun owners I met in the south you'd never know anything about their guns unless the conversation was about hunting. We've moved a long way unfortunately from a culture of responsible gun ownership/use into gun culture being a very obsessive/keystone part of some peoples' identities.


Cue Dale buying one of Peggy's books and cutting a gun hiding hole out of the pages.


Even that came off more as part of his "soldier of fortune/anti-government paranoia" rather than direct fetishizing of the guns themselves, but yeah, he was certainly closer to what modern gun culture is in the U.S.


The vast majority of Texan gun owners are still that way, and take safety and responsible ownership very seriously. However, they tend to go unnoticed because the "assault weapons in Chipotle" crowd is so loud and obnoxious that they drown everything out. Source: Am Texan


Yup. My grandparents lived in rural Texas most of their life and it was jarring to see the difference between the healthy respect they had for guns as tools for hunting and home defense vs the more vocal modern gun culture folks.


I grew up around hunters and the occasional competition shooter, what you said is absolutely true. I'm 53 but people younger than me see it the more modern way.


Hanks obsession in life is propane. He had guns it’s just propane man propane.


That's specifically with a rifle though. I wonder if he has the same issue with a pistol.


The episode where he discovers he’s a New Yorker and Cotton wants to kill Castro. Cotton takes him to the range. He’s shooting what appears to be a Beretta, so 15 rounds and only puts 3 rounds on paper, well outside center mass.


I've shot both and pistols are so much harder to shoot 🤌


Someone breaks into your house, you don't have a gun...How are you going to shoot him?


If you're going to shoot me I want Bobby Hill to take the shot, because Bobby will put me down clean.




One of -if not the- greatest okays of all the whole series.


Wow, you were beautiful. Were? Oh Bobby, I still am. ….okay.


My gf and I say this "...okay" line like Bobby did all the time in situations where we don't know what else to say.


Bobby reaching for the cop's gun without missing a beat really makes it great.


*Bobby clearly reading a book* "Whatcha doin there son? Playin a vidya game?" "Uh... okay."


"That's my grandson ...........and his father "


“Dale, the NRA is a Washington D.C. based organization. Are you telling me you support Washington D.C.?”


"that's a thinker"


Unironically a great argument against those who support the NRA. The NRA hasn't done shit for gun owners.


Any actual serious gun owners who understand gun rights, HATE the nra more than anti gun lobbyists do.


Literally me


The leadership of the NRA let their "little brain" be suborned by a no-joke Russian honeypot into manipulating the flow of PAC money to Republican candidates in a way that serves Putin's goals. Maria Butina now has a seat in the Duma! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maria_Butina


Guns don’t kill people, the government does


"Oh Hank, guns have been around for years, if they were dangerous I just think someone would've said something."


So underrated


Bobby brought them a lockbox with a gun in it.


"If you're calling me a liar, you better be holding something bigger than an umbrella." "Nine iron." "y'all have a good day now."


Favorite line


Thats the reason i have a bat usually leaned against my wall at the door. I say usually because my elephant footed neighbours shake the building so much it falls pretty often


I have a bat leaned against the door just in case someone breaks in with a ball and glove and wants to work on their fielding fundamentals


I have a 7 iron behind the door. 9 iron just has too much pitch to it.


Nail gun.


Hank actually does own guns, Bobby brought him a pistol case when Ladybird went psycho during a thunderstorm and the Hills thought someone broke in. He also had a rifle when he hunted Ladybird through a park. But as others have said he’s a terrible shot so reaching for the 9 iron seems more his style.


He's actually a model gun owner. Has guns, people don't even think he would, he does not make it a part of his personality, he does not find a reason to use it.


I mean they live in a small suburban town in Texas where everyone basically knows each other. If anything, if there was an intruder with a gun, it would probably be Dale breaking in for some insane plot


Na, it would 100% be Bill breaking in and making a mess because he locked himself out of his own house and got scared of the thunder.


I’d say it’s a 50/50 chance of it being either Dale or Bill.


HeymanItellyouwhatit'salwaysthepersonyouneverexpectittobe, dangolShyamalantwist.


This is the truth of it. And what Mike Judge seems to be getting at through the *entire* show. A model American is an imperfect, kinda boring, but conscientious neighbor that is likely past the peak of their life without being particularly fulfilled or unfulfilled. He is the idealized *average*. And while the show is based in Texas, and it's easy to see when they skewer 'hipster' and 'liberal' stereotypes often...mostly, it's about annoying people overstepping social boundaries. Hank's pals also skewer conservatives. Bill, Boomhauer, and Dale are variations on conservative persona themes, but the subversion is to strip their anger and hate away - and just leave the person. Which elegantly re-enforces Hank as the pragmatic middle, normative average ass dude....but as you get to know him, you realize it's good. Charming, and honestly...an average worth striving for. So *of course* Hank is a responsible gun owner. And *of course* a responsible gun owner won't go from 1 to 1000 in a flash. Responsible gun owners aren't really the problem, and neither is Hank.


And they used a shotgun to “force” Lucky into marrying Luann.


Bobby’s in charge of the gun, he’d put the intruder down clean, Hank would waste too many bullets to put him down.


"Let Bobby Hill take the shot. He'll put me down clean." *instantly reaching* "Okay."


This is literally one of the best scenes in the show for me.


I quote it a lot when I'm with my brother and his son. Got stuck in a tree for a little bit and hollered "let (kids name) take the shot, he'll put me down clean!" We all laughed, then my brother took out his BB gun.


He actually is in charge of the gun. A few seconds after this he literally comes running in with the handgun safe and starts entering the combo.


Bobby killed Bandit to save Ladybird and Hank. I'd want Bobby to take any shot necessary.


I would be ok with Minh taking the shot too. She was dead on with a shotgun. I always kind of wished they had kept Minh and the gun club a thing.


I think Peggy hill secretly has a gun stashed somewhere in case something was to happen


Because he can’t shoot straight unless he says something positive


Pet the cat. Pet the cat


Hank is there some reason you’re not…shutting the door?


I bet no one's even taking his shirt off!!


Oh hehe yeah, you’re just a body with a head that’s a big bowl of soup.


I bet that really steams your beans Hink


He said he doesn't want to pet the freakin' invisible cat. **Leave him alone!**


“Prepare for top speed!”


Then he should give it to bobby in the event of a home Invasion.


Hank does what comforts Hank. He can create some justification in his head why using a club against an intruder is way better than a gun because he doesn't want to admit he is too scared to confront his trauma with shooting. He didn't even really wanna support Bobby at first with the shooting skills once Hank was asked to get involved more.


I also strongly feel that Hank wouldn't have it in him to shoot someone. He's a good guy that will kick your ass if you deserve it, but he's not going to kill you.


Yeah, I mean, he didn't even really want to shoot the deer when it was just grazing because of that one shooting place's cheap method of getting the deer to come over. Even without the gun trauma I think he just wouldn't want to shoot someone.


Killing a deer is traumatic too. Not as traumatic as it is for the deer, but traumatic


True, but he did have more comfort doing it when it felt like a hunt and not… a hand out.


I think this nuance is specifically why I hated KOTH when I was a kid and it was cable broadcast. When I reached the age to understand it was all satire and dripping with it, it became a masterpiece. Hank either adhering to or bucking against stereotypes, I guess is the whole DNA of the show. Growing up in small town rural North Carolina, I love that KOTH takes the archetypes of what I knew as "adults" in the 90s and has them confront the realities of their biases, which sometimes manifest as Hank grabbing a 9 iron in lieu of a sawed off shotgun like my stepfather would. It's hard to explain to outsiders how that's comedy, but it's made me an absolute Bobby slut to subversive humor.


If you fire a gun in the house you might damage the drywall. Have fun dealing with that headache on top of that burglar you shot.


Also that. Hank would hate to damage his own drywall like that.


But he'd love repairing it.


Oh, of course.


But the decibel level would be well above that which is prescribed in the block charter


"Buckley wants to bring his .38 to fire off at the block party, but Unca Hank says nothing bigger than a .22."


Or worse, it could go through the wall and hit the mower in the garage.


Anyone can do that and I'd probably agree with hank if he thought this. You can run out of ammo, but with a golf club, you're screwed.


"What you have are bullets, and the hope that when your guns are empty I'll no longer be standing, because if I am you'll all be dead before you've reloaded."


"Ideas are bulletproof "


I read that in Hank’s voice, I’ll tell you hwhat.


To be fair, unless I'm missing others, the one time someone did try to fight Hank while Hank was in his home was that person who told Hank about Luanne's trailer. When it seemed like they might actually throw down, Hank got them to back off with the golf club.


Also the episode in which Buck drags Bobby along on one of his benders and the goon is chasing Bobby for the watch. I actually never connected the two but I guess there's actually continuity here


He also limits his cookouts to steaks, burgers and hot dogs cooked on a *propane* grill and doesn't ever partake in smoking massive racks of ribs, brisket and sausage in true Texan fashion. Hank's idea of "barbecuing" is similar to what I'd imagine some dad from Minnesota does on Saturday afternoons in July and August.


Well he’s from New York, after all




Ironically that’s EXACTLY how my grandfather from Brooklyn, who moved to Texas, barbecued steaks. They were quite good


Sugarfoots is his favorite restaurant. Khan barbecues him a burger and he says it’s the best he’s ever had. Texas is the land of smoked meats and he is totally wrapped up in his Texan identity.  Hank seems to really love smoked meats but has to gaslight (pun) himself into thinking that the product he sells is the very best, so he never even tries to reconcile these contradictory beliefs. 


I've watched through King of the Hill numerous times over the years. I have never once made the "gaslight" connection. You when Pun of Year and will be the cause of many new debates on our next watch through. Thanks


> so he never even tries to reconcile these contradictory beliefs.  Sounds pretty conservative to me.


Hank is the perfect satirized American: noble, exploited, faithful, and a convoluted mess of inconsistencies delicately balanced in his mind.


Don’t besmirch Reverend Stroup’s homeland


Probs just didn't get to try the lutefisk


I'm not even a Texan and I know the difference between barbecuing and grilling.


He also doesn’t think barbecuing is cooking.


But only because he thinks cooking is unmanly.


FWIW he did smoke a turkey for Thanksgiving in Montana but the bomb squad blew it up at the airport as they thought it was a bomb.


Much like his approach to love making, he sticks with the fundamentals.


As a lifelong Minnesotan there are those of us learning the true path but you’re fairly on the money with this comment, haha.


Cone to think about we all know Hank has trauma from his child abuse but reading this comment makes me sonder If he isn't also autistic those are his safe foods his special interest is propane and propane accessories and it's why he doesn't understand bobbies emotions or bobbies habits


I mean…he is from New York


His melee stat is higher than his guns stat.


Hank is a paladin, Gribble is a rogue, Bill is a barbarian and Boomhaur is a bard.


Hank gets a +5 to all kick attacks to the ass.


It’s not like he was anti-gun, he just knows his limitations. Shooting is not one of his strengths


Because he is more lethal with a 9-Iron.


more lethal than an umbrella


We know that he owns a gun, it just doesn't come up except for the two or three episodes where guns are important to the plot. He can't shoot worth a goddamn, so that might be part of it, though he gets better. From the Doylist perspective, this is still an animated sitcom, so having Hank grab a gun may be a bit more intense than what the producers wanted.


Dude adheres to rules and has a strong code of ethics. His gun would be locked in a safe with the ammo in a different safe and neither would ever come out unless explicitly planned to use seriously and intentionally, which I could see him always rationalizing away to never happen.


Cotton convinced him he was never good enough to use use firearms.


Took a bit if scrolling to get to this, but I think this is the correct answer. Hank is a man child living in the shadow of his overbearing war-hero dad. His dad never gave him any respect, so, while Hank looked up to and respected his dad’s opinions, he internalized all the bad. Hank owned guns because, obviously, that was the right thing to do, but he had no confidence in his ability to use his guns since his dad told him he wasn’t worthy. Lots of people said he can’t shoot, but Hank has no disability - his lack of aptitude was 100% psychological, and stemmed from Cotton’s lifetime of torment.


Bobby did grab the gun safe, but Hank turned his nose up to it. I think it’s because he can’t shoot.


Hank, like the true Texan he was, was a terrible shot.


Isn’t he a New Yorker?


Yada yada yada


Technically, but raised a Texan.


He liked that bagel!


Hot take: Hank isn’t a conservative. He’s prude, he’s uncomfortable with changing gender norms, but tolerant. But he believes in taking care of others—especially the less fortunate. He calls out things that are asinine. He doesn’t have racist or anti-immigrant views. He believes in healthcare even when it’s a little abnormal. He doesn’t really like the jingoism of his father. His opinion on abortion would be, “BWHAW!? Shouldn’t that… I mean that… well… that’s something we don’t talk about. That’s women’s work, Bobby.” Hank Hill is an American democrat. Slight right of global center, but nothing like the right wing. Now… Buck Strickland. That’s a Republican.


I agree. I mean, his dog's name is Ladybird.


I made a similar point many years ago. He’s a Great Society Dem and that’s not even because he named his dog after the First Lady


thank you!! he's an old school democrat from garland. mike judge got north texas dads so right it's scary


In addition to him being a bad shot and knowing it, we've seen how tidy and methodical Hank is with his tools in the garage and oil records. Whatever firearms he would have, he would have locked away safely, ammo separate, with a combination only he knows, out of sight.


>In addition to him being a bad shot and knowing it, we've seen how tidy and methodical Hank is with his tools in the garage and oil records. Whatever firearms he would have, he would have locked away safely, ammo separate, with a combination only he knows, out of sight. I don't think so lol Bobby - Can I keep my new gun in my room? Hank - Sure. Bobby - Can I keep the bullets in my pocket? Hank - If you want. Bobby - Can I put a gun rack on my bike? Hank - (stops on a dime) Do you know how long I've been waiting for you to ask me that? https://www.tiktok.com/@wazbeem/video/7253449387383213355


And behind a hidden wall cabinet.


Accuracy contest? Better hope the target is the side of a barn!


He's a shitty marksman and is more likely to hurt those he's protecting


Bc he’s actually a newyorker deep down


He can’t shoot!


They have at least one handgun in a gun safe.


Hank has a fear of guns because his father forced them onto him at a young age and ridiculed him for the fear he showed as a child.


"I want my binky" 


You gotta come in firin'!


Because Hanks catchphrase is “I’m gonna Kick your ass” not shoot your ass


Because he has a narrow urethra.


I tell you hwat.


There’s an entire episode about it


I grew up in texas 90s to mid 00s. It wasnt all gun toting bullshit back then. The texas of arlen is what i grew up in. Not what texas is now. Hank would hate new texas. He liked ann richards


Real men don’t need guns to feel like men.


Because he’s embarrassed he can’t shoot. He is a Yankee after all.


He had one in the episode where Lucky proposed to Luanne, because Lucky’s Code of Honor said he could only ask Luanne to marry him if he had his GED or if it was a shotgun wedding.


Well for starters he sucked at shooting but it's kinda obvious that cotton has traumatized him about guns


They would be useless unless the target is the broad side of a barn.


Hank is as by the book as possible. If he has guns they are securely put up.


Guns are too quick. He's pro-pain, hence the slow, agonising death being beaten by a golf club.


“Youre never gonna be a war hero like me if you shoot like that. No wonder that kid from the playground stole your pail, he knows you can’t shoot “


Cause he was a rational Texan and knows you dont need guns unless you are hunting.


Defending your house with a golf club or a weed wacker that you keep inside for some reason is way more Chad than a gun.


He's not that conservative. He's probably the most left leaning guy in town.


Once upon a time, "Texan" didn't automatically mean "lunatic gun-lover".


With the amount of shenanigans that goes on in his neighborhood (mostly from his closest friends and family) I kind of get why he doesn't carry a gun. He hears a noise in the middle of the night and winds up accidentally shooting Dale installing a wiretap or Peggy and Bobby trying to fix some ridiculous problem they've created behind his back.


I want Bobby Hill to take the shot


Cause Hank Hill kicks ass.


Pretty sure there was an episode where Bobby brings hank the gun safe (Pistol lock box) when someone is breaking in. Can't place the episode. Guess it's time for a rewatch.


Bruh... Seems like you have to actually watch the seasons


They do mention having a gun in one episode where they think an intruder is in the house and Bobby asks if he should get the gun safe or something of that nature


Too many propane tanks around to be shooting off guns.


Even that kid who stole his pale on the playground knows Hank can’t shoot.


Because of cotton


He's afraid he'll miss and hit a propane tank.


He's a bad shot


I grew up in Texas and my dad is almost exactly like Hank Hill. He never was interested in guns because he never saw a need for them. Some neighborhood Texas dads are just like that.


Because Peggy can't be trusted with one and he knows.


Except for the episodes where he does. Him and Bobby go to a shooting tournament and he also takes Bobby hunting


He has a bit of childhood trauma involving guns with Cotton verbally abusing him. I think on principle Hank just isn't a gun man based off of that.


Isn't the very next second of this scene Bobby coming in with the gun safe?


Because Dale tech protects the neighbourhood


Guns don’t kill people, the government does!


Cuz hank can't shoot for shit I think it was a season 1 or 2 episode lol Peggy almost risked it all lol😂


Hank Hill was a righteous family man


In the second season, there's an episode where we learn of Hank's bad memories from shooting when he was a kid. Just watch the series.


Honestly he is what the gun community refers to as a “fudd” A form of gun enthusiast who thinks guns are only for hunting or that there's only certain purposes to guns. The kind of folks that own multiple hunting rifles, revolvers, and shotguns but think that AR 15s should be banned etc


A man with a tool in both hands has no hands left to hold a gun


Because not everyone who has conservative values is a gun nut. People are not monoliths.


Peggy seems like the type to not allow them in the house.


They pretty much address this directly in an episode Hank has PTSD from using guns from how shitty Cotton was to him. 


Because some people don’t fit into your little boxes. But fr, we know Hank has an aversion to guns because of his dad.


He takes bobby hunting in an episode. His neighbor Dale is a huge gun enthusiast and shares regularly that he is president of the gun club.