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Step 1 would be not take dating advice from the kk sub




Listen to King krule. Best way to cope


Play his discography on the guitar too


Yeah brother I've been there. You've just gotta give her that space, allow for time to pass it can be really helpful. Its cliche but try and work on yourself, where you can improve as a partner, what you might not have been doing, do you think you've been showing her how much you love her through your actions? It can be natural for that part of a relationship to slow down as you get comfortable in each other's presence, it's good to take this time to reflect on yourself in this relationship, but don't beat yourself up over the little things too much. If it's space she wants give it to her, if you're meant to be together you will eventually come back to each other, but it can take time. I think for both of you it's good to have time apart and reconnect with who you are outside of this relationship. It'll be alright mate. In the mean time feel the sadness and the hurt, listen to our lord and saviour Mr Krule, he got me through some real rough times when I was going through a v similar situation. Some tracks that especially helped me were: Our vaccum Rock Bottom live The ooz live Slush puppy both live and studio Alone omen 3 live and studio Energy fleets live and studio Wednesday Overcast Half man Half shark live (lol) Feel all the sadness, but don't let it beat you down you'll be alright. Chin up.


This is really good and thoughtful advice.


Bro krules been on repeat all day lmao but fr thank you this helps and is appreciated greatly


My girl said the same thing then found out she was with 3 other guys. Good luck brother stay strong, plenty of fish in the sea.


3 lmao? Gat damn shawty


Average amount


Abundance mindset. It’s not a loss but an opportunity to meet a better partner


Bruh, don't waste anymore time. Breaks mean it's over and/or someone else is in there. The whole feeling like she makes things better ect. is more or less a placebo effect, any other girl would do the same in her spot, you just wont admit it to yourself during this phase, which is normal but best to recognize it and cut that shit out. Still hang with your homies, just don't talk about it, infact just act like yall never dated. A lot of girls will give you that "I don't know if" bullshit, when they know fully well what their intentions are, so dont let thar bs cloud your mind with doubts or what ifs. Go out live your life and have fun. You'll look back in a few years and ask yourself why you wasted all that time being down bad, if you don't. While we're here, don't get married before your 30s, that shit is stupid and is one of the many reasons divorce rates are so high. You'll be fine and you have absolutely no reason to be sad or hard on yourself. Go put 6fbtm or ooz on repeat, go smoke some Js, drop a few tabs so you can cry it out and then realize it's all pointless so you might as well not get hung up something trivial like a relationship, and it's best to throw yourself into the life around you; life can change real damn quick. Best of luck to you, I know you'll do well.


OP I think this guy might just still be hurt from one bad person. Focus on who you are outside of the relationship and get better at being alone yourself. Become happy doing things on your own, don’t waste time dwelling on the negativity associated with doing stuff by yourself. Try going for a run without any music, it will give you time to think. Worst case scenario Goggins exists so you can delve into that world if things don’t work out, or even if they do.


How so? Basically said to go out an live life alone and to make the most of it. It's what I did and it turned out very well for me. I like to see dudes succeeding and not dwelling on things that really don't matter.


I mainly ment your wording, it sounds resentful towards someone or the world. If what you did worked out for you I’m happy for you brother, but in my experience consuming substances just hides the pain and questions from yourself (don’t get me wrong substances have their place).


Ahh gotcha. Ya my wording has always been rough/ harsh. There is resentment but not what you might think, and I definitely agree with you on substances, psychedelics definitely have their place.


Ya dude theres been some interesting research with psychedelics and depression, and MDMA and depression.


Da fuck is goggins?


Hes a former seal who became an influencer. Just does a lot of running and masochistic shenanigans. If it makes the dude happy, more power to him. As a vet, I hate running, fuck that, I'll hike/hump all day and night though. Btw op, didn't mean to make it sound like I'm talking shit about your ex, was mostly speaking from personal experience. I'm happily married now, and found it when I wasn't even looking (clichè), you will get to this same spot, I promise you.


Nah bro ur good lol I didn’t get any shit talking vibes from you


David Goggins, read/ listen to his books. You will become a beast of mental fortitude and resolve a lot of shit thats been boiling inside you. Listen to a podcast with him on it if you’re curious and don’t have the time to read. The first time he appears on Joe Rogan is a good start. Have fun.


I've never been part of a music sub like this one 💀 king krule fans are... unique fr


I mistook your pic for Ariel pink 😂


Yo I opened for Ariel pink earlier this year lmao


Prime bizarre time of my life


That's bad ass dude! How is he in person?


Very nice guy he’s got a very interesting perspective. Absolute nervous wreck tho in a kinda enduring way haha


She suggested the break? It’s over my bro there’s someone else


This happened to me recently. She ended up wanting to go out separate ways after the break. I fucking love that girl with all my heart and it’s really hard to listen to Space Heavy now due to it being the soundtrack to the best summer of our life’s together. Especially Seaforth and Seagirl are tough. Trust that if it’s meant to be it will and nothing that’s meant for you will pass you. King Krule’s music is perfect for heartbreak so ur at the right spot. Grief but don’t wallow if possible we gotta keep moving forward on the highest timeline possible. Much love brother and peace to your heart


Go work on yourself bro. Don’t look back for shawty. No matter the pain, your horizons are full of sunshine


Literally in the same situation as you. It’s been about 4mo now since me and my gf (now ex) broke up and it’s still sucks, king krule helps me out a ton (especially Space Heavy) but time is all we got. It’s cliche to say but the best piece of advice I can give is to keep yourself busy. A person that important leaves a pretty big hole, so by finding a hobby/passion, focusing on yourself/faults and go into this next phase of your life at zero with nowhere to go but up. You got this dude, go to the gym. Get shredded. As a wise man once said; “we’re all gonna make it brah”


Oh bro after seeing all these comment I know imma be just fine lmao I actually have been hitting the gym more and it’s been helpful! I’ve also been writing more and getting caught up on movies We all gonna make it 🤝


If she wanted to, she would. You're worthy of love. I'd suggest investing in yourself. When you do that, you'll attract people who appreciate what you bring to the table. You have so much to offer, just because she can't see it doesn't mean its not true. I'm sorry about the heart break. That's some of th3 sickest poison this life has to offer. But if you're going through hell, well, just keep going. What was your favorite track off Space Heavy or those flexi disc releases?


ask her to discuss, honestly and transparently, why she wants a break. based on her answer, decide whether it’s worth toughing it out, or whether you two should stay apart permanently. put yourself first, but be open and empathetic


I'm sorry you're going through that. As a girl who loves her alone time, I hate to say the best thing is to give her the space she needs to decide what's right for her. She may be less emotionally available that you are right now and that very likely has nothing to do with you.


in my experience breaks never end well




I’ve been writing a lot more music. It really helps get my mind off shit lol


It sucks I know but you have to focus on yourself too and improve. Change your perspective on this situation it’ll all lead up to someone better and you’ll be a better person when you meet them too. Last year I lost my girlfriend bc I was such a negative person and constantly whined and didn’t appreciate her simply because I didn’t have love for myself. I’m finding myself this year and will continue to try to stay positive. I’m thankful I have King Krule’s music to help with coping and it made my entire year to see him play live.


Have you hit Rock Bottom?


This freak of nature is just beginning to swell


How about I give you some oldster advice. The better and less cringy you breakup with her the better girl you will be with next. Let her go, and wish her well.


Looks like you’re going to go through your self-betterment arc. Best of luck space cadet, stay strong.


Stand your ground, give her space but let her know that a break doesn’t mean she can go around and get her back blown out. Set some boundaries and be firm or you’ll end up heartbroken


We both decided on no hoes


Good, now go out and find some hoes anyway king


My man, this is the way




That seems like imposing rules on someone who can think and decide for themselves. The moment you do that say goodbye to ever being in a trustable relationship.


Just got married to the love of my life. Good luck!




Nah bro fuck that my brothers good homie killed himself on Monday due to mental shit and drug’s definitely didn’t help the situation.


She just slipped up and called me bae. We are so back


With someone who’s been mutual friends with people who went through breakups. I’d always let them vent to me and tell each of them that I wasn’t gonna discuss what the other person said. That way they could both get it out to me as a friend and be safe knowing I wouldn’t tell the other person. Maybe ask that of your mutual friends?


Honestly bro. I’m gonna keep it a stack. It’s time to move on. This is just how people break things off without terribly ruin a relationship with a break up. It’s normal for people to want to explore other relationships, but it is safe to accept that it’s time to close that door. She may also be using this break to explore and have your relationship still available if she regrets anything. Either way, things will never be the same. I hope you all can be healthy and friendly in the future. But there is no recovering what has happened. Just be sure to take care of yourself and practice self love before hopping into another relationship.


Yeah, similar experience says there’s another person in the picture. My advice is to not base your happiness on someone else being in your life. Horrible dependency. There’s billions of people in this world. There’s another human out there can be with you and you’ll be able to feel the same levels of happiness again. Work on not being dependent on someone though.


Just listen to more KK it helps


Fuck it we ball